[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/haddock-accum] Address a few comments (more tomorrow)

Vladislav Zavialov gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Apr 21 22:49:59 UTC 2020

Vladislav Zavialov pushed to branch wip/haddock-accum at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

b204b5b4 by Vladislav Zavialov at 2020-04-22T01:49:37+03:00
Address a few comments (more tomorrow)

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Types/SrcLoc.hs
- compiler/parser/HaddockUtils.hs
- compiler/utils/Util.hs


@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ module GHC.Types.SrcLoc (
         -- ** Combining and comparing Located values
-        eqLocated, cmpLocated, combineLocs, addCLoc,
+        eqLocated, cmpLocated, cmpBufSpan,
+        combineLocs, addCLoc,
         leftmost_smallest, leftmost_largest, rightmost_smallest,
         spans, isSubspanOf, isRealSubspanOf,
         sortLocated, sortRealLocated,
@@ -726,6 +727,17 @@ eqLocated a b = unLoc a == unLoc b
 cmpLocated :: Ord a => GenLocated l a -> GenLocated l a -> Ordering
 cmpLocated a b = unLoc a `compare` unLoc b
+-- | Compare the 'BufSpan' of two located things.
+-- Precondition: both operands have an associated 'BufSpan'.
+cmpBufSpan :: HasDebugCallStack => Located a -> Located a -> Ordering
+cmpBufSpan (L l1 _) (L l2  _)
+  | Just a <- getBufSpan l1
+  , Just b <- getBufSpan l2
+  = compare a b
+  | otherwise = panic "cmpBufSpan: no BufSpan"
 instance (Outputable l, Outputable e) => Outputable (GenLocated l e) where
   ppr (L l e) = -- TODO: We can't do this since Located was refactored into
                 -- GenLocated:

@@ -211,6 +211,25 @@ mkHdkM = coerce
 unHdkM = coerce
 -- See Note [Adding Haddock comments to the syntax tree].
+-- 'HdkA' provides a way to propagate location information from surrounding
+-- computations:
+--   left_neighbour <*> HdkA inner_span inner_m <*> right_neighbour
+-- Here, the following holds:
+-- * the 'left_neighbour' will only see Haddock comments until 'bufSpanStart' of 'inner_span'
+-- * the 'right_neighbour' will only see Haddock comments after 'bufSpanEnd' of 'inner_span'
+-- * the 'inner_m' will only see Haddock comments between its 'left_neighbour' and its 'right_neighbour'
+-- In other words, every computation:
+--  * delimits the surrounding computations
+--  * is delimited by the surrounding computation
+--  Therefore, a 'HdkA' computation must be always considered in the context in
+--  which it is used.
 data HdkA a = HdkA (Maybe BufSpan) (HdkM a)
   deriving (Functor)
@@ -219,19 +238,28 @@ instance Applicative HdkA where
   HdkA l1 m1 <*> HdkA l2 m2 =
     HdkA (l1 <> l2) (delim1 m1 <*> delim2 m2)
+      -- Delimit the LHS by the location information from the RHS
       delim1 = inLocRange (locRangeTo (fmap @Maybe bufSpanStart l2))
+      -- Delimit the RHS by the location information from the LHS
       delim2 = inLocRange (locRangeFrom (fmap @Maybe bufSpanEnd l1))
 runHdkA :: HdkA a -> [PsLocated HdkComment] -> (a, [PsLocated HdkComment])
 runHdkA (HdkA _ m) = unHdkM m mempty
--- | Let the neighbours know about an item at this location.
+-- Let the neighbours know about an item at this location.
 -- See Note [Adding Haddock comments to the syntax tree].
 registerHdkA :: Located a -> HdkA ()
 registerHdkA a = HdkA (getBufSpan (getLoc a)) (pure ())
-delimitHdkA :: SrcSpan -> HdkA a -> HdkA a
-delimitHdkA l' (HdkA l m) = HdkA (getBufSpan l' <> l) m
+-- Extend the declared location span of a 'HdkA' computation:
+--    left_neighbour <*> extendHdkA l x <*> right_neighbour
+-- The declared location of 'x' now includes 'l', so that the surrounding
+-- computations 'left_neighbour' and 'right_neighbour' will not look for
+-- Haddock comments inside the 'l' location span.
+extendHdkA :: SrcSpan -> HdkA a -> HdkA a
+extendHdkA l' (HdkA l m) = HdkA (getBufSpan l' <> l) m
 concatLHsDocString :: [LHsDocString] -> Maybe LHsDocString
 concatLHsDocString xs = L l <$> concatDocs docs
@@ -266,9 +294,9 @@ instance HasHaddock (Located HsModule) where
 instance HasHaddock (Located [LIE GhcPs]) where
   addHaddock (L l_exports exports) =
-    delimitHdkA l_exports $ do
+    extendHdkA l_exports $ do
       exports' <- addHaddockInterleaveItems NoLayoutInfo mkDocIE exports
-      registerHdkA (L (srcLocSpan (srcSpanEnd l_exports)) ()) -- Do not conume comments after the closing parenthesis
+      registerHdkA (L (srcLocSpan (srcSpanEnd l_exports)) ()) -- Do not consume comments after the closing parenthesis
       pure $ L l_exports exports'
 instance HasHaddock (LIE GhcPs) where
@@ -363,6 +391,26 @@ mkDocDecl layout_info (L l_comment hdk_comment)
         HdkCommentNamed s doc -> DocCommentNamed s doc
         HdkCommentSection n doc -> DocGroup n doc
+    --  'indent_mismatch' checks if the documentation comment has the exact
+    --  indentation level expected by the parent node.
+    --
+    --  For example, when extracting documentation comments between class
+    --  method declarations, there are three cases to consider:
+    --
+    --  1. Indent matches (indent_mismatch=False):
+    --         class C a where
+    --           f :: a -> a
+    --           -- ^ doc on f
+    --
+    --  2. Indented too much (indent_mismatch=True):
+    --         class C a where
+    --           f :: a -> a
+    --             -- ^ indent mismatch
+    --
+    --  3. Indented too little (indent_mismatch=True):
+    --         class C a where
+    --           f :: a -> a
+    --         -- ^ indent mismatch
     indent_mismatch = case layout_info of
       NoLayoutInfo -> False
       ExplicitBraces -> False
@@ -387,7 +435,7 @@ mkDocPrev _ = Nothing
 instance HasHaddock (LHsDecl GhcPs) where
   addHaddock ldecl =
-    delimitHdkA (getLoc ldecl) $
+    extendHdkA (getLoc ldecl) $
     for @Located ldecl addHaddock
 instance HasHaddock (HsDecl GhcPs) where
@@ -504,18 +552,18 @@ instance HasHaddock (HsDecl GhcPs) where
 instance HasHaddock (HsDeriving GhcPs) where
   addHaddock lderivs =
-    delimitHdkA (getLoc lderivs) $
+    extendHdkA (getLoc lderivs) $
     for @Located lderivs addHaddock
 instance HasHaddock (LHsDerivingClause GhcPs) where
   addHaddock lderiv =
-    delimitHdkA (getLoc lderiv) $
+    extendHdkA (getLoc lderiv) $
     for @Located lderiv $ \deriv ->
     case deriv of
       HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_strategy, deriv_clause_tys } -> do
         traverse_ @Maybe registerHdkA deriv_clause_strategy
         deriv_clause_tys' <-
-          delimitHdkA (getLoc deriv_clause_tys) $
+          extendHdkA (getLoc deriv_clause_tys) $
           for @Located deriv_clause_tys addHaddock
         pure HsDerivingClause
           { deriv_clause_ext = noExtField,
@@ -645,7 +693,7 @@ instance HasHaddock (LHsSigType GhcPs) where
 instance HasHaddock (LHsType GhcPs) where
   addHaddock ltype =
-    delimitHdkA (getLoc ltype) $
+    extendHdkA (getLoc ltype) $
     for @Located ltype $ \t ->
     case t of
       HsForAllTy _ fvf bndrs body -> do
@@ -888,7 +936,11 @@ flattenBindsAndSigs
       [LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs], [LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs], [LDocDecl])
   -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
 flattenBindsAndSigs (all_bs, all_ss, all_ts, all_tfis, all_dfis, all_docs) =
-  mergeListsBy cmp [
+  -- 'cmpBufSpan' is safe here with the following assumptions:
+  --
+  -- * 'LHsDecl' produced by 'decl_cls' in Parser.y always have a 'BufSpan'
+  -- * 'partitionBindsAndSigs' does not discard this 'BufSpan'
+  mergeListsBy cmpBufSpan [
     map_l (\b -> ValD noExtField b) (bagToList all_bs),
     map_l (\s -> SigD noExtField s) all_ss,
     map_l (\t -> TyClD noExtField (FamDecl noExtField t)) all_ts,
@@ -897,10 +949,5 @@ flattenBindsAndSigs (all_bs, all_ss, all_ts, all_tfis, all_dfis, all_docs) =
     map_l (\d -> DocD noExtField d) all_docs
-    cmp :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> Ordering
-    cmp (L (getBufSpan -> Just a) _) (L (getBufSpan -> Just b) _) =
-      compare a b
-    cmp _ _ = panic "flattenBindsAndSigs: HsDecl without BufSpan"
     map_l :: (a -> b) -> [Located a] -> [Located b]
     map_l f = map (mapLoc f)

@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module Util (
+        isSorted,
         -- * Tuples
         fstOf3, sndOf3, thdOf3,
@@ -617,16 +618,19 @@ whenNonEmpty (x:xs) f = f (x :| xs)
 -- | Merge an unsorted list of sorted lists, for example:
 --  mergeListsBy compare [ [2,5,15], [1,10,100] ] = [1,2,5,10,15,100] ]
+--  O(n log k)
 mergeListsBy :: forall a. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [[a]] -> [a]
 mergeListsBy cmp lists | debugIsOn, not (all sorted lists) =
   -- When debugging is on, we check that the input lists are sorted.
   panic "mergeListsBy: input lists must be sorted"
-  where
-    sorted [] = True
-    sorted [_] = True
-    sorted (x:y:xs) = cmp x y /= GT && sorted (y:xs)
+  where sorted = isSorted cmp
 mergeListsBy cmp all_lists = merge_lists all_lists
+    -- Implements "Iterative 2-Way merge" described at
+    -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-way_merge_algorithm
+    -- Merge two sorted lists into one in O(n).
     merge2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
     merge2 [] ys = ys
     merge2 xs [] = xs
@@ -635,12 +639,17 @@ mergeListsBy cmp all_lists = merge_lists all_lists
         GT -> y : merge2 (x:xs) ys
         _  -> x : merge2 xs (y:ys)
+    -- Merge the first list with the second, the third with the fourth, and so
+    -- on. The output has half as much lists as the input.
     merge_neighbours :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
     merge_neighbours []   = []
     merge_neighbours [xs] = [xs]
     merge_neighbours (xs : ys : lists) =
       merge2 xs ys : merge_neighbours lists
+    -- Since 'merge_neighbours' halves the amount of lists in each iteration,
+    -- we perform O(log k) iteration. Each iteration is O(n). The total running
+    -- time is therefore O(n log k).
     merge_lists :: [[a]] -> [a]
     merge_lists lists =
       case merge_neighbours lists of
@@ -648,6 +657,12 @@ mergeListsBy cmp all_lists = merge_lists all_lists
         [xs]   -> xs
         lists' -> merge_lists lists'
+isSorted :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Bool
+isSorted cmp = sorted
+  where
+    sorted [] = True
+    sorted [_] = True
+    sorted (x:y:xs) = cmp x y /= GT && sorted (y:xs)
 *                                                                      *

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