[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/tyconapp-opts] Some cleanup

Ben Gamari gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Apr 9 04:15:29 UTC 2020

Ben Gamari pushed to branch wip/tyconapp-opts at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0038463c by Ben Gamari at 2020-04-09T00:15:14-04:00
Some cleanup

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/prelude/TysPrim.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs


@@ -2289,16 +2289,13 @@ expandSynTyCon_maybe
 expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
   | SynonymTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, synTcRhs = rhs, tyConArity = arity } <- tc
   = case tys of
-      [] -> Just ([], rhs, tys)
+      [] -> Just ([], rhs, []) -- Avoid a bit of work in the case of nullary synonyms
       _  -> case tys `listLengthCmp` arity of
               GT -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, drop arity tys)
               EQ -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, [])
               LT -> Nothing
    | otherwise
    = Nothing
-{-# INLINE expandSynTyCon_maybe #-}
--- Inline to avoid allocation of tuples due to lack of nested CPR on sums.
--- Particularly relevant to coreView and tcView, which are hammered.

@@ -350,18 +350,16 @@ See also #11715, which tracks removing this inconsistency.
 -- | Gives the typechecker view of a type. This unwraps synonyms but
--- leaves 'Constraint' alone. c.f. coreView, which turns Constraint into
--- TYPE LiftedRep. Returns Nothing if no unwrapping happens.
+-- leaves 'Constraint' alone. c.f. 'coreView', which turns 'Constraint' into
+-- @TYPE LiftedRep at . Returns 'Nothing' if no unwrapping happens.
 -- See also Note [coreView vs tcView]
 {-# INLINE tcView #-}
 tcView :: Type -> Maybe Type
 tcView (TyConApp tc tys)
-  | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
-  = Just $ case tenv of
-             [] -> mkAppTys rhs tys'
-             _  -> mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
+  | res@(Just _) <- expandSynTyConApp_maybe tc tys
+  = res
                -- The free vars of 'rhs' should all be bound by 'tenv', so it's
-               -- ok to use 'substTy' here.
+               -- ok to use 'substTy' here (which is what expandSynTyConApp_maybe does).
                -- See also Note [The substitution invariant] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst.
                -- Its important to use mkAppTys, rather than (foldl AppTy),
                -- because the function part might well return a
@@ -370,19 +368,16 @@ tcView _ = Nothing
 {-# INLINE coreView #-}
 coreView :: Type -> Maybe Type
--- ^ This function Strips off the /top layer only/ of a type synonym
+-- ^ This function strips off the /top layer only/ of a type synonym
 -- application (if any) its underlying representation type.
--- Returns Nothing if there is nothing to look through.
+-- Returns 'Nothing' if there is nothing to look through.
 -- This function considers 'Constraint' to be a synonym of @TYPE LiftedRep at .
 -- By being non-recursive and inlined, this case analysis gets efficiently
 -- joined onto the case analysis that the caller is already doing
 coreView ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
-  | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
-  = Just $ case tenv of
-            [] -> mkAppTys rhs tys'
-            _  -> mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
-    -- This equation is exactly like tcView
+  | res@(Just _) <- expandSynTyConApp_maybe tc tys
+  = res
   -- At the Core level, Constraint = Type
   -- See Note [coreView vs tcView]
@@ -393,6 +388,21 @@ coreView ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
 coreView _ = Nothing
+expandSynTyConApp_maybe :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe Type
+expandSynTyConApp_maybe tc tys
+  | Just (tvs, rhs) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc
+  = case tys of
+      [] -> Just (mkAppTys rhs tys)
+      _  -> case tys `listLengthCmp` arity of
+              GT -> Just (mkAppTys rhs' (drop arity tys))
+              EQ -> Just rhs'
+              LT -> Nothing
+        where
+          arity = tyConArity tc
+          rhs' = substTy (mkTvSubstPrs (tvs `zip` tys)) rhs
+  | otherwise
+  = Nothing
 expandTypeSynonyms :: Type -> Type
 -- ^ Expand out all type synonyms.  Actually, it'd suffice to expand out
 -- just the ones that discard type variables (e.g.  type Funny a = Int)
@@ -1223,8 +1233,10 @@ TyConApp constructors were all duplicates of `Type` applied to no arguments.
 Therefore in `mkTyConApp` we have a special case for `Type` to ensure that
 only one `TyConApp 'Type []` closure is allocated during the course of
-compilation. In order to avoid a potentially expensive series of checks in
-`mkTyConApp` only this egregious case is special cased at the moment.
+We also have a similar special-case for applications of TYPE; see
+Note [Prefer Type over TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep] for details.
@@ -1236,7 +1248,6 @@ compilation. In order to avoid a potentially expensive series of checks in
 -- its arguments.  Applies its arguments to the constructor from left to right.
 mkTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
 mkTyConApp tycon tys
--- TODO: TYPE 'LiftedRep
   | isFunTyCon tycon
   , [_rep1,_rep2,ty1,ty2] <- tys
   -- The FunTyCon (->) is always a visible one
@@ -1245,7 +1256,7 @@ mkTyConApp tycon tys
   | tycon == liftedTypeKindTyCon
   = ASSERT2( null tys, ppr tycon $$ ppr tys )
-  -- Note [mkTyConApp and Type]
+  -- Note [Prefer Type over TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep]
   | tycon == tYPETyCon
   , [rep] <- tys
   = tYPE rep
@@ -2203,6 +2214,36 @@ But the left is an AppTy while the right is a TyConApp. The solution is
 to use repSplitAppTy_maybe to break up the TyConApp into its pieces and
 then continue. Easy to do, but also easy to forget to do.
+Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms]
+Consider the task of testing equality between two 'Type's of the form
+  TyConApp tc []
+where @tc@ is a type synonym. A naive way to perform this comparison these
+would first expand the synonym and then compare the resulting expansions.
+However, this is obviously wasteful and the RHS of @tc@ may be large; it is
+much better to rather compare the TyCons directly. Consequently, before
+expanding type synonyms in type comparisons we first look for a nullary
+TyConApp and simply compare the TyCons if we find one. Of course, if we find
+that the TyCons are *not* equal then we still need to perform the expansion as
+their RHSs may still be equal.
+We perform this optimisation in a number of places:
+ * GHC.Core.Types.eqType
+ * GHC.Core.Types.nonDetCmpType
+ * GHC.Core.Unify.unify_ty
+ * TcCanonical.can_eq_nc'
+ * TcUnify.uType
+This optimisation is especially helpful for the ubiquitous GHC.Types.Type,
+since GHC prefers to use the type synonym over @TYPE 'LiftedPtr@ applications
+whenever possible. See [Prefer Type over TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep] in TysPrim for
 eqType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
@@ -2276,7 +2317,6 @@ data TypeOrdering = TLT  -- ^ @t1 < t2@
                   | TGT  -- ^ @t1 > t2@
                   deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
--- TODO: nullary synonym optimization
 nonDetCmpTypeX :: RnEnv2 -> Type -> Type -> Ordering  -- Main workhorse
     -- See Note [Non-trivial definitional equality] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 nonDetCmpTypeX env orig_t1 orig_t2 =

@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ unify_ty :: UMEnv
 -- Respects newtypes, PredTypes
 unify_ty env ty1 ty2 kco
-  -- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms].
+  -- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms] in GHC.Core.Type.
   | TyConApp tc1 [] <- ty1
   , TyConApp tc2 [] <- ty2
   , tc1 == tc2                = return ()

@@ -527,11 +527,35 @@ mkPrimTcName built_in_syntax occ key tycon
 -- | Given a RuntimeRep, applies TYPE to it.
 -- see Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep]
 tYPE :: Type -> Type
-  -- static cases
 tYPE (TyConApp tc [])
   | tc `hasKey` liftedRepDataConKey = liftedTypeKind  -- TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep
 tYPE rr = TyConApp tYPETyCon [rr]
+-- Note [Prefer Type over TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The Core of nearly any program will have numerous occurrences of
+-- @TYPE 'LiftedPtrRep@ floating about. Consequently, we try hard to ensure
+-- that operations on such types are efficient:
+--   * Instead of representing the lifted kind as
+--     @TyConApp tYPETyCon [liftedRepDataCon]@ we rather prefer to
+--     use the 'GHC.Types.Type' type synonym (available in GHC as
+--     'TysPrim.liftedTypeKind'). Note only is this a smaller AST but it also
+--     guarantees sharing on the heap.
+--   * To avoid allocating 'TyConApp' constructors 'TysPrim.tYPE'
+--     catches the lifted case and uses `liftedTypeKind` instead of building an
+--     application.
+--   * Similarly, 'Type.mkTyConApp' catches applications of TYPE and
+--     handles them using 'TysPrim.tYPE', ensuring that it benefits from the
+--     optimisation described above.
+--   * Since 'liftedTypeKind' is a nullary type synonym application,
+--     it benefits from the optimisation described in Note [Comparing nullary
+--     type synonyms] in "GHC.Core.Type".
 *                                                                      *

@@ -969,14 +969,13 @@ can_eq_nc'
    -> Type -> Type    -- RHS, after and before type-synonym expansion, resp
    -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
--- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms].
+-- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms] in GHC.Core.Type.
 can_eq_nc' _flat _rdr_env _envs ev eq_rel ty1@(TyConApp tc1 []) _ps_ty1 (TyConApp tc2 []) _ps_ty2
   | tc1 == tc2
   = canEqReflexive ev eq_rel ty1
 -- Expand synonyms first; see Note [Type synonyms and canonicalization]
 can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1 ps_ty1 ty2 ps_ty2
--- TODO: Handle nullary synonyms
   | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1' ps_ty1 ty2  ps_ty2
   | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = can_eq_nc' flat rdr_env envs ev eq_rel ty1  ps_ty1 ty2' ps_ty2

@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ tc_eq_type keep_syns vis_only orig_ty1 orig_ty2
   = go orig_env orig_ty1 orig_ty2
     go :: RnEnv2 -> Type -> Type -> Bool
-    -- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms].
+    -- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms] in GHC.Core.Type.
     go _   (TyConApp tc1 []) (TyConApp tc2 [])
       | tc1 == tc2
       = True
@@ -1570,7 +1570,6 @@ tc_eq_type keep_syns vis_only orig_ty1 orig_ty2
       = go env s1 s2 && go env t1 t2
     go env (TyConApp tc1 ts1)   (TyConApp tc2 ts2)
-    -- TODO: nullary synonym optimisation
       = tc1 == tc2 && gos env (tc_vis tc1) ts1 ts2
     go env (CastTy t1 _)   t2              = go env t1 t2

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