[Git][ghc/ghc][master] GHCi: support inlining breakpoints (#24712)

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu May 2 19:42:37 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

b85b1199 by Sylvain Henry at 2024-05-02T15:41:49-04:00
GHCi: support inlining breakpoints (#24712)

When a breakpoint is inlined, its context may change (e.g. tyvars in
scope). We must take this into account and not used the breakpoint tick
index as its sole identifier. Each instance of a breakpoint (even with
the same tick index) now gets a different "info" index.

We also need to distinguish modules:
- tick module: module with the break array (tick counters, status, etc.)
- info module: module having the CgBreakInfo (info at occurrence site)

- - - - -

20 changed files:

- compiler/GHC.hs
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
- − compiler/GHC/Types/BreakInfo.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Types/Breakpoint.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in
- ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
- libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
- rts/Exception.cmm
- rts/Interpreter.c
- + testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/T24712.hs
- + testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/T24712.script
- + testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/T24712.stdout
- testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/all.T
- testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/break021.stdout


@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ module GHC (
         -- ** The debugger
-        History(historyBreakInfo, historyEnclosingDecls),
+        History(historyBreakpointId, historyEnclosingDecls),
         GHC.getHistorySpan, getHistoryModule,
         abandon, abandonAll,
         GHC.obtainTermFromId, GHC.obtainTermFromVal, reconstructType,
         ModBreaks(..), BreakIndex,
-        BreakInfo(..),
+        BreakpointId(..), InternalBreakpointId(..),
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ import GHC.Types.TyThing
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
 import GHC.Types.Name.Ppr
 import GHC.Types.TypeEnv
-import GHC.Types.BreakInfo
+import GHC.Types.Breakpoint
 import GHC.Types.PkgQual
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM

@@ -514,11 +514,16 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
   CCALL off m_addr i       -> do np <- addr m_addr
                                  emit bci_CCALL [wOp off, Op np, SmallOp i]
   PRIMCALL                 -> emit bci_PRIMCALL []
-  BRK_FUN arr index mod cc -> do p1 <- ptr (BCOPtrBreakArray arr)
-                                 m <- addr mod
+  BRK_FUN arr tick_mod tickx info_mod infox cc ->
+                              do p1 <- ptr (BCOPtrBreakArray arr)
+                                 tick_addr <- addr tick_mod
+                                 info_addr <- addr info_mod
                                  np <- addr cc
-                                 emit bci_BRK_FUN [Op p1, SmallOp index,
-                                                   Op m, Op np]
+                                 emit bci_BRK_FUN [ Op p1
+                                                  , Op tick_addr, Op info_addr
+                                                  , SmallOp tickx, SmallOp infox
+                                                  , Op np
+                                                  ]
     literal (LitLabel fs (Just sz) _)

@@ -206,7 +206,11 @@ data BCInstr
                    -- Note [unboxed tuple bytecodes and tuple_BCO] in GHC.StgToByteCode
    -- Breakpoints
-   | BRK_FUN          (ForeignRef BreakArray) !Word16 (RemotePtr ModuleName)
+   | BRK_FUN          (ForeignRef BreakArray)
+                      (RemotePtr ModuleName) -- breakpoint tick module
+                      !Word16                -- breakpoint tick index
+                      (RemotePtr ModuleName) -- breakpoint info module
+                      !Word16                -- breakpoint info index
                       (RemotePtr CostCentre)
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -358,8 +362,11 @@ instance Outputable BCInstr where
    ppr ENTER                 = text "ENTER"
    ppr (RETURN pk)           = text "RETURN  " <+> ppr pk
    ppr (RETURN_TUPLE)        = text "RETURN_TUPLE"
-   ppr (BRK_FUN _ index _ _) = text "BRK_FUN" <+> text "<breakarray>"
-                               <+> ppr index <+> text "<module>" <+> text "<cc>"
+   ppr (BRK_FUN _ _tick_mod tickx _info_mod infox _)
+                             = text "BRK_FUN" <+> text "<breakarray>"
+                               <+> text "<tick_module>" <+> ppr tickx
+                               <+> text "<info_module>" <+> ppr infox
+                               <+> text "<cc>"

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
 import GHC.Types.TyThing
-import GHC.Types.BreakInfo
+import GHC.Types.Breakpoint
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
 import GHC.Unit
@@ -143,29 +143,27 @@ import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
 getResumeContext :: GhcMonad m => m [Resume]
 getResumeContext = withSession (return . ic_resume . hsc_IC)
-mkHistory :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> BreakInfo -> History
-mkHistory hsc_env hval bi = History hval bi (findEnclosingDecls hsc_env bi)
+mkHistory :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> InternalBreakpointId -> History
+mkHistory hsc_env hval ibi = History hval ibi (findEnclosingDecls hsc_env ibi)
 getHistoryModule :: History -> Module
-getHistoryModule = breakInfo_module . historyBreakInfo
+getHistoryModule = ibi_tick_mod . historyBreakpointId
 getHistorySpan :: HscEnv -> History -> SrcSpan
-getHistorySpan hsc_env History{..} =
-  let BreakInfo{..} = historyBreakInfo in
-  case lookupHugByModule breakInfo_module (hsc_HUG hsc_env) of
-    Just hmi -> modBreaks_locs (getModBreaks hmi) ! breakInfo_number
+getHistorySpan hsc_env hist =
+  let ibi = historyBreakpointId hist in
+  case lookupHugByModule (ibi_tick_mod ibi) (hsc_HUG hsc_env) of
+    Just hmi -> modBreaks_locs (getModBreaks hmi) ! ibi_tick_index ibi
     _ -> panic "getHistorySpan"
 {- | Finds the enclosing top level function name -}
 -- ToDo: a better way to do this would be to keep hold of the decl_path computed
 -- by the coverage pass, which gives the list of lexically-enclosing bindings
 -- for each tick.
-findEnclosingDecls :: HscEnv -> BreakInfo -> [String]
-findEnclosingDecls hsc_env (BreakInfo modl ix) =
-   let hmi = expectJust "findEnclosingDecls" $
-             lookupHugByModule modl (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
-       mb = getModBreaks hmi
-   in modBreaks_decls mb ! ix
+findEnclosingDecls :: HscEnv -> InternalBreakpointId -> [String]
+findEnclosingDecls hsc_env ibi =
+   let hmi = expectJust "findEnclosingDecls" $ lookupHugByModule (ibi_tick_mod ibi) (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
+   in modBreaks_decls (getModBreaks hmi) ! ibi_tick_index ibi
 -- | Update fixity environment in the current interactive context.
 updateFixityEnv :: GhcMonad m => FixityEnv -> m ()
@@ -324,27 +322,24 @@ handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status history
   | otherwise              = not_tracing
-    | EvalBreak apStack_ref maybe_break resume_ctxt _ccs <- status
-    , Just (EvalBreakpoint ix mod_name) <- maybe_break
+    | EvalBreak apStack_ref (Just eval_break) resume_ctxt _ccs <- status
     = do
        hsc_env <- getSession
        let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
        let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-       let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $
-                 lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (mkModuleName mod_name)
-           modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi)
+       let ibi = evalBreakpointToId (hsc_HPT hsc_env) eval_break
+       let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName (ibi_tick_mod ibi))
            breaks = getModBreaks hmi
        b <- liftIO $
-              breakpointStatus interp (modBreaks_flags breaks) ix
+              breakpointStatus interp (modBreaks_flags breaks) (ibi_tick_index ibi)
        if b
          then not_tracing
            -- This breakpoint is explicitly enabled; we want to stop
            -- instead of just logging it.
          else do
            apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp apStack_ref
-           let bi = BreakInfo modl ix
-               !history' = mkHistory hsc_env apStack_fhv bi `consBL` history
+           let !history' = mkHistory hsc_env apStack_fhv ibi `consBL` history
                  -- history is strict, otherwise our BoundedList is pointless.
            fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp resume_ctxt
            let eval_opts = initEvalOpts dflags True
@@ -362,23 +357,27 @@ handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status history
          let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
          resume_ctxt_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp resume_ctxt
          apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp apStack_ref
-         let bp = evalBreakInfo (hsc_HPT hsc_env) <$> maybe_break
+         let ibi = evalBreakpointToId (hsc_HPT hsc_env) <$> maybe_break
          (hsc_env1, names, span, decl) <- liftIO $
-           bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv bp
+           bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv ibi
            resume = Resume
-             { resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = resume_ctxt_fhv
-             , resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids
+             { resumeStmt = expr
+             , resumeContext = resume_ctxt_fhv
+             , resumeBindings = bindings
+             , resumeFinalIds = final_ids
              , resumeApStack = apStack_fhv
-             , resumeBreakInfo = bp
-             , resumeSpan = span, resumeHistory = toListBL history
+             , resumeBreakpointId = ibi
+             , resumeSpan = span
+             , resumeHistory = toListBL history
              , resumeDecl = decl
              , resumeCCS = ccs
-             , resumeHistoryIx = 0 }
+             , resumeHistoryIx = 0
+             }
            hsc_env2 = pushResume hsc_env1 resume
          setSession hsc_env2
-         return (ExecBreak names bp)
+         return (ExecBreak names ibi)
     -- Completed successfully
     | EvalComplete allocs (EvalSuccess hvals) <- status
@@ -428,16 +427,21 @@ resumeExec canLogSpan step mbCnt
         liftIO $ Loader.deleteFromLoadedEnv interp new_names
         case r of
-          Resume { resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = fhv
-                 , resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids
-                 , resumeApStack = apStack, resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt
+          Resume { resumeStmt = expr
+                 , resumeContext = fhv
+                 , resumeBindings = bindings
+                 , resumeFinalIds = final_ids
+                 , resumeApStack = apStack
+                 , resumeBreakpointId = mb_brkpt
                  , resumeSpan = span
                  , resumeHistory = hist } ->
                withVirtualCWD $ do
-                when (isJust mb_brkpt && isJust mbCnt) $ do
-                  setupBreakpoint hsc_env (fromJust mb_brkpt) (fromJust mbCnt)
-                    -- When the user specified a break ignore count, set it
-                    -- in the interpreter
+                -- When the user specified a break ignore count, set it
+                -- in the interpreter
+                case (mb_brkpt, mbCnt) of
+                  (Just brkpt, Just cnt) -> setupBreakpoint hsc_env (toBreakpointId brkpt) cnt
+                  _ -> return ()
                 let eval_opts = initEvalOpts dflags (isStep step)
                 status <- liftIO $ GHCi.resumeStmt interp eval_opts fhv
                 let prevHistoryLst = fromListBL 50 hist
@@ -449,16 +453,15 @@ resumeExec canLogSpan step mbCnt
                                                         fromListBL 50 hist
                 handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status hist'
-setupBreakpoint :: GhcMonad m => HscEnv -> BreakInfo -> Int -> m ()   -- #19157
-setupBreakpoint hsc_env brkInfo cnt = do
-  let modl :: Module = breakInfo_module brkInfo
+setupBreakpoint :: GhcMonad m => HscEnv -> BreakpointId -> Int -> m ()   -- #19157
+setupBreakpoint hsc_env bi cnt = do
+  let modl = bi_tick_mod bi
       breaks hsc_env modl = getModBreaks $ expectJust "setupBreakpoint" $
          lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName modl)
-      ix = breakInfo_number brkInfo
       modBreaks  = breaks hsc_env modl
       breakarray = modBreaks_flags modBreaks
       interp = hscInterp hsc_env
-  _ <- liftIO $ GHCi.storeBreakpoint interp breakarray ix cnt
+  _ <- liftIO $ GHCi.storeBreakpoint interp breakarray (bi_tick_index bi) cnt
   pure ()
 back :: GhcMonad m => Int -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String)
@@ -501,11 +504,11 @@ moveHist fn = do
         if new_ix == 0
            then case r of
                    Resume { resumeApStack = apStack,
-                            resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt } ->
+                            resumeBreakpointId = mb_brkpt } ->
                           update_ic apStack mb_brkpt
            else case history !! (new_ix - 1) of
                    History{..} ->
-                     update_ic historyApStack (Just historyBreakInfo)
+                     update_ic historyApStack (Just historyBreakpointId)
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@ result_fs = fsLit "_result"
         :: HscEnv
         -> ForeignHValue
-        -> Maybe BreakInfo
+        -> Maybe InternalBreakpointId
         -> IO (HscEnv, [Name], SrcSpan, String)
 -- Nothing case: we stopped when an exception was raised, not at a
@@ -543,25 +546,28 @@ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack Nothing = do
 -- Just case: we stopped at a breakpoint, we have information about the location
 -- of the breakpoint and the free variables of the expression.
-bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv (Just BreakInfo{..}) = do
+bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv (Just ibi) = do
-       hmi       = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" $
-                     lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName breakInfo_module)
        interp    = hscInterp hsc_env
-       breaks    = getModBreaks hmi
-       info      = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint2" $
-                     IntMap.lookup breakInfo_number (modBreaks_breakInfo breaks)
-       occs      = modBreaks_vars breaks ! breakInfo_number
-       span      = modBreaks_locs breaks ! breakInfo_number
-       decl      = intercalate "." $ modBreaks_decls breaks ! breakInfo_number
+       info_mod  = ibi_info_mod ibi
+       info_hmi  = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName info_mod)
+       info_brks = getModBreaks info_hmi
+       info      = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint2" $ IntMap.lookup (ibi_info_index ibi) (modBreaks_breakInfo info_brks)
+       tick_mod  = ibi_tick_mod ibi
+       tick_hmi  = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName tick_mod)
+       tick_brks = getModBreaks tick_hmi
+       occs      = modBreaks_vars tick_brks ! ibi_tick_index ibi
+       span      = modBreaks_locs tick_brks ! ibi_tick_index ibi
+       decl      = intercalate "." $ modBreaks_decls tick_brks ! ibi_tick_index ibi
   -- Rehydrate to understand the breakpoint info relative to the current environment.
   -- This design is critical to preventing leaks (#22530)
    (mbVars, result_ty) <- initIfaceLoad hsc_env
-                            $ initIfaceLcl breakInfo_module (text "debugger") NotBoot
+                            $ initIfaceLcl info_mod (text "debugger") NotBoot
                             $ hydrateCgBreakInfo info
            -- Filter out any unboxed ids by changing them to Nothings;

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import GHCi.Message (EvalExpr, ResumeContext)
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.TyThing
-import GHC.Types.BreakInfo
+import GHC.Types.Breakpoint
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Utils.Exception
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ data ExecResult
        , execAllocation :: Word64
   | ExecBreak
-       { breakNames :: [Name]
-       , breakInfo :: Maybe BreakInfo
+       { breakNames   :: [Name]
+       , breakPointId :: Maybe InternalBreakpointId
 -- | Essentially a GlobalRdrEnv, but with additional cached values to allow
@@ -73,11 +73,10 @@ data Resume = Resume
        , resumeFinalIds  :: [Id]         -- [Id] to bind on completion
        , resumeApStack   :: ForeignHValue -- The object from which we can get
                                         -- value of the free variables.
-       , resumeBreakInfo :: Maybe BreakInfo
-                                        -- the breakpoint we stopped at
-                                        -- (module, index)
+       , resumeBreakpointId :: Maybe InternalBreakpointId
+                                        -- ^ the breakpoint we stopped at
                                         -- (Nothing <=> exception)
-       , resumeSpan      :: SrcSpan      -- just a copy of the SrcSpan
+       , resumeSpan      :: SrcSpan     -- just a copy of the SrcSpan
                                         -- from the ModBreaks,
                                         -- otherwise it's a pain to
                                         -- fetch the ModDetails &
@@ -90,9 +89,8 @@ data Resume = Resume
 type ResumeBindings = ([TyThing], IcGlobalRdrEnv)
-data History
-   = History {
-        historyApStack   :: ForeignHValue,
-        historyBreakInfo :: BreakInfo,
-        historyEnclosingDecls :: [String]  -- declarations enclosing the breakpoint
-   }
+data History = History
+  { historyApStack        :: ForeignHValue
+  , historyBreakpointId   :: InternalBreakpointId -- ^ breakpoint identifier
+  , historyEnclosingDecls :: [String]             -- ^ declarations enclosing the breakpoint
+  }

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 -- | Interacting with the iserv interpreter, whether it is running on an
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ module GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
   , getClosure
   , getModBreaks
   , seqHValue
-  , evalBreakInfo
+  , evalBreakpointToId
   , interpreterDynamic
   , interpreterProfiled
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ import GHCi.Message
 import GHCi.RemoteTypes
 import GHCi.ResolvedBCO
 import GHCi.BreakArray (BreakArray)
-import GHC.Types.BreakInfo (BreakInfo(..))
+import GHC.Types.Breakpoint
 import GHC.ByteCode.Types
 import GHC.Linker.Types
@@ -395,14 +394,15 @@ seqHValue interp unit_env ref =
     status <- interpCmd interp (Seq hval)
     handleSeqHValueStatus interp unit_env status
-evalBreakInfo :: HomePackageTable -> EvalBreakpoint -> BreakInfo
-evalBreakInfo hpt (EvalBreakpoint ix mod_name) =
-  BreakInfo modl ix
-  where
-    modl = mi_module $
-           hm_iface $
-           expectJust "evalBreakInfo" $
-           lookupHpt hpt (mkModuleName mod_name)
+evalBreakpointToId :: HomePackageTable -> EvalBreakpoint -> InternalBreakpointId
+evalBreakpointToId hpt eval_break =
+  let load_mod x = mi_module $ hm_iface $ expectJust "evalBreakpointToId" $ lookupHpt hpt (mkModuleName x)
+  in InternalBreakpointId
+        { ibi_tick_mod   = load_mod (eb_tick_mod eval_break)
+        , ibi_tick_index = eb_tick_index eval_break
+        , ibi_info_mod   = load_mod (eb_info_mod eval_break)
+        , ibi_info_index = eb_info_index eval_break
+        }
 -- | Process the result of a Seq or ResumeSeq message.             #2950
 handleSeqHValueStatus :: Interp -> UnitEnv -> EvalStatus () -> IO (EvalResult ())
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ handleSeqHValueStatus interp unit_env eval_status =
       -- A breakpoint was hit; inform the user and tell them
       -- which breakpoint was hit.
       resume_ctxt_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp resume_ctxt
-      let bp = evalBreakInfo (ue_hpt unit_env) <$> maybe_break
+      let bp = evalBreakpointToId (ue_hpt unit_env) <$> maybe_break
           sdocBpLoc = brackets . ppr . getSeqBpSpan
       putStrLn ("*** Ignoring breakpoint " ++
             (showSDocUnsafe $ sdocBpLoc bp))
@@ -422,14 +422,15 @@ handleSeqHValueStatus interp unit_env eval_status =
         handleSeqHValueStatus interp unit_env status
     (EvalComplete _ r) -> return r
-    getSeqBpSpan :: Maybe BreakInfo -> SrcSpan
-    -- Just case: Stopped at a breakpoint, extract SrcSpan information
-    -- from the breakpoint.
-    getSeqBpSpan (Just BreakInfo{..}) =
-      (modBreaks_locs (breaks breakInfo_module)) ! breakInfo_number
-    -- Nothing case - should not occur!
-    -- Reason: Setting of flags in libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs:evalOptsSeq
-    getSeqBpSpan Nothing = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<unknown>")
+    getSeqBpSpan :: Maybe InternalBreakpointId -> SrcSpan
+    getSeqBpSpan = \case
+      Just bi -> (modBreaks_locs (breaks (ibi_tick_mod bi))) ! ibi_tick_index bi
+        -- Just case: Stopped at a breakpoint, extract SrcSpan information
+        -- from the breakpoint.
+      Nothing -> mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<unknown>")
+        -- Nothing case - should not occur!
+        -- Reason: Setting of flags in libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs:evalOptsSeq
+        --
     breaks mod = getModBreaks $ expectJust "getSeqBpSpan" $
       lookupHpt (ue_hpt unit_env) (moduleName mod)

@@ -384,27 +384,40 @@ schemeR_wrk fvs nm original_body (args, body)
 -- | Introduce break instructions for ticked expressions.
 -- If no breakpoint information is available, the instruction is omitted.
 schemeER_wrk :: StackDepth -> BCEnv -> CgStgExpr -> BcM BCInstrList
-schemeER_wrk d p (StgTick (Breakpoint tick_ty tick_no fvs mod) rhs) = do
+schemeER_wrk d p (StgTick (Breakpoint tick_ty tick_no fvs tick_mod) rhs) = do
   code <- schemeE d 0 p rhs
   hsc_env <- getHscEnv
   current_mod <- getCurrentModule
-  current_mod_breaks <- getCurrentModBreaks
-  case break_info hsc_env mod current_mod current_mod_breaks of
+  mb_current_mod_breaks <- getCurrentModBreaks
+  case mb_current_mod_breaks of
+    -- if we're not generating ModBreaks for this module for some reason, we
+    -- can't store breakpoint occurrence information.
     Nothing -> pure code
-    Just ModBreaks {modBreaks_flags = breaks, modBreaks_module = mod_ptr, modBreaks_ccs = cc_arr} -> do
-      platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
-      let idOffSets = getVarOffSets platform d p fvs
-          ty_vars   = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped (tick_ty:map idType fvs)
-          toWord :: Maybe (Id, WordOff) -> Maybe (Id, Word)
-          toWord = fmap (\(i, wo) -> (i, fromIntegral wo))
-          breakInfo  = dehydrateCgBreakInfo ty_vars (map toWord idOffSets) tick_ty
-      newBreakInfo tick_no breakInfo
-      let cc | Just interp <- hsc_interp hsc_env
-            , interpreterProfiled interp
-            = cc_arr ! tick_no
-            | otherwise = toRemotePtr nullPtr
-          breakInstr = BRK_FUN breaks (fromIntegral tick_no) mod_ptr cc
-      return $ breakInstr `consOL` code
+    Just current_mod_breaks -> case break_info hsc_env tick_mod current_mod mb_current_mod_breaks of
+      Nothing -> pure code
+      Just ModBreaks {modBreaks_flags = breaks, modBreaks_module = tick_mod_ptr, modBreaks_ccs = cc_arr} -> do
+        platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
+        let idOffSets = getVarOffSets platform d p fvs
+            ty_vars   = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped (tick_ty:map idType fvs)
+            toWord :: Maybe (Id, WordOff) -> Maybe (Id, Word)
+            toWord = fmap (\(i, wo) -> (i, fromIntegral wo))
+            breakInfo  = dehydrateCgBreakInfo ty_vars (map toWord idOffSets) tick_ty
+        let info_mod_ptr = modBreaks_module current_mod_breaks
+        infox <- newBreakInfo breakInfo
+        let cc | Just interp <- hsc_interp hsc_env
+              , interpreterProfiled interp
+              = cc_arr ! tick_no
+              | otherwise = toRemotePtr nullPtr
+        let -- cast that checks that round-tripping through Word16 doesn't change the value
+            toW16 x = let r = fromIntegral x :: Word16
+                      in if fromIntegral r == x
+                        then r
+                        else pprPanic "schemeER_wrk: breakpoint tick/info index too large!" (ppr x)
+            breakInstr = BRK_FUN breaks tick_mod_ptr (toW16 tick_no) info_mod_ptr (toW16 infox) cc
+        return $ breakInstr `consOL` code
 schemeER_wrk d p rhs = schemeE d 0 p rhs
 -- | Determine the GHCi-allocated 'BreakArray' and module pointer for the module
@@ -2189,7 +2202,12 @@ data BcM_State
         , ffis        :: [FFIInfo]       -- ffi info blocks, to free later
                                          -- Should be free()d when it is GCd
         , modBreaks   :: Maybe ModBreaks -- info about breakpoints
-        , breakInfo   :: IntMap CgBreakInfo
+        , breakInfo   :: IntMap CgBreakInfo -- ^ Info at breakpoint occurrence.
+                                            -- Indexed with breakpoint *info* index.
+                                            -- See Note [Breakpoint identifiers]
+                                            -- in GHC.Types.Breakpoint
+        , breakInfoIdx :: !Int              -- ^ Next index for breakInfo array
 newtype BcM r = BcM (BcM_State -> IO (BcM_State, r)) deriving (Functor)
@@ -2203,7 +2221,7 @@ runBc :: HscEnv -> Module -> Maybe ModBreaks
       -> BcM r
       -> IO (BcM_State, r)
 runBc hsc_env this_mod modBreaks (BcM m)
-   = m (BcM_State hsc_env this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty)
+   = m (BcM_State hsc_env this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty 0)
 thenBc :: BcM a -> (a -> BcM b) -> BcM b
 thenBc (BcM expr) cont = BcM $ \st0 -> do
@@ -2259,9 +2277,14 @@ getLabelsBc n
   = BcM $ \st -> let ctr = nextlabel st
                  in return (st{nextlabel = ctr+n}, coerce [ctr .. ctr+n-1])
-newBreakInfo :: BreakIndex -> CgBreakInfo -> BcM ()
-newBreakInfo ix info = BcM $ \st ->
-  return (st{breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix info (breakInfo st)}, ())
+newBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> BcM Int
+newBreakInfo info = BcM $ \st ->
+  let ix = breakInfoIdx st
+      st' = st
+              { breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix info (breakInfo st)
+              , breakInfoIdx = ix + 1
+              }
+  in return (st', ix)
 getCurrentModule :: BcM Module
 getCurrentModule = BcM $ \st -> return (st, thisModule st)

compiler/GHC/Types/BreakInfo.hs deleted
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- | A module for the BreakInfo type. Used by both the GHC.Runtime.Eval and
--- GHC.Runtime.Interpreter hierarchy, so put here to have a less deep module
--- dependency tree
-module GHC.Types.BreakInfo (BreakInfo(..)) where
-import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Unit.Module
-data BreakInfo = BreakInfo
-  { breakInfo_module :: Module
-  , breakInfo_number :: Int
-  }

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+-- | Breakpoint related types
+module GHC.Types.Breakpoint
+  ( BreakpointId (..)
+  , InternalBreakpointId (..)
+  , toBreakpointId
+  )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+-- | Breakpoint identifier.
+-- See Note [Breakpoint identifiers]
+data BreakpointId = BreakpointId
+  { bi_tick_mod   :: !Module  -- ^ Breakpoint tick module
+  , bi_tick_index :: !Int     -- ^ Breakpoint tick index
+  }
+-- | Internal breakpoint identifier
+-- See Note [Breakpoint identifiers]
+data InternalBreakpointId = InternalBreakpointId
+  { ibi_tick_mod   :: !Module  -- ^ Breakpoint tick module
+  , ibi_tick_index :: !Int     -- ^ Breakpoint tick index
+  , ibi_info_mod   :: !Module  -- ^ Breakpoint info module
+  , ibi_info_index :: !Int     -- ^ Breakpoint info index
+  }
+toBreakpointId :: InternalBreakpointId -> BreakpointId
+toBreakpointId ibi = BreakpointId
+  { bi_tick_mod   = ibi_tick_mod ibi
+  , bi_tick_index = ibi_tick_index ibi
+  }
+-- Note [Breakpoint identifiers]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Before optimization a breakpoint is identified uniquely with a tick module
+-- and a tick index. See BreakpointId. A tick module contains an array, indexed
+-- with the tick indexes, which indicates breakpoint status.
+-- When we generate ByteCode, we collect information for every breakpoint at
+-- their *occurrence sites* (see CgBreakInfo in GHC.ByteCode.Types) and these info
+-- are stored in the ModIface of the occurrence module. Because of inlining, we
+-- can't reuse the tick index to uniquely identify an occurrence; because of
+-- cross-module inlining, we can't assume that the occurrence module is the same
+-- as the tick module (#24712).
+-- So every breakpoint occurrence gets assigned a module-unique *info index* and
+-- we store it alongside the occurrence module (*info module*) in the
+-- InternalBreakpointId datatype.

@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ Library
-        GHC.Types.BreakInfo
+        GHC.Types.Breakpoint

@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
 import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell ( getSafeMode )
 import GHC.Types.SourceError ( SourceError )
 import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Breakpoint
 import GHC.Types.Var ( varType )
 import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( showToHeader )
 import GHC.Builtin.Names
@@ -1408,15 +1409,13 @@ runAllocs m = do
     _ -> Nothing
 toBreakIdAndLocation :: GhciMonad m
-                     => Maybe GHC.BreakInfo -> m (Maybe (Int, BreakLocation))
+                     => Maybe GHC.InternalBreakpointId -> m (Maybe (Int, BreakLocation))
 toBreakIdAndLocation Nothing = return Nothing
 toBreakIdAndLocation (Just inf) = do
-  let md = GHC.breakInfo_module inf
-      nm = GHC.breakInfo_number inf
   st <- getGHCiState
   return $ listToMaybe [ id_loc | id_loc@(_,loc) <- IntMap.assocs (breaks st),
-                                  breakModule loc == md,
-                                  breakTick loc == nm ]
+                                  breakModule loc == ibi_tick_mod inf,
+                                  breakTick loc == ibi_tick_index inf ]
 printStoppedAtBreakInfo :: GHC.GhcMonad m => Resume -> [Name] -> m ()
 printStoppedAtBreakInfo res names = do
@@ -1544,15 +1543,11 @@ getCallStackAtCurrentBreakpoint = do
 getCurrentBreakModule :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m (Maybe Module)
 getCurrentBreakModule = do
   resumes <- GHC.getResumeContext
-  case resumes of
-    [] -> return Nothing
-    (r:_) -> do
-        let ix = GHC.resumeHistoryIx r
-        if ix == 0
-           then return (GHC.breakInfo_module `liftM` GHC.resumeBreakInfo r)
-           else do
-                let hist = GHC.resumeHistory r !! (ix-1)
-                return $ Just $ GHC.getHistoryModule  hist
+  return $ case resumes of
+    [] -> Nothing
+    (r:_) -> case GHC.resumeHistoryIx r of
+      0  -> ibi_tick_mod <$> GHC.resumeBreakpointId r
+      ix -> Just $ GHC.getHistoryModule $ GHC.resumeHistory r !! (ix-1)
@@ -3474,7 +3469,7 @@ pprStopped res =
          <> text (GHC.resumeDecl res))
     <> char ',' <+> ppr (GHC.resumeSpan res)
-  mb_mod_name = moduleName <$> GHC.breakInfo_module <$> GHC.resumeBreakInfo res
+  mb_mod_name = moduleName <$> ibi_tick_mod <$> GHC.resumeBreakpointId res
 showUnits :: GHC.GhcMonad m => m ()
 showUnits = do
@@ -4035,8 +4030,11 @@ ignoreCmd argLine = withSandboxOnly ":ignore" $ do
     case result of
       Left sdoc -> printForUser sdoc
       Right (loc, count)   -> do
-        let breakInfo = GHC.BreakInfo (breakModule loc) (breakTick loc)
-        setupBreakpoint breakInfo count
+        let bi = GHC.BreakpointId
+                  { bi_tick_mod   = breakModule loc
+                  , bi_tick_index = breakTick loc
+                  }
+        setupBreakpoint bi count
 ignoreSwitch :: GhciMonad m => [String] -> m (Either SDoc (BreakLocation, Int))
 ignoreSwitch [break, count] = do
@@ -4053,7 +4051,7 @@ getIgnoreCount str =
       sdocIgnore = text "Ignore count" <+> quotes (text str)
-setupBreakpoint :: GhciMonad m => GHC.BreakInfo -> Int -> m()
+setupBreakpoint :: GhciMonad m => GHC.BreakpointId -> Int -> m()
 setupBreakpoint loc count = do
     hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
     GHC.setupBreakpoint hsc_env loc count
@@ -4542,7 +4540,7 @@ setBreakFlag :: GhciMonad m => Module -> Int -> Bool ->m ()
 setBreakFlag  md ix enaDisa = do
   let enaDisaToCount True = breakOn
       enaDisaToCount False = breakOff
-  setupBreakpoint (GHC.BreakInfo md ix) $ enaDisaToCount enaDisa
+  setupBreakpoint (GHC.BreakpointId md ix) $ enaDisaToCount enaDisa
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- User code exception handling

@@ -398,10 +398,12 @@ data EvalStatus_ a b
 instance Binary a => Binary (EvalStatus_ a b)
-data EvalBreakpoint =
-  EvalBreakpoint
-    Int -- ^ break index
-    String -- ^ ModuleName
+data EvalBreakpoint = EvalBreakpoint
+  { eb_tick_mod   :: String -- ^ Breakpoint tick module
+  , eb_tick_index :: Int    -- ^ Breakpoint tick index
+  , eb_info_mod   :: String -- ^ Breakpoint info module
+  , eb_info_index :: Int    -- ^ Breakpoint info index
+  }
   deriving (Generic, Show)
 instance Binary EvalBreakpoint

@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ withBreakAction opts breakMVar statusMVar act
         -- as soon as it is hit, or in resetBreakAction below.
    onBreak :: BreakpointCallback
-   onBreak ix# mod_name# is_exception apStack = do
+   onBreak tick_mod# tickx# info_mod# infox# is_exception apStack = do
      tid <- myThreadId
      let resume = ResumeContext
            { resumeBreakMVar = breakMVar
@@ -342,8 +342,9 @@ withBreakAction opts breakMVar statusMVar act
        if is_exception
        then pure Nothing
        else do
-         mod_name <- peekCString (Ptr mod_name#)
-         pure (Just (EvalBreakpoint (I# ix#) mod_name))
+         tick_mod <- peekCString (Ptr tick_mod#)
+         info_mod <- peekCString (Ptr info_mod#)
+         pure (Just (EvalBreakpoint tick_mod (I# tickx#) info_mod (I# infox#)))
      putMVar statusMVar $ EvalBreak apStack_r breakpoint resume_r ccs
      takeMVar breakMVar
@@ -392,8 +393,10 @@ resetStepFlag :: IO ()
 resetStepFlag = poke stepFlag 0
 type BreakpointCallback
-     = Int#    -- the breakpoint index
-    -> Addr#   -- pointer to the module name
+     = Addr#   -- pointer to the breakpoint tick module name
+    -> Int#    -- breakpoint tick index
+    -> Addr#   -- pointer to the breakpoint info module name
+    -> Int#    -- breakpoint info index
     -> Bool    -- exception?
     -> HValue  -- the AP_STACK, or exception
     -> IO ()
@@ -405,8 +408,8 @@ noBreakStablePtr :: StablePtr BreakpointCallback
 noBreakStablePtr = unsafePerformIO $ newStablePtr noBreakAction
 noBreakAction :: BreakpointCallback
-noBreakAction _ _ False _ = putStrLn "*** Ignoring breakpoint"
-noBreakAction _ _ True  _ = return () -- exception: just continue
+noBreakAction _ _ _ _ False _ = putStrLn "*** Ignoring breakpoint"
+noBreakAction _ _ _ _ True  _ = return () -- exception: just continue
 -- Malloc and copy the bytes.  We don't have any way to monitor the
 -- lifetime of this memory, so it just leaks.

@@ -535,15 +535,19 @@ retry_pop_stack:
             // be per-thread.
             CInt[rts_stop_on_exception] = 0;
             ("ptr" ioAction) = ccall deRefStablePtr (W_[rts_breakpoint_io_action] "ptr");
-            Sp = Sp - WDS(9);
-            Sp(8) = exception;
-            Sp(7) = stg_raise_ret_info;
-            Sp(6) = exception;
-            Sp(5) = ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_True_closure; // True <=> an exception
-            Sp(4) = stg_ap_ppv_info;
-            Sp(3) = 0;
-            Sp(2) = stg_ap_n_info;
-            Sp(1) = 0;
+            Sp = Sp - WDS(13);
+            Sp(12) = exception;
+            Sp(11) = stg_raise_ret_info;
+            Sp(10) = exception;
+            Sp(9)  = ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_True_closure; // True <=> an exception
+            Sp(8)  = stg_ap_ppv_info;
+            Sp(7)  = 0;
+            Sp(6)  = stg_ap_n_info;
+            Sp(5)  = 0;
+            Sp(4)  = stg_ap_n_info;
+            Sp(3)  = 0;
+            Sp(2)  = stg_ap_n_info;
+            Sp(1)  = 0;
             R1 = ioAction;
             jump RET_LBL(stg_ap_n) [R1];

@@ -1089,9 +1089,9 @@ run_BCO:
         /* check for a breakpoint on the beginning of a let binding */
         case bci_BRK_FUN:
-            int arg1_brk_array, arg2_array_index, arg3_module_name;
+            int arg1_brk_array, arg2_tick_mod, arg3_info_mod, arg4_tick_index, arg5_info_index;
 #if defined(PROFILING)
-            int arg4_cc;
+            int arg6_cc;
             StgArrBytes *breakPoints;
             int returning_from_break;
@@ -1106,10 +1106,12 @@ run_BCO:
             int size_words;
             arg1_brk_array      = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
-            arg2_array_index    = BCO_NEXT;
-            arg3_module_name    = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
+            arg2_tick_mod       = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
+            arg3_info_mod       = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
+            arg4_tick_index     = BCO_NEXT;
+            arg5_info_index     = BCO_NEXT;
 #if defined(PROFILING)
-            arg4_cc             = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
+            arg6_cc             = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;
@@ -1122,7 +1124,7 @@ run_BCO:
 #if defined(PROFILING)
             cap->r.rCCCS = pushCostCentre(cap->r.rCCCS,
-                                          (CostCentre*)BCO_LIT(arg4_cc));
+                                          (CostCentre*)BCO_LIT(arg6_cc));
             // if we are returning from a break then skip this section
@@ -1134,11 +1136,11 @@ run_BCO:
                // stop the current thread if either the
                // "rts_stop_next_breakpoint" flag is true OR if the
                // ignore count for this particular breakpoint is zero
-               StgInt ignore_count = ((StgInt*)breakPoints->payload)[arg2_array_index];
+               StgInt ignore_count = ((StgInt*)breakPoints->payload)[arg4_tick_index];
                if (rts_stop_next_breakpoint == false && ignore_count > 0)
                   // decrement and write back ignore count
-                  ((StgInt*)breakPoints->payload)[arg2_array_index] = --ignore_count;
+                  ((StgInt*)breakPoints->payload)[arg4_tick_index] = --ignore_count;
                else if (rts_stop_next_breakpoint == true || ignore_count == 0)
@@ -1171,8 +1173,10 @@ run_BCO:
                   // Arrange the stack to call the breakpoint IO action, and
                   // continue execution of this BCO when the IO action returns.
-                  // ioAction :: Int#        -- the breakpoint index
-                  //          -> Addr#       -- the breakpoint module
+                  // ioAction :: Addr#       -- the breakpoint tick module
+                  //          -> Int#        -- the breakpoint tick index
+                  //          -> Addr#       -- the breakpoint info module
+                  //          -> Int#        -- the breakpoint info index
                   //          -> Bool        -- exception?
                   //          -> HValue      -- the AP_STACK, or exception
                   //          -> IO ()
@@ -1180,15 +1184,19 @@ run_BCO:
                   ioAction = (StgClosure *) deRefStablePtr (
-                  Sp_subW(11);
-                  SpW(10) = (W_)obj;
-                  SpW(9)  = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
-                  SpW(8)  = (W_)new_aps;
-                  SpW(7)  = (W_)False_closure;         // True <=> an exception
-                  SpW(6)  = (W_)&stg_ap_ppv_info;
-                  SpW(5)  = (W_)BCO_LIT(arg3_module_name);
+                  Sp_subW(15);
+                  SpW(14) = (W_)obj;
+                  SpW(13) = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
+                  SpW(12) = (W_)new_aps;
+                  SpW(11) = (W_)False_closure;         // True <=> an exception
+                  SpW(10) = (W_)&stg_ap_ppv_info;
+                  SpW(9)  = (W_)arg5_info_index;
+                  SpW(8)  = (W_)&stg_ap_n_info;
+                  SpW(7)  = (W_)BCO_LIT(arg3_info_mod);
+                  SpW(6)  = (W_)&stg_ap_n_info;
+                  SpW(5)  = (W_)arg4_tick_index;
                   SpW(4)  = (W_)&stg_ap_n_info;
-                  SpW(3)  = (W_)arg2_array_index;
+                  SpW(3)  = (W_)BCO_LIT(arg2_tick_mod);
                   SpW(2)  = (W_)&stg_ap_n_info;
                   SpW(1)  = (W_)ioAction;
                   SpW(0)  = (W_)&stg_enter_info;

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+main = foo 123
+foo n = print n

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:l T24712.hs
+:b foo

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Breakpoint 0 activated at T24712.hs:2:9-15
+Stopped in Main.foo, T24712.hs:2:9-15
+_result :: IO () = _
+n :: Integer = 123

@@ -141,3 +141,4 @@ test('break030',
 test('T23057', [only_ghci, extra_hc_opts('-fno-break-points')], ghci_script, ['T23057.script'])
 test('T24306', normal, ghci_script, ['T24306.script'])
+test('T24712', normal, ghci_script, ['T24712.script'])

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ _result :: IO () = _
 11    line2 0
 Stopped in Main.line1, break020.hs:3:11-19
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 3  line1 _ = return ()
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ _result :: IO () = _
 12    in_another_decl 0
 Stopped in Main.line2, break020.hs:4:11-19
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 3  line1 _ = return ()
 4  line2 _ = return ()
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ _result :: IO () = _
 13    in_another_module 0
 Stopped in Main.in_another_decl, break020.hs:(6,21)-(7,30)
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 6  in_another_decl _ = do line1 0
@@ -49,25 +49,25 @@ _result :: m () = _
 Stopped in Main.in_another_decl, break020.hs:6:24-30
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 6  in_another_decl _ = do line1 0
 7                         line2 0
 Stopped in Main.line1, break020.hs:3:11-19
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 3  line1 _ = return ()
 4  line2 _ = return ()
 Stopped in Main.in_another_decl, break020.hs:7:24-30
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 6  in_another_decl _ = do line1 0
 7                         line2 0
 Stopped in Main.line2, break020.hs:4:11-19
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 3  line1 _ = return ()
 4  line2 _ = return ()
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ _result :: IO () = _
 15    return ()
 Stopped in Main.line2, break020.hs:4:11-19
-_result :: m () = _
+_result :: IO () = _
 3  line1 _ = return ()
 4  line2 _ = return ()

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