[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/andreask/deep_discounts] A bit of cleanup

Andreas Klebinger (@AndreasK) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Aug 11 22:12:39 UTC 2022

Andreas Klebinger pushed to branch wip/andreask/deep_discounts at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9750d9e7 by Andreas Klebinger at 2022-08-12T00:12:10+02:00
A bit of cleanup

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Seq.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs


@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ data ArgDiscount
                       , ad_con_discount :: !(ConMap ConDiscount) -- ^ Discounts for specific constructors
             -- A discount for the use of a function.
-            | FunDisc { ad_seq_discount :: !Int, ad_fun :: Id}
+            | FunDisc { ad_seq_discount :: !Int, ad_fun :: !Name}
             | NoSeqUse
             deriving Eq

@@ -907,14 +907,6 @@ interestingArg env e =
             | otherwise -> ConArg con (fn_args ++ arg_summaries)
           _ -> fn_summary
-      -- | ConArg con args <- fn_summary
-      -- = if (isClassTyCon $ dataConTyCon con)
-      --     then ValueArg
-      --     else ConArg con (args ++ [go env (depth-1) 0 arg])
-      -- | otherwise = fn_summary
-      -- where
-      --   fn_summary = go env (depth-1) (n+1) fn
     go env depth n (Tick _ a)        = go env depth n a
     go env depth n (Cast e _)        = go env depth n e
     go env depth n (Lam v e)

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Type( seqType, isTyVar )
 import GHC.Core.Coercion( seqCo )
 import GHC.Types.Id( idInfo )
 import GHC.Utils.Misc (seqList)
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM (seqEltsUFM)
 -- | Evaluate all the fields of the 'IdInfo' that are generally demanded by the
 -- compiler
@@ -113,5 +114,12 @@ seqUnfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = e, uf_is_top = top,
 seqUnfolding _ = ()
 seqGuidance :: UnfoldingGuidance -> ()
-seqGuidance (UnfIfGoodArgs ns n b) = n `seq` (seqList ns ()) `seq` b `seq` ()
+seqGuidance (UnfIfGoodArgs ns n b) = n `seq` (seqList (map seqArgDiscount ns) ()) `seq` b `seq` ()
 seqGuidance _                      = ()
+seqArgDiscount :: ArgDiscount -> ()
+seqArgDiscount (DiscSeq !_ sub_args) = seqEltsUFM seqConDiscount sub_args
+seqArgDiscount !_ = ()
+seqConDiscount :: ConDiscount -> ()
+seqConDiscount (ConDiscount !_ !_ sub_args) = seqList (map seqArgDiscount sub_args) ()
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -62,13 +62,11 @@ import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
--- import GHC.Utils.Trace
 import Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain (assert)
-import GHC.Utils.Panic (pprPanic)
 import GHC.Data.Graph.UnVar
--- import GHC.Utils.Trace (pprTrace)
+import GHC.Utils.Trace (pprTraceDebug)
@@ -262,8 +260,7 @@ calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming (Tick t expr)
   | not (tickishIsCode t)  -- non-code ticks don't matter for unfolding
   = calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming expr
 calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming expr
-  = -- (\r -> pprTrace "calcUnfoldingGuidance" (ppr expr $$ ppr r $$ ppr (sizeExpr opts bOMB_OUT_SIZE val_bndrs body) $$ ppr r $$ ppr is_top_bottoming) r)  $
-    case sizeExpr opts bOMB_OUT_SIZE val_bndrs body of
+  = case sizeExpr opts bOMB_OUT_SIZE val_bndrs body of
       TooBig -> UnfNever
       SizeIs size cased_bndrs scrut_discount
         | uncondInline expr n_val_bndrs size
@@ -275,10 +272,7 @@ calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming expr
         -> UnfNever   -- See Note [Do not inline top-level bottoming functions]
         | otherwise
-        ->
-          -- (if not (interesting_cased cased_bndrs) then id else pprTrace "UnfWhenDiscount" (ppr cased_bndrs))
-          UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_args  = map (mk_discount cased_bndrs) val_bndrs
+        -> UnfIfGoodArgs { ug_args  = map (mk_discount cased_bndrs) val_bndrs
                          , ug_size  = size
                          , ug_res   = scrut_discount }
@@ -292,17 +286,6 @@ calcUnfoldingGuidance opts is_top_bottoming expr
     mk_discount :: VarEnv ArgDiscount -> Id -> ArgDiscount
     mk_discount cbs bndr = lookupWithDefaultVarEnv cbs NoSeqUse bndr
-      -- foldl' combine NoSeqUse cbs
-      --      where
-      --        combine acc (bndr', use)
-      --          | bndr == bndr' = acc `plus_disc` use
-      --          | otherwise     = acc
-      --        plus_disc :: ArgDiscount -> ArgDiscount -> ArgDiscount
-      --        plus_disc | isFunTy (idType bndr) = maxArgDiscount
-      --                  | otherwise             = combineArgDiscount
-      --        -- See Note [Function and non-function discounts]
 {- Note [Inline unsafeCoerce]
 We really want to inline unsafeCoerce, even when applied to boring
@@ -482,95 +465,84 @@ sizeExpr :: UnfoldingOpts
 -- Forcing bOMB_OUT_SIZE early prevents repeated
 -- unboxing of the Int argument.
 sizeExpr opts !bOMB_OUT_SIZE top_args' expr
-  = let result = size_up depth_limit (mkUnVarSet top_args') expr
-    in
-      -- pprTrace "sizeExpr" (ppr expr) $
-      -- pprTrace "sizeExpr2" (ppr result) $
-      result
+  = size_up depth_limit (mkUnVarSet top_args') expr
     depth_limit = unfoldingMaxGuideDepth opts
     size_up :: Int -> UnVarSet -> Expr Var -> ExprSize
-    size_up !depth !disc_args (Cast e _) = size_up depth disc_args e
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Tick _ e) = size_up depth disc_args e
-    size_up !_depth _disc_args (Type _)   = sizeZero           -- Types cost nothing
-    size_up !_depth _disc_args (Coercion _) = sizeZero
-    size_up !_depth _disc_args (Lit lit)  = sizeN (litSize lit)
-    size_up !_depth  disc_args (Var f) | isZeroBitId f = sizeZero
+    size_up !depth !arg_comps (Cast e _) = size_up depth arg_comps e
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Tick _ e) = size_up depth arg_comps e
+    size_up !_depth _arg_comps (Type _)   = sizeZero           -- Types cost nothing
+    size_up !_depth _arg_comps (Coercion _) = sizeZero
+    size_up !_depth _arg_comps (Lit lit)  = sizeN (litSize lit)
+    size_up !_depth  arg_comps (Var f) | isZeroBitId f = sizeZero
                                 -- Make sure we get constructor discounts even
                                 -- on nullary constructors
-                              | otherwise       = size_up_call disc_args f [] 0
+                              | otherwise       = size_up_call arg_comps f [] 0
-    size_up !depth disc_args (App fun arg)
-      | isTyCoArg arg = size_up depth disc_args fun
-      | otherwise     = size_up depth disc_args arg  `addSizeNSD`
-                        size_up_app depth disc_args  fun [arg] (if isZeroBitExpr arg then 1 else 0)
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (App fun arg)
+      | isTyCoArg arg = size_up depth arg_comps fun
+      | otherwise     = size_up depth arg_comps arg  `addSizeNSD`
+                        size_up_app depth arg_comps  fun [arg] (if isZeroBitExpr arg then 1 else 0)
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Lam b e)
-      | isId b && not (isZeroBitId b) = lamScrutDiscount opts (size_up depth (delUnVarSet disc_args b) e `addSizeN` 10)
-      | otherwise = size_up depth (delUnVarSet disc_args b) e
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Lam b e)
+      | isId b && not (isZeroBitId b) = lamScrutDiscount opts (size_up depth (delUnVarSet arg_comps b) e `addSizeN` 10)
+      | otherwise = size_up depth (delUnVarSet arg_comps b) e
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body)
-      = let disc_args' = delUnVarSet disc_args binder
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body)
+      = let arg_comps' = delUnVarSet arg_comps binder
-        size_up_rhs depth  disc_args' (binder, rhs) `addSizeNSD`
-        size_up depth disc_args' body              `addSizeN`
+        size_up_rhs depth  arg_comps' (binder, rhs) `addSizeNSD`
+        size_up depth arg_comps' body              `addSizeN`
         size_up_alloc binder
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Let (Rec pairs) body)
       = let lhs_bnds = map fst pairs
-            disc_args' = delUnVarSetList disc_args lhs_bnds
+            arg_comps' = delUnVarSetList arg_comps lhs_bnds
-        foldr (addSizeNSD . (size_up_rhs depth  disc_args'))
-              (size_up depth disc_args' body `addSizeN` sum (map (size_up_alloc . fst) pairs))
+        foldr (addSizeNSD . (size_up_rhs depth  arg_comps'))
+              (size_up depth arg_comps' body `addSizeN` sum (map (size_up_alloc . fst) pairs))
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Case e _ _ alts)
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Case e _ _ alts)
         | null alts
-        = size_up depth disc_args e    -- case e of {} never returns, so take size of scrutinee
+        = size_up depth arg_comps e    -- case e of {} never returns, so take size of scrutinee
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Case e _ _ alts)
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Case e _ _ alts)
         -- Now alts is non-empty
-        | Just v <- is_top_arg e -- We are scrutinising an argument variable
+        -- We are scrutinising an argument variable or a subcomponent thereof.
+        | Just v <- is_top_arg e
         = let
-            -- If the constructor is then apply a discount for that constructor that
-            -- is equal to size_all_alts - size_this_alt.
-            -- This means the size of the function will be considered the same as if
-            -- we had replace the whole case with just the rhs of the alternative.
-            -- Which is what we want.
-            trim_size tot_size (Alt (DataAlt con) alt_bndrs _rhs) (SizeIs alt_size _ _) =
+            -- Compute size of alternatives
+            alt_sizes = map (size_up_alt depth (Just v) arg_comps) alts
+            -- Apply a discount for a given constructor that brings the size down to just
+            -- the size of the alternative.
+            alt_size_discount tot_size (Alt (DataAlt con) alt_bndrs _rhs) (SizeIs alt_size _ _) =
               let trim_discount = max 10 $ tot_size - alt_size
               in Just (unitUFM con (ConDiscount con trim_discount (map (const NoSeqUse) alt_bndrs)))
-            trim_size _tot_size _ _alt_size = Nothing
-            alt_sizes = map (size_up_alt depth (Just v) disc_args) alts
+            alt_size_discount _tot_size _ _alt_size = Nothing
+            -- Add up discounts from the alternatives
             added_alt_sizes = (foldr1 addAltSize alt_sizes)
-            max_alt_size = (foldr (maxSize bOMB_OUT_SIZE) 0 alt_sizes)
+            -- Compute size of the largest rhs
+            largest_alt_size = (foldr (maxSize bOMB_OUT_SIZE) 0 alt_sizes)
-                  -- alts_size tries to compute a good discount for
-                  -- the case when we are scrutinising an argument variable
+            -- alts_size tries to compute a good discount for
+            -- the case when we are scrutinising an argument variable or subcomponent thereof
             alts_size (SizeIs tot tot_disc tot_scrut)
-                          -- Size of all alternatives combined
-                      max_alt_size
-                  = -- TODO: Perhaps worth having a default-alternative discount (we take the default branch)
-                    -- and "default" discout we apply if no other discount matched. (E.g the alternative was too big)
-                    -- Currently we only have the later
-                    -- Worst case we take the biggest alternative, so the discount is equivalent to eliminating all other
-                    -- alternatives.
-                    let default_alt_discount = 20 + tot - max_alt_size
-                        alt_discounts = unitUFM v $ DiscSeq default_alt_discount $ plusUFMList $ catMaybes $ zipWith (trim_size tot) alts alt_sizes
-                    in
+                      largest_alt_size
+                  = let default_alt_discount = 20 + tot - largest_alt_size
+                        alt_discounts = unitUFM v $ DiscSeq default_alt_discount $ plusUFMList $ catMaybes $ zipWith (alt_size_discount tot) alts alt_sizes
+                    in
                     SizeIs tot
                             `plusDiscountEnv` (alt_discounts))
-                          -- If the variable is known, we produce a
-                          -- discount that will take us back to 'max',
-                          -- the size of the largest alternative The
-                          -- 1+ is a little discount for reduced
-                          -- allocation in the caller
+                          -- If the variable is known but we don't have a
+                          -- specific constructor discount for it, we produce a
+                          -- discount that will take us back to 'largest_alt_size',
+                          -- the size of the largest alternative.
                           -- Notice though, that we return tot_disc,
                           -- the total discount from all branches.  I
@@ -581,18 +553,18 @@ sizeExpr opts !bOMB_OUT_SIZE top_args' expr
           -- Why foldr1? We might get TooBig already after the first few alternatives
           -- in which case we don't have to look at the remaining ones.
           alts_size added_alt_sizes  -- alts is non-empty
-                    max_alt_size
+                    largest_alt_size
                 -- Good to inline if an arg is scrutinised, because
                 -- that may eliminate allocation in the caller
                 -- And it eliminates the case itself
-          is_top_arg (Var v) | v `elemUnVarSet` disc_args = Just v
+          is_top_arg (Var v) | v `elemUnVarSet` arg_comps = Just v
           is_top_arg (Cast e _) = is_top_arg e
           is_top_arg _ = Nothing
-    size_up !depth disc_args (Case e _ _ alts) = size_up depth disc_args e  `addSizeNSD`
-                                foldr (addAltSize . (size_up_alt depth Nothing disc_args) ) case_size alts
+    size_up !depth arg_comps (Case e _ _ alts) = size_up depth arg_comps e  `addSizeNSD`
+                                foldr (addAltSize . (size_up_alt depth Nothing arg_comps) ) case_size alts
            | is_inline_scrut e, lengthAtMost alts 1 = sizeN (-10)
@@ -629,25 +601,25 @@ sizeExpr opts !bOMB_OUT_SIZE top_args' expr
               | otherwise
                 = False
-    size_up_rhs !depth !disc_args (bndr, rhs)
+    size_up_rhs !depth !arg_comps (bndr, rhs)
       | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
         -- Skip arguments to join point
       , (bndrs, body) <- collectNBinders join_arity rhs
-      = size_up depth (delUnVarSetList disc_args bndrs) body
+      = size_up depth (delUnVarSetList arg_comps bndrs) body
       | otherwise
-      = size_up depth disc_args rhs
+      = size_up depth arg_comps rhs
     -- size_up_app is used when there's ONE OR MORE value args
-    size_up_app depth !disc_args  (App fun arg) args voids
-        | isTyCoArg arg                  = size_up_app depth disc_args  fun args voids
-        | isZeroBitExpr arg              = size_up_app depth disc_args  fun (arg:args) (voids + 1)
-        | otherwise                      = size_up depth disc_args arg  `addSizeNSD`
-                                           size_up_app depth disc_args  fun (arg:args) voids
-    size_up_app _depth disc_args  (Var fun)     args voids = size_up_call disc_args fun args voids
-    size_up_app depth disc_args  (Tick _ expr) args voids = size_up_app depth disc_args  expr args voids
-    size_up_app depth disc_args  (Cast expr _) args voids = size_up_app depth disc_args  expr args voids
-    size_up_app depth disc_args  other         args voids = size_up depth  disc_args other `addSizeN`
+    size_up_app depth !arg_comps  (App fun arg) args voids
+        | isTyCoArg arg                  = size_up_app depth arg_comps  fun args voids
+        | isZeroBitExpr arg              = size_up_app depth arg_comps  fun (arg:args) (voids + 1)
+        | otherwise                      = size_up depth arg_comps arg  `addSizeNSD`
+                                           size_up_app depth arg_comps  fun (arg:args) voids
+    size_up_app _depth arg_comps (Var fun)     args voids = size_up_call arg_comps fun args voids
+    size_up_app depth arg_comps  (Tick _ expr) args voids = size_up_app depth arg_comps  expr args voids
+    size_up_app depth arg_comps  (Cast expr _) args voids = size_up_app depth arg_comps  expr args voids
+    size_up_app depth arg_comps  other         args voids = size_up depth arg_comps other `addSizeN`
                                            callSize (length args) voids
        -- if the lhs is not an App or a Var, or an invisible thing like a
        -- Tick or Cast, then we should charge for a complete call plus the
@@ -655,27 +627,28 @@ sizeExpr opts !bOMB_OUT_SIZE top_args' expr
     size_up_call :: UnVarSet -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Int -> ExprSize
-    size_up_call !disc_args fun val_args voids
+    size_up_call !arg_comps fun val_args voids
        = case idDetails fun of
            FCallId _        -> sizeN (callSize (length val_args) voids)
            DataConWorkId dc -> conSize    dc (length val_args)
            PrimOpId op _    -> primOpSize op (length val_args)
-           ClassOpId _      -> classOpSize opts disc_args val_args
-           _                -> funSize opts disc_args fun (length val_args) voids
+           ClassOpId _      -> classOpSize opts arg_comps val_args
+           _                -> funSize opts arg_comps fun (length val_args) voids
     -- Take into acount the binders of scrutinized argument binders
     -- But not too deeply! Hence we check if we exhausted depth.
-    size_up_alt depth m_top_arg !disc_args  (Alt alt_con bndrs rhs)
+    -- If so we simply ingore the case binders.
+    size_up_alt depth m_top_arg !arg_comps  (Alt alt_con bndrs rhs)
       | Just top_arg <- m_top_arg
       , depth > 0
       , DataAlt con <- alt_con
-        let alt_size = size_up depth (extendUnVarSetList bndrs disc_args) rhs `addSizeN` 10
-        -- let alt_size = size_up (disc_args) rhs `addSizeN` 10
+        let alt_size = size_up depth (extendUnVarSetList bndrs arg_comps) rhs `addSizeN` 10
+        -- let alt_size = size_up (arg_comps) rhs `addSizeN` 10
         in asExprSize top_arg alt_size con bndrs
-    size_up_alt depth _ disc_args  (Alt _con bndrs rhs) = size_up depth (delUnVarSetList disc_args bndrs) rhs `addSizeN` 10
+    size_up_alt depth _ arg_comps  (Alt _con bndrs rhs) = size_up depth (delUnVarSetList arg_comps bndrs) rhs `addSizeN` 10
         -- Don't charge for args, so that wrappers look cheap
         -- (See comments about wrappers with Case)
@@ -797,7 +770,7 @@ funSize opts !top_args fun n_val_args voids
         --  See Note [Function and non-function discounts]
     arg_discount | some_val_args && fun `elemUnVarSet` top_args
                  = -- pprTrace "mkFunSize" (ppr fun) $
-                   unitUFM fun (FunDisc (unfoldingFunAppDiscount opts) fun)
+                   unitUFM fun (FunDisc (unfoldingFunAppDiscount opts) (idName fun))
                  | otherwise = mempty
         -- If the function is an argument and is applied
         -- to some values, give it an arg-discount
@@ -1026,13 +999,11 @@ plusDiscountEnv el er = plusUFM_C combineArgDiscount el er
 classOpArgDiscount :: Int -> ArgDiscount
 classOpArgDiscount n = SomeArgUse n
--- We computes the size of a case alternative.
--- Now we want to transfer to discount from scrutinizing the constructor binders
--- to the constructor discounts for the current scrutinee.
+-- After computing the discounts for an alternatives rhs we transfer discounts from the
+-- alt binders to the constructor specific discount of the scrutinee for the given constructor.
 asExprSize :: Id -> ExprSize -> DataCon -> [Id] -> ExprSize
 asExprSize _ TooBig _ _ = TooBig
 asExprSize scrut (SizeIs n arg_discs s_d) con alt_bndrs =
-    -- pprTrace "asExprSize" (ppr (scrut, (SizeIs n arg_discs s_d))) $
     let (alt_discount_bags, top_discounts) = partitionWithKeyUFM (\k _v -> k `elem` map getUnique alt_bndrs) arg_discs
         alt_discount_map = alt_discount_bags
         alt_bndr_uses = map (\bndr -> lookupWithDefaultVarEnv alt_discount_map NoSeqUse bndr ) alt_bndrs :: [ArgDiscount]
@@ -1044,9 +1015,8 @@ mkConUse :: DataCon -> [ArgDiscount] -> ArgDiscount
 mkConUse con uses =
-    -- We apply a penalty of 1 per case alternative, so here we apply a discount of 1 by eliminated
-    -- case alternative.
-    -- And then one more because we get rid of a conditional branch which is always good.
+    -- We apply a penalty of 1 per case alternative, so here we apply a discount of 1 per *eliminated*
+    -- case alternative. And then one more because we get rid of a conditional branch which is always good.
     (unitUFM con (ConDiscount con (length uses) uses))
 combineArgDiscount :: ArgDiscount -> ArgDiscount -> ArgDiscount
@@ -1058,7 +1028,9 @@ combineArgDiscount (DiscSeq d1 m1) (SomeArgUse d2) = DiscSeq (d1 + d2) m1
 combineArgDiscount (DiscSeq d1 m1) (DiscSeq d2 m2) = DiscSeq (d1 + d2) (plusUFM_C combineMapEntry m1 m2)
 -- See Note [Function and non-function discounts] why we need this
 combineArgDiscount f1@(FunDisc d1 _f1) f2@(FunDisc d2 _f2) = if d1 > d2 then f1 else f2
-combineArgDiscount u1 u2 = pprPanic "Variable seemingly discounted as both function and constructor" (ppr u1 $$ ppr u2)
+-- This can happen either through shadowing or with things like unsafeCoerce. A good idea to warn for debug builds but we don't want to panic here.
+combineArgDiscount f1@(FunDisc _d _n) u2 = pprTraceDebug "Variable seemingly discounted as both function and constructor" (ppr f1 $$ ppr u2) f1
+combineArgDiscount u1 f2@(FunDisc _d _n) = pprTraceDebug "Variable seemingly discounted as both function and constructor" (ppr u1 $$ ppr f2) f2
 combineMapEntry :: ConDiscount -> ConDiscount -> ConDiscount
 combineMapEntry (ConDiscount c1 dc1 u1) (ConDiscount c2 dc2 u2) =
@@ -1609,16 +1581,24 @@ This kind of thing can occur if you have
 which Roman did.
+Note [Minimum value discount]
+We always give *some* benefit to value arguments.
+A discount of 10 per arg because we replace the arguments
+and another of 10 if it's some non-trivial value.
+However when computing unfolding guidance we might have come to
+the conclusion that certain argument values deservere little or no
+discount. But we want to chance of inlining to only ever increase as
+more is known about the argument to keep things more predictable. So
+we always give at least 10 discount if the argument is a value. No matter
+what the actual value is.
 computeDiscount :: [ArgDiscount] -> Int -> [ArgSummary] -> CallCtxt
                 -> Int
 computeDiscount arg_discounts res_discount arg_infos cont_info
-  =
-    -- pprTrace "computeDiscount" (ppr arg_infos $$ ppr arg_discounts $$ ppr total_arg_discount) $
-    10          -- Discount of 10 because the result replaces the call
+  = 10          -- Discount of 10 because the result replaces the call
                 -- so we count 10 for the function itself
     + 10 * length actual_arg_discounts
@@ -1630,32 +1610,18 @@ computeDiscount arg_discounts res_discount arg_infos cont_info
     actual_arg_discounts = zipWith mk_arg_discount arg_discounts arg_infos
     total_arg_discount   = sum actual_arg_discounts
-    -- mk_arg_discount _        TrivArg    = 0
-    -- mk_arg_discount _        NonTrivArg = 10
-    -- mk_arg_discount discount ValueArg   = discount
--- Note [Minimum value discount]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- We always give *some* benefit to value arguments.
--- A discount of 10 per arg because we replace the arguments
--- and another of 10 if it's some non-trivial value.
--- However when computing unfolding guidance we might come to
--- the conclusion that inlining something if a certain argument
--- is let's say `Nothing` is pointless.
--- beyond
+    -- See Note [Minimum value discount]
     mk_arg_discount :: ArgDiscount -> ArgSummary -> Int
     mk_arg_discount _        TrivArg    = 0
-    mk_arg_discount NoSeqUse    _       = 10
     mk_arg_discount _        NonTrivArg = 10
-    mk_arg_discount discount ValueArg   = max (ad_seq_discount discount) 10
+    mk_arg_discount NoSeqUse    _       = 10
+    mk_arg_discount discount ValueArg   = max 10 (ad_seq_discount discount)
     mk_arg_discount (DiscSeq seq_discount con_discounts) (ConArg con args)
       -- There is a discount specific to this constructor, use that.
-      -- BUT only use it if the specific one is larger than the generic one.
-      -- Otherwise we might stop inlining something if the constructor becomes visible.
       | Just (ConDiscount _ branch_dc arg_discounts) <- lookupUFM con_discounts con
       = max 10 $ max seq_discount (branch_dc + (sum $ zipWith mk_arg_discount arg_discounts args))
       -- Otherwise give it the generic seq discount
-      | otherwise = seq_discount
+      | otherwise = max 10 seq_discount
     mk_arg_discount (SomeArgUse d) ConArg{} = max 10 d
     mk_arg_discount (FunDisc d _) (ConArg{})
       -- How can this arise? With dictionary constructors for example.

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