Buidling profiled fails

Austin Seipp aseipp at pobox.com
Tue Aug 27 17:22:34 CEST 2013

I was actually looking at this exact code very recently since I was
fixing the build system with Stage1Only a little last night.

We do something like this in ./ghc.mk:

define addExtraPackage
ifeq "$2" "-"
# Do nothing; this package is already handled above
else ifeq "$2 $$(GhcProfiled)" "dph YES"
# Ignore the package: These packages need TH, which is incompatible
# with a profiled GHC

So it skips adding dph to the list of stage2 packages if GhcProfiled is 'YES'

Simon, this is speculation, but can you try:

$ make show VALUE=GhcProfiled

I think it's possible the value of GhcProfiled may have whitespace in
it, which would cause this `ifeq` to fail.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at microsoft.com> wrote:
> I try “sh validate” with profiled libraries and get
> libraries/dph/ghc.mk:134: *** Cannot build profiled GHC with DPH; try
> deleting libraries/dph and trying again. Stop.
> So I obediently remove libraries/dph, and try again.  But that fails too:
> Error: libraries/dph/LICENSE doesn't exist.
> Maybe you haven't done './sync-all get'? at boot line 74, <PACKAGES> line
> 84.
> Seems a bit Catch-22 ish.  I’m not sure how to fix this.
> Thanks
> Simon
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Austin - PGP: 4096R/0x91384671

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