[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Fix build
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Nov 27 15:01:09 UTC 2024
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
6155e4a8 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-11-27T15:00:37+00:00
Fix build
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
- libraries/ghc-boot-th/GHC/Internal/TH/Ppr.hs
@@ -985,12 +985,14 @@ finishSpecPrag poly_rhs rule_bndrs poly_id rule_args
rule_act | no_act_spec = inl_prag_act -- Inherit
| otherwise = spec_prag_act -- Specified by user
is_nop_arg (Type {}) = True
is_nop_arg (Coercion {}) = True
is_nop_arg (Cast e _) = is_nop_arg e
is_nop_arg (Tick _ e) = is_nop_arg e
is_nop_arg (Var x) = x `elem` spec_bndrs
is_nop_arg _ = False
specFunInlinePrag :: Id -> InlinePragma
-> InlinePragma -> InlinePragma
@@ -653,21 +653,20 @@ instance Ppr Pragma where
<+> sep [ pprName' Applied n <+> dcolon
, nest 2 $ ppr ty ]
<+> text "#-}"
+ ppr (SpecialiseEP ty_bndrs tm_bndrs spec_e inline phases)
+ = sep [ text "{-# SPECIALISE"
+ <+> maybe empty ppr inline
+ <+> ppr phases
+ , nest 2 $ sep [ ppr_ty_forall ty_bndrs <+> ppr_tm_forall ty_bndrs tm_bndrs
+ , nest 2 (ppr spec_e) ]
+ <+> text "#-}" ]
ppr (SpecialiseInstP inst)
= text "{-# SPECIALISE instance" <+> ppr inst <+> text "#-}"
ppr (RuleP n ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases)
= sep [ text "{-# RULES" <+> pprString n <+> ppr phases
- , nest 4 $ ppr_ty_forall ty_bndrs <+> ppr_tm_forall ty_bndrs
+ , nest 4 $ ppr_ty_forall ty_bndrs <+> ppr_tm_forall ty_bndrs tm_bndrs
<+> ppr lhs
, nest 4 $ char '=' <+> ppr rhs <+> text "#-}" ]
- where ppr_ty_forall Nothing = empty
- ppr_ty_forall (Just bndrs) = text "forall"
- <+> fsep (map ppr bndrs)
- <+> char '.'
- ppr_tm_forall Nothing | null tm_bndrs = empty
- ppr_tm_forall _ = text "forall"
- <+> fsep (map ppr tm_bndrs)
- <+> char '.'
ppr (AnnP tgt expr)
= text "{-# ANN" <+> target1 tgt <+> ppr expr <+> text "#-}"
where target1 ModuleAnnotation = text "module"
@@ -681,6 +680,17 @@ instance Ppr Pragma where
ppr (SCCP nm str)
= text "{-# SCC" <+> pprName' Applied nm <+> maybe empty pprString str <+> text "#-}"
+ppr_ty_forall :: Maybe [TyVarBndr ()] -> Doc
+ppr_ty_forall Nothing = empty
+ppr_ty_forall (Just bndrs) = text "forall"
+ <+> fsep (map ppr bndrs)
+ <+> char '.'
+ppr_tm_forall :: Maybe [TyVarBndr ()] -> [RuleBndr] -> Doc
+ppr_tm_forall Nothing [] = empty
+ppr_tm_forall _ tm_bndrs = text "forall"
+ <+> fsep (map ppr tm_bndrs)
+ <+> char '.'
instance Ppr Inline where
ppr NoInline = text "NOINLINE"
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/6155e4a8562f9943f976d4496c95d07651a6a554
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/6155e4a8562f9943f976d4496c95d07651a6a554
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