Trac seems to think I'm a spambot...?

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at
Mon Apr 7 09:56:55 UTC 2014

Is the Akismet filter enabled?  In my experience, combining it with
a technique like NoSpamNX (some sort of "honey-pot" field which wide
range spambots are susceptible to) lowers spam hits to a level where
manually moderating the rest is fine.  If it is too hard for
contributors to mark entries as spam, maybe that's what needs to
be fixed.


Excerpts from Herbert Valerio Riedel's message of 2014-04-07 02:50:26 -0700:
> On 2014-04-07 at 11:43:23 +0200, Kyle Van Berendonck wrote:
> > I just got flagged as a spambot trying to reply to a ticket too. It did
> > give me a captcha option though.
> It's surprisingly difficult to discriminate between humans and bots;
> I've enabled and I've tried
> tweaking its score weightings, but it still gets some false positives,
> and is tends to annoy with reCaptcha interaction (and to my surprise,
> even spambots seem to be able to outsmart reCaptcha these days)
> Does anyone here have more experience with spam-filtering who could help
> set up the Trac spam-filtering?

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