[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Thinking about equalities and casts in SpecSigE

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Nov 7 17:33:29 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f9cb037f by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-11-07T17:32:54+00:00
Thinking about equalities and casts in SpecSigE

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Evidence.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5821.hs


@@ -847,9 +847,10 @@ dsSpec mb_poly_rhs (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id = poly_id
        ; mk_spec_call <- do { ds_call <- dsLExpr the_call
                             ; return $ \ poly_id poly_rhs ->
+                                  mkLets ds_lhs_binds  $
+                                  mkLets ds_rhs_binds  $
                                   mkLetNonRec (localiseId poly_id) poly_rhs $
-                                  mkLets ds_lhs_binds          $
-                                  mkLets ds_rhs_binds ds_call }
+                                  ds_call }
        ; finishSpecPrag mb_poly_rhs
                         (tv_bndrs ++ lhs_evs ++ id_bndrs) core_call
@@ -865,7 +866,7 @@ failBecauseOfClassOp poly_id
        ; return Nothing  }
 finishSpecPrag :: Maybe CoreExpr  -- See the first param of dsSpec
-               -> [Var]           -- LHS binders
+               -> [Var]           -- Binders, over LHS and RHS
                -> CoreExpr        -- LHS pattern
                -> [Var] -> (Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)  -- Make spec RHS given function body
                -> InlinePragma

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate( topInstantiate, tcInstTypeBndrs )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence( HsWrapper, (<.>) )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence( HsWrapper, (<.>), hsWrapperHasNoBinders )
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
 import GHC.Tc.Zonk.TcType
@@ -717,29 +717,39 @@ See `GHC.Rename.Bind.checkSpecESigShape` for the shape-check.
   f :: forall a b. (Eq a, Eq b, Ord c) => a -> b -> c -> Bool -> blah
   {-# SPECIALISE forall x y. f (x::Int) y y True #-}
+                 -- y::p
 We want to generate:
   RULE forall @p (d1::Eq Int) (d2::Eq p) (d3::Ord p) (x::Int) (y::p).
      f @Int @p @p d1 d2 d3 x y y True
         = $sf @p d1 d2 d3 x y
-  $sf @p (d1::Eq Int) (d2::Eq p) (d3::Ord p) (x::Int) (y::p)
-     = let d1a = $fEqint
-           d2a = d2
-           d3a = d3
+  $sf @p (d1a::Eq Int) (d2a::Eq p) (d3a::Ord p) (x::Int) (y::p)
+     = let d1 = $fEqInt
+           d2 = d2a
+           d3 = d3a
        in let f = <f-rhs>
-       in f @p @p @Int (d1a::Eq p) (d2a::Eq p) (d3a::OrdInt) y y True
+       in f @p @p @Int (d1::Eq p) (d2::Eq p) (d3::Ord Int) x y y True
+In terms of the code:
+    spe_tv_bndrs     = @p
+    spe_id_bndrs     = x:Int y y:p
+    spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = (e1:Eq p) (d2:Eq p) (d3:Ord Int)
+    spe_lhs_call     = f @p @p @Int (d1::Eq p) (d2::Eq p) (d3::Ord Int) x y y True
+                       -- We can't meddle with this; it's a perhaps-big expression
+    spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = @d1a @d2a @d3a
+    spe_rhs_binds    = { d1=$fEqInt; d2=d2a; d3=d3a }
 Note that
-* In the RULE we have separate binders for `d1` and `d2` even though
-  they are the same (Eq p) dictionary. Reason: we don't want to force
-  them to be visibly equal at the call site.
+* In the RULE we have separate binders for `d1` and `d2` even though they are
+  the same (Eq p) dictionary. Reason: we don't want to force them to be visibly
+  equal at the call site.
-* The specialised function $sf takes all three dictionaries as
-  arguments; but the constraint solver does not use d1 (short-cut
-  solved).  We rely on the Simplifier to drop the dead arguments.
-  It isn't strictly necessary to pass d2 either, but it does no harm.
+* The specialised function $sf takes all three dictionaries as arguments; but
+  the constraint solver does not use d1 (short-cut solved).  We rely on the
+  Simplifier to drop the dead arguments.  It isn't strictly necessary to pass d2
+  either, but it does no harm.
 Note [Handling old-form SPECIALISE pragmas]
@@ -895,8 +905,10 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
                do { (tv_bndrs, id_bndrs) <- tcRuleBndrs skol_info bndrs
                   ; tcExtendNameTyVarEnv [(tyVarName tv, tv) | tv <- tv_bndrs] $
                     tcExtendIdEnv id_bndrs $
-                    do { (spec_e', rho) <- tcInferRho spec_e
-                       ; return (id_bndrs, spec_e', rho) } }
+                    do { (L loc spec_e', rho) <- tcInferRho spec_e
+                       ; return (id_bndrs, L loc (unwrap_hs_expr spec_e'), rho) } }
+          -- unwrap_hs_expr: if the expression looks like (e |> co), simply drop `co`
+          -- ToDo: document this
        -- Solve unification constraints
        -- c.f. Note [The SimplifyRule Plan] step 1
@@ -922,15 +934,18 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
                                                      qtkvs lhs_evs residual_wanted
        -- rhs_binds uses rhs_evs to build `wanted` (NB not just `residual_wanted`)
-       ; let quant_wanted = emptyWC { wc_simple = quant_cts }
        ; rhs_evs <- mapM newEvVar quant_preds
        ; (implic2, rhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl skol_info_anon
-                                                     qtkvs rhs_evs quant_wanted
+                                                     qtkvs rhs_evs
+                                                     (emptyWC { wc_simple = quant_cts })
        ; emitImplications (implic1 `unionBags` implic2)
        ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag:SpecSigE" $
-         vcat [ text "tv/id bndrs:" <+> ppr qtkvs <+> ppr id_bndrs
+         vcat [ text "nm:" <+> ppr nm
+              , text "bndrs:" <+> ppr bndrs
+              , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e
+              , text "tv/id bndrs:" <+> ppr qtkvs <+> ppr id_bndrs
               , text "lhs_evs:" <+> ppr lhs_evs
               , text "rhs_evs:" <+> ppr rhs_evs
               , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e'
@@ -944,6 +959,18 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
                            , spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = rhs_evs
                            , spe_rhs_binds    = rhs_binds
                            , spe_inl          = inl }] }
+  where
+    unwrap_hs_expr e
+      | ExprWithTySig _ (L _ inner_e) _ <- e
+      = unwrap_hs_expr inner_e
+      | XExpr (WrapExpr wrap inner_e) <- e
+      , hsWrapperHasNoBinders wrap
+      = unwrap_hs_expr inner_e
+      | otherwise
+      = e
 tcSpecPrag _ prag = pprPanic "tcSpecPrag" (ppr prag)
@@ -1457,7 +1484,7 @@ mk_quant_evs cts
     mk_one ct = pprPanic "mk_quant_ev" (ppr ct)
 getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> (Cts, WantedConstraints)
--- Extract all the constraints we can quantify over,
+-- Extract all the constraints that we can quantify over,
 --   also returning the depleted WantedConstraints
 -- NB: we must look inside implications, because with

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence (
   mkWpEvLams, mkWpLet, mkWpFun, mkWpCastN, mkWpCastR, mkWpEta,
   idHsWrapper, isIdHsWrapper,
-  pprHsWrapper, hsWrapDictBinders,
+  pprHsWrapper, hsWrapDictBinders, hsWrapperHasNoBinders,
   -- * Evidence bindings
   TcEvBinds(..), EvBindsVar(..),
@@ -331,6 +331,19 @@ collectHsWrapBinders wrap = go wrap []
     add_lam v (vs,w) = (v:vs, w)
+hsWrapperHasNoBinders :: HsWrapper -> Bool
+hsWrapperHasNoBinders wrap = go wrap
+  where
+   go WpHole              = True
+   go (w1 `WpCompose` w2) = go w1 && go w2
+   go (WpEvLam {})        = False
+   go (WpTyLam {})        = False
+   go (WpFun _ w _)       = go w
+   go (WpCast  {})        = True
+   go (WpEvApp {})        = True
+   go (WpTyApp {})        = True
+   go (WpLet   {})        = False
 *                                                                      *

@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ foo :: Num a => a -> T a
 foo = undefined
 {-# SPECIALISE foo :: Int -> Bool #-}
+{- # SPECIALISE (foo :: Int -> Bool) # -}
+{- # SPECIALISE forall x. foo (x::Int) :: Bool # -}
+{- # SPECIALISE forall x. (foo :: Int -> Bool) x # -}

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