[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/T25454-wildcard-type-binders] EPA: Capture location of '_' for wild card type binder

Alan Zimmerman (@alanz) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Nov 7 18:44:09 UTC 2024

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/T25454-wildcard-type-binders at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d431b766 by Alan Zimmerman at 2024-11-07T18:43:46+00:00
EPA: Capture location of '_' for wild card type binder

And keep track of promotion status in HsExplicitTupleTy, so the
round-trip ppr test works for it.

Updates Haddock output too, using the PromotionFlag in

Closes #25454

- - - - -

24 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Quote.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Type.hs
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr
- testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile
- testsuite/tests/printer/all.T
- utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
- utils/check-exact/Main.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/RenameType.hs


@@ -365,7 +365,11 @@ type instance XBndrNoKind (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
 type instance XXBndrKind  (GhcPass p) = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XBndrVar (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
-type instance XBndrWildCard (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XBndrWildCard GhcPs = EpToken "_"
+type instance XBndrWildCard GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XBndrWildCard GhcTc = NoExtField
 type instance XXBndrVar (GhcPass p) = DataConCantHappen
 data AnnTyVarBndr
@@ -491,7 +495,9 @@ type instance XExplicitTupleTy GhcTc = [Kind]
 type instance XTyLit           (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
-type instance XWildCardTy      (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XWildCardTy      GhcPs = EpToken "_"
+type instance XWildCardTy      GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XWildCardTy      GhcTc = NoExtField
 type instance XXType         (GhcPass _) = HsCoreTy
@@ -674,8 +680,8 @@ ignoreParens ty                   = ty
-mkAnonWildCardTy :: HsType GhcPs
-mkAnonWildCardTy = HsWildCardTy noExtField
+mkAnonWildCardTy :: EpToken "_" -> HsType GhcPs
+mkAnonWildCardTy tok = HsWildCardTy tok
 mkHsOpTy :: (Anno (IdGhcP p) ~ SrcSpanAnnN)
          => PromotionFlag
@@ -1413,13 +1419,13 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsSpliceTy ext s)    =
 ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ prom tys)
   | isPromoted prom = quote $ brackets (maybeAddSpace tys $ interpp'SP tys)
   | otherwise       = brackets (interpp'SP tys)
-ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ prom tys)
     -- Special-case unary boxed tuples so that they are pretty-printed as
     -- `'MkSolo x`, not `'(x)`
   | [ty] <- tys
-  = quoteIfPunsEnabled $ sep [text (mkTupleStr Boxed dataName 1), ppr_mono_lty ty]
+  = quote_tuple prom $ sep [text (mkTupleStr Boxed dataName 1), ppr_mono_lty ty]
   | otherwise
-  = quoteIfPunsEnabled $ parens (maybeAddSpace tys $ interpp'SP tys)
+  = quote_tuple prom $ parens (maybeAddSpace tys $ interpp'SP tys)
 ppr_mono_ty (HsTyLit _ t)       = ppr t
 ppr_mono_ty (HsWildCardTy {})   = char '_'
@@ -1453,6 +1459,10 @@ ppr_fun_ty mult ty1 ty2
     sep [p1, arr <+> p2]
+quote_tuple :: PromotionFlag -> SDoc -> SDoc
+quote_tuple IsPromoted  doc = quote doc
+quote_tuple NotPromoted doc = doc
 -- | @'hsTypeNeedsParens' p t@ returns 'True' if the type @t@ needs parentheses
 -- under precedence @p at .
@@ -1482,7 +1492,7 @@ hsTypeNeedsParens p = go_hs_ty
     -- Special-case unary boxed tuple applications so that they are
     -- parenthesized as `Proxy ('MkSolo x)`, not `Proxy 'MkSolo x` (#18612)
     -- See Note [One-tuples] in GHC.Builtin.Types
-    go_hs_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ [_])
+    go_hs_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ [_])
                                       = p >= appPrec
     go_hs_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy{})    = False
     go_hs_ty (HsTyLit{})              = False

@@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ repTy t@(HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceTop _ _) _) = pprPanic "repTy: top level spl
 repTy (HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys) = do
                                     tys1 <- repLTys tys
                                     repTPromotedList tys1
-repTy (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) = do
+repTy (HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ tys) = do
                                     tys1 <- repLTys tys
                                     tcon <- repPromotedTupleTyCon (length tys)
                                     repTapps tcon tys1

@@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@ instance ToHie (LocatedA (HsType GhcRn)) where
       HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys ->
         [ toHie tys
-      HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys ->
+      HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ tys ->
         [ toHie tys
       HsTyLit _ _ -> []

@@ -2316,7 +2316,7 @@ atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
         : ntgtycon                       {% amsA' (sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noAnn NotPromoted $1)) }      -- Not including unit tuples
         -- See Note [%shift: atype -> tyvar]
         | tyvar %shift                   {% amsA' (sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noAnn NotPromoted $1)) }      -- (See Note [Unit tuples])
-        | '_'   %shift                   { sL1a $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy }
+        | '_'   %shift                   { sL1a $1 $ mkAnonWildCardTy (epTok $1) }
         | '*'                            {% do { warnStarIsType (getLoc $1)
                                                ; return $ sL1a $1 (HsStarTy noExtField (isUnicode $1)) } }
@@ -2342,14 +2342,14 @@ atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
         | '(' ktype ')'               {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsParTy (epTok $1, epTok $3) $2) }
                                       -- see Note [Promotion] for the followings
         | SIMPLEQUOTE '(' ')'         {% do { requireLTPuns PEP_QuoteDisambiguation $1 $>
-                                            ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitTupleTy (epTok $1,epTok $2,epTok $3) []) }}
+                                            ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitTupleTy (epTok $1,epTok $2,epTok $3) IsPromoted []) }}
         | SIMPLEQUOTE gen_qcon {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsTyVar (epTok $1) IsPromoted $2) }
         | SIMPLEQUOTE sysdcon_nolist {% do { requireLTPuns PEP_QuoteDisambiguation $1 (reLoc $>)
                                            ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsTyVar (epTok $1) IsPromoted (L (getLoc $2) $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $2)))) }}
         | SIMPLEQUOTE  '(' ktype ',' comma_types1 ')'
                              {% do { requireLTPuns PEP_QuoteDisambiguation $1 $>
                                    ; h <- addTrailingCommaA $3 (epTok $4)
-                                   ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitTupleTy (epTok $1,epTok $2,epTok $6) (h : $5)) }}
+                                   ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitTupleTy (epTok $1,epTok $2,epTok $6) IsPromoted (h : $5)) }}
         | '[' ']'               {% withCombinedComments $1 $> (mkListSyntaxTy0 (epTok $1) (epTok $2)) }
         | SIMPLEQUOTE  '[' comma_types0 ']'     {% do { requireLTPuns PEP_QuoteDisambiguation $1 $>
                                                       ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsExplicitListTy (epTok $1, epTok $2, epTok $4) IsPromoted $3) }}
@@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ tv_bndr_no_braces :: { LHsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs }
 tyvar_wc :: { Located (HsBndrVar GhcPs) }
         : tyvar                         { sL1 $1 (HsBndrVar noExtField $1) }
-        | '_'                           { sL1 $1 (HsBndrWildCard noExtField) }
+        | '_'                           { sL1 $1 (HsBndrWildCard (epTok $1)) }
 fds :: { Located (EpToken "|",[LHsFunDep GhcPs]) }
         : {- empty -}                   { noLoc (NoEpTok,[]) }
@@ -4704,4 +4704,4 @@ combineHasLocs a b = combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) (getHasLoc b)
 fromTrailingN :: SrcSpanAnnN -> SrcSpanAnnA
 fromTrailingN (EpAnn anc ann cs)
     = EpAnn anc (AnnListItem (nann_trailing ann)) cs
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -980,8 +980,8 @@ checkTyVars pp_what equals_or_where tc tparms
     match_bndr_var :: HsType GhcPs -> Maybe (EpToken "'", HsBndrVar GhcPs)
     match_bndr_var (HsTyVar ann _ tv) | isRdrTyVar (unLoc tv)
       = Just (ann, HsBndrVar noExtField tv)
-    match_bndr_var (HsWildCardTy _)
-      = Just (noAnn, HsBndrWildCard noExtField)
+    match_bndr_var (HsWildCardTy tok)
+      = Just (noAnn, HsBndrWildCard tok)
     match_bndr_var _ = Nothing
     -- Return a EpaLocation for use in widenLocatedAnL.
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ checkContext orig_t@(L (EpAnn l _ cs) _orig_t) =
   -- With NoListTuplePuns, contexts are parsed as data constructors, which causes failure
   -- downstream.
   -- This converts them just like when they are parsed as types in the punned case.
-  check (oparens,cparens,cs) (L _l (HsExplicitTupleTy (q,o,c) ts))
+  check (oparens,cparens,cs) (L _l (HsExplicitTupleTy (q,o,c) _ ts))
     = punsAllowed >>= \case
       True -> unprocessed
       False -> do
@@ -3622,7 +3622,7 @@ mkTupleSyntaxTy parOpen args parClose =
     enabled =
       HsTupleTy annParen HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple args
     disabled =
-      HsExplicitTupleTy annsKeyword args
+      HsExplicitTupleTy annsKeyword NotPromoted args
     annParen = AnnParens parOpen parClose
     annsKeyword = (NoEpTok, parOpen, parClose)

@@ -684,10 +684,10 @@ rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys)
            addDiagnostic (TcRnUntickedPromotedThing $ UntickedExplicitList)
        ; return (HsExplicitListTy noExtField ip tys', fvs) }
-rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys)
+rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ ip tys)
   = do { checkDataKinds env ty
        ; (tys', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env) tys
-       ; return (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField tys', fvs) }
+       ; return (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField ip tys', fvs) }
 rnHsTyKi env (HsWildCardTy _)
   = do { checkAnonWildCard env
@@ -955,9 +955,10 @@ bindHsQTyVars doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
     get_bndr_loc (L l tvb) =
         (case hsBndrVar tvb of
-          HsBndrWildCard _ ->
-            locA l -- this should rather be the location of the wildcard,
-                   -- but we don't have it
+          HsBndrWildCard tok ->
+            case tok of
+              NoEpTok   -> locA l
+              EpTok loc -> locA loc
           HsBndrVar _ ln   -> getLocA ln)
         (case hsBndrKind tvb of
           HsBndrNoKind _ -> noSrcSpan
@@ -2083,7 +2084,7 @@ extract_lty (L _ ty) acc
       HsSpliceTy {}               -> acc  -- Type splices mention no tvs
       HsDocTy _ ty _              -> extract_lty ty acc
       HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys    -> extract_ltys tys acc
-      HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys     -> extract_ltys tys acc
+      HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ tys   -> extract_ltys tys acc
       HsTyLit _ _                 -> acc
       HsStarTy _ _                -> acc
       HsKindSig _ ty ki           -> extract_kind_sig ty ki acc

@@ -1375,10 +1375,10 @@ rn_ty_pat ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ prom tys) = do
   tys' <- mapM rn_lty_pat tys
   pure (HsExplicitListTy noExtField prom tys')
-rn_ty_pat ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) = do
+rn_ty_pat ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ prom tys) = do
   check_data_kinds ty
   tys' <- mapM rn_lty_pat tys
-  pure (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField tys')
+  pure (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField prom tys')
 rn_ty_pat tyLit@(HsTyLit src t) = do
   check_data_kinds tyLit

@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ expr_to_type earg =
       | isBoxed boxity
       , Just es <- tupArgsPresent_maybe tup_args
       = do { ts <- traverse go es
-           ; return (L l (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField ts)) }
+           ; return (L l (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField NotPromoted ts)) }
     go (L l (ExplicitList _ es)) =
       do { ts <- traverse go es
          ; return (L l (HsExplicitListTy noExtField NotPromoted ts)) }

@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ tcHsType mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys) exp_kind
     mk_cons k a b = mkTyConApp (promoteDataCon consDataCon) [k, a, b]
     mk_nil  k     = mkTyConApp (promoteDataCon nilDataCon) [k]
-tcHsType mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) exp_kind
+tcHsType mode rn_ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ tys) exp_kind
   -- using newMetaKindVar means that we force instantiations of any polykinded
   -- types. At first, I just used tc_infer_lhs_type, but that led to #11255.
   = do { ks   <- replicateM arity newMetaKindVar

@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ pat_to_type (SplicePat (HsUntypedSpliceTop mod_finalizers pat) splice) = do
 pat_to_type (TuplePat _ pats Boxed)
   = do { tys <- traverse (pat_to_type . unLoc) pats
-       ; let t = noLocA (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField tys)
+       ; let t = noLocA (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField NotPromoted tys)
        ; pure t }
 pat_to_type (ListPat _ pats)
   = do { tys <- traverse (pat_to_type . unLoc) pats

@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ no_anon_wc_ty lty = go lty
       HsBangTy _ _ ty                -> go ty
       HsRecTy _ flds                 -> gos $ map (cd_fld_type . unLoc) flds
       HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys       -> gos tys
-      HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys        -> gos tys
+      HsExplicitTupleTy _ _ tys      -> gos tys
       HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele
                  , hst_body = ty } -> no_anon_wc_tele tele
                                         && go ty

@@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ cvtTypeKind typeOrKind ty
              -> mk_apps (HsTyLit noExtField (cvtTyLit lit)) tys'
-             -> mk_apps mkAnonWildCardTy tys'
+             -> mk_apps (mkAnonWildCardTy noAnn) tys'
            InfixT t1 s t2
              -> do { s'  <- tconName s
@@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ cvtTypeKind typeOrKind ty
            PromotedTupleT n
               | Just normals <- m_normals
               , normals `lengthIs` n   -- Saturated
-              -> returnLA (HsExplicitTupleTy noAnn normals)
+              -> returnLA (HsExplicitTupleTy noAnn IsPromoted normals)
               | otherwise
               -> do { tuple_tc <- returnLA $ getRdrName $ tupleDataCon Boxed n
                     ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noAnn IsPromoted tuple_tc) tys' }

@@ -917,6 +917,7 @@ data HsType pass
   | HsExplicitTupleTy      -- A promoted explicit tuple
         (XExplicitTupleTy pass)
+        PromotionFlag      -- whether explicitly promoted, for pretty printer
         [LHsType pass]
   | HsTyLit (XTyLit pass) (HsTyLit pass)      -- A promoted numeric literal.

@@ -1418,6 +1418,7 @@
           (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:28:17 }))
           (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:28:44 })))
+        (IsPromoted)
            (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:28:19-39 })

@@ -886,3 +886,8 @@ Test24159:
 	$(CHECK_PPR)   $(LIBDIR) Test25132.hs
 	$(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) Test25132.hs
+.PHONY: Test25454
+	$(CHECK_PPR)   $(LIBDIR) Test25454.hs
+	$(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) Test25454.hs

@@ -212,3 +212,5 @@ test('Test24159', [ignore_stderr, req_ppr_deps], makefile_test, ['Test24159'])
 test('Test25132', [ignore_stderr, req_ppr_deps], makefile_test, ['Test25132'])
 test('T24237', normal, compile_fail, [''])
+test('Test25454', [ignore_stderr, req_ppr_deps], makefile_test, ['Test25454'])
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -3935,9 +3935,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsBndrVar GhcPs) where
   exact (HsBndrVar x n) = do
     n' <- markAnnotated n
     return (HsBndrVar x n')
-  exact (HsBndrWildCard x) = do
-    printStringAdvance "_"
-    return (HsBndrWildCard x)
+  exact (HsBndrWildCard t) = do
+    t' <- markEpToken t
+    return (HsBndrWildCard t')
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4046,12 +4046,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
     tys' <- markAnnotated tys
     c' <- markEpToken c
     return (HsExplicitListTy (sq',o',c') prom tys')
-  exact (HsExplicitTupleTy (sq, o, c) tys) = do
-    sq' <- markEpToken sq
+  exact (HsExplicitTupleTy (sq, o, c) prom tys) = do
+    sq' <- if (isPromoted prom)
+              then markEpToken sq
+              else return sq
     o' <- markEpToken o
     tys' <- markAnnotated tys
     c' <- markEpToken c
-    return (HsExplicitTupleTy (sq', o', c') tys')
+    return (HsExplicitTupleTy (sq', o', c') prom tys')
   exact (HsTyLit a lit) = do
     case lit of
       (HsNumTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ _tt = testOneFile changers "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/worktree/epw/_buil
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T14189.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/AnnotationLet.hs" Nothing
- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/AnnotationTuple.hs" Nothing
+ -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/AnnotationTuple.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr001.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr002.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr002a.hs" Nothing
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ _tt = testOneFile changers "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/worktree/epw/_buil
 --  "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test22765.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test22771.hs" Nothing
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test23465.hs" Nothing
+ "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test25454.hs" Nothing
 -- cloneT does not need a test, function can be retired

@@ -1327,7 +1327,8 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsRecTy{}) _ = text "{..}"
 ppr_mono_ty (XHsType{}) _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
 ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ IsPromoted tys) u = Pretty.quote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
 ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
-ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u = Pretty.quote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ IsPromoted tys) u = Pretty.quote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ NotPromoted tys) u = parenList $ map (ppLType u) tys
 ppr_mono_ty (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode =
   hsep [ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode, ppr_mono_lty arg_ty unicode]
 ppr_mono_ty (HsAppKindTy _ fun_ty arg_ki) unicode =

@@ -1836,7 +1836,8 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsRecTy{}) _ _ _ = toHtml "{..}"
 ppr_mono_ty (XHsType{}) _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
 ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ IsPromoted tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
 ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u q _ = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
-ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ IsPromoted tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ NotPromoted tys) u q _ = parenList $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
 ppr_mono_ty (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode qual _ =
     [ ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts

@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ synifyType _ vs (TyConApp tc tys) =
       | Just dc <- isPromotedDataCon_maybe tc
       , isTupleDataCon dc
       , dataConSourceArity dc == length vis_tys =
-          noLocA $ HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField (map (synifyType WithinType vs) vis_tys)
+          noLocA $ HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField IsPromoted (map (synifyType WithinType vs) vis_tys)
       -- ditto for lists
       | getName tc == listTyConName
       , [ty] <- vis_tys =

@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ reparenTypePrec = go
     go _ (HsRecTy x flds) = HsRecTy x (map (mapXRec @a reparenConDeclField) flds)
     go p (HsDocTy x ty d) = HsDocTy x (goL p ty) d
     go _ (HsExplicitListTy x p tys) = HsExplicitListTy x p (map reparenLType tys)
-    go _ (HsExplicitTupleTy x tys) = HsExplicitTupleTy x (map reparenLType tys)
+    go _ (HsExplicitTupleTy x p tys) = HsExplicitTupleTy x p (map reparenLType tys)
     go p (HsKindSig x ty kind) =
       paren p PREC_SIG $ HsKindSig x (goL PREC_SIG ty) (goL PREC_SIG kind)
     go p (HsIParamTy x n ty) =

@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ renameType t = case t of
   HsExplicitListTy _ a b -> HsExplicitListTy noAnn a <$> mapM renameLType b
   -- Special-case unary boxed tuples so that they are pretty-printed as
   -- `'MkSolo x`, not `'(x)`
-  HsExplicitTupleTy _ [ty] -> do
+  HsExplicitTupleTy _ ip [ty] -> do
     name <- renameName (tupleDataConName Boxed 1)
-    let lhs = noLocA $ HsTyVar noAnn IsPromoted (noLocA name)
+    let lhs = noLocA $ HsTyVar noAnn ip (noLocA name)
     rhs <- renameLType ty
     return (HsAppTy noAnn lhs rhs)
-  HsExplicitTupleTy _ b -> HsExplicitTupleTy noAnn <$> mapM renameLType b
+  HsExplicitTupleTy _ ip b -> HsExplicitTupleTy noAnn ip <$> mapM renameLType b
   HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceTop _ st) _ -> renameType (unLoc st)
   HsSpliceTy (HsUntypedSpliceNested _) _ -> error "renameType: not an top level type splice"
   HsWildCardTy _ -> pure (HsWildCardTy noAnn)

@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ renameType t@(HsRecTy _ _) = pure t
 renameType t@(XHsType _) = pure t
 renameType (HsExplicitListTy x ip ltys) =
   HsExplicitListTy x ip <$> renameLTypes ltys
-renameType (HsExplicitTupleTy x ltys) =
-  HsExplicitTupleTy x <$> renameLTypes ltys
+renameType (HsExplicitTupleTy x ip ltys) =
+  HsExplicitTupleTy x ip <$> renameLTypes ltys
 renameType t@(HsTyLit _ _) = pure t
 renameType (HsWildCardTy wc) = pure (HsWildCardTy wc)

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