[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cfuneqcan-refactor] Subtleties in Note [Instance and Given overlap]

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Nov 2 23:02:41 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/cfuneqcan-refactor at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

ebfebd6f by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-02T18:02:22-05:00
Subtleties in Note [Instance and Given overlap]

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 module GHC.Core.Map.Type (
+     -- * Re-export generic interface
+   TrieMap(..),
      -- * Maps over 'Type's
    TypeMap, emptyTypeMap, extendTypeMap, lookupTypeMap, foldTypeMap,

@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
         injectiveVarsOfType, injectiveVarsOfTypes,
         invisibleVarsOfType, invisibleVarsOfTypes,
-        -- No Free vars
+        -- Any and No Free vars
+        anyFreeVarsOfType, anyFreeVarsOfTypes, anyFreeVarsOfCo,
         noFreeVarsOfType, noFreeVarsOfTypes, noFreeVarsOfCo,
         -- * Well-scoped free variables
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.Type (coreView, partitionInvisibleTypes)
-import Data.Monoid as DM ( Endo(..), All(..) )
+import Data.Monoid as DM ( Endo(..), Any(..) )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Types.Var
@@ -855,32 +856,43 @@ invisibleVarsOfTypes = mapUnionFV invisibleVarsOfType
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
-                 No free vars
+                 Any free vars
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-nfvFolder :: TyCoFolder TyCoVarSet DM.All
-nfvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
-                       , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
-                       , tcf_hole = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
+{-# INLINE afvFolder #-}   -- so that specialization to (const True) works
+afvFolder :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> TyCoFolder TyCoVarSet DM.Any
+afvFolder check_fv = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
+                                , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
+                                , tcf_hole = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tcv is tv = All (tv `elemVarSet` is)
-    do_hole _ _  = All True    -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
+    do_tcv is tv = Any (not (tv `elemVarSet` is) && check_fv tv)
+    do_hole _ _  = Any False    -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
     do_bndr is tv _ = is `extendVarSet` tv
-nfv_ty  :: Type       -> DM.All
-nfv_tys :: [Type]     -> DM.All
-nfv_co  :: Coercion   -> DM.All
-(nfv_ty, nfv_tys, nfv_co, _) = foldTyCo nfvFolder emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfType :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> Type -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfType check_fv ty = DM.getAny (f ty)
+  where (f, _, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfTypes :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> [Type] -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfTypes check_fv tys = DM.getAny (f tys)
+  where (_, f, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
+anyFreeVarsOfCo :: (TyCoVar -> Bool) -> Coercion -> Bool
+anyFreeVarsOfCo check_fv co = DM.getAny (f co)
+  where (_, _, f, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder check_fv) emptyVarSet
 noFreeVarsOfType :: Type -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfType ty = DM.getAll (nfv_ty ty)
+noFreeVarsOfType ty = not $ DM.getAny (f ty)
+  where (f, _, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
 noFreeVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = DM.getAll (nfv_tys tys)
+noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = not $ DM.getAny (f tys)
+  where (_, f, _, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
 noFreeVarsOfCo :: Coercion -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfCo co = getAll (nfv_co co)
+noFreeVarsOfCo co = not $ DM.getAny (f co)
+  where (_, _, f, _) = foldTyCo (afvFolder (const True)) emptyVarSet
 {- *********************************************************************
@@ -983,4 +995,3 @@ tyCoVarsOfTypeWellScoped = scopedSort . tyCoVarsOfTypeList
 -- | Get the free vars of types in scoped order
 tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped :: [Type] -> [TyVar]
 tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped = scopedSort . tyCoVarsOfTypesList

@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
+        anyFreeVarsOfType,
         splitVisVarsOfType, splitVisVarsOfTypes,

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Unify (
         -- The core flattening algorithm
-        flattenTys
+        flattenTys, flattenTysX
    ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -1806,12 +1806,17 @@ updateInScopeSet env upd = env { fe_in_scope = upd (fe_in_scope env) }
 flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
 -- See Note [Flattening]
--- NB: the returned types may mention fresh type variables,
---     arising from the flattening.  We don't return the
+flattenTys in_scope tys = fst (flattenTysX in_scope tys)
+flattenTysX :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> ([Type], TyVarSet)
+-- See Note [Flattening]
+-- NB: the returned types mention the fresh type variables
+--     in the returned set. We don't return the
 --     mapping from those fresh vars to the ty-fam
 --     applications they stand for (we could, but no need)
-flattenTys in_scope tys
-  = snd $ coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys
+flattenTysX in_scope tys
+  = let (env, result) = coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys in
+    (result, foldTM (flip extendVarSet) (fe_type_map env) emptyVarSet)
 coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
                -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])

@@ -2116,12 +2116,7 @@ Other notes:
      - natural numbers
      - Typeable
-* Flatten-skolems: we do not treat a flatten-skolem as unifiable
-  for this purpose.
-  E.g.   f :: Eq (F a) => [a] -> [a]
-         f xs = ....(xs==xs).....
-  Here we get [W] Eq [a], and we don't want to refrain from solving
-  it because of the given (Eq (F a)) constraint!
+* See also Note [What might match later?] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.
 * The given-overlap problem is arguably not easy to appear in practice
   due to our aggressive prioritization of equality solving over other

@@ -2124,10 +2124,31 @@ matchableGivens loc_w pred_w (IS { inert_cans = inert_cans })
       = False
 mightMatchLater :: TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> Bool
+-- See Note [What might match later?]
 mightMatchLater given_pred given_loc wanted_pred wanted_loc
-  =  not (prohibitedSuperClassSolve given_loc wanted_loc)
-  && isJust (tcUnifyTys bind_meta_tv [given_pred] [wanted_pred])
+  | prohibitedSuperClassSolve given_loc wanted_loc
+  = False
+  | SurelyApart <- tcUnifyTysFG bind_meta_tv flattened_given flattened_wanted
+  = False
+  | otherwise
+  = True   -- safe answer
+    given_in_scope  = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfType given_pred
+    wanted_in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfType wanted_pred
+    (flattened_given, given_vars)
+      | anyFreeVarsOfType isMetaTyVar given_pred
+      = flattenTysX given_in_scope [given_pred]
+      | otherwise
+      = ([given_pred], emptyVarSet)
+    (flattened_wanted, wanted_vars)
+      = flattenTysX wanted_in_scope [wanted_pred]
+    all_flat_vars = given_vars `unionVarSet` wanted_vars
     bind_meta_tv :: TcTyVar -> BindFlag
     -- Any meta tyvar may be unified later, so we treat it as
     -- bindable when unifying with givens. That ensures that we
@@ -2135,8 +2156,12 @@ mightMatchLater given_pred given_loc wanted_pred wanted_loc
     -- something that matches the 'given', until demonstrated
     -- otherwise.  More info in Note [Instance and Given overlap]
     -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
-    bind_meta_tv tv | isMetaTyVar tv = BindMe
-                    | otherwise      = Skolem
+    bind_meta_tv tv | isMetaTyVar tv
+                    , not (isCycleBreakerTyVar tv)  = BindMe
+                       -- a cycle-breaker var really stands for a type family
+                       -- application where all variables are skolems
+                    | tv `elemVarSet` all_flat_vars = BindMe
+                    | otherwise                     = Skolem
 prohibitedSuperClassSolve :: CtLoc -> CtLoc -> Bool
 -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
@@ -2154,6 +2179,39 @@ because it is a candidate for floating out of this implication.  We
 only float equalities with a meta-tyvar on the left, so we only pull
 those out here.
+Note [What might match later?]
+We must determine whether a Given might later match a Wanted. We
+definitely need to account for the possibility that any metavariable
+in the Wanted might be arbitrarily instantiated. We do *not* want
+to allow skolems in the Given to be instantiated. But what about
+type family applications?
+We break this down into two cases: a type family application in the
+Given, and a type family application in the Wanted.
+* Given: Before ever looking at Wanteds, we process and simplify all
+the Givens. So any type family applications in a Given have already
+been fully reduced. Furthermore, future Wanteds won't rewrite Givens,
+so information we learn later can't come to bear. So we worry about
+reduction of a type family application in a Given only when it has
+an metavariable in it (necessarily unfilled, because these types
+have been zonked before getting here). A Given with a metavariable
+is rare, but it can happen. See typecheck/should_compile/InstanceGivenOverlap2,
+which uses partial type signatures and polykinds to pull it off.
+* Wanted: Unlike the Given case, a type family application in a
+Wanted is always a cause for concern. Further information might allow
+it to reduce, so we want to say that a type family application could
+unify with any type.
+How we do this: we use the *core* flattener, as defined in the
+flattenTys function. See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify. This
+function takes any type family application and turns it into a fresh
+variable. These fresh variables must be flagged with BindMe in the
+bind_meta_tv function, so that the unifier will match them. This
+is the only reason we need to collect them here.
 Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
 Consider an implication

@@ -723,3 +723,6 @@ test('T18470', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T18323', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T18585', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T15942', normal, compile, [''])
+test('CbvOverlap', normal, compile, [''])
+test('InstanceGivenOverlap', normal, compile, [''])
+test('InstanceGivenOverlap2', normal, compile, [''])

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