[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Tidy up a bit

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Nov 26 00:03:08 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0335a934 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-11-26T00:02:37+00:00
Tidy up a bit

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Zonk/Type.hs


@@ -840,22 +840,12 @@ data TcSpecPrag
       -- ^ The Id to be specialised, a wrapper that specialises the
       -- polymorphic function, and inlining spec for the specialised function
-   | SpecPragE { spe_poly_id      :: Id             -- THe Id being specialised
-               , spe_tv_bndrs     :: [TyVar]
-               , spe_id_bndrs     :: [Id]
-               , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs :: [EvVar]
-               , spe_lhs_binds    :: TcEvBinds
-               , spe_lhs_call     :: LHsExpr GhcTc  -- The LHS of the RULE: a call of f
-                    -- spe_lhs_binds closes spe_call using variables in
-                    -- spe_tv_bndrs, spe_id_bndrs, spe_lhs_ev_bndrs
-               , spe_rhs_ev_bndrs :: [EvVar]
-               , spe_rhs_binds    :: TcEvBinds
-                    -- spe_rhs_binds closes spe_call using variables in
-                    -- spe_tv_bndrs, spe_id_bndrs, spe_rhs_ev_bndrs
-               , spe_inl          :: InlinePragma }
+   | SpecPragE { spe_poly_id  :: Id             -- THe Id being specialised
+               , spe_tv_bndrs :: [TyVar]
+               , spe_id_bndrs :: [Id]
+               , spe_ev_bndrs :: [EvVar]
+               , spe_call     :: LHsExpr GhcTc  -- The LHS of the RULE: a call of f
+               , spe_inl      :: InlinePragma }
 noSpecPrags :: TcSpecPrags
 noSpecPrags = SpecPrags []
@@ -1004,7 +994,7 @@ instance Outputable TcSpecPrag where
   ppr (SpecPrag var _ inl)
     = text (extractSpecPragName $ inl_src inl) <+> pprSpec var (text "<type>") inl
   ppr (SpecPragE { spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs, spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs
-                 , spe_lhs_call = spec_e, spe_inl = inl })
+                 , spe_call = spec_e, spe_inl = inl })
     = text (extractSpecPragName $ inl_src inl)
        <+> hang (ppr (tv_bndrs ++ id_bndrs)) 2 (pprLExpr spec_e)

@@ -873,33 +873,28 @@ dsSpec mb_poly_rhs (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id      = poly_id
     drop_cast e          = e
-dsSpec poly_rhs (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id      = poly_id
-                              , spe_id_bndrs     = id_bndrs
-                              , spe_tv_bndrs     = tv_bndrs
-                              , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs
-                              , spe_lhs_binds    = lhs_binds
-                              , spe_lhs_call     = the_call
-                              , spe_inl          = inl })
+dsSpec poly_rhs (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id   = poly_id
+                           , spe_tv_bndrs  = tv_bndrs
+                           , spe_id_bndrs  = id_bndrs
+                           , spe_ev_bndrs  = lhs_evs
+                           , spe_call      = the_call
+                           , spe_inl       = inl })
   -- SpecPragE case: See Note [Handling new-form SPECIALISE pragmas] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig
   | isJust (isClassOpId_maybe poly_id)
   = failBecauseOfClassOp poly_id
   | otherwise
-  = dsTcEvBinds lhs_binds $ \ ds_lhs_binds ->
-    do { ds_call <- zapUnspecables $
+  = do { ds_call <- zapUnspecables $
                       -- zapUnspecables: see Note [Desugaring RULE left hand sides]
                     dsLExpr the_call
        ; tracePm "dsSpec1" (vcat
            [ ppr poly_id
            , text "tv_bndrs" <+> ppr tv_bndrs
-           , text "lhs_binds" <+> ppr lhs_binds
-           , text "ds_lhs_binds" <+> ppr ds_lhs_binds
            , text "ds_call" <+> ppr ds_call ])
        ; dflags  <- getDynFlags
        ; let simpl_opts = initSimpleOpts dflags
-             core_call  = simpleOptExprNoOccAnal simpl_opts $
-                          mkLets ds_lhs_binds ds_call
+             core_call  = simpleOptExprNoOccAnal simpl_opts ds_call
        ; case prepareSpecLHS lhs_evs core_call of {
             Nothing -> do { diagnosticDs (DsRuleLhsTooComplicated ds_call core_call)

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate( topInstantiate, tcInstTypeBndrs )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence( HsWrapper, (<.>), emptyTcEvBinds, TcEvBinds(..) )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence( HsWrapper(..), (<.>), TcEvBinds(..) )
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
 import GHC.Tc.Zonk.TcType
@@ -949,15 +949,13 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
               , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e'
               , text "inl:" <+> ppr inl ]
-       ; return [SpecPragE { spe_poly_id      = poly_id
-                           , spe_tv_bndrs     = tv_bndrs
-                           , spe_id_bndrs     = id_bndrs
-                           , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = qevs
-                           , spe_lhs_binds    = TcEvBinds ev_binds_var
-                           , spe_lhs_call     = spec_e'
-                           , spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = []
-                           , spe_rhs_binds    = emptyTcEvBinds
-                           , spe_inl          = inl }] }
+       ; let lhs_call = mkLHsWrap (WpLet (TcEvBinds ev_binds_var)) spec_e'
+       ; return [SpecPragE { spe_poly_id  = poly_id
+                           , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs
+                           , spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs
+                           , spe_ev_bndrs = qevs
+                           , spe_call     = lhs_call
+                           , spe_inl      = inl }] }
        -- Solve unification constraints

@@ -859,25 +859,21 @@ zonkLTcSpecPrags ps
            ; return (L loc (SpecPrag id' co_fn' inl)) }
     zonk_prag (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id = poly_id
                                 , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs, spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs
-                                , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs, spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = rhs_evs
-                                , spe_lhs_binds = lhs_binds, spe_rhs_binds = rhs_binds
-                                , spe_lhs_call = spec_e
+                                , spe_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs
+                                , spe_call = spec_e
                                 , spe_inl = inl }))
       = setZonkType SkolemiseFlexi $
         runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX tv_bndrs)     $ \tv_bndrs' ->
         runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX id_bndrs)     $ \id_bndrs' ->
         runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX lhs_evs)      $ \lhs_evs' ->
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkTcEvBinds lhs_binds)     $ \lhs_binds' ->
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX rhs_evs)      $ \rhs_evs' ->
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkTcEvBinds rhs_binds)     $ \rhs_binds' ->
         do { poly_id' <- zonkIdOcc poly_id  -- Does not need to be under all these binders, but no harm
            ; spec_e' <- zonkLExpr spec_e
-           ; return (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id = poly_id'
-                                      , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs', spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs'
-                                      , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs', spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = rhs_evs'
-                                      , spe_lhs_binds = lhs_binds', spe_rhs_binds = rhs_binds'
-                                      , spe_lhs_call = spec_e'
-                                      , spe_inl = inl })) }
+           ; return (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id  = poly_id'
+                                      , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs'
+                                      , spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs'
+                                      , spe_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs'
+                                      , spe_call     = spec_e'
+                                      , spe_inl      = inl })) }

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