[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/amg/hasfield-2020] 2 commits: Rewrite matchHasField to generate evidence more directly

Adam Gundry gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Sep 16 22:10:26 UTC 2020

Adam Gundry pushed to branch wip/amg/hasfield-2020 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

2c5a8f22 by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-16T22:39:40+01:00
Rewrite matchHasField to generate evidence more directly

- - - - -
a03af150 by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-16T23:08:51+01:00
Notes and Queries

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/FieldLabel.hs


@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Class
 import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Misc( splitAtList, fstOf3 )
+import GHC.Utils.Misc( splitAtList, fstOf3, debugIsOn )
 import Data.Maybe
 {- *******************************************************************
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ matchCoercible args = pprPanic "matchLiftedCoercible" (ppr args)
 Note [HasField instances]
 Suppose we have
     data T y = MkT { foo :: [y] }
@@ -619,44 +620,56 @@ We want GHC to automatically solve a constraint like
     HasField "foo" (T Int) b
-by emitting a new wanted
-    (T alpha -> ([alpha] -> T alpha, [alpha])) ~# (T Int -> (b -> T Int, b))
+by building a HasField dictionary out of the updater function `$upd:foo:MKT`.
+(See Note [Record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils for how updaters are built.)
-and building a HasField dictionary out of the updater function `$upd:foo:MKT`.
-See Note [Record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils for how updaters are built.
+If `foo` is not in scope, or has a higher-rank or existentially
+quantified type, then the constraint is not solved automatically, but
+may be solved by a user-supplied HasField instance.  Similarly, if we
+encounter a HasField constraint where the field is not a literal
+string, or does not belong to the type, then we fall back on the
+normal constraint solver behaviour.
-Since HasField is a one-method class, it is represented as a newtype.
-Hence we can solve `HasField "foo" (T Int) b` by taking an expression
-of type `T Int -> (b -> T Int, b)` and casting it using the newtype coercion.
 Note that
     $upd:foo:MKT :: forall y . T y -> ([y] -> T y, [y])
-so the expression we construct is
+so we instantiate the updater's type with fresh metavariable(s) (here just one,
+namely alpha), emit new wanteds:
+    [W]  data_co :: T alpha ~# T Int
+    [W]  fld_co  :: [alpha] ~# b
+and construct the dictionary
-    $upd:foo:MKT @alpha |> co
+    ev :: HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+    ev = $upd:foo:MKT @alpha |> co
     co :: (T alpha -> ([alpha] -> T alpha, [alpha])) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+    co = sym nt_co ; hf_co
-is built from
+    -- From the instantiated newtype coercion, since HasField is a single-method type class
+    nt_co :: HasField "foo" (T alpha) [alpha] ~# (T alpha -> ([alpha] -> T alpha, [alpha]))
-    co1 :: (T alpha -> ([alpha] -> T alpha, [alpha])) ~# (T Int -> (b -> T Int, b))
+    hf_co :: HasField "foo" (T alpha) [alpha] ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+    hf_co = HasField <"foo"> data_co fld_co
-which is the new wanted, and
-    co2 :: (T Int -> (b -> T Int, b)) ~# HasField "foo" (T Int) b
+Looking at the wanted T alpha ~# T Int, you might think that we could avoid
+instantiating the updater's type with fresh metavariables, and instead construct
+a substitution [Int/alpha] directly.  However this would not work for GADTs, for
-which can be derived from the newtype coercion.
+    data S a where
+      MkS :: { foo :: Either p q } -> S (p,q)
-If `foo` is not in scope, or has a higher-rank or existentially
-quantified type, then the constraint is not solved automatically, but
-may be solved by a user-supplied HasField instance.  Similarly, if we
-encounter a HasField constraint where the field is not a literal
-string, or does not belong to the type, then we fall back on the
-normal constraint solver behaviour.
+where the updater's type is
+    $upd:foo:MkS :: forall p q. S (p,q) -> (Either p q -> S (p,q), Either p q)
+with no direct connection to the parameters of S itself.
 -- See Note [HasField instances]
@@ -666,50 +679,81 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
        ; rdr_env       <- getGlobalRdrEnv
        ; case tys of
            -- We are matching HasField {k} x r a...
-           [_k_ty, x_ty, r_ty, a_ty]
-               -- x should be a literal string
-             | Just x <- isStrLitTy x_ty
+           [k, x, r, a]
+               -- x should be a literal string (this implies k is Symbol)
+             | Just x_lit <- isStrLitTy x
                -- r should be an applied type constructor
-             , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r_ty
+             , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r
                -- use representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
              , let r_tc = fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc args)
                -- x should be a field of r
-             , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel x r_tc
+             , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel x_lit r_tc
                -- the field selector should be in scope
              , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env fl
-             -> do { upd_id <- tcLookupId (flUpdate fl)
-                   ; (tv_prs, preds, upd_ty) <- tcInstType newMetaTyVars upd_id
-                         -- The first new wanted constraint equates the actual
-                         -- type of the updater with the type (r -> (a -> r, a))
-                         -- within the HasField x r a dictionary.  The preds
-                         -- will typically be empty, but if the datatype has a
-                         -- "stupid theta" then we have to include it here.
-                   ; let theta = mkPrimEqPred upd_ty (mkVisFunTyMany r_ty (mkBoxedTupleTy [mkVisFunTyMany a_ty r_ty, a_ty])) : preds
-                         -- Use the equality proof to cast the updater Id to
-                         -- type (r -> (a -> r, a)), then use the newtype
-                         -- coercion to cast it to a HasField dictionary.
-                         mk_ev (ev1:evs) = evSelector upd_id tvs evs `evCast` co
-                           where
-                             co = mkTcSubCo (evTermCoercion (EvExpr ev1))
-                                      `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo co2
-                         mk_ev [] = panic "matchHasField.mk_ev"
-                         Just (_, co2) = tcInstNewTyCon_maybe (classTyCon clas)
-                                                              tys
-                         tvs = mkTyVarTys (map snd tv_prs)
+             -> ASSERT ( k `eqType` typeSymbolKind )
+               -- Look up the updater and instantiate its type with fresh metavars
+                do { upd_id <- tcLookupId (flUpdate fl)
+                   ; inst_upd@(_, _, upd_ty) <- tcInstType newMetaTyVars upd_id
                      -- Do not generate an instance if the updater cannot be
                      -- defined for the field and hence is ().  (See Note
                      -- [Naughty record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils.)
                    ; if not (upd_ty `eqType` unitTy)
                      then do { addUsedGRE True gre
-                             ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
-                                              , cir_mk_ev     = mk_ev
-                                              , cir_what      = BuiltinInstance } }
+                             ; return $ mkHasFieldEvidence clas (x, r, a)
+                                            upd_id inst_upd }
                      else matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
            _ -> matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
+-- | Build the dictionary for a @HasField x r a@ constraint using its updater.
+-- See Note [HasField instances].
+  :: Class                -- ^ HasField class
+  -> (Type, Type, Type)   -- ^ (x, r, a) type parameters of HasField constraint
+  -> Id                   -- ^ Updater Id $upd:x:...
+  -> ([(Name, TcTyVar)], TcThetaType, TcType)
+     -- ^ (tyvars, preds, rho) from instantiating the updater's type
+  -> ClsInstResult
+mkHasFieldEvidence clas (x, r, a) upd_id (tv_prs, preds, upd_ty) =
+    OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
+            , cir_mk_ev     = mk_ev
+            , cir_what      = BuiltinInstance }
+  where
+    -- Updater types satisfy by construction
+    --     upd_ty = (data_ty -> (fld_ty -> data_ty, fld_ty))
+    -- where data_ty is the datatype and fld_ty is the field type.
+    (_, data_ty, setter_field_pair) = splitFunTy upd_ty
+    (_, [_, fld_ty]) = splitTyConApp setter_field_pair
+    -- Emit new wanteds in order to convert `HasField x data_ty fld_ty` (built
+    -- from the updater) into `HasField x r a` (the constraint we are solving).
+    -- The preds will typically be empty, but if the datatype has a "stupid
+    -- theta" it will be included here, as the updater quantifies over it.
+    theta = mkPrimEqPred data_ty r  -- data_co :: data_ty ~# r
+          : mkPrimEqPred fld_ty  a  -- fld_co  :: fld_ty  ~# a
+          : preds
+    -- Instantiate the updater Id appropriately, use the newtype coercion to
+    -- cast it to a `HasField x data_ty fld_ty` dictionary, then use the
+    -- equality witnesses to convert it to a `HasField x r a` dictionary.
+    mk_ev (data_co:fld_co:evs) =
+        evSelector upd_id (mkTyVarTys (map snd tv_prs)) evs
+            `evCast` (mkTcSymCo nt_co `mkTcTransCo` hf_co data_co fld_co)
+    mk_ev evs = pprPanic "mkHasFieldEvidence.mk_ev" (ppr evs)
+    -- hf_co :: HasField x data_ty fld_ty ~# HasField x r a
+    -- hf_co = HasField <x> data_co fld_co
+    hf_co data_co fld_co = mkTcTyConAppCo Representational hasFieldTyCon
+                               [ mkTcNomReflCo typeSymbolKind
+                               , mkTcNomReflCo x
+                               , evTermCoercion (EvExpr data_co)
+                               , evTermCoercion (EvExpr fld_co)
+                               ]
+    -- nt_co :: HasField x data_ty fld_ty ~# (data_ty -> (fld_ty -> data_ty, fld_ty))
+    nt_co = maybe (panic "mkHasFieldEvidence:nt_co") snd $
+                tcInstNewTyCon_maybe hasFieldTyCon
+                                     [typeSymbolKind, x, data_ty, fld_ty]
+    hasFieldTyCon = classTyCon clas

@@ -1183,6 +1183,14 @@ type (e.g. 'b' in T2).
 Note the need for casts in the result!
+All this applies to updaters (see Note [Record updaters]) as well as selectors;
+in the example above we will build this updater:
+    $upd:f:T1 :: T [a] -> (Maybe a -> T [a], Maybe a)
+If a GADT field has bona-fide existential tyvars that do not appear in the
+result type, the selector will be naughty (see Note [Naughty record selectors]).
 Note [Selector running example]
 It's OK to combine GADTs and type families.  Here's a running example:
@@ -1268,7 +1276,7 @@ Note that:
  * The Name of each updater is stored alongside that of the selector in the
-   'FieldLabel's in each 'DataCon'.
+   'FieldLabel's in each 'DataCon'.  See the notes in GHC.Types.FieldLabel.
  * Renamed-syntax bindings for both a selector and an updater for each field are
    produced by mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater; these bindings are then type-checked
@@ -1285,6 +1293,16 @@ Note that:
    name to () instead, even if we can generate the corresponding selector.  See
    Note [Naughty record updaters].
+ * We could imagine generating the selector *from* the updater, i.e. build
+       $sel:foo:T r = case $upd:foo:T r of (_, x) -> x
+   but we don't do so because the updater might be naughty, and for pattern
+   synonyms will not exist at all (see Note [No updaters for pattern synonyms]).
+ * For GADTs, we insist that all constructors mentioning a field have the same
+   type, and reject the definition entirely if not.  Thus if the field does not
+   involve an existential (and hence is not naughty) we can make both a selector
+   and an updater (see Note [GADT record selectors]).
 Note [Naughty record updaters]
@@ -1332,7 +1350,9 @@ do this at HasField constraint solving time instead, at least for updaters?
 Note [No updaters for pattern synonyms]
 For record pattern synonyms, we generate a selector function, but not an
-updater.  The updater function is not necessary because we do not solve HasField
+updater.  In principle it would be possible to build an updater for
+bidirectional pattern synonyms, but not for unidirectional ones.  In any case,
+the updater function is not necessary because we do not solve HasField
 constraints for fields defined by pattern synonyms.
 That is, given
@@ -1355,10 +1375,11 @@ which will be subject to the usual rules around orphan instances and the
 restrictions on when HasField instances can be defined (as described in
 Note [Validity checking of HasField instances] in GHC.Tc.Validity).
-We could imagine allowing record pattern synonyms to lead to automatic HasField
-constraint solving, but this potentially introduces incoherent HasField
-instances, because multiple pattern synonyms (in different modules) might use
-the same field name in the same type, and would even lead to e.g.
+We could imagine allowing (bidirectional) record pattern synonyms to lead to
+automatic HasField constraint solving, but this potentially introduces
+incoherent HasField instances, because multiple pattern synonyms (in different
+modules) might use the same field name in the same type, and would even lead to
     pattern Id{id} = id

@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ Now there will be two FieldLabel values for 'foo', one in T and one in
 U.  They share the same label (FieldLabelString), but the selector
 functions differ.
+There is no Deep and Subtle Reason why we couldn't use mangled $sel: names for
+all selectors, not just those defined when DuplicateRecordFields is enabled.
+However, this exposes various bugs in the DuplicateRecordFields implementation,
+so we have not yet made this simplification.
 See also Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo] in GHC.Types.Avail.
 Note [Why selector names include data constructors]

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