[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/epa-hslet-tokens] EPA: Remove last EpAnn from extension points

Alan Zimmerman (@alanz) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Dec 13 21:13:02 UTC 2023

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/epa-hslet-tokens at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

ad7a0bb4 by Alan Zimmerman at 2023-12-13T21:10:28+00:00
EPA: Remove last EpAnn from extension points

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Types.hs
- testsuite/tests/ghc-api/exactprint/T22919.stderr
- testsuite/tests/ghc-api/exactprint/Test20239.stderr
- testsuite/tests/ghc-api/exactprint/ZeroWidthSemi.stderr
- testsuite/tests/haddock/should_compile_flag_haddock/T17544.stderr
- testsuite/tests/haddock/should_compile_flag_haddock/T17544_kw.stderr
- testsuite/tests/module/mod185.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAstComments.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpRenamedAst.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpSemis.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpTypecheckedAst.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T14189.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T15323.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T20452.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T20718.stderr
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/T20846.stderr
- testsuite/tests/printer/T18791.stderr
- testsuite/tests/printer/Test20297.stdout
- utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs


@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ type instance XXHsBindsLR GhcPs pR = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XXHsBindsLR GhcRn pR = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XXHsBindsLR GhcTc pR = AbsBinds
-type instance XPSB         (GhcPass idL) GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XPSB         (GhcPass idL) GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XPSB         (GhcPass idL) GhcRn = NameSet -- Post renaming, FVs. See Note [Bind free vars]
 type instance XPSB         (GhcPass idL) GhcTc = NameSet
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ isEmptyIPBindsTc :: HsIPBinds GhcTc -> Bool
 isEmptyIPBindsTc (IPBinds ds is) = null is && isEmptyTcEvBinds ds
 -- EPA annotations in GhcPs, dictionary Id in GhcTc
-type instance XCIPBind GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCIPBind GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XCIPBind GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCIPBind GhcTc = Id
 type instance XXIPBind    (GhcPass p) = DataConCantHappen

@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ type instance XClassDecl    GhcTc = NameSet -- FVs
 type instance XXTyClDecl    (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XCTyFamInstDecl (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCTyFamInstDecl (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXTyFamInstDecl (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 ------------- Pretty printing FamilyDecls -----------
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ pprTyClDeclFlavour (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_cons = nd } })
 instance OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (FunDep (GhcPass p)) where
   ppr = pprFunDep
-type instance XCFunDep    (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCFunDep    (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXFunDep    (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 pprFundeps :: OutputableBndrId p => [FunDep (GhcPass p)] -> SDoc
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ type instance XCKindSig         (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
 type instance XTyVarSig         (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
 type instance XXFamilyResultSig (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XCFamilyDecl    (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCFamilyDecl    (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXFamilyDecl    (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ resultVariableName _                = Nothing
 ------------- Pretty printing FamilyDecls -----------
-type instance XCInjectivityAnn  (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCInjectivityAnn  (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXInjectivityAnn  (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 instance OutputableBndrId p
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ instance OutputableBndrId p
 type instance XCHsDataDefn    (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
 type instance XXHsDataDefn    (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XCHsDerivingClause    (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCHsDerivingClause    (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXHsDerivingClause    (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 instance OutputableBndrId p
@@ -665,11 +665,11 @@ type instance XXStandaloneKindSig (GhcPass p) = DataConCantHappen
 standaloneKindSigName :: StandaloneKindSig (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
 standaloneKindSigName (StandaloneKindSig _ lname _) = unLoc lname
-type instance XConDeclGADT GhcPs = (EpUniToken "::" "∷", EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XConDeclGADT GhcPs = (EpUniToken "::" "∷", [AddEpAnn])
 type instance XConDeclGADT GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XConDeclGADT GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XConDeclH98  GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XConDeclH98  GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XConDeclH98  GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XConDeclH98  GhcTc = NoExtField
@@ -1047,15 +1047,15 @@ instance OutputableBndrId p
-type instance XStockStrategy    GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XStockStrategy    GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XStockStrategy    GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XStockStrategy    GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XAnyClassStrategy GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XAnyClassStrategy GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XAnyClassStrategy GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XAnyClassStrategy GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XNewtypeStrategy  GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XNewtypeStrategy  GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XNewtypeStrategy  GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XNewtypeStrategy  GhcTc = NoExtField
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ type instance XViaStrategy GhcPs = XViaStrategyPs
 type instance XViaStrategy GhcRn = LHsSigType GhcRn
 type instance XViaStrategy GhcTc = Type
-data XViaStrategyPs = XViaStrategyPs (EpAnn [AddEpAnn]) (LHsSigType GhcPs)
+data XViaStrategyPs = XViaStrategyPs [AddEpAnn] (LHsSigType GhcPs)
 instance OutputableBndrId p
         => Outputable (DerivStrategy (GhcPass p)) where
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ mapDerivStrategy f ds = foldDerivStrategy ds (ViaStrategy . f) ds
-type instance XCDefaultDecl    GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCDefaultDecl    GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XCDefaultDecl    GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCDefaultDecl    GhcTc = NoExtField
@@ -1121,11 +1121,11 @@ instance OutputableBndrId p
-type instance XForeignImport   GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XForeignImport   GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XForeignImport   GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XForeignImport   GhcTc = Coercion
-type instance XForeignExport   GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XForeignExport   GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XForeignExport   GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XForeignExport   GhcTc = Coercion

@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ instance NoAnn AnnsIf where
 type instance XSCC           (GhcPass _) = (EpAnn AnnPragma, SourceText)
 type instance XXPragE        (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XCDotFieldOcc (GhcPass _) = EpAnn AnnFieldLabel
+type instance XCDotFieldOcc (GhcPass _) = AnnFieldLabel
 type instance XXDotFieldOcc (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XPresent         (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (HsExpansion a b) where
-type instance XCmdArrApp  GhcPs = EpAnn AddEpAnn
+type instance XCmdArrApp  GhcPs = AddEpAnn
 type instance XCmdArrApp  GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdArrApp  GhcTc = Type
@@ -1127,20 +1127,20 @@ type instance XCmdArrForm GhcPs = AnnList
 type instance XCmdArrForm GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdArrForm GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XCmdApp     (GhcPass _) = EpAnnCO
+type instance XCmdApp     (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdLam     (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdPar     GhcPs = (EpToken "(", EpToken ")")
 type instance XCmdPar     GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdPar     GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XCmdCase    GhcPs = EpAnn EpAnnHsCase
+type instance XCmdCase    GhcPs = EpAnnHsCase
 type instance XCmdCase    GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdCase    GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XCmdLamCase (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCmdLamCase (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
-type instance XCmdIf      GhcPs = EpAnn AnnsIf
+type instance XCmdIf      GhcPs = AnnsIf
 type instance XCmdIf      GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdIf      GhcTc = NoExtField
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ type instance XCmdLet     GhcPs = (EpToken "let", EpToken "in")
 type instance XCmdLet     GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdLet     GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XCmdDo      GhcPs = EpAnn AnnList
+type instance XCmdDo      GhcPs = AnnList
 type instance XCmdDo      GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XCmdDo      GhcTc = Type
@@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ data MatchGroupTc
 type instance XXMatchGroup (GhcPass _) b = DataConCantHappen
-type instance XCMatch (GhcPass _) b = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XCMatch (GhcPass _) b = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXMatch (GhcPass _) b = DataConCantHappen
 instance (OutputableBndrId pr, Outputable body)
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ data RecStmtTc =
 type instance XLastStmt        (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
-type instance XBindStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XBindStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XBindStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = XBindStmtRn
 type instance XBindStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = XBindStmtTc
@@ -1537,17 +1537,17 @@ type instance XBodyStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
 type instance XBodyStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
 type instance XBodyStmt        (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
-type instance XLetStmt         (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XLetStmt         (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XParStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
 type instance XParStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
 type instance XParStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
-type instance XTransStmt       (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XTransStmt       (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XTransStmt       (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
 type instance XTransStmt       (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
-type instance XRecStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = EpAnn AnnList
+type instance XRecStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = AnnList
 type instance XRecStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
 type instance XRecStmt         (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = RecStmtTc

@@ -212,28 +212,28 @@ type instance XIEVar       GhcTc = NoExtField
 -- The additional field of type 'Maybe (WarningTxt pass)' holds information
 -- about export deprecation annotations and is thus set to Nothing when `IE`
 -- is used in an import list (since export deprecation can only be used in exports)
-type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcTc = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingAbs  GhcTc = [AddEpAnn]
 -- The additional field of type 'Maybe (WarningTxt pass)' holds information
 -- about export deprecation annotations and is thus set to Nothing when `IE`
 -- is used in an import list (since export deprecation can only be used in exports)
-type instance XIEThingAll  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingAll  GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingAll  GhcTc = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XIEThingAll  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingAll  GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingAll  GhcTc = [AddEpAnn]
 -- The additional field of type 'Maybe (WarningTxt pass)' holds information
 -- about export deprecation annotations and is thus set to Nothing when `IE`
 -- is used in an import list (since export deprecation can only be used in exports)
-type instance XIEThingWith GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingWith GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-type instance XIEThingWith GhcTc = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XIEThingWith GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingWith GhcRn = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn), [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEThingWith GhcTc = [AddEpAnn]
 -- The additional field of type 'Maybe (WarningTxt pass)' holds information
 -- about export deprecation annotations and is thus set to Nothing when `IE`
 -- is used in an import list (since export deprecation can only be used in exports)
-type instance XIEModuleContents  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
+type instance XIEModuleContents  GhcPs = (Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs), [AddEpAnn])
 type instance XIEModuleContents  GhcRn = Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcRn)
 type instance XIEModuleContents  GhcTc = NoExtField

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ type instance XWildPat GhcTc = Type
 type instance XVarPat  (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
-type instance XLazyPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -- For '~'
+type instance XLazyPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn] -- For '~'
 type instance XLazyPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XLazyPat GhcTc = NoExtField
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ type instance XParPat  GhcPs = (EpToken "(", EpToken ")")
 type instance XParPat  GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XParPat  GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XBangPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -- For '!'
+type instance XBangPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn] -- For '!'
 type instance XBangPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XBangPat GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XListPat GhcPs = EpAnn AnnList
+type instance XListPat GhcPs = AnnList
   -- After parsing, ListPat can refer to a built-in Haskell list pattern
   -- or an overloaded list pattern.
 type instance XListPat GhcRn = NoExtField
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@ type instance XListPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XListPat GhcTc = Type
   -- List element type, for use in hsPatType.
-type instance XTuplePat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XTuplePat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XTuplePat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XTuplePat GhcTc = [Type]
-type instance XSumPat GhcPs = EpAnn EpAnnSumPat
+type instance XSumPat GhcPs = EpAnnSumPat
 type instance XSumPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XSumPat GhcTc = [Type]
-type instance XConPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XConPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XConPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XConPat GhcTc = ConPatTc
-type instance XViewPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XViewPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XViewPat GhcRn = Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn)
   -- The @HsExpr GhcRn@ gives an inverse to the view function.
   -- This is used for overloaded lists in particular.
@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ type instance XSplicePat GhcTc = DataConCantHappen
 type instance XLitPat    (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
-type instance XNPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
-type instance XNPat GhcRn = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XNPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XNPat GhcRn = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XNPat GhcTc = Type
-type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = EpAnn EpaLocation -- Of the "+"
+type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = EpaLocation -- Of the "+"
 type instance XNPlusKPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XNPlusKPat GhcTc = Type
-type instance XSigPat GhcPs = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XSigPat GhcPs = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XSigPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XSigPat GhcTc = Type
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ type instance XConPatTyArg GhcPs = EpToken "@"
 type instance XConPatTyArg GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XConPatTyArg GhcTc = NoExtField
-type instance XHsFieldBind _ = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XHsFieldBind _ = [AddEpAnn]
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ pprHsArrow (HsUnrestrictedArrow _) = pprArrowWithMultiplicity visArgTypeLike (Le
 pprHsArrow (HsLinearArrow _)       = pprArrowWithMultiplicity visArgTypeLike (Left True)
 pprHsArrow (HsExplicitMult _ p)    = pprArrowWithMultiplicity visArgTypeLike (Right (ppr p))
-type instance XConDeclField  (GhcPass _) = EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+type instance XConDeclField  (GhcPass _) = [AddEpAnn]
 type instance XXConDeclField (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 instance OutputableBndrId p

@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ mkHsCompAnns   :: HsDoFlavour -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                -> AnnList
                -> HsExpr GhcPs
-mkNPat      :: LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcPs) -> EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+mkNPat      :: LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcPs) -> [AddEpAnn]
             -> Pat GhcPs
-mkNPlusKPat :: LocatedN RdrName -> LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> EpAnn EpaLocation
+mkNPlusKPat :: LocatedN RdrName -> LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> EpaLocation
             -> Pat GhcPs
 -- NB: The following functions all use noSyntaxExpr: the generated expressions
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ mkLastStmt :: IsPass idR => LocatedA (bodyR (GhcPass idR))
            -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) (LocatedA (bodyR (GhcPass idR)))
 mkBodyStmt :: LocatedA (bodyR GhcPs)
            -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs (LocatedA (bodyR GhcPs))
-mkPsBindStmt :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> LPat GhcPs -> LocatedA (bodyR GhcPs)
+mkPsBindStmt :: [AddEpAnn] -> LPat GhcPs -> LocatedA (bodyR GhcPs)
              -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (bodyR GhcPs))
 mkRnBindStmt :: LPat GhcRn -> LocatedA (bodyR GhcRn)
              -> StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn (LocatedA (bodyR GhcRn))
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ mkRecStmt :: forall (idL :: Pass) bodyR.
                              (Anno (StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR))
                              (StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR)]
                         ~ SrcSpanAnnL)
-                 => EpAnn AnnList
+                 => AnnList
                  -> LocatedL [LStmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR]
                  -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR
 mkRecStmt anns stmts  = (emptyRecStmt' anns :: StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR)
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ mkHsIf :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> AnnsIf
 mkHsIf c a b anns = HsIf anns c a b
 -- restricted to GhcPs because other phases might need a SyntaxExpr
-mkHsCmdIf :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsCmd GhcPs -> LHsCmd GhcPs -> EpAnn AnnsIf
+mkHsCmdIf :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsCmd GhcPs -> LHsCmd GhcPs -> AnnsIf
        -> HsCmd GhcPs
 mkHsCmdIf c a b anns = HsCmdIf anns noSyntaxExpr c a b
@@ -409,17 +409,17 @@ mkNPat lit neg anns  = NPat anns lit neg noSyntaxExpr
 mkNPlusKPat id lit anns
   = NPlusKPat anns id lit (unLoc lit) noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
-mkTransformStmt    :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mkTransformStmt    :: [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                    -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-mkTransformByStmt  :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mkTransformByStmt  :: [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                    -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-mkGroupUsingStmt   :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mkGroupUsingStmt   :: [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                    -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-mkGroupByUsingStmt :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mkGroupByUsingStmt :: [AddEpAnn] -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                    -> LHsExpr GhcPs
                    -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-emptyTransStmt :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+emptyTransStmt :: [AddEpAnn] -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
 emptyTransStmt anns = TransStmt { trS_ext = anns
                                 , trS_form = panic "emptyTransStmt: form"
                                 , trS_stmts = [], trS_bndrs = []
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ emptyRecStmtName = emptyRecStmt' noExtField
 emptyRecStmtId   = emptyRecStmt' unitRecStmtTc
                                         -- a panic might trigger during zonking
-mkLetStmt :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> HsLocalBinds GhcPs -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA b)
+mkLetStmt :: [AddEpAnn] -> HsLocalBinds GhcPs -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA b)
 mkLetStmt anns binds = LetStmt anns binds
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ mkVarBind var rhs = L (getLoc rhs) $
                               var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs }
 mkPatSynBind :: LocatedN RdrName -> HsPatSynDetails GhcPs
-             -> LPat GhcPs -> HsPatSynDir GhcPs -> EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> HsBind GhcPs
+             -> LPat GhcPs -> HsPatSynDir GhcPs -> [AddEpAnn] -> HsBind GhcPs
 mkPatSynBind name details lpat dir anns = PatSynBind noExtField psb
     psb = PSB{ psb_ext = anns

@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ export  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
                                                           ; return $ unitOL $ reLoc $ sL span $ impExp } }
         | maybe_warning_pragma 'module' modid            {% do { let { span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $>
                                                                    ; anchor = (maybe glR (\loc -> spanAsAnchor . comb2 loc) $1) $2 }
-                                                          ; locImpExp <- acs (\cs -> sL span (IEModuleContents ($1, EpAnn anchor [mj AnnModule $2] cs) $3))
+                                                          ; locImpExp <- return (sL span (IEModuleContents ($1, [mj AnnModule $2]) $3))
                                                           ; return $ unitOL $ reLoc $ locImpExp } }
         | maybe_warning_pragma 'pattern' qcon            { let span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $>
                                                        in unitOL $ reLoc $ sL span $ IEVar $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEPattern (glAA $2) $3)) }
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ importlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
 import  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : qcname_ext export_subspec {% fmap (unitOL . reLoc . (sLL $1 $>)) $ mkModuleImpExp Nothing (fst $ unLoc $2) $1 (snd $ unLoc $2) }
-        | 'module' modid            {% fmap (unitOL . reLoc) $ acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (Nothing, EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnModule $1] cs) $2)) }
+        | 'module' modid            {% fmap (unitOL . reLoc) $ return (sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (Nothing, [mj AnnModule $1]) $2)) }
         | 'pattern' qcon            { unitOL $ reLoc $ sLL $1 $> $ IEVar Nothing (sLLa $1 $> (IEPattern (glAA $1) $2)) }
@@ -1254,9 +1254,9 @@ topdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
         | inst_decl                             { sL1a $1 (InstD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
         | stand_alone_deriving                  { sL1a $1 (DerivD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
         | role_annot                            { sL1a $1 (RoleAnnotD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
-        | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')'        {% acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $>
-                                                    (DefD noExtField (DefaultDecl (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnDefault $1,mop $2,mcp $4] cs) $3))) }
-        | 'foreign' fdecl                       {% acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((snd $ unLoc $2) (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (mj AnnForeign $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) cs))) }
+        | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')'        {% amsA' (sLL $1 $>
+                                                    (DefD noExtField (DefaultDecl [mj AnnDefault $1,mop $2,mcp $4] $3))) }
+        | 'foreign' fdecl                       {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> ((snd $ unLoc $2) (mj AnnForeign $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)))) }
         | '{-# DEPRECATED' deprecations '#-}'   {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings ([mo $1,mc $3], (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1)) (fromOL $2))) }
         | '{-# WARNING' warnings '#-}'          {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings ([mo $1,mc $3], (getWARNING_PRAGs $1)) (fromOL $2))) }
         | '{-# RULES' rules '#-}'               {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ RuleD noExtField (HsRules ([mo $1,mc $3], (getRULES_PRAGs $1)) (reverse $2))) }
@@ -1393,18 +1393,17 @@ overlap_pragma :: { Maybe (LocatedP OverlapMode) }
   | {- empty -}                 { Nothing }
 deriv_strategy_no_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs }
-  : 'stock'                     {% acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnStock $1] cs))) }
-  | 'anyclass'                  {% acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs))) }
-  | 'newtype'                   {% acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs))) }
+  : 'stock'                     {% amsA' (sL1 $1 (StockStrategy [mj AnnStock $1])) }
+  | 'anyclass'                  {% amsA' (sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy [mj AnnAnyclass $1])) }
+  | 'newtype'                   {% amsA' (sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy [mj AnnNewtype $1])) }
 deriv_strategy_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs }
-  : 'via' sigktype          {% acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnVia $1] cs)
-                                                                           $2))) }
+  : 'via' sigktype          {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs [mj AnnVia $1] $2))) }
 deriv_standalone_strategy :: { Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcPs) }
-  : 'stock'                     {% fmap Just $ acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnStock $1] cs))) }
-  | 'anyclass'                  {% fmap Just $ acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs))) }
-  | 'newtype'                   {% fmap Just $ acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs))) }
+  : 'stock'                     {% fmap Just $ amsA' (sL1 $1 (StockStrategy [mj AnnStock $1])) }
+  | 'anyclass'                  {% fmap Just $ amsA' (sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy [mj AnnAnyclass $1])) }
+  | 'newtype'                   {% fmap Just $ amsA' (sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy [mj AnnNewtype $1])) }
   | deriv_strategy_via          { Just $1 }
   | {- empty -}                 { Nothing }
@@ -1417,7 +1416,7 @@ opt_injective_info :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)) }
 injectivity_cond :: { LInjectivityAnn GhcPs }
         : tyvarid '->' inj_varids
-           {% acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (InjectivityAnn (EpAnn (glR $1) [mu AnnRarrow $2] cs) $1 (reverse (unLoc $3)))) }
+           {% amsA' (sLL $1 $> (InjectivityAnn [mu AnnRarrow $2] $1 (reverse (unLoc $3)))) }
 inj_varids :: { Located [LocatedN RdrName] }
         : inj_varids tyvarid  { sLL $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) }
@@ -1657,21 +1656,21 @@ role : VARID             { sL1 $1 $ Just $ getVARID $1 }
 pattern_synonym_decl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
         : 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '=' pat
          {%      let (name, args, as ) = $2 in
-                 acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4
+                 amsA' (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4
-                      (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1, mj AnnEqual $3]) cs)) }
+                      (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1, mj AnnEqual $3])) }
         | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' pat
          {%    let (name, args, as) = $2 in
-               acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4 Unidirectional
-                       (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1,mu AnnLarrow $3]) cs)) }
+               amsA' (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $ mkPatSynBind name args $4 Unidirectional
+                       (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1,mu AnnLarrow $3])) }
         | 'pattern' pattern_synonym_lhs '<-' pat where_decls
             {% do { let (name, args, as) = $2
                   ; mg <- mkPatSynMatchGroup name $5
-                  ; acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $
+                  ; amsA' (sLL $1 $> . ValD noExtField $
                            mkPatSynBind name args $4 (ExplicitBidirectional mg)
-                            (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1,mu AnnLarrow $3]) cs))
+                            (as ++ [mj AnnPattern $1,mu AnnLarrow $3]))
 pattern_synonym_lhs :: { (LocatedN RdrName, HsPatSynDetails GhcPs, [AddEpAnn]) }
@@ -2026,7 +2025,7 @@ deprecations :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) }
 -- SUP: TEMPORARY HACK, not checking for `module Foo'
 deprecation :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) }
         : namelist strings
-             {% fmap unitOL $ acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ (Warning (fst $ unLoc $2) (unLoc $1)
+             {% fmap unitOL $ amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ (Warning (fst $ unLoc $2) (unLoc $1)
                                           (DeprecatedTxt NoSourceText $ map stringLiteralToHsDocWst $ snd $ unLoc $2))) }
 strings :: { Located ([AddEpAnn],[Located StringLiteral]) }
@@ -2051,19 +2050,19 @@ stringlist :: { Located (OrdList (Located StringLiteral)) }
 -- Annotations
 annotation :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
     : '{-# ANN' name_var aexp '#-}'      {% runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
-                                            acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
+                                            amsA' (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
                                             (AnnPragma (mo $1) (mc $4) [],
                                             (getANN_PRAGs $1))
                                             (ValueAnnProvenance $2) $3)) }
     | '{-# ANN' 'type' otycon aexp '#-}' {% runPV (unECP $4) >>= \ $4 ->
-                                            acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
+                                            amsA' (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
                                             (AnnPragma (mo $1) (mc $5) [mj AnnType $2],
                                             (getANN_PRAGs $1))
                                             (TypeAnnProvenance $3) $4)) }
     | '{-# ANN' 'module' aexp '#-}'      {% runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
-                                            acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
+                                            amsA' (sLL $1 $> (AnnD noExtField $ HsAnnotation
                                                 (AnnPragma (mo $1) (mc $4) [mj AnnModule $2],
                                                 (getANN_PRAGs $1))
                                                  ModuleAnnProvenance $3)) }
@@ -2071,7 +2070,7 @@ annotation :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
 -- Foreign import and export declarations
-fdecl :: { Located ([AddEpAnn],EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs) }
+fdecl :: { Located ([AddEpAnn], [AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs) }
 fdecl : 'import' callconv safety fspec
                {% mkImport $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) >>= \i ->
                  return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnImport $1 : (fst $ unLoc $4),i))  }
@@ -2361,8 +2360,8 @@ fds1 :: { Located [LHsFunDep GhcPs] }
         | fd            { sL1 $1 [$1] }
 fd :: { LHsFunDep GhcPs }
-        : varids0 '->' varids0  {% acsA (\cs -> L (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
-                                       (FunDep (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor (comb3 $1 $2 $3)) [mu AnnRarrow $2] cs)
+        : varids0 '->' varids0  {% amsA' (L (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
+                                       (FunDep [mu AnnRarrow $2]
                                                (reverse (unLoc $1))
                                                (reverse (unLoc $3)))) }
@@ -2460,17 +2459,16 @@ constrs1 :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] }
 constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs }
         : forall context '=>' constr_stuff
-                {% acsA (\cs -> let (con,details) = unLoc $4 in
+                {% amsA' (let (con,details) = unLoc $4 in
                   (L (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4) (mkConDeclH98
-                                                       (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4))
-                                                                    (mu AnnDarrow $3:(fst $ unLoc $1)) cs)
+                                                       (mu AnnDarrow $3:(fst $ unLoc $1))
                                                        (snd $ unLoc $1)
                                                        (Just $2)
                                                        details))) }
         | forall constr_stuff
-                {% acsA (\cs -> let (con,details) = unLoc $2 in
-                  (L (comb2 $1 $2) (mkConDeclH98 (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor (comb2 $1 $2)) (fst $ unLoc $1) cs)
+                {% amsA' (let (con,details) = unLoc $2 in
+                  (L (comb2 $1 $2) (mkConDeclH98 (fst $ unLoc $1)
                                                       (snd $ unLoc $1)
                                                       Nothing   -- No context
@@ -2498,8 +2496,8 @@ fielddecls1 :: { [LConDeclField GhcPs] }
 fielddecl :: { LConDeclField GhcPs }
                                               -- A list because of   f,g :: Int
         : sig_vars '::' ctype
-            {% acsA (\cs -> L (comb2 $1 $3)
-                      (ConDeclField (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mu AnnDcolon $2] cs)
+            {% amsA' (L (comb2 $1 $3)
+                      (ConDeclField [mu AnnDcolon $2]
                                     (reverse (map (\ln@(L l n)
                                                -> L (fromTrailingN l) $ FieldOcc noExtField (L (noTrailingN l) n)) (unLoc $1))) $3 Nothing))}
@@ -2518,15 +2516,15 @@ derivings :: { Located (HsDeriving GhcPs) }
 deriving :: { LHsDerivingClause GhcPs }
         : 'deriving' deriv_clause_types
               {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
-                 in acsA (\cs -> L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnDeriving $1] cs) Nothing $2) }
+                 in amsA' (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause [mj AnnDeriving $1] Nothing $2) }
         | 'deriving' deriv_strategy_no_via deriv_clause_types
               {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
-                 in acsA (\cs -> L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnDeriving $1] cs) (Just $2) $3) }
+                 in amsA' (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause [mj AnnDeriving $1] (Just $2) $3) }
         | 'deriving' deriv_clause_types deriv_strategy_via
               {% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
-                 in acsA (\cs -> L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnDeriving $1] cs) (Just $3) $2) }
+                 in amsA' (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause [mj AnnDeriving $1] (Just $3) $2) }
 deriv_clause_types :: { LDerivClauseTys GhcPs }
         : qtycon              { let { tc = sL1a $1 $ mkHsImplicitSigType $
@@ -2708,22 +2706,22 @@ exp   :: { ECP }
         | infixexp '-<' exp     {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                                    runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
                                    fmap ecpFromCmd $
-                                   acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (mu Annlarrowtail $2) cs) $1 $3
+                                   amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (mu Annlarrowtail $2) $1 $3
                                                         HsFirstOrderApp True) }
         | infixexp '>-' exp     {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                                    runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
                                    fmap ecpFromCmd $
-                                   acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (mu Annrarrowtail $2) cs) $3 $1
+                                   amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (mu Annrarrowtail $2) $3 $1
                                                       HsFirstOrderApp False) }
         | infixexp '-<<' exp    {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                                    runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
                                    fmap ecpFromCmd $
-                                   acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (mu AnnLarrowtail $2) cs) $1 $3
+                                   amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (mu AnnLarrowtail $2) $1 $3
                                                       HsHigherOrderApp True) }
         | infixexp '>>-' exp    {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                                    runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
                                    fmap ecpFromCmd $
-                                   acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (mu AnnRarrowtail $2) cs) $3 $1
+                                   amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp (mu AnnRarrowtail $2) $3 $1
                                                       HsHigherOrderApp False) }
         -- See Note [%shift: exp -> infixexp]
         | infixexp %shift       { $1 }
@@ -2872,7 +2870,7 @@ aexp    :: { ECP }
                       mkHsLamPV (comb2 $1 $>) LamSingle
                             (sLLl $1 $>
                             [sLLa $1 $>
-                                         $ Match { m_ext = EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [] emptyComments
+                                         $ Match { m_ext = []
                                                  , m_ctxt = LamAlt LamSingle
                                                  , m_pats = $2
                                                  , m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs (comb2 $3 $4) $4 (EpAnn (glR $3) (GrhsAnn Nothing (mu AnnRarrow $3)) emptyComments) }])
@@ -2942,7 +2940,7 @@ aexp1   :: { ECP }
         | aexp1 TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field
             {% runPV (unECP $1) >>= \ $1 ->
                fmap ecpFromExp $ amsA' (
-                 let fl = sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc ((EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) emptyComments)) $3) in
+                 let fl = sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) $3) in
                sLL $1 $> $ mkRdrGetField $1 fl)  }
@@ -3031,8 +3029,8 @@ projection :: { Located (NonEmpty (LocatedAn NoEpAnns (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))) }
         -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parsing.Lexer
         : projection TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field
-                             {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) cs) $3) `NE.cons` unLoc $1)) }
-        | PREFIX_PROJ field  {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $1 $> $ DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $1)) cs) $2) :| [])) }
+                             { sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> $ DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) $3) `NE.cons` unLoc $1) }
+        | PREFIX_PROJ field  { sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $1 $> $ DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $1)) $2) :| [])}
 splice_exp :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
         : splice_untyped { fmap (HsUntypedSplice noExtField) (reLoc $1) }
@@ -3233,7 +3231,7 @@ squals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }   -- In reverse order, becau
                   (h:t) -> do
                     h' <- addTrailingCommaA h (gl $2)
                     return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : (h':t))) }
-    | transformqual        {% return (sLL $1 $> [L (getLocAnn $1) ((unLoc $1) (glRR $1) [])]) }
+    | transformqual        { sLL $1 $> [L (getLocAnn $1) ((unLoc $1) (glRR $1) [])] }
     | qual                               {% runPV $1 >>= \ $1 ->
                                             return $ sL1 $1 [$1] }
 --  | transformquals1 ',' '{|' pquals '|}'   { sLL $1 $> ($4 : unLoc $1) }
@@ -3247,22 +3245,19 @@ squals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }   -- In reverse order, becau
 transformqual :: { Located (RealSrcSpan -> [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> Stmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) }
                         -- Function is applied to a list of stmts *in order*
     : 'then' exp              {% runPV (unECP $2) >>= \ $2 ->
-                                 acs (\cs->
-                                 sLL $1 $> (\r ss -> (mkTransformStmt (EpAnn (anc r) [mj AnnThen $1] cs) ss $2))) }
+                                 return (
+                                 sLL $1 $> (\r ss -> (mkTransformStmt [mj AnnThen $1] ss $2))) }
     | 'then' exp 'by' exp     {% runPV (unECP $2) >>= \ $2 ->
                                  runPV (unECP $4) >>= \ $4 ->
-                                 acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (
-                                                     \r ss -> (mkTransformByStmt (EpAnn (anc r) [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnBy $3] cs) ss $2 $4))) }
+                                 return (sLL $1 $> (\r ss -> (mkTransformByStmt [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnBy $3] ss $2 $4))) }
     | 'then' 'group' 'using' exp
             {% runPV (unECP $4) >>= \ $4 ->
-               acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (
-                                   \r ss -> (mkGroupUsingStmt (EpAnn (anc r) [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnUsing $3] cs) ss $4))) }
+               return (sLL $1 $> (\r ss -> (mkGroupUsingStmt [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnUsing $3] ss $4))) }
     | 'then' 'group' 'by' exp 'using' exp
             {% runPV (unECP $4) >>= \ $4 ->
                runPV (unECP $6) >>= \ $6 ->
-               acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (
-                                   \r ss -> (mkGroupByUsingStmt (EpAnn (anc r) [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnBy $3,mj AnnUsing $5] cs) ss $4 $6))) }
+               return (sLL $1 $> (\r ss -> (mkGroupByUsingStmt [mj AnnThen $1,mj AnnGroup $2,mj AnnBy $3,mj AnnUsing $5] ss $4 $6))) }
 -- Note that 'group' is a special_id, which means that you can enable
 -- TransformListComp while still using Data.List.group. However, this
@@ -3325,7 +3320,7 @@ alts1(PATS) :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located ([AddEpAnn],[LMatch GhcPs
 alt(PATS) :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LMatch GhcPs (LocatedA b)) }
         : PATS alt_rhs { $2 >>= \ $2 ->
                          acsA (\cs -> sLLAsl $1 $>
-                                         (Match { m_ext = EpAnn (listAsAnchor $1 $>) [] cs
+                                         (Match { m_ext = []
                                                 , m_ctxt = CaseAlt -- for \case and \cases, this will be changed during post-processing
                                                 , m_pats = $1
                                                 , m_grhss = unLoc $2 }))}
@@ -3434,18 +3429,14 @@ e_stmt :: { LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) }
 stmt  :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LStmt GhcPs (LocatedA b)) }
         : qual                          { $1 }
         | 'rec' stmtlist                {  $2 >>= \ $2 ->
-                                           acsA (\cs -> (sLL $1 $> $ mkRecStmt
-                                                 (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) (hsDoAnn $1 $2 AnnRec) cs)
-                                                  $2)) }
+                                           amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ mkRecStmt (hsDoAnn $1 $2 AnnRec) $2) }
 qual  :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LStmt GhcPs (LocatedA b)) }
     : bindpat '<-' exp                   { unECP $3 >>= \ $3 ->
-                                           acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $>
-                                            $ mkPsBindStmt (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mu AnnLarrow $2] cs) $1 $3) }
+                                           amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ mkPsBindStmt [mu AnnLarrow $2] $1 $3) }
     | exp                                { unECP $1 >>= \ $1 ->
                                            return $ sL1a $1 $ mkBodyStmt $1 }
-    | 'let' binds                        { acsA (\cs -> (sLL $1 $>
-                                                $ mkLetStmt (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnLet $1] cs) (unLoc $2))) }
+    | 'let' binds                        { amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ mkLetStmt [mj AnnLet $1] (unLoc $2)) }
 -- Record Field Update/Construction
@@ -3466,13 +3457,13 @@ fbinds1 :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV ([Fbind b], Maybe SrcSpan) }
 fbind   :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Fbind b) }
         : qvar '=' texp  { unECP $3 >>= \ $3 ->
-                           fmap Left $ acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ HsFieldBind (EpAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnEqual $2] cs) (sL1a $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) $3 False) }
+                           fmap Left $ amsA' (sLL $1 $> $ HsFieldBind [mj AnnEqual $2] (sL1a $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) $3 False) }
                         -- RHS is a 'texp', allowing view patterns (#6038)
                         -- and, incidentally, sections.  Eg
                         -- f (R { x = show -> s }) = ...
         | qvar          { placeHolderPunRhs >>= \rhs ->
-                          fmap Left $ acsA (\cs -> sL1 $1 $ HsFieldBind (EpAnn (glR $1) [] cs) (sL1a $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) rhs True) }
+                          fmap Left $ amsA' (sL1 $1 $ HsFieldBind [] (sL1a $1 $ mkFieldOcc $1) rhs True) }
                         -- In the punning case, use a place-holder
                         -- The renamer fills in the final value
@@ -3483,7 +3474,7 @@ fbind   :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Fbind b) }
                             let top = sL1a $1 $ DotFieldOcc noAnn $1
                                 ((L lf (DotFieldOcc _ f)):t) = reverse (unLoc $3)
                                 lf' = comb2 $2 (L lf ())
-                                fields = top : L (noAnnSrcSpan lf') (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor lf') (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) emptyComments) f) : t
+                                fields = top : L (noAnnSrcSpan lf') (DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2))  f) : t
                                 final = last fields
                                 l = comb2 $1 $3
                                 isPun = False
@@ -3499,7 +3490,7 @@ fbind   :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Fbind b) }
                             let top =  sL1a $1 $ DotFieldOcc noAnn $1
                                 ((L lf (DotFieldOcc _ f)):t) = reverse (unLoc $3)
                                 lf' = comb2 $2 (L lf ())
-                                fields = top : L (noAnnSrcSpan lf') (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor lf') (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) emptyComments) f) : t
+                                fields = top : L (noAnnSrcSpan lf') (DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel (Just $ glAA $2)) f) : t
                                 final = last fields
                                 l = comb2 $1 $3
                                 isPun = True
@@ -3510,10 +3501,8 @@ fbind   :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Fbind b) }
 fieldToUpdate :: { Located [LocatedAn NoEpAnns (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)] }
         -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in Lexer.x
-        : fieldToUpdate TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field   {% getCommentsFor (getLocA $3) >>= \cs ->
-                                                     return (sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $2) (AnnFieldLabel $ Just $ glAA $2) cs) $3)) : unLoc $1)) }
-        | field       {% getCommentsFor (getLocA $1) >>= \cs ->
-                        return (sL1 $1 [sL1a $1 (DotFieldOcc (EpAnn (glR $1) (AnnFieldLabel Nothing) cs) $1)]) }
+        : fieldToUpdate TIGHT_INFIX_PROJ field   { sLL $1 $> ((sLLa $2 $> (DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel $ Just $ glAA $2) $3)) : unLoc $1) }
+        | field       { sL1 $1 [sL1a $1 (DotFieldOcc (AnnFieldLabel Nothing) $1)] }
 -- Implicit Parameter Bindings
@@ -3534,7 +3523,7 @@ dbinds  :: { Located [LIPBind GhcPs] } -- reversed
 dbind   :: { LIPBind GhcPs }
 dbind   : ipvar '=' exp                {% runPV (unECP $3) >>= \ $3 ->
-                                          acsA (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (IPBind (EpAnn (glEE $1 $>) [mj AnnEqual $2] cs) (reLoc $1) $3)) }
+                                          amsA' (sLL $1 $> (IPBind [mj AnnEqual $2] (reLoc $1) $3)) }
 ipvar   :: { Located HsIPName }
         : IPDUPVARID            { sL1 $1 (HsIPName (getIPDUPVARID $1)) }

@@ -351,9 +351,8 @@ mkTyFamInst :: SrcSpan
             -> [AddEpAnn]
             -> P (LInstDecl GhcPs)
 mkTyFamInst loc eqn anns = do
-  cs <- getCommentsFor loc
   return (L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) (TyFamInstD noExtField
-              (TyFamInstDecl (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) anns cs) eqn)))
+              (TyFamInstDecl anns eqn)))
 mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
           -> FamilyInfo GhcPs
@@ -365,13 +364,10 @@ mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
           -> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
 mkFamDecl loc info topLevel lhs ksig injAnn annsIn
   = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
-       ; cs1 <- getCommentsFor loc -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
        ; tyvars <- checkTyVars (ppr info) equals_or_where tc tparams
-       ; cs2 <- getCommentsFor loc -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
-       ; let anns' = addAnns (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) annsIn emptyComments) ann (cs1 Semi.<> cs2)
        ; return (L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) (FamDecl noExtField
-                                           { fdExt       = anns'
+                                           { fdExt       = annsIn Semi.<> ann
                                            , fdTopLevel  = topLevel
                                            , fdInfo      = info, fdLName = tc
                                            , fdTyVars    = tyvars
@@ -776,7 +772,7 @@ recordPatSynErr loc pat =
     addFatalError $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope loc $
       (PsErrRecordSyntaxInPatSynDecl pat)
-mkConDeclH98 :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> LocatedN RdrName -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs]
+mkConDeclH98 :: [AddEpAnn] -> LocatedN RdrName -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs]
                 -> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs) -> HsConDeclH98Details GhcPs
                 -> ConDecl GhcPs
@@ -802,8 +798,6 @@ mkGadtDecl :: SrcSpan
            -> LHsSigType GhcPs
            -> P (LConDecl GhcPs)
 mkGadtDecl loc names dcol ty = do
-  cs <- getCommentsFor loc
-  let l = noAnnSrcSpan loc
   (args, res_ty, annsa, csa) <-
     case body_ty of
@@ -820,14 +814,14 @@ mkGadtDecl loc names dcol ty = do
        let (anns, cs, arg_types, res_type) = splitHsFunType body_ty
        return (PrefixConGADT noExtField arg_types, res_type, anns, cs)
-  let an = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) annsa (cs Semi.<> csa)
   let bndrs_loc = case outer_bndrs of
         HsOuterImplicit{} -> getLoc ty
         HsOuterExplicit an _ -> EpAnn (entry an) noAnn emptyComments
+  let l = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) noAnn csa
   pure $ L l ConDeclGADT
-                     { con_g_ext  = (dcol, an)
+                     { con_g_ext  = (dcol, annsa)
                      , con_names  = names
                      , con_bndrs  = L bndrs_loc outer_bndrs
                      , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
@@ -1238,10 +1232,10 @@ checkAPat loc e0 = do
            (L _ (PatBuilderVar (L nloc n)))
            (L l plus)
            (L lloc (PatBuilderOverLit lit@(OverLit {ol_val = HsIntegral {}})))
-           (EpAnn anc _ cs)
+           _
                      | nPlusKPatterns && (plus == plus_RDR)
                      -> return (mkNPlusKPat (L nloc n) (L (l2l lloc) lit)
-                                (EpAnn anc (entry l) cs))
+                                (entry l))
    -- Improve error messages for the @-operator when the user meant an @-pattern
    PatBuilderOpApp _ op _ _ | opIsAt (unLoc op) -> do
@@ -1323,9 +1317,8 @@ checkFunBind :: SrcStrictness
 checkFunBind strictness locF ann fun is_infix pats (L _ grhss)
   = do  ps <- runPV_details extraDetails (mapM checkLPat pats)
         let match_span = noAnnSrcSpan $ locF
-        cs <- getCommentsFor locF
         return (makeFunBind fun (L (noAnnSrcSpan $ locA match_span)
-                 [L match_span (Match { m_ext = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor locF) ann cs
+                 [L match_span (Match { m_ext = ann
                                       , m_ctxt = FunRhs
                                           { mc_fun    = fun
                                           , mc_fixity = is_infix
@@ -1353,10 +1346,10 @@ checkPatBind :: SrcSpan
              -> LPat GhcPs
              -> Located (GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
              -> P (HsBind GhcPs)
-checkPatBind loc annsIn (L _ (BangPat (EpAnn _ ans cs) (L _ (VarPat _ v))))
+checkPatBind loc annsIn (L _ (BangPat ans (L _ (VarPat _ v))))
                         (L _match_span grhss)
       = return (makeFunBind v (L (noAnnSrcSpan loc)
-                [L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) (m (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) (ans++annsIn) cs) v)]))
+                [L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) (m (ans++annsIn) v)]))
     m a v = Match { m_ext = a
                   , m_ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun    = v
@@ -1407,7 +1400,7 @@ isFunLhs e = go e [] [] []
                                           (o,c) = mkParensEpAnn (realSrcSpan $ locA l)
                                           go e es (o:ops) (c:cps)
-   go (L loc (PatBuilderOpApp l (L loc' op) r (EpAnn loca anns cs))) es ops cps
+   go (L loc (PatBuilderOpApp l (L loc' op) r anns)) es ops cps
         | not (isRdrDataCon op)         -- We have found the function!
         = return (Just (L loc' op, Infix, (l:r:es), (anns ++ reverse ops ++ cps)))
         | otherwise                     -- Infix data con; keep going
@@ -1417,7 +1410,7 @@ isFunLhs e = go e [] [] []
                    -> return (Just (op', Infix, j : op_app : es', anns'))
                      op_app = L loc (PatBuilderOpApp k
-                               (L loc' op) r (EpAnn loca (reverse ops++cps) cs))
+                               (L loc' op) r (reverse ops++cps))
                  _ -> return Nothing }
    go _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
@@ -1678,7 +1671,7 @@ instance DisambECP (HsCmd GhcPs) where
   mkHsLamPV l lam_variant (L lm m) anns = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
     let mg = mkLamCaseMatchGroup FromSource lam_variant (L lm m)
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (HsCmdLam (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) lam_variant mg)
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (HsCmdLam anns lam_variant mg)
   mkHsLetPV l tkLet bs tkIn e = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
@@ -1696,23 +1689,22 @@ instance DisambECP (HsCmd GhcPs) where
   mkHsCasePV l c (L lm m) anns = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
     let mg = mkMatchGroup FromSource (L lm m)
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (HsCmdCase (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) c mg)
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (HsCmdCase anns c mg)
   type FunArg (HsCmd GhcPs) = HsExpr GhcPs
   superFunArg m = m
   mkHsAppPV l c e = do
-    cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l)
     checkCmdBlockArguments c
     checkExpBlockArguments e
-    return $ L l (HsCmdApp (comment (realSrcSpan $ locA l) cs) c e)
+    return $ L l (HsCmdApp noExtField c e)
   mkHsAppTypePV l c _ t = cmdFail (locA l) (ppr c <+> text "@" <> ppr t)
   mkHsIfPV l c semi1 a semi2 b anns = do
     checkDoAndIfThenElse PsErrSemiColonsInCondCmd c semi1 a semi2 b
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (mkHsCmdIf c a b (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs))
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (mkHsCmdIf c a b anns)
   mkHsDoPV l Nothing stmts anns = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (HsCmdDo (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) stmts)
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (HsCmdDo anns stmts)
   mkHsDoPV l (Just m)    _ _ = addFatalError $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope l $ PsErrQualifiedDoInCmd m
   mkHsParPV l lpar c rpar = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
@@ -1763,7 +1755,7 @@ instance DisambECP (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   ecpFromExp' = return
   mkHsProjUpdatePV l fields arg isPun anns = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return $ mkRdrProjUpdate (noAnnSrcSpan l) fields arg isPun (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs)
+    return $ mkRdrProjUpdate (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) fields arg isPun anns
   mkHsLetPV l tkLet bs tkIn c = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
     return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (HsLet (tkLet, tkIn) bs c)
@@ -1862,8 +1854,7 @@ instance DisambECP (PatBuilder GhcPs) where
   superInfixOp m = m
   mkHsOpAppPV l p1 op p2 = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    let anns = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) [] cs
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) $ PatBuilderOpApp p1 op p2 anns
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) $ PatBuilderOpApp p1 op p2 []
   mkHsLamPV l lam_variant _ _     = addFatalError $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope l (PsErrLambdaInPat lam_variant)
@@ -1887,12 +1878,11 @@ instance DisambECP (PatBuilder GhcPs) where
   mkHsWildCardPV l = return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (WildPat noExtField))
   mkHsTySigPV l b sig anns = do
     p <- checkLPat b
-    cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l)
-    return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (SigPat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor $ locA l) anns cs) p (mkHsPatSigType noAnn sig)))
+    return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (SigPat anns p (mkHsPatSigType noAnn sig)))
   mkHsExplicitListPV l xs anns = do
     ps <- traverse checkLPat xs
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return (L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (PatBuilderPat (ListPat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) ps)))
+    return (L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat (ListPat anns ps)))
   mkHsSplicePV (L l sp) = do
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
     return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat (SplicePat noExtField sp))
@@ -1902,20 +1892,19 @@ instance DisambECP (PatBuilder GhcPs) where
      then addFatalError $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope l PsErrOverloadedRecordDotInvalid
      else do
        cs <- getCommentsFor l
-       r <- mkPatRec a (mk_rec_fields fs ddLoc) (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs)
-       checkRecordSyntax (L (noAnnSrcSpan l) r)
+       r <- mkPatRec a (mk_rec_fields fs ddLoc) anns
+       checkRecordSyntax (L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) r)
   mkHsNegAppPV l (L lp p) anns = do
     lit <- case p of
       PatBuilderOverLit pos_lit -> return (L (l2l lp) pos_lit)
       _ -> patFail l $ PsErrInPat p PEIP_NegApp
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    let an = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (PatBuilderPat (mkNPat lit (Just noSyntaxExpr) an))
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat (mkNPat lit (Just noSyntaxExpr) anns))
   mkHsSectionR_PV l op p = patFail l (PsErrParseRightOpSectionInPat (unLoc op) (unLoc p))
   mkHsViewPatPV l a b anns = do
     p <- checkLPat b
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (PatBuilderPat (ViewPat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) a p))
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat (ViewPat anns a p))
   mkHsAsPatPV l v at e = do
     p <- checkLPat e
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
@@ -1923,13 +1912,13 @@ instance DisambECP (PatBuilder GhcPs) where
   mkHsLazyPatPV l e a = do
     p <- checkLPat e
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (PatBuilderPat (LazyPat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) a cs) p))
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat (LazyPat a p))
   mkHsBangPatPV l e an = do
     p <- checkLPat e
     cs <- getCommentsFor l
-    let pb = BangPat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) an cs) p
+    let pb = BangPat an p
     hintBangPat l pb
-    return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (PatBuilderPat pb)
+    return $ L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) noAnn cs) (PatBuilderPat pb)
   mkSumOrTuplePV = mkSumOrTuplePat
   mkHsEmbTyPV l toktype ty =
     return $ L (noAnnSrcSpan l) $
@@ -1965,7 +1954,7 @@ checkUnboxedLitPat (L loc lit) =
 mkPatRec ::
   LocatedA (PatBuilder GhcPs) ->
   HsRecFields GhcPs (LocatedA (PatBuilder GhcPs)) ->
-  EpAnn [AddEpAnn] ->
+  [AddEpAnn] ->
   PV (PatBuilder GhcPs)
 mkPatRec (unLoc -> PatBuilderVar c) (HsRecFields fs dd) anns
   | isRdrDataCon (unLoc c)
@@ -2694,7 +2683,7 @@ checkNewOrData span name is_type_data = curry $ \ case
 mkImport :: Located CCallConv
          -> Located Safety
          -> (Located StringLiteral, LocatedN RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-         -> P (EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs)
+         -> P ([AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs)
 mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity _), v, ty) =
     case unLoc cconv of
       CCallConv          -> returnSpec =<< mkCImport
@@ -2804,7 +2793,7 @@ parseCImport cconv safety nm str sourceText =
 mkExport :: Located CCallConv
          -> (Located StringLiteral, LocatedN RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-         -> P (EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs)
+         -> P ([AddEpAnn] -> HsDecl GhcPs)
 mkExport (L lc cconv) (L le (StringLiteral esrc entity _), v, ty)
  = return $ \ann -> ForD noExtField $
    ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = ann, fd_name = v, fd_sig_ty = ty
@@ -2837,17 +2826,17 @@ data ImpExpQcSpec = ImpExpQcName (LocatedN RdrName)
 mkModuleImpExp :: Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs) -> [AddEpAnn] -> LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec
                -> ImpExpSubSpec -> P (IE GhcPs)
 mkModuleImpExp warning anns (L l specname) subs = do
-  cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l) -- AZ: IEVar can discard comments
-  let ann = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor $ maybe (locA l) getLocA warning) anns cs
+  -- cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l) -- AZ: IEVar can discard comments
+  -- let ann = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor $ maybe (locA l) getLocA warning) anns cs
   case subs of
       | isVarNameSpace (rdrNameSpace name)
                        -> return $ IEVar warning
                            (L l (ieNameFromSpec specname))
-      | otherwise      -> IEThingAbs (warning, ann) . L l <$> nameT
-    ImpExpAll          -> IEThingAll (warning, ann) . L l <$> nameT
+      | otherwise      -> IEThingAbs (warning, anns) . L l <$> nameT
+    ImpExpAll          -> IEThingAll (warning, anns) . L l <$> nameT
     ImpExpList xs      ->
-      (\newName -> IEThingWith (warning, ann) (L l newName)
+      (\newName -> IEThingWith (warning, anns) (L l newName)
         NoIEWildcard (wrapped xs)) <$> nameT
     ImpExpAllWith xs                       ->
       do allowed <- getBit PatternSynonymsBit
@@ -2859,7 +2848,7 @@ mkModuleImpExp warning anns (L l specname) subs = do
                 ies :: [LocatedA (IEWrappedName GhcPs)]
                 ies   = wrapped $ filter (not . isImpExpQcWildcard . unLoc) xs
             in (\newName
-                        -> IEThingWith (warning, ann) (L l newName) pos ies)
+                        -> IEThingWith (warning, anns) (L l newName) pos ies)
                <$> nameT
           else addFatalError $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope (locA l) $
@@ -3138,8 +3127,7 @@ mkSumOrTuplePat
 -- Tuple
 mkSumOrTuplePat l boxity (Tuple ps) anns = do
   ps' <- traverse toTupPat ps
-  cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l)
-  return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (TuplePat (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor $ locA l) anns cs) ps' boxity))
+  return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (TuplePat anns ps' boxity))
     toTupPat :: Either (EpAnn Bool) (LocatedA (PatBuilder GhcPs)) -> PV (LPat GhcPs)
     -- Ignore the element location so that the error message refers to the
@@ -3152,8 +3140,7 @@ mkSumOrTuplePat l boxity (Tuple ps) anns = do
 -- Sum
 mkSumOrTuplePat l Unboxed (Sum alt arity p barsb barsa) anns = do
    p' <- checkLPat p
-   cs <- getCommentsFor (locA l)
-   let an = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor $ locA l) (EpAnnSumPat anns barsb barsa) cs
+   let an = EpAnnSumPat anns barsb barsa
    return $ L l (PatBuilderPat (SumPat an p' alt arity))
 mkSumOrTuplePat l Boxed a at Sum{} _ =
     addFatalError $
@@ -3214,7 +3201,7 @@ mkRdrProjection flds anns =
 mkRdrProjUpdate :: SrcSpanAnnA -> Located [LocatedAn NoEpAnns (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)]
-                -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> Bool -> EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
+                -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> Bool -> [AddEpAnn]
                 -> LHsRecProj GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
 mkRdrProjUpdate _ (L _ []) _ _ _ = panic "mkRdrProjUpdate: The impossible has happened!"
 mkRdrProjUpdate loc (L l flds) arg isPun anns =

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ data PatBuilder p
   | PatBuilderApp (LocatedA (PatBuilder p)) (LocatedA (PatBuilder p))
   | PatBuilderAppType (LocatedA (PatBuilder p)) (EpToken "@") (HsTyPat GhcPs)
   | PatBuilderOpApp (LocatedA (PatBuilder p)) (LocatedN RdrName)
-                    (LocatedA (PatBuilder p)) (EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
+                    (LocatedA (PatBuilder p)) [AddEpAnn]
   | PatBuilderVar (LocatedN RdrName)
   | PatBuilderOverLit (HsOverLit GhcPs)

@@ -80,11 +80,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T22919.hs:2:1-9 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -124,11 +124,7 @@
-             (EpAnn
-              (EpaSpan { Test20239.hs:5:36-55 })
-              []
-              (EpaComments
-               []))
+             []
                (EpaSpan { Test20239.hs:5:36-49 })
@@ -176,11 +172,7 @@
-             (EpAnn
-              (EpaSpan { Test20239.hs:7:36-86 })
-              []
-              (EpaComments
-               []))
+             []
                (EpaSpan { Test20239.hs:7:36-48 })

@@ -92,11 +92,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { ZeroWidthSemi.hs:6:1-5 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -796,11 +796,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:22:20-28 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:22:20-23 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:22:20-23 }))]
@@ -988,11 +984,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:25:10-11 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:25:5-18 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])
@@ -1133,11 +1125,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:28:20-28 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:28:20-23 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:28:20-23 }))]
@@ -1325,11 +1313,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:31:10-11 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:31:5-18 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])
@@ -1470,11 +1454,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:34:20-28 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:34:20-23 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:34:20-23 }))]
@@ -1662,11 +1642,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:37:10-11 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:37:5-18 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])
@@ -1807,11 +1783,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:40:20-28 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:40:20-23 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:40:20-23 }))]
@@ -1999,11 +1971,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:43:10-11 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:43:5-18 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])
@@ -2144,11 +2112,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:46:20-28 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:46:20-23 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:46:20-23 }))]
@@ -2336,11 +2300,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:49:10-11 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:49:5-18 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])
@@ -2481,11 +2441,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:52:21-30 })
-          [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:52:21-24 }))]
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:52:21-24 }))]
@@ -2673,11 +2629,7 @@
                   (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:55:11-12 })
-                 (EpAnn
-                  (EpaSpan { T17544.hs:55:5-20 })
-                  []
-                  (EpaComments
-                   [])))
+                 [])

@@ -89,11 +89,7 @@
              (EpaSpan { T17544_kw.hs:16:15-16 })
-            (EpAnn
-             (EpaSpan { T17544_kw.hs:16:9-20 })
-             []
-             (EpaComments
-              [])))
+            [])
@@ -194,11 +190,7 @@
             (EpaSpan { T17544_kw.hs:19:15-16 })
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T17544_kw.hs:19:9-26 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             [])))
+           [])

@@ -101,11 +101,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { mod185.hs:5:1-24 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -109,11 +109,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:7:14-17 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
              (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:7:14-17 })
@@ -138,11 +134,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:7:21-30 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
              (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:7:21-24 })
@@ -290,14 +282,10 @@
-       (EpAnn
-        (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:(10,1)-(12,24) })
-        [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:1-4 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:6-11 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:32-33 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:41-45 }))]
-        (EpaComments
-         []))
+       [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:1-4 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:6-11 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:32-33 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:10:41-45 }))]
@@ -728,11 +716,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:15:21-29 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
              (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:15:21-23 })
@@ -984,14 +968,10 @@
-       (EpAnn
-        (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:(18,1)-(19,30) })
-        [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:1-4 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:6-11 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:42-43 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:50-54 }))]
-        (EpaComments
-         []))
+       [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:1-4 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:6-11 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:42-43 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:18:50-54 }))]
@@ -1350,13 +1330,9 @@
-       (EpAnn
-        (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:1-33 })
-        [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:1-4 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:6-11 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:17-18 }))]
-        (EpaComments
-         []))
+       [(AddEpAnn AnnData (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:1-4 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:6-11 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnDcolon (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:21:17-18 }))]
@@ -1699,11 +1675,7 @@
               (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:23:7-8 })
-             (EpAnn
-              (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:23:3-45 })
-              []
-              (EpaComments
-               [])))
+             [])
@@ -2005,11 +1977,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAst.hs:25:1-23 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -101,11 +101,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAstComments.hs:9:1-7 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -216,11 +212,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAstComments.hs:(14,1)-(16,3) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -363,11 +355,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpParsedAstComments.hs:19:1-23 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -49,11 +49,7 @@
-                (EpAnn
-                 (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                 []
-                 (EpaComments
-                  []))
+                []
@@ -244,11 +240,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-          []
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         []
@@ -666,11 +658,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-          []
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         []
@@ -1425,11 +1413,7 @@
-         (EpAnn
-          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-          []
-          (EpaComments
-           []))
+         []
@@ -1960,11 +1944,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -2119,11 +2099,7 @@
-            (EpAnn
-             (EpaSpan { DumpRenamedAst.hs:32:3-27 })
-             [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpRenamedAst.hs:32:3-6 }))]
-             (EpaComments
-              []))
+            [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { DumpRenamedAst.hs:32:3-6 }))]
@@ -2404,11 +2380,7 @@
-            (EpAnn
-             (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-             []
-             (EpaComments
-              [])))
+            [])
              (EpaSpan { DumpRenamedAst.hs:7:19-22 })

@@ -264,11 +264,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:(10,1)-(12,3) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -559,11 +555,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:(15,1)-(19,3) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -809,11 +801,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:22:1-30 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1014,11 +1002,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:24:1-13 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1111,11 +1095,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:25:1-13 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1209,11 +1189,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:26:1-13 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1677,11 +1653,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:32:1-7 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1794,11 +1766,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:34:8-35 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1906,11 +1874,7 @@
-                            (EpAnn
-                             (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:34:19-21 })
-                             []
-                             (EpaComments
-                              []))
+                            []
@@ -2006,11 +1970,7 @@
-                            (EpAnn
-                             (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:34:24-26 })
-                             []
-                             (EpaComments
-                              []))
+                            []
@@ -2123,11 +2083,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:(36,1)-(44,4) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -2233,11 +2189,7 @@
-                      (EpAnn
-                       (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:39:6-13 })
-                       []
-                       (EpaComments
-                        []))
+                      []
@@ -2247,11 +2199,7 @@
-                         (EpAnn
-                          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                          []
-                          (EpaComments
-                           []))
+                         []
                            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:39:6 })
@@ -2308,11 +2256,7 @@
-                      (EpAnn
-                       (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:40:6-13 })
-                       []
-                       (EpaComments
-                        []))
+                      []
@@ -2322,11 +2266,7 @@
-                         (EpAnn
-                          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                          []
-                          (EpaComments
-                           []))
+                         []
                            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:40:6 })
@@ -2385,11 +2325,7 @@
-                      (EpAnn
-                       (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:41:6-13 })
-                       []
-                       (EpaComments
-                        []))
+                      []
@@ -2399,11 +2335,7 @@
-                         (EpAnn
-                          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                          []
-                          (EpaComments
-                           []))
+                         []
                            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:41:6 })
@@ -2464,11 +2396,7 @@
-                      (EpAnn
-                       (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:42:6-13 })
-                       []
-                       (EpaComments
-                        []))
+                      []
@@ -2478,11 +2406,7 @@
-                         (EpAnn
-                          (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                          []
-                          (EpaComments
-                           []))
+                         []
                            (EpaSpan { DumpSemis.hs:42:6 })

@@ -1951,11 +1951,7 @@
-              (EpAnn
-               (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-               []
-               (EpaComments
-                []))
+              []

@@ -80,13 +80,9 @@
-       (EpAnn
-        (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:(11,1)-(12,21) })
-        [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:1-4 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:6-11 }))
-        ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:19-23 }))]
-        (EpaComments
-         []))
+       [(AddEpAnn AnnType (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:1-4 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnFamily (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:6-11 }))
+       ,(AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:11:19-23 }))]
@@ -938,11 +934,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:23:1-12 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -1601,11 +1593,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { KindSigs.hs:35:1-11 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -156,11 +156,7 @@
-                  (EpAnn
-                   (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])
-                   []
-                   (EpaComments
-                    []))
+                  []
                      (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:6:33 })
@@ -259,12 +255,8 @@
-        (EpAnn
-         (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:3-8 })
-         [(AddEpAnn AnnOpenP (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:10 }))
-         ,(AddEpAnn AnnCloseP (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:15 }))]
-         (EpaComments
-          [])))
+        [(AddEpAnn AnnOpenP (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:10 }))
+        ,(AddEpAnn AnnCloseP (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:15 }))])
          (EpaSpan { T14189.hs:3:3-8 })

@@ -96,11 +96,7 @@
              (EpaSpan { T15323.hs:6:17-18 })
-            (EpAnn
-             (EpaSpan { T15323.hs:6:5-54 })
-             []
-             (EpaComments
-              [])))
+            [])

@@ -113,11 +113,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T20452.hs:5:26-31 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
              (EpaSpan { T20452.hs:5:26-31 })
@@ -217,11 +213,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T20452.hs:6:26-31 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
              (EpaSpan { T20452.hs:6:26-31 })

@@ -114,11 +114,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T20718.hs:8:1-5 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -101,11 +101,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { T20846.hs:4:1-18 })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []

@@ -77,11 +77,7 @@
              (EpaSpan { T18791.hs:5:7-8 })
-            (EpAnn
-             (EpaSpan { T18791.hs:5:3-17 })
-             []
-             (EpaComments
-              [])))
+            [])

@@ -80,11 +80,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { Test20297.hs:(5,1)-(7,7) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -204,11 +200,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { Test20297.hs:(9,1)-(11,26) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -318,11 +310,7 @@
-                       (EpAnn
-                        (EpaSpan { Test20297.hs:11:9-26 })
-                        []
-                        (EpaComments
-                         []))
+                       []
@@ -499,11 +487,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { Test20297.ppr.hs:(3,1)-(5,7) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -611,11 +595,7 @@
-           (EpAnn
-            (EpaSpan { Test20297.ppr.hs:(6,1)-(9,24) })
-            []
-            (EpaComments
-             []))
+           []
@@ -719,11 +699,7 @@
-                       (EpAnn
-                        (EpaSpan { Test20297.ppr.hs:9:7-24 })
-                        []
-                        (EpaComments
-                         []))
+                       []

@@ -608,23 +608,8 @@ flushComments trailing_anns = do
 -- |In order to interleave annotations into the stream, we turn them into
 -- comments. They are removed from the annotation to avoid duplication.
 annotationsToComments :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
-  => EpAnn a -> Lens a [AddEpAnn] -> [AnnKeywordId] -> EP w m (EpAnn a)
-annotationsToComments (EpAnn anc a cs) l kws = do
-  let (newComments, newAnns) = go ([],[]) (view l a)
-  addComments newComments
-  return (EpAnn anc (set l (reverse newAnns) a) cs)
-  where
-    keywords = Set.fromList kws
-    go :: ([Comment], [AddEpAnn]) -> [AddEpAnn] -> ([Comment], [AddEpAnn])
-    go acc [] = acc
-    go (cs',ans) ((AddEpAnn k ss) : ls)
-      | Set.member k keywords = go ((mkKWComment k (epaToNoCommentsLocation ss)):cs', ans) ls
-      | otherwise             = go (cs', (AddEpAnn k ss):ans)    ls
-annotationsToComments' :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
   => a -> Lens a [AddEpAnn] -> [AnnKeywordId] -> EP w m a
-annotationsToComments' a l kws = do
+annotationsToComments a l kws = do
   let (newComments, newAnns) = go ([],[]) (view l a)
   addComments newComments
   return (set l (reverse newAnns) a)
@@ -723,10 +708,10 @@ printStringAtAA :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m EpaLoc
 printStringAtAA el str = printStringAtAAC CaptureComments el str
 printStringAtAAL :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
-  => EpAnn a -> Lens a EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m (EpAnn a)
-printStringAtAAL (EpAnn anc an cs) l str = do
+  => a -> Lens a EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m a
+printStringAtAAL an l str = do
   r <- printStringAtAAC CaptureComments (view l an) str
-  return (EpAnn anc (set l r an) cs)
+  return (set l r an)
 printStringAtAAC :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
   => CaptureComments -> EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m EpaLocation
@@ -1328,14 +1313,8 @@ markLensKw' a l kw = do
   return (set l loc a)
 markAnnKwAllL :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
-  => EpAnn a -> Lens a [EpaLocation] -> AnnKeywordId -> EP w m (EpAnn a)
-markAnnKwAllL (EpAnn anc a cs) l kw = do
-  anns <- mapM (markKwA kw) (view l a)
-  return (EpAnn anc (set l anns a) cs)
-markAnnKwAllL' :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
   => a -> Lens a [EpaLocation] -> AnnKeywordId -> EP w m a
-markAnnKwAllL' a l kw = do
+markAnnKwAllL a l kw = do
   anns <- mapM (markKwA kw) (view l a)
   return (set l anns a)
@@ -1456,6 +1435,13 @@ markAnnList ann action = do
     r <- action
     return (a,r)
+markAnnList' :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
+  => AnnList -> EP w m a -> EP w m (AnnList, a)
+markAnnList' ann action = do
+  markAnnListA' ann $ \a -> do
+    r <- action
+    return (a,r)
 markAnnListA :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
   => EpAnn AnnList
   -> (EpAnn AnnList -> EP w m (EpAnn AnnList, a))
@@ -2003,29 +1989,26 @@ instance ExactPrint (DerivDecl GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (ForeignDecl GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (ForeignImport an _ _  _) = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ForeignExport an _ _  _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ForeignImport an a b c) anc ts cs = ForeignImport (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ForeignExport an a b c) anc ts cs = ForeignExport (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (ForeignImport an n ty fimport) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnForeign
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnImport
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnForeign
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnImport
     fimport' <- markAnnotated fimport
     n' <- markAnnotated n
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnDcolon
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnDcolon
     ty' <- markAnnotated ty
     return (ForeignImport an2 n' ty' fimport')
   exact (ForeignExport an n ty fexport) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnForeign
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnExport
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnForeign
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnExport
     fexport' <- markAnnotated fexport
     n' <- markAnnotated n
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnDcolon
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnDcolon
     ty' <- markAnnotated ty
     return (ForeignExport an2 n' ty' fexport')
@@ -2378,12 +2361,12 @@ instance ExactPrint (ClsInstDecl GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (TyFamInstDecl GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (TyFamInstDecl an _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (TyFamInstDecl an a) anc ts cs = TyFamInstDecl (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact d@(TyFamInstDecl { tfid_xtn = an, tfid_eqn = eqn }) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnType
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnInstance
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnType
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnInstance
     eqn' <- markAnnotated eqn
     return (d { tfid_xtn = an1, tfid_eqn = eqn' })
@@ -2453,14 +2436,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsBind GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (PatSynBind GhcPs GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (PSB { psb_ext = an}) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor p anc ts cs = p { psb_ext = setAnchorEpa (psb_ext p) anc ts cs}
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (PSB{ psb_ext = an
             , psb_id = psyn, psb_args = details
             , psb_def = pat
             , psb_dir = dir }) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnPattern
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnPattern
     (an1, psyn', details') <-
       case details of
         InfixCon v1 v2 -> do
@@ -2475,25 +2458,25 @@ instance ExactPrint (PatSynBind GhcPs GhcPs) where
           return (an0, psyn', PrefixCon tvs' vs')
         RecCon vs -> do
           psyn' <- markAnnotated psyn
-          an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnOpenC  -- '{'
+          an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnOpenC  -- '{'
           vs' <- markAnnotated vs
-          an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnCloseC -- '}'
+          an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnCloseC -- '}'
           return (an2, psyn', RecCon vs')
     (an2, pat', dir') <-
       case dir of
         Unidirectional           -> do
-          an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnLarrow
+          an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnLarrow
           pat' <- markAnnotated pat
           return (an2, pat', dir)
         ImplicitBidirectional    -> do
-          an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnEqual
+          an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnEqual
           pat' <- markAnnotated pat
           return (an2, pat', dir)
         ExplicitBidirectional mg -> do
-          an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnLarrow
+          an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnLarrow
           pat' <- markAnnotated pat
-          an3 <- markEpAnnL an2 lidl  AnnWhere
+          an3 <- markEpAnnL' an2 lidl  AnnWhere
           mg' <- markAnnotated mg
           return (an3, pat', ExplicitBidirectional mg')
@@ -2514,8 +2497,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (RecordPatSynField GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
-  setAnnotationAnchor (Match an a b c) anc ts cs = Match (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) =
     exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
@@ -2523,8 +2506,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
 -- -------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
-  setAnnotationAnchor (Match an a b c) anc ts cs = Match (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) =
     exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
@@ -2543,7 +2526,7 @@ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
         debugM $ "exact Match FunRhs:" ++ showPprUnsafe fun
         an0' <-
           case strictness of
-            SrcStrict -> markEpAnnL an lidl AnnBang
+            SrcStrict -> markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnBang
             _ -> pure an
         case fixity of
           Prefix -> do
@@ -2560,18 +2543,18 @@ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
                     p2'  <- markAnnotated p2
                     return (an0', FunRhs fun' fixity strictness, [p1',p2'])
                 | otherwise -> do
-                    an0  <- markEpAnnL an0' lidl AnnOpenP
+                    an0  <- markEpAnnL' an0' lidl AnnOpenP
                     p1'  <- markAnnotated p1
                     fun' <- markAnnotated fun
                     p2'  <- markAnnotated p2
-                    an1  <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnCloseP
+                    an1  <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnCloseP
                     rest' <- mapM markAnnotated rest
                     return (an1, FunRhs fun' fixity strictness, p1':p2':rest')
               _ -> panic "FunRhs"
       -- ToDo: why is LamSingle treated differently?
       LamAlt LamSingle -> do
-        an0' <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnLam
+        an0' <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnLam
         pats' <- markAnnotated pats
         return (an0', LamAlt LamSingle, pats')
       LamAlt v -> do
@@ -2676,12 +2659,12 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsIPBinds GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (IPBind GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (IPBind an _ _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (IPBind an a b) anc ts cs = IPBind (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (IPBind an lr rhs) = do
     lr' <- markAnnotated lr
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnEqual
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnEqual
     rhs' <- markAnnotated rhs
     return (IPBind an0 lr' rhs')
@@ -2835,14 +2818,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (StandaloneKindSig GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (DefaultDecl GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (DefaultDecl an _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (DefaultDecl an a) anc ts cs = DefaultDecl (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (DefaultDecl an tys) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnDefault
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnOpenP
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnDefault
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnOpenP
     tys' <- markAnnotated tys
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnCloseP
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnCloseP
     return (DefaultDecl an2 tys')
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3034,9 +3017,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   exact (ExplicitSum an alt arity expr) = do
     an0 <- markLensKw' an laesOpen AnnOpenPH
-    an1 <- markAnnKwAllL' an0 laesBarsBefore AnnVbar
+    an1 <- markAnnKwAllL an0 laesBarsBefore AnnVbar
     expr' <- markAnnotated expr
-    an2 <- markAnnKwAllL' an1 laesBarsAfter AnnVbar
+    an2 <- markAnnKwAllL an1 laesBarsAfter AnnVbar
     an3 <- markLensKw' an2 laesClose AnnClosePH
     return (ExplicitSum an3 alt arity expr')
@@ -3330,14 +3313,15 @@ instance (ExactPrint body) => ExactPrint (HsRecFields GhcPs body) where
 instance (ExactPrint body)
     => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (LocatedA (FieldOcc GhcPs)) body) where
-  getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hfbAnn x)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) anc ts cs = (HsFieldBind (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) f arg isPun)
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) = do
     debugM $ "HsFieldBind"
     f' <- markAnnotated f
     (an0, arg') <- if isPun then return (an, arg)
              else do
-               an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnEqual
+               an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnEqual
                arg' <- markAnnotated arg
                return (an0, arg')
     return (HsFieldBind an0 f' arg' isPun)
@@ -3346,15 +3330,15 @@ instance (ExactPrint body)
 instance (ExactPrint body)
     => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (LocatedAn NoEpAnns (FieldLabelStrings GhcPs)) body) where
-  getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hfbAnn x)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) anc ts cs = (HsFieldBind (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) f arg isPun)
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) = do
     debugM $ "HsFieldBind FieldLabelStrings"
     f' <- markAnnotated f
     (an0, arg') <- if isPun then return (an, arg)
              else do
-               an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnEqual
+               an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnEqual
                arg' <- markAnnotated arg
                return (an0, arg')
     return (HsFieldBind an0 f' arg' isPun)
@@ -3363,13 +3347,14 @@ instance (ExactPrint body)
 instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
     => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (LocatedA (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)) (LocatedA body)) where
-  getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hfbAnn x)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) anc ts cs = (HsFieldBind (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) f arg isPun)
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (HsFieldBind an f arg isPun) = do
     debugM $ "HsRecUpdField"
     f' <- markAnnotated f
     an0 <- if isPun then return an
-             else markEpAnnL an lidl AnnEqual
+             else markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnEqual
     arg' <- if isPun
               then return arg
               else markAnnotated arg
@@ -3399,12 +3384,11 @@ instance ExactPrint (FieldLabelStrings GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (DotFieldOcc an _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (DotFieldOcc an a) anc ts cs = DotFieldOcc (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (DotFieldOcc an (L loc (FieldLabelString fs))) = do
-    an0 <- markLensKwM an lafDot  AnnDot
+    an0 <- markLensKwM' an lafDot  AnnDot
     -- The field name has a SrcSpanAnnN, print it as a
     -- LocatedN RdrName
     L loc' _ <- markAnnotated (L loc (mkVarUnqual fs))
@@ -3435,40 +3419,21 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmdTop GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdArrApp an _ _ _ _)   = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdArrForm _ _ _ _ _ )  = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdApp an _ _ )         = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdPar _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdCase an _ _)         = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdLam an _ _)          = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdIf an _ _ _ _)       = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdLet _ _ _)           = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdDo an _)             = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdArrApp an a b c d)   anc ts cs = (HsCmdArrApp (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c d)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(HsCmdArrForm{})            _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdApp an a b )         anc ts cs = (HsCmdApp (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b )
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdLam an a b)          anc ts cs = (HsCmdLam (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(HsCmdPar _ _)              _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdCase an a b)         anc ts cs = (HsCmdCase (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdIf an a b c d)       anc ts cs = (HsCmdIf (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c d)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(HsCmdLet _ _ _)            _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (HsCmdDo an a)             anc ts cs = (HsCmdDo (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (HsCmdArrApp an arr arg o isRightToLeft) = do
     if isRightToLeft
       then do
         arr' <- markAnnotated arr
-        an0 <- markKw (anns an)
+        an0 <- markKw an
         arg' <- markAnnotated arg
-        let an1 = an{anns = an0}
-        return (HsCmdArrApp an1 arr' arg' o isRightToLeft)
+        return (HsCmdArrApp an0 arr' arg' o isRightToLeft)
       else do
         arg' <- markAnnotated arg
-        an0 <- markKw (anns an)
+        an0 <- markKw an
         arr' <- markAnnotated arr
-        let an1 = an {anns = an0}
-        return (HsCmdArrApp an1 arr' arg' o isRightToLeft)
+        return (HsCmdArrApp an0 arr' arg' o isRightToLeft)
   exact (HsCmdArrForm an e fixity mf cs) = do
     an0 <- markLensMAA' an lal_open
@@ -3492,11 +3457,11 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
     return (HsCmdApp an e1' e2')
   exact (HsCmdLam an lam_variant matches) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnLam
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnLam
     an1 <- case lam_variant of
              LamSingle -> return an0
-             LamCase -> markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnCase
-             LamCases -> markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnCases
+             LamCase -> markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnCase
+             LamCases -> markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnCases
     matches' <- markAnnotated matches
     return (HsCmdLam an1 lam_variant matches')
@@ -3507,23 +3472,23 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
     return (HsCmdPar (lpar', rpar') e')
   exact (HsCmdCase an e alts) = do
-    an0 <- markLensKw an lhsCaseAnnCase AnnCase
+    an0 <- markLensKw' an lhsCaseAnnCase AnnCase
     e' <- markAnnotated e
-    an1 <- markLensKw an0 lhsCaseAnnOf AnnOf
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnOpenC
-    an3 <- markEpAnnAllL an2 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnSemi
+    an1 <- markLensKw' an0 lhsCaseAnnOf AnnOf
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnOpenC
+    an3 <- markEpAnnAllL' an2 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnSemi
     alts' <- markAnnotated alts
-    an4 <- markEpAnnL an3 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnCloseC
+    an4 <- markEpAnnL' an3 lhsCaseAnnsRest AnnCloseC
     return (HsCmdCase an4 e' alts')
   exact (HsCmdIf an a e1 e2 e3) = do
-    an0 <- markLensKw an laiIf AnnIf
+    an0 <- markLensKw' an laiIf AnnIf
     e1' <- markAnnotated e1
-    an1 <- markLensKwM an0 laiThenSemi AnnSemi
-    an2 <- markLensKw an1 laiThen AnnThen
+    an1 <- markLensKwM' an0 laiThenSemi AnnSemi
+    an2 <- markLensKw' an1 laiThen AnnThen
     e2' <- markAnnotated e2
-    an3 <- markLensKwM an2 laiElseSemi AnnSemi
-    an4 <- markLensKw an3 laiElse AnnElse
+    an3 <- markLensKwM' an2 laiElseSemi AnnSemi
+    an4 <- markLensKw' an3 laiElse AnnElse
     e3' <- markAnnotated e3
     return (HsCmdIf an4 a e1' e2' e3')
@@ -3537,7 +3502,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
   exact (HsCmdDo an es) = do
     debugM $ "HsCmdDo"
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lal_rest AnnDo
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lal_rest AnnDo
     es' <- markAnnotated es
     return (HsCmdDo an0 es')
@@ -3549,27 +3514,8 @@ instance (
            Anno [GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs)))] ~ SrcSpanAnnL,
            (ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs)))])))
    => ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (LastStmt _ _ _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (BindStmt an _ _)              = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ApplicativeStmt _ _ _)        = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (BodyStmt _ _ _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (LetStmt an _)                 = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ParStmt _ _ _ _)              = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (TransStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (RecStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _)       = fromAnn an
-  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(LastStmt _ _ _ _)              _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (BindStmt an a b)              anc ts cs = (BindStmt (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(ApplicativeStmt _ _ _)         _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(BodyStmt _ _ _ _)              _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (LetStmt an a)                 anc ts cs = (LetStmt (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(ParStmt _ _ _ _)               _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (TransStmt an a b c d e f g h) anc ts cs = (TransStmt (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c d e f g h)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (RecStmt an a b c d e f)       anc ts cs = (RecStmt (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c d e f)
-  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _s = a
   exact (LastStmt a body b c) = do
     debugM $ "LastStmt"
@@ -3579,7 +3525,7 @@ instance (
   exact (BindStmt an pat body) = do
     debugM $ "BindStmt"
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnLarrow
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnLarrow
     body' <- markAnnotated body
     return (BindStmt an0 pat' body')
@@ -3593,7 +3539,7 @@ instance (
   exact (LetStmt an binds) = do
     debugM $ "LetStmt"
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnLet
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnLet
     binds' <- markAnnotated binds
     return (LetStmt an0 binds')
@@ -3610,8 +3556,8 @@ instance (
   exact (RecStmt an stmts a b c d e) = do
     debugM $ "RecStmt"
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lal_rest AnnRec
-    (an1, stmts') <- markAnnList an0 (markAnnotated stmts)
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lal_rest AnnRec
+    (an1, stmts') <- markAnnList' an0 (markAnnotated stmts)
     return (RecStmt an1 stmts' a b c d e)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3624,29 +3570,29 @@ instance ExactPrint (ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs) where
     return (ParStmtBlock a stmts' b c)
 exactTransStmt :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
-  => EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> TransForm
-  -> EP w m (EpAnn [AddEpAnn], Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs), (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+  => [AddEpAnn] -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> TransForm
+  -> EP w m ([AddEpAnn], Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs), (LHsExpr GhcPs))
 exactTransStmt an by using ThenForm = do
   debugM $ "exactTransStmt:ThenForm"
-  an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnThen
+  an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnThen
   using' <- markAnnotated using
   case by of
     Nothing -> return (an0, by, using')
     Just b -> do
-      an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnBy
+      an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnBy
       b' <- markAnnotated b
       return (an1, Just b', using')
 exactTransStmt an by using GroupForm = do
   debugM $ "exactTransStmt:GroupForm"
-  an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnThen
-  an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnGroup
+  an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnThen
+  an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnGroup
   (an2, by') <- case by of
     Nothing -> return (an1, by)
     Just b -> do
-      an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnBy
+      an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnBy
       b' <- markAnnotated b
       return (an2, Just b')
-  an3 <- markEpAnnL an2 lidl AnnUsing
+  an3 <- markEpAnnL' an2 lidl AnnUsing
   using' <- markAnnotated using
   return (an3, by', using')
@@ -3666,7 +3612,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
     -- There may be arbitrary parens around parts of the constructor
     -- that are infix.  Turn these into comments so that they feed
     -- into the right place automatically
-    an0 <- annotationsToComments' an lidl [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
+    an0 <- annotationsToComments an lidl [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
     an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnType
     (_anx, ltycon', tyvars',_,_) <- exactVanillaDeclHead ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
@@ -3734,7 +3680,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
                              tcdDocs = _docs})
         top_matter = do
-          an' <- annotationsToComments' an lidl  [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
+          an' <- annotationsToComments an lidl  [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
           an0 <- markEpAnnL' an' lidl AnnClass
           (_, lclas', tyvars',_,context') <-  exactVanillaDeclHead lclas tyvars fixity context
           (an1, fds') <- if (null fds)
@@ -3750,20 +3696,20 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (FunDep GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (FunDep an _ _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (FunDep an a b) anc ts cs = FunDep (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (FunDep an ls rs') = do
     ls' <- markAnnotated ls
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnRarrow
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnRarrow
     rs'' <- markAnnotated rs'
     return (FunDep an0 ls' rs'')
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (FamilyDecl { fdExt = an }) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor x anc ts cs = x { fdExt = setAnchorEpa (fdExt x) anc ts cs}
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (FamilyDecl { fdExt = an
                     , fdInfo = info
@@ -3782,23 +3728,23 @@ instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
       case mb_inj of
         Nothing -> return (an3, mb_inj)
         Just inj -> do
-          an4 <- markEpAnnL an3 lidl AnnVbar
+          an4 <- markEpAnnL' an3 lidl AnnVbar
           inj' <- markAnnotated inj
           return (an4, Just inj')
     (an5, info') <-
              case info of
                ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns -> do
-                 an5 <- markEpAnnL an4 lidl AnnWhere
-                 an6 <- markEpAnnL an5 lidl AnnOpenC
+                 an5 <- markEpAnnL' an4 lidl AnnWhere
+                 an6 <- markEpAnnL' an5 lidl AnnOpenC
                  (an7, mb_eqns') <-
                    case mb_eqns of
                      Nothing -> do
-                       an7 <- markEpAnnL an6 lidl AnnDotdot
+                       an7 <- markEpAnnL' an6 lidl AnnDotdot
                        return (an7, mb_eqns)
                      Just eqns -> do
                        eqns' <- markAnnotated eqns
                        return (an6, Just eqns')
-                 an8 <- markEpAnnL an7 lidl AnnCloseC
+                 an8 <- markEpAnnL' an7 lidl AnnCloseC
                  return (an8, ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns')
                _ -> return (an4, info)
     return (FamilyDecl { fdExt = an5
@@ -3812,30 +3758,30 @@ instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
       exact_top_level an' =
         case top_level of
-          TopLevel    -> markEpAnnL an' lidl AnnFamily
+          TopLevel    -> markEpAnnL' an' lidl AnnFamily
           NotTopLevel -> do
             -- It seems that in some kind of legacy
             -- mode the 'family' keyword is still
             -- accepted.
-            markEpAnnL an' lidl AnnFamily
+            markEpAnnL' an' lidl AnnFamily
       exact_kind an' =
         case result of
           NoSig    _         -> return (an', result)
           KindSig  x kind    -> do
-            an0 <- markEpAnnL an' lidl AnnDcolon
+            an0 <- markEpAnnL' an' lidl AnnDcolon
             kind' <- markAnnotated kind
             return (an0, KindSig  x kind')
           TyVarSig x tv_bndr -> do
-            an0 <- markEpAnnL an' lidl AnnEqual
+            an0 <- markEpAnnL' an' lidl AnnEqual
             tv_bndr' <- markAnnotated tv_bndr
             return (an0, TyVarSig x tv_bndr')
-exactFlavour :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> FamilyInfo GhcPs -> EP w m (EpAnn [AddEpAnn])
-exactFlavour an DataFamily            = markEpAnnL an lidl AnnData
-exactFlavour an OpenTypeFamily        = markEpAnnL an lidl AnnType
-exactFlavour an (ClosedTypeFamily {}) = markEpAnnL an lidl AnnType
+exactFlavour :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => [AddEpAnn] -> FamilyInfo GhcPs -> EP w m [AddEpAnn]
+exactFlavour an DataFamily            = markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnData
+exactFlavour an OpenTypeFamily        = markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnType
+exactFlavour an (ClosedTypeFamily {}) = markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnType
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3857,7 +3803,7 @@ exactDataDefn an exactHdr
                              , dd_kindSig = mb_sig
                              , dd_cons = condecls, dd_derivs = derivings }) = do
-  an' <- annotationsToComments' an lidl [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
+  an' <- annotationsToComments an lidl [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
   an0 <- case condecls of
     DataTypeCons is_type_data _ -> do
@@ -3933,12 +3879,12 @@ exactVanillaDeclHead thing tvs@(HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (InjectivityAnn GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (InjectivityAnn an _ _) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (InjectivityAnn an a b) anc ts cs = InjectivityAnn (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (InjectivityAnn an lhs rhs) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnVbar
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnVbar
     lhs' <- markAnnotated lhs
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnRarrow
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnRarrow
     rhs' <- mapM markAnnotated rhs
     return (InjectivityAnn an1 lhs' rhs')
@@ -4148,14 +4094,13 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsForAllTelescope GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (HsDerivingClause GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry d@(HsDerivingClause{}) = fromAnn (deriv_clause_ext d)
-  setAnnotationAnchor x anc ts cs = (x { deriv_clause_ext = setAnchorEpa (deriv_clause_ext x) anc ts cs})
-                                      `debug` ("setAnnotationAnchor HsDerivingClause: (anc,cs):" ++ showAst (anc,cs))
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext      = an
                           , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
                           , deriv_clause_tys      = dct }) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnDeriving
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnDeriving
     dct' <- markAnnotated dct
@@ -4171,27 +4116,20 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsDerivingClause GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (DerivStrategy GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (StockStrategy an)    = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (AnyclassStrategy an) = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (NewtypeStrategy an)  = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an  _)) = fromAnn an
-  setAnnotationAnchor (StockStrategy an)    anc ts cs = (StockStrategy (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs))
-  setAnnotationAnchor (AnyclassStrategy an) anc ts cs = (AnyclassStrategy (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs))
-  setAnnotationAnchor (NewtypeStrategy an)  anc ts cs = (NewtypeStrategy (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs))
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an  a)) anc ts cs = (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs)  a))
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (StockStrategy an)    = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lid AnnStock
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lid AnnStock
     return (StockStrategy an0)
   exact (AnyclassStrategy an) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lid AnnAnyclass
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lid AnnAnyclass
     return (AnyclassStrategy an0)
   exact (NewtypeStrategy an)  = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lid AnnNewtype
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lid AnnNewtype
     return (NewtypeStrategy an0)
   exact (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an ty)) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lid AnnVia
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lid AnnVia
     ty' <- markAnnotated ty
     return (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs an0 ty'))
@@ -4354,11 +4292,8 @@ exact_condecls an cs
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (ConDecl GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry x@(ConDeclGADT{}) = fromAnn (snd (con_g_ext x))
-  getAnnotationEntry x@(ConDeclH98{})  = fromAnn (con_ext x)
-  setAnnotationAnchor x at ConDeclGADT{} anc ts cs = x { con_g_ext = fmap (\an -> setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) (con_g_ext x) }
-  setAnnotationAnchor x at ConDeclH98{}  anc ts cs = x { con_ext   = setAnchorEpa (con_ext x) anc ts cs}
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
 -- based on pprConDecl
   exact (ConDeclH98 { con_ext = an
@@ -4369,15 +4304,15 @@ instance ExactPrint (ConDecl GhcPs) where
                     , con_args = args
                     , con_doc = doc }) = do
     an0 <- if has_forall
-      then markEpAnnL an lidl AnnForall
+      then markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnForall
       else return an
     ex_tvs' <- mapM markAnnotated ex_tvs
     an1 <- if has_forall
-      then markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnDot
+      then markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnDot
       else return an0
     mcxt' <- mapM markAnnotated mcxt
     an2 <- if (isJust mcxt)
-      then markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnDarrow
+      then markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnDarrow
       else return an1
     (con', args') <- exact_details args
@@ -4425,7 +4360,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (ConDecl GhcPs) where
     mcxt' <- mapM markAnnotated mcxt
     an2 <- if (isJust mcxt)
-      then markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnDarrow
+      then markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnDarrow
       else return an1
     args' <-
       case args of
@@ -4469,15 +4404,13 @@ instance ExactPrintTVFlag flag => ExactPrint (HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcPs) wher
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (ConDeclField GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry f@(ConDeclField{}) = fromAnn (cd_fld_ext f)
-  setAnnotationAnchor x anc ts cs = x { cd_fld_ext = setAnchorEpa (cd_fld_ext x) anc ts cs}
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (ConDeclField an names ftype mdoc) = do
     names' <- markAnnotated names
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnDcolon
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnDcolon
     ftype' <- markAnnotated ftype
-    -- mdoc' <- mapM markAnnotated mdoc
     return (ConDeclField an0 names' ftype' mdoc)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4617,23 +4550,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedL (BF.BooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName))) where
 -- =====================================================================
 instance ExactPrint (IE GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEVar _ _)            = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEThingAbs (_, an) _)      = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEThingAll (_, an) _)      = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEThingWith (_, an) _ _ _) = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEModuleContents (_, an) _)= fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEGroup _ _ _)        = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEDoc _ _)            = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (IEDocNamed _ _)       = NoEntryVal
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(IEVar _ _)                      _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (IEThingAbs (depr, an) a)       anc ts cs = (IEThingAbs (depr, setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (IEThingAll (depr, an) a)       anc ts cs = (IEThingAll (depr, setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (IEThingWith (depr, an) a b c)  anc ts cs = (IEThingWith (depr, setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (IEModuleContents (depr, an) a) anc ts cs = (IEModuleContents (depr, setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(IEGroup _ _ _)         _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(IEDoc _ _)             _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(IEDocNamed _ _)        _ _ _s = a
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (IEVar depr ln) = do
     depr' <- markAnnotated depr
@@ -4646,15 +4564,15 @@ instance ExactPrint (IE GhcPs) where
   exact (IEThingAll (depr, an) thing) = do
     depr' <- markAnnotated depr
     thing' <- markAnnotated thing
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an  lidl AnnOpenP
-    an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnDotdot
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnCloseP
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an  lidl AnnOpenP
+    an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnDotdot
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnCloseP
     return (IEThingAll (depr', an2) thing')
   exact (IEThingWith (depr, an) thing wc withs) = do
     depr' <- markAnnotated depr
     thing' <- markAnnotated thing
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnOpenP
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnOpenP
     (an1, wc', withs') <-
       case wc of
         NoIEWildcard -> do
@@ -4663,16 +4581,16 @@ instance ExactPrint (IE GhcPs) where
         IEWildcard pos -> do
           let (bs, as) = splitAt pos withs
           bs' <- markAnnotated bs
-          an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnDotdot
-          an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnComma
+          an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnDotdot
+          an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnComma
           as' <- markAnnotated as
           return (an2, wc, bs'++as')
-    an2 <- markEpAnnL an1 lidl AnnCloseP
+    an2 <- markEpAnnL' an1 lidl AnnCloseP
     return (IEThingWith (depr', an2) thing' wc' withs')
   exact (IEModuleContents (depr, an) m) = do
     depr' <- markAnnotated depr
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnModule
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnModule
     m' <- markAnnotated m
     return (IEModuleContents (depr', an0) m')
@@ -4706,41 +4624,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (IEWrappedName GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (WildPat _)              = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (VarPat _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (LazyPat an _)           = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (AsPat _ _ _)            = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (ParPat _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (BangPat an _)           = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ListPat an _)           = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (TuplePat an _ _)        = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (SumPat an _ _ _)        = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ConPat an _ _)          = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ViewPat an _ _)         = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (SplicePat _ _)          = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (LitPat _ _)             = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (NPat an _ _ _)          = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (NPlusKPat an _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (SigPat an _ _)          = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (EmbTyPat _ _)           = NoEntryVal
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(WildPat _)                _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(VarPat _ _)               _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (LazyPat an a)            anc ts cs = (LazyPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(AsPat _ _ _)              _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(ParPat _ _)               _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (BangPat an a)            anc ts cs = (BangPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ListPat an a)            anc ts cs = (ListPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (TuplePat an a b)         anc ts cs = (TuplePat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (SumPat an a b c)         anc ts cs = (SumPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ConPat an a b)           anc ts cs = (ConPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (ViewPat an a b)          anc ts cs = (ViewPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(SplicePat _ _)            _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(LitPat _ _)               _ _ _s = a
-  setAnnotationAnchor (NPat an a b c)           anc ts cs = (NPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (NPlusKPat an a b c d e)  anc ts cs = (NPlusKPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b c d e)
-  setAnnotationAnchor (SigPat an a b)           anc ts cs = (SigPat (setAnchorEpa an anc ts cs) a b)
-  setAnnotationAnchor a@(EmbTyPat _ _)             _ _ _s = a
+  getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
+  setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
   exact (WildPat w) = do
     anchor' <- getAnchorU
@@ -4756,7 +4641,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
       else return n
     return (VarPat x n')
   exact (LazyPat an pat) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnTilde
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnTilde
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
     return (LazyPat an0 pat')
   exact (AsPat at n pat) = do
@@ -4771,30 +4656,30 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
     return (ParPat (lpar', rpar') pat')
   exact (BangPat an pat) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnBang
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnBang
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
     return (BangPat an0 pat')
   exact (ListPat an pats) = do
-    (an', pats') <- markAnnList an (markAnnotated pats)
+    (an', pats') <- markAnnList' an (markAnnotated pats)
     return (ListPat an' pats')
   exact (TuplePat an pats boxity) = do
     an0 <- case boxity of
-             Boxed   -> markEpAnnL an lidl AnnOpenP
-             Unboxed -> markEpAnnL an lidl AnnOpenPH
+             Boxed   -> markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnOpenP
+             Unboxed -> markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnOpenPH
     pats' <- markAnnotated pats
     an1 <- case boxity of
-             Boxed   -> markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnCloseP
-             Unboxed -> markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnClosePH
+             Boxed   -> markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnCloseP
+             Unboxed -> markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnClosePH
     return (TuplePat an1 pats' boxity)
   exact (SumPat an pat alt arity) = do
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lsumPatParens AnnOpenPH
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lsumPatParens AnnOpenPH
     an1 <- markAnnKwAllL an0 lsumPatVbarsBefore AnnVbar
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
     an2 <- markAnnKwAllL an1 lsumPatVbarsAfter AnnVbar
-    an3 <- markEpAnnL an2 lsumPatParens AnnClosePH
+    an3 <- markEpAnnL' an2 lsumPatParens AnnClosePH
     return (SumPat an3 pat' alt arity)
   exact (ConPat an con details) = do
@@ -4802,7 +4687,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
     return (ConPat an' con' details')
   exact (ViewPat an expr pat) = do
     expr' <- markAnnotated expr
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnRarrow
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnRarrow
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
     return (ViewPat an0 expr' pat')
   exact (SplicePat x splice) = do
@@ -4811,7 +4696,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
   exact p@(LitPat _ lit) = printStringAdvance (hsLit2String lit) >> return p
   exact (NPat an ol mn z) = do
     an0 <- if (isJust mn)
-      then markEpAnnL an lidl AnnMinus
+      then markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnMinus
       else return an
     ol' <- markAnnotated ol
     return (NPat an0 ol' mn z)
@@ -4824,7 +4709,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
   exact (SigPat an pat sig) = do
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
-    an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnDcolon
+    an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnDcolon
     sig' <- markAnnotated sig
     return (SigPat an0 pat' sig')
@@ -4903,8 +4788,8 @@ sourceTextToString (SourceText txt) _ = unpackFS txt
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 exactUserCon :: (Monad m, Monoid w, ExactPrint con)
-  => EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> con -> HsConPatDetails GhcPs
-  -> EP w m (EpAnn [AddEpAnn], con, HsConPatDetails GhcPs)
+  => [AddEpAnn] -> con -> HsConPatDetails GhcPs
+  -> EP w m ([AddEpAnn], con, HsConPatDetails GhcPs)
 exactUserCon an c (InfixCon p1 p2) = do
   p1' <- markAnnotated p1
   c' <- markAnnotated c
@@ -4912,9 +4797,9 @@ exactUserCon an c (InfixCon p1 p2) = do
   return (an, c', InfixCon p1' p2')
 exactUserCon an c details = do
   c' <- markAnnotated c
-  an0 <- markEpAnnL an lidl AnnOpenC
+  an0 <- markEpAnnL' an lidl AnnOpenC
   details' <- exactConArgs details
-  an1 <- markEpAnnL an0 lidl AnnCloseC
+  an1 <- markEpAnnL' an0 lidl AnnCloseC
   return (an1, c', details')
 instance ExactPrint (HsConPatTyArg GhcPs) where

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