[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/nested-cpr-2019] stuff

Sebastian Graf gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Apr 22 20:18:24 UTC 2020

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/nested-cpr-2019 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

fdaaeee5 by Sebastian Graf at 2020-04-22T22:18:18+02:00

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Op/CprAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Op/WorkWrap/Lib.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Cpr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Make.hs


@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ cprAnal, cprAnal'
   -> CoreExpr            -- ^ expression to be denoted by a 'CprType'
   -> (CprType, CoreExpr) -- ^ the updated expression and its 'CprType'
-cprAnal env args e = -- pprTraceWith "cprAnal" (\res -> ppr (fst (res)) $$ ppr e) $
+cprAnal env args e = pprTraceWith "cprAnal" (\res -> ppr (fst (res)) $$ ppr e) $
                      cprAnal' env args e
-cprAnal' _ _ (Lit lit)     = (topCprType, Lit lit)
-cprAnal' _ _ (Type ty)     = (topCprType, Type ty)      -- Doesn't happen, in fact
-cprAnal' _ _ (Coercion co) = (topCprType, Coercion co)
+cprAnal' _ _ (Lit lit)     = (whnfTermCprType, Lit lit)
+cprAnal' _ _ (Type ty)     = (whnfTermCprType, Type ty)      -- Doesn't happen, in fact
+cprAnal' _ _ (Coercion co) = (whnfTermCprType, Coercion co)
 cprAnal' env args (Var var)   = (cprTransform env args var, Var var)

@@ -1081,25 +1081,25 @@ mkWWcpr_one_layer fam_envs body_ty cpr = runMaybeT $ do
   uniq1:arg_uniqs <- lift getUniquesM
   let arg_vars = zipWith mk_ww_local arg_uniqs arg_tys
-  maybe_arg_stuff <- lift $ zipWithM (mkWWcpr_one_layer fam_envs)
-                                     (map fst arg_tys)
-                                     arg_cprs
+  maybe_arg_builders <- lift $ zipWithM (mkWWcpr_one_layer fam_envs)
+                                        (map fst arg_tys)
+                                        arg_cprs
-  let go_arg_stuff var mb_stuff =
-        case mb_stuff of
+  let go_arg_stuff var mb_builder =
+        case mb_builder of
           Nothing ->
             -- this argument does not need to be deconstructed further
             ([var], varToCoreExpr var, id)
           Just (inner_vars, arg_con, arg_decon) ->
             (inner_vars, arg_con, arg_decon (varToCoreExpr var))
-  let (inner_arg_varss, arg_cons, arg_decons) = unzip3 $ zipWith go_arg_stuff arg_vars maybe_arg_stuff
+  let (inner_arg_varss, arg_cons, arg_decons) = unzip3 $ zipWith go_arg_stuff arg_vars maybe_arg_builders
       inner_arg_vars = concat     inner_arg_varss
       inner_decon    = foldl' (.) id arg_decons
   -- Don't try to WW an unboxed tuple return type when there's nothing inside
   -- to unbox further.
-  guard (not (isUnboxedTupleCon data_con && all isNothing maybe_arg_stuff))
+  guard (not (isUnboxedTupleCon data_con && all isNothing maybe_arg_builders))
   return ( inner_arg_vars
          , mkConApp data_con (map Type inst_tys ++ arg_cons) `mkCast` mkSymCo co

@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
 -- | Types for the Constructed Product Result lattice. "GHC.Core.Op.CprAnal"
 -- and "GHC.Core.Op.WorkWrap.Lib" are its primary customers via 'idCprInfo'.
 module GHC.Types.Cpr (
     TerminationFlag (Terminates),
-    Cpr, topCpr, botCpr, conCpr, initRecFunCpr, lubCpr, asConCpr,
-    CprType (..), topCprType, botCprType, lubCprType, conCprType,
+    Cpr, topCpr, botCpr, conCpr, whnfTermCpr, initRecFunCpr, lubCpr, asConCpr,
+    CprType (..), topCprType, botCprType, whnfTermCprType, conCprType, lubCprType,
     pruneDeepCpr, markConCprType, splitConCprTy, applyCprTy, abstractCprTy,
     abstractCprTyNTimes, ensureCprTyArity, trimCprTy,
     forceCprTy, forceCpr, bothCprType,
@@ -99,15 +100,11 @@ lubTermFlag _            MightDiverge = MightDiverge
 lubTermFlag Terminates   Terminates   = Terminates
 data Termination
-  = Term !TerminationFlag !(Levitated (KnownShape Termination))
+  = Term_ !TerminationFlag !(Levitated (KnownShape Termination))
+  -- Don't use 'Term_', use 'Term' instead! Otherwise the derived Eq instance
+  -- is broken.
   deriving Eq
-botTerm :: Termination
-botTerm = Term Terminates Bot
-topTerm :: Termination
-topTerm = Term MightDiverge Top
 -- | Normalise the nested termination info according to
 -- > Top === Levitate (Con t [topTerm..])
 -- > Bot === Levitate (Con t [botTerm..])
@@ -118,14 +115,27 @@ normTermShape (Levitate (Con _ fields))
   | all (== botTerm) fields = Bot
 normTermShape l_sh         = l_sh
+pattern Term :: TerminationFlag -> Levitated (KnownShape Termination) -> Termination
+pattern Term tf l <- (Term_ tf l)
+  where
+    Term tf l = Term_ tf (normTermShape l)
+{-# COMPLETE Term #-}
+botTerm :: Termination
+botTerm = Term Terminates Bot
+topTerm :: Termination
+topTerm = Term MightDiverge Top
 lubTerm :: Termination -> Termination -> Termination
 lubTerm (Term tf1 l_sh1) (Term tf2 l_sh2)
   = Term (lubTermFlag tf1 tf2)
-         (normTermShape (lubLevitated (lubKnownShape lubTerm) l_sh1 l_sh2))
+         (lubLevitated (lubKnownShape lubTerm) l_sh1 l_sh2)
 pruneDeepTerm :: Int -> Termination -> Termination
 pruneDeepTerm depth (Term tf (Levitate sh))
-  = Term tf (normTermShape (pruneKnownShape pruneDeepTerm depth sh))
+  = Term tf (pruneKnownShape pruneDeepTerm depth sh)
 pruneDeepTerm _     term                    = term
 seqTerm :: Termination -> ()
@@ -163,15 +173,27 @@ seqTerm (Term _ l) = seqLevitated (seqKnownShape seqTerm) l
 data Cpr
   = Cpr !TerminationFlag !(Levitated (KnownShape Cpr))
-  | NoMoreCpr !Termination
+  | NoMoreCpr_ !Termination
   deriving Eq
+pattern NoMoreCpr :: Termination -> Cpr
+pattern NoMoreCpr t <- (NoMoreCpr_ t)
+  where
+    NoMoreCpr (Term MightDiverge Top) = topCpr
+    NoMoreCpr (Term Terminates   Bot) = botCpr
+    NoMoreCpr t                       = NoMoreCpr_ t
+{-# COMPLETE Cpr, NoMoreCpr #-}
 botCpr :: Cpr
 botCpr = Cpr Terminates Bot
 topCpr :: Cpr
 topCpr = Cpr MightDiverge Top
+whnfTermCpr :: Cpr
+whnfTermCpr = Cpr Terminates Top
 -- | The initial termination of a recursive function in fixed-point iteration.
 -- We assume a recursive call 'MightDiverge', but are optimistic about all
 -- CPR and nested termination information. I.e., we assume that evaluating
@@ -245,6 +267,9 @@ topCprType = CprType 0 topCpr
 botCprType :: CprType
 botCprType = CprType 0 botCpr
+whnfTermCprType :: CprType
+whnfTermCprType = CprType 0 whnfTermCpr
 lubCprType :: CprType -> CprType -> CprType
 lubCprType ty1@(CprType n1 cpr1) ty2@(CprType n2 cpr2)
   | ct_cpr ty1 == botCpr && n1 <= n2 = ty2
@@ -506,6 +531,9 @@ type UnboxingStrategy = Type -> Demand -> Maybe (DataCon, [Type], [Demand])
 --   - A call demand @C(S)@ would translate to @strTop -> #(#,*)@
 argCprTypesFromStrictSig :: UnboxingStrategy -> [Type] -> StrictSig -> [CprType]
 argCprTypesFromStrictSig want_to_unbox arg_tys sig
+  -- TODO: Maybe look at unliftedness from the unboxing strategy, just in case
+  -- we e.g. fail to mark an Int# argument as Terminates, which should always be
+  -- the case as per the let/app invariant.
   = zipWith go arg_tys (argDmdsFromStrictSig sig)
     go arg_ty arg_dmd
@@ -539,8 +567,11 @@ instance Outputable Termination where
     Levitate shape -> ppr shape
 instance Outputable Cpr where
-  ppr (NoMoreCpr t) = ppr t
-  ppr (Cpr tf l)    = ppr tf <> case l of
+  ppr (NoMoreCpr t)          = ppr t
+  -- I like it better without the special case
+  -- ppr (Cpr MightDiverge Top) = empty
+  -- ppr (Cpr Terminates   Bot) = char 'b'
+  ppr (Cpr tf l)             = ppr tf <> case l of
     Top            -> empty
     Bot            -> char 'b'
     Levitate shape -> char 'c' <> ppr shape

@@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@ mkPrimOpId prim_op
     id   = mkGlobalId (PrimOpId prim_op) name ty info
     -- PrimOps don't ever construct a product, but we want to preserve bottoms
-    cpr | isBotDiv (snd (splitStrictSig strict_sig)) = botCpr
-        | otherwise                                  = topCpr
+    cpr | isBotDiv (snd (splitStrictSig strict_sig)) = initRecFunCpr
+        | otherwise                                  = whnfTermCpr
     info = noCafIdInfo
            `setRuleInfo`           mkRuleInfo (maybeToList $ primOpRules name prim_op)

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