[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/ghci-primcall] finish documentation on call_info word and some minor cleanups

Luite Stegeman (@luite) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Jan 8 14:26:58 UTC 2023

Luite Stegeman pushed to branch wip/ghci-primcall at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

ae1dfed9 by Luite Stegeman at 2023-01-08T23:26:20+09:00
finish documentation on call_info word and some minor cleanups

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CallConv.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
- rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm


@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ maxPrimCallNativeStackSize = 255
 mkNativeCallInfoSig :: Platform -> NativeCallInfo -> Word32
 mkNativeCallInfoSig platform NativeCallInfo{..}
   | nativeCallType == NativePrimCall && nativeCallStackSpillSize > maxPrimCallNativeStackSize
-  = pprPanic "mkNativeCallInfoSig: call too big for the bytecode compiler"
+  = pprPanic "mkNativeCallInfoSig: native call too big for the bytecode compiler"
              (ppr nativeCallStackSpillSize <+> text "stack words." <+>
               text "Use -fobject-code to get around this limit"

@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ realArgRegsCover platform
   Note [GHCi and native call registers]
-  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   The GHCi bytecode interpreter does not have access to the STG registers
   that the native calling convention uses for passing arguments. It uses
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ realArgRegsCover platform
   If only a single register needs to be moved, GHCi uses a specific stack
   frame. For example stg_ctoi_R1p saves a heap pointer value from STG register
   R1 and stg_ctoi_D1 saves a double precision floating point value from D1.
-  In the other directin, helpers stg_ret_p and stg_ret_d move a value from
+  In the other direction, helpers stg_ret_p and stg_ret_d move a value from
   the stack to the R1 and D1 registers, respectively.
   When GHCi needs to move more than one register it cannot use a specific
@@ -243,22 +243,73 @@ realArgRegsCover platform
   and the number of stack words used by the arguments of a call.
   These helper stack frames are currently:
       - stg_ret_t:    return a tuple to the continuation at the top of
                           the stack
-      - stg_ctoi_t:   convert a tuple value to be used in bytecode
+      - stg_ctoi_t:   convert a tuple return value to be used in
+                          bytecode
       - stg_primcall: call a function
-  The call_info word XXX incomplete!!!
+  The call_info word contains a bitmap of the active registers
+  for the call and and a stack offset. The layout is as follows:
+      - bit 0-23:  Bitmap of active registers for the call, the
+                   order corresponds to the list returned by
+                   allArgRegsCover. For example if bit 0 (the least
+                   significant bit) is set, the first register in the
+                   allArgRegsCover list is active. Bit 1 for the
+                   second register in the list and so on.
+      - bit 24-31: Unsigned byte, indicating the stack usage of the
+                   call in words (not counting the space )
+    The upper 32 bits on 64 bit platforms are currently unused.
+    If a register is smaller than a word on the stack (for example a
+    single precision float on a 64 bit system), then the stack slot
+    is padded to a whole word.
+    Example:
+        If a call has three arguments passed registers and and
+        additional five words of arguments on the stack, then
+        three bits in the bitmap in bits 0-23 would be set. And
+        Bit 24-31 would be 00000010 (two in binary).
+        The values on the stack before a call to POP_ARG_REGS would
+        be as follows:
+            ...
+            stack_arg_1
+            stack_arg_2
+            register_arg_3
+            register_arg_2
+            register_arg_1 <- Sp
+        A call to POP_ARG_REGS(call_info) would move register_arg_1
+        to the register corresponding to the lowest set bit in the
+        call_info word. register_arg_2 would be moved to the register
+        corresponding to the second lowest set bit, and so on.
+        After POP_ARG_REGS(call_info), the stack pointer Sp points
+        to the first stack slot below the stack arguments. The stack
+        arguments are still on the stack above Sp, so the stack looks
+        as follows:
+              ...          <- Sp
+              stack_arg_1
+              stack_arg_2
+        At this point all the arguments are in place and we are ready
+        to jump to the native function.
+    On x86_64, the double precision (Dn) and single precision
+    floating (Fn) point registers overlap, e.g. D1 uses the same
+    physical register as F1. On this platform, the list returned
+    by allArgRegsCover contains only entries for the double
+    precision registers. If an argument is passed in register
+    Fn, the bit corresponding to Dn should be set.
   Note: if anything changes in how registers for native calls overlap,
            make sure to also update GHC.StgToByteCode.layoutNativeCall

@@ -1250,7 +1250,6 @@ tupleBCO platform info pointers =
     body_code = mkSlideW 0 1          -- pop frame header
                 `snocOL` RETURN_TUPLE -- and add it again
--- XXX merge with tupleBCO
 primCallBCO ::  Platform -> NativeCallInfo -> [(Bool, ByteOff)] -> [FFIInfo] -> ProtoBCO Name
 primCallBCO platform args_info pointers =
   mkProtoBCO platform invented_name body_code (Left [])

@@ -366,20 +366,10 @@ MK_STG_CTOI_T(61)
-  Note [GHCi tuple layout]
-  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-  the tuple_info word describes the register and stack usage of the tuple:
+  Convert a tuple return value to be used in bytecode.
-  [ ssss ssss rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr ]
-  - r: bitmap of live registers, corresponding to the list of registers
-       returned by GHC.Cmm.CallConv.tupleRegsCover (the least significant
-       bit corresponds to the first element in the list)
-  - s: number of words on stack (in addition to registers)
-  The order of the live registers in the bitmap is the same as the list
-  given by GHC.Cmm.CallConv.tupleRegsCover, with the least significant
-  bit corresponding to the first register in the list.
+  See Note [GHCi and native call registers] for information on how
+  values are moved between the stack and registers.
@@ -433,13 +423,9 @@ INFO_TABLE_RET( stg_ret_t, RET_BCO )
     The stg_primcall frame is used by the bytecode interpreter to call
-    a Cmm function. The frame contains an args_info word that contains
+    a Cmm function. The frame contains a call_info word that contains
     a bitmap describing the register arguments.
-    The register arguments are moved to registers first (they are on
-    the stack in the order that POP_ARG_REGS expects) while the
-    remaining arguments are left on the stack.
     When the target function is called, Sp points to the topmost stack
@@ -450,11 +436,13 @@ INFO_TABLE_RET( stg_ret_t, RET_BCO )
        target_funptr       (pointer to the function we're calling)
-       args_info           (describes the registers containing the arguments)
+       call_info           (describes the registers containing the arguments)
        primcall_BCO        (contains bitmap describing pointers in args)
        stg_primcall_info   <- Sp
-    - XXX describe register bitmaps
+    See Note [GHCi and native call registers] for information on the call_info
+    word and how registers are moved between the stack and registers.
 INFO_TABLE_RET ( stg_primcall, RET_BCO )

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