[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/exactprint] WIP on in-tree annotations

Alan Zimmerman gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Apr 1 23:04:08 UTC 2020

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/exactprint at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

069d05b4 by Alan Zimmerman at 2020-04-02T00:03:28+01:00
WIP on in-tree annotations

Includes updating HsModule


LocateA ImportDecl so we can hang AnnSemi off it

A whole bunch of stuff more

InjectivityAnn and FamEqn now have annotations in them

- - - - -

28 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Quote.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Source.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
- compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
- compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
- compiler/main/HscStats.hs
- compiler/parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/parser/Parser.y
- compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
- compiler/utils/OrdList.hs


@@ -695,6 +695,7 @@ summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
         ms_textual_imps = extra_sig_imports,
         ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
                 hpm_module = L loc (HsModule {
+                        hsmodAnn = noAnn,
                         hsmodName = Just (L loc mod_name),
                         hsmodExports = Nothing,
                         hsmodImports = [],

@@ -394,7 +394,8 @@ hscParse' mod_summary
             srcs2 <- liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist srcs1
             let api_anns = ApiAnns {
-                      apiAnnItems = M.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
+                      -- AZ apiAnnItems = M.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
+                      apiAnnItems = M.empty,
                       apiAnnEofPos = eof_pos pst,
                       apiAnnComments = M.fromList (annotations_comments pst),
                       apiAnnRogueComments = comment_q pst
@@ -991,9 +992,9 @@ hscCheckSafeImports tcg_env = do
     warns dflags rules = listToBag $ map (warnRules dflags) rules
-    warnRules :: DynFlags -> GenLocated SrcSpan (RuleDecl GhcTc) -> ErrMsg
+    warnRules :: DynFlags -> LRuleDecl GhcTc -> ErrMsg
     warnRules dflags (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n })) =
-        mkPlainWarnMsg dflags loc $
+        mkPlainWarnMsg dflags (locA loc) $
             text "Rule \"" <> ftext (snd $ unLoc n) <> text "\" ignored" $+$
             text "User defined rules are disabled under Safe Haskell"
     warnRules _ (L _ (XRuleDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec

@@ -63,10 +63,11 @@ import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
 -- All we actually declare here is the top-level structure for a module.
 data HsModule
   = HsModule {
+      hsmodAnn :: ApiAnn,
       hsmodName :: Maybe (Located ModuleName),
         -- ^ @Nothing@: \"module X where\" is omitted (in which case the next
         --     field is Nothing too)
-      hsmodExports :: Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]),
+      hsmodExports :: Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs]),
         -- ^ Export list
         --  - @Nothing@: export list omitted, so export everything
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ data HsModule
         -- downstream.
       hsmodDecls :: [LHsDecl GhcPs],
         -- ^ Type, class, value, and interface signature decls
-      hsmodDeprecMessage :: Maybe (Located WarningTxt),
+      hsmodDeprecMessage :: Maybe (LocatedA WarningTxt),
         -- ^ reason\/explanation for warning/deprecation of this module
         --  - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen'
@@ -116,11 +117,11 @@ deriving instance Data HsModule
 instance Outputable HsModule where
-    ppr (HsModule Nothing _ imports decls _ mbDoc)
+    ppr (HsModule _ Nothing _ imports decls _ mbDoc)
       = pp_mb mbDoc $$ pp_nonnull imports
                     $$ pp_nonnull decls
-    ppr (HsModule (Just name) exports imports decls deprec mbDoc)
+    ppr (HsModule _ (Just name) exports imports decls deprec mbDoc)
       = vcat [
             pp_mb mbDoc,
             case exports of

@@ -1135,11 +1135,17 @@ type LInjectivityAnn pass = Located (InjectivityAnn pass)
 -- This will be represented as "InjectivityAnn `r` [`a`, `c`]"
 data InjectivityAnn pass
-  = InjectivityAnn (LocatedA (IdP pass)) [LocatedA (IdP pass)]
+  = InjectivityAnn (XCInjectivityAnn pass)
+                   (LocatedA (IdP pass)) [LocatedA (IdP pass)]
   -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
   --             'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar'
   -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+  | XInjectivityAnn !(XXInjectivityAnn pass)
+type instance XCInjectivityAnn  (GhcPass _) = ApiAnn
+type instance XXInjectivityAnn  (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
 data FamilyInfo pass
   = DataFamily
@@ -1201,8 +1207,9 @@ pprFamilyDecl top_level (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info, fdLName = ltycon
                 TyVarSig _ tv_bndr -> text "=" <+> ppr tv_bndr
                 XFamilyResultSig nec -> noExtCon nec
     pp_inj = case mb_inj of
-               Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs)) ->
+               Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs)) ->
                  hsep [ vbar, ppr lhs, text "->", hsep (map ppr rhs) ]
+               Just (L _ (XInjectivityAnn nec)) -> noExtCon nec
                Nothing -> empty
     (pp_where, pp_eqns) = case info of
       ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns ->
@@ -1628,7 +1635,7 @@ free-standing `type instance` declaration.
 ----------------- Type synonym family instances -------------
 -- | Located Type Family Instance Equation
-type LTyFamInstEqn pass = Located (TyFamInstEqn pass)
+type LTyFamInstEqn pass = LocatedA (TyFamInstEqn pass)
   -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
   --   when in a list
@@ -1741,7 +1748,7 @@ data FamEqn pass rhs
     -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
-type instance XCFamEqn    (GhcPass _) r = NoExtField
+type instance XCFamEqn    (GhcPass _) r = ApiAnn
 type instance XXFamEqn    (GhcPass _) r = NoExtCon
 ----------------- Class instances -------------
@@ -1760,7 +1767,7 @@ data ClsInstDecl pass
       , cid_sigs          :: [LSig pass]         -- User-supplied pragmatic info
       , cid_tyfam_insts   :: [LTyFamInstDecl pass]   -- Type family instances
       , cid_datafam_insts :: [LDataFamInstDecl pass] -- Data family instances
-      , cid_overlap_mode  :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode)
+      , cid_overlap_mode  :: Maybe (LocatedA OverlapMode)
          -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
          --                                    'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
@@ -1922,7 +1929,7 @@ ppDerivStrategy mb =
     Nothing       -> empty
     Just (L _ ds) -> ppr ds
-ppOverlapPragma :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode) -> SDoc
+ppOverlapPragma :: Maybe (LocatedA OverlapMode) -> SDoc
 ppOverlapPragma mb =
   case mb of
     Nothing           -> empty
@@ -1982,7 +1989,7 @@ data DerivDecl pass = DerivDecl
           -- See Note [Inferring the instance context] in TcDerivInfer.
         , deriv_strategy     :: Maybe (LDerivStrategy pass)
-        , deriv_overlap_mode :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode)
+        , deriv_overlap_mode :: Maybe (LocatedA OverlapMode)
          -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDeriving',
          --        'ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnStock',
          --        'ApiAnnotation.AnnAnyClass', 'Api.AnnNewtype',
@@ -2170,11 +2177,11 @@ data ForeignDecl pass
     such as Int and IO that we know how to make foreign calls with.
-type instance XForeignImport   GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignImport   GhcPs = ApiAnn
 type instance XForeignImport   GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XForeignImport   GhcTc = Coercion
-type instance XForeignExport   GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignExport   GhcPs = ApiAnn
 type instance XForeignExport   GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XForeignExport   GhcTc = Coercion
@@ -2292,7 +2299,7 @@ type instance XCRuleDecls    GhcTc = NoExtField
 type instance XXRuleDecls    (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
 -- | Located Rule Declaration
-type LRuleDecl pass = Located (RuleDecl pass)
+type LRuleDecl pass = LocatedA (RuleDecl pass)
 -- | Rule Declaration
 data RuleDecl pass
@@ -2322,7 +2329,7 @@ data RuleDecl pass
 data HsRuleRn = HsRuleRn NameSet NameSet -- Free-vars from the LHS and RHS
   deriving Data
-type instance XHsRule       GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XHsRule       GhcPs = ApiAnn
 type instance XHsRule       GhcRn = HsRuleRn
 type instance XHsRule       GhcTc = HsRuleRn

@@ -261,6 +261,20 @@ data SrcSpanAnn = SrcSpanAnn { ann :: ApiAnn, locA :: SrcSpan }
 instance Outputable SrcSpanAnn where
   ppr (SrcSpanAnn a l) = text "SrcSpanAnn" <+> ppr a <+> ppr l
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Managing annotations for lists
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+data AnnList
+  = AnnList {
+      alOpenLoc      :: SrcSpan,
+      alOpenKeyword  :: AnnKeywordId,
+      alCloseLoc     :: SrcSpan,
+      alCloseKeyword :: AnnKeywordId
+      } deriving (Data)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 reAnn :: [AddApiAnn] -> ApiAnnComments -> Located a -> LocatedA a
 reAnn anns cs (L l a) = L (SrcSpanAnn (ApiAnn anns cs) l) a
@@ -559,6 +573,11 @@ type family XXAnnDecl      x
 type family XCRoleAnnotDecl  x
 type family XXRoleAnnotDecl  x
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- InjectivityAnn type families
+type family XCInjectivityAnn  x
+type family XXInjectivityAnn  x
 -- =====================================================================
 -- Type families for the HsExpr extension points
@@ -826,9 +845,6 @@ type family XIEDoc             x
 type family XIEDocNamed        x
 type family XXIE               x
--- -------------------------------------
 -- =====================================================================
 -- End of Type family definitions
 -- =====================================================================

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ One per \tr{import} declaration in a module.
 -- | Located Import Declaration
-type LImportDecl pass = Located (ImportDecl pass)
+type LImportDecl pass = LocatedA (ImportDecl pass)
         -- ^ When in a list this may have
         --  - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ data ImportDecl pass
       ideclQualified :: ImportDeclQualifiedStyle, -- ^ If/how the import is qualified.
       ideclImplicit  :: Bool,          -- ^ True => implicit import (of Prelude)
       ideclAs        :: Maybe (Located ModuleName),  -- ^ as Module
-      ideclHiding    :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE pass])
+      ideclHiding    :: Maybe (Bool, LocatedA [LIE pass])
                                        -- ^ (True => hiding, names)
   | XImportDecl (XXImportDecl pass)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ type LIEWrappedName name = Located (IEWrappedName name)
 -- | Located Import or Export
-type LIE pass = Located (IE pass)
+type LIE pass = LocatedA (IE pass)
         -- ^ When in a list this may have
         --  - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma'

@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ dsRule (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = name
                       , rd_tmvs = vars
                       , rd_lhs  = lhs
                       , rd_rhs  = rhs }))
-  = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+  = putSrcSpanDs (locA loc) $
     do  { let bndrs' = [var | L _ (RuleBndr _ (L _ var)) <- vars]
         ; lhs' <- unsetGOptM Opt_EnableRewriteRules $

@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ repInjectivityAnn :: Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
                   -> MetaM (Core (Maybe TH.InjectivityAnn))
 repInjectivityAnn Nothing =
     do { coreNothing injAnnTyConName }
-repInjectivityAnn (Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs))) =
+repInjectivityAnn (Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs))) =
     do { lhs'   <- lookupBinder (unLoc lhs)
        ; rhs1   <- mapM (lookupBinder . unLoc) rhs
        ; rhs2   <- coreList nameTyConName rhs1
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ repRuleD (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
                          ; rhs' <- repLE rhs
                          ; repPragRule n' ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' lhs' rhs' act' }
            ; wrapGenSyms ss rule  }
-       ; return (loc, rule) }
+       ; return (locA loc, rule) }
 repRuleD (L _ (XRuleDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
 ruleBndrNames :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> [Name]

@@ -1344,11 +1344,11 @@ instance ToHie (LFamilyDecl GhcRn) where
 instance ToHie (FamilyInfo GhcRn) where
   toHie (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns)) = concatM $
-    [ concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) eqns
+    [ concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLocA) eqns
     , toHie $ map go eqns
-      go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope l]) ib
+      go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope (locA l)]) ib
   toHie _ = pure []
 instance ToHie (RScoped (LFamilyResultSig GhcRn)) where
@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ instance (ToHie rhs, HasLoc rhs)
 instance ToHie (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn) where
   toHie (L span ann) = concatM $ makeNode ann span : case ann of
-      InjectivityAnn lhs rhs ->
+      InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs ->
         [ toHie $ C Use lhs
         , toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
@@ -1425,8 +1425,8 @@ instance ToHie (Located (DerivStrategy GhcRn)) where
       NewtypeStrategy _ -> []
       ViaStrategy s -> [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) s ]
-instance ToHie (Located OverlapMode) where
-  toHie (L span _) = pure $ locOnly span
+instance ToHie (LocatedA OverlapMode) where
+  toHie (L span _) = pure $ locOnly (locA span)
 instance ToHie (LConDecl GhcRn) where
   toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
@@ -1863,10 +1863,10 @@ instance ToHie (LRuleDecls GhcRn) where
 instance ToHie (LRuleDecl GhcRn) where
   toHie (L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = pure []
   toHie (L span r@(HsRule _ rname _ tybndrs bndrs exprA exprB)) = concatM
-        [ makeNode r span
+        [ makeNode r (locA span)
         , pure $ locOnly $ getLoc rname
         , toHie $ fmap (tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) scope) tybndrs
-        , toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope span) bndrs
+        , toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope (locA span)) bndrs
         , toHie exprA
         , toHie exprB
@@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ instance ToHie (RScoped (LRuleBndr GhcRn)) where
       XRuleBndr _ -> []
 instance ToHie (LImportDecl GhcRn) where
-  toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+  toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl (locA span) : case decl of
       ImportDecl { ideclName = name, ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = hidden } ->
         [ toHie $ IEC Import name
         , toHie $ fmap (IEC ImportAs) as
@@ -1896,14 +1896,14 @@ instance ToHie (LImportDecl GhcRn) where
       XImportDecl _ -> []
       goIE (hiding, (L sp liens)) = concatM $
-        [ pure $ locOnly sp
+        [ pure $ locOnly (locA sp)
         , toHie $ map (IEC c) liens
          c = if hiding then ImportHiding else Import
 instance ToHie (IEContext (LIE GhcRn)) where
-  toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie span : case ie of
+  toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie (locA span) : case ie of
       IEVar _ n ->
         [ toHie $ IEC c n

@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ rnImportDecl this_mod
                                      , ideclSource = want_boot, ideclSafe = mod_safe
                                      , ideclQualified = qual_style, ideclImplicit = implicit
                                      , ideclAs = as_mod, ideclHiding = imp_details }))
-  = setSrcSpan loc $ do
+  = setSrcSpan (locA loc) $ do
     when (isJust mb_pkg) $ do
         pkg_imports <- xoptM LangExt.PackageImports
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ rnImportDecl this_mod
         qual_mod_name = fmap unLoc as_mod `orElse` imp_mod_name
         imp_spec  = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod_name, is_qual = qual_only,
-                                  is_dloc = loc, is_as = qual_mod_name }
+                                  is_dloc = locA loc, is_as = qual_mod_name }
     -- filter the imports according to the import declaration
     (new_imp_details, gres) <- filterImports iface imp_spec imp_details
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ rnImportDecl this_mod
     let imv = ImportedModsVal
             { imv_name        = qual_mod_name
-            , imv_span        = loc
+            , imv_span        = locA loc
             , imv_is_safe     = mod_safe'
             , imv_is_hiding   = is_hiding
             , imv_all_exports = potential_gres
@@ -906,8 +906,8 @@ although we never look up data constructors.
     :: ModIface
     -> ImpDeclSpec                     -- The span for the entire import decl
-    -> Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs])    -- Import spec; True => hiding
-    -> RnM (Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcRn]), -- Import spec w/ Names
+    -> Maybe (Bool, LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])    -- Import spec; True => hiding
+    -> RnM (Maybe (Bool, LocatedA [LIE GhcRn]), -- Import spec w/ Names
             [GlobalRdrElt])                   -- Same again, but in GRE form
 filterImports iface decl_spec Nothing
   = return (Nothing, gresFromAvails (Just imp_spec) (mi_exports iface))
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ filterImports iface decl_spec (Just (want_hiding, L l import_items))
     lookup_lie :: LIE GhcPs -> TcRn [(LIE GhcRn, AvailInfo)]
     lookup_lie (L loc ieRdr)
-        = do (stuff, warns) <- setSrcSpan loc $
+        = do (stuff, warns) <- setSrcSpan (locA loc) $
                                liftM (fromMaybe ([],[])) $
                                run_lookup (lookup_ie ieRdr)
              mapM_ emit_warning warns
@@ -1156,7 +1156,8 @@ gresFromIE decl_spec (L loc ie, avail)
     prov_fn name
       = Just (ImpSpec { is_decl = decl_spec, is_item = item_spec })
-        item_spec = ImpSome { is_explicit = is_explicit name, is_iloc = loc }
+        item_spec = ImpSome { is_explicit = is_explicit name
+                            , is_iloc = locA loc }
@@ -1399,7 +1400,7 @@ findImportUsage imports used_gres
     unused_decl decl@(L loc (ImportDecl { ideclHiding = imps }))
       = (decl, used_gres, nameSetElemsStable unused_imps)
-        used_gres = lookupSrcLoc (srcSpanEnd loc) import_usage
+        used_gres = lookupSrcLoc (srcSpanEnd $ locA loc) import_usage
                                -- srcSpanEnd: see Note [The ImportMap]
                     `orElse` []
@@ -1499,7 +1500,7 @@ warnUnusedImport flag fld_env (L loc decl, used, unused)
   -- Nothing used; drop entire declaration
   | null used
-  = addWarnAt (Reason flag) loc msg1
+  = addWarnAt (Reason flag) (locA loc) msg1
   -- Everything imported is used; nop
   | null unused
@@ -1507,7 +1508,7 @@ warnUnusedImport flag fld_env (L loc decl, used, unused)
   -- Some imports are unused
   | otherwise
-  = addWarnAt (Reason flag) loc  msg2
+  = addWarnAt (Reason flag) (locA loc)  msg2
     msg1 = vcat [ pp_herald <+> quotes pp_mod <+> is_redundant

@@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ addTcgDUs tcg_env dus = tcg_env { tcg_dus = tcg_dus tcg_env `plusDU` dus }
 rnList :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> [Located a] -> RnM ([Located b], FreeVars)
 rnList f xs = mapFvRn (wrapLocFstM f) xs
+rnListA :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> [LocatedA a] -> RnM ([LocatedA b], FreeVars)
+rnListA f xs = mapFvRn (wrapLocFstMA f) xs
 *                                                       *
@@ -750,7 +753,7 @@ rnFamInstEqn doc atfi rhs_kvars
        ; return (HsIB { hsib_ext = all_imp_var_names -- Note [Wildcards in family instances]
                       , hsib_body
-                          = FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+                          = FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noAnn
                                    , feqn_tycon  = tycon'
                                    , feqn_bndrs  = bndrs' <$ mb_bndrs
                                    , feqn_pats   = pats'
@@ -999,7 +1002,7 @@ standaloneDerivErr
 rnHsRuleDecls :: RuleDecls GhcPs -> RnM (RuleDecls GhcRn, FreeVars)
 rnHsRuleDecls (HsRules { rds_src = src
                        , rds_rules = rules })
-  = do { (rn_rules,fvs) <- rnList rnHsRuleDecl rules
+  = do { (rn_rules,fvs) <- rnListA rnHsRuleDecl rules
        ; return (HsRules { rds_ext = noExtField
                          , rds_src = src
                          , rds_rules = rn_rules }, fvs) }
@@ -1905,7 +1908,7 @@ rnFamDecl mb_cls (FamilyDecl { fdLName = tycon, fdTyVars = tyvars
              -> FamilyInfo GhcPs -> RnM (FamilyInfo GhcRn, FreeVars)
      rn_info (L _ fam_name) (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns))
        = do { (eqns', fvs)
-                <- rnList (rnTyFamInstEqn NonAssocTyFamEqn (ClosedTyFam tycon fam_name))
+                <- rnListA (rnTyFamInstEqn NonAssocTyFamEqn (ClosedTyFam tycon fam_name))
                                           -- no class context
             ; return (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns'), fvs) }
@@ -1987,16 +1990,16 @@ rnInjectivityAnn :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn           -- ^ Type variables declared in
                  -> LInjectivityAnn GhcPs      -- ^ Injectivity annotation
                  -> RnM (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
 rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig _ resTv))
-                 (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo))
+                 (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn x injFrom injTo))
  = do
-   { (injDecl'@(L _ (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')), noRnErrors)
+   { (injDecl'@(L _ (InjectivityAnn _ injFrom' injTo')), noRnErrors)
           <- askNoErrs $
              bindLocalNames [hsLTyVarName resTv] $
              -- The return type variable scopes over the injectivity annotation
              -- e.g.   type family F a = (r::*) | r -> a
              do { injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
                 ; injTo'   <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
-                ; return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo') }
+                ; return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn x injFrom' injTo') }
    ; let tvNames  = Set.fromList $ hsAllLTyVarNames tvBndrs
          resName  = hsLTyVarName resTv
@@ -2032,12 +2035,12 @@ rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig _ resTv))
 -- So we rename injectivity annotation like we normally would except that
 -- this time we expect "result" to be reported not in scope by rnLTyVar.
-rnInjectivityAnn _ _ (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo)) =
+rnInjectivityAnn _ _ (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn x injFrom injTo)) =
    setSrcSpan srcSpan $ do
    (injDecl', _) <- askNoErrs $ do
      injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
      injTo'   <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
-     return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')
+     return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn x injFrom' injTo')
    return $ injDecl'

@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ findGlobalRdrEnv hsc_env imports
            (err : _, _)    -> Left err }
     idecls :: [LImportDecl GhcPs]
-    idecls = [noLoc d | IIDecl d <- imports]
+    idecls = [noLocA d | IIDecl d <- imports]
     imods :: [ModuleName]
     imods = [m | IIModule m <- imports]

@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ setL loc = CvtM (\_ _ -> Right (loc, ()))
 returnL :: a -> CvtM (Located a)
 returnL x = CvtM (\_ loc -> Right (loc, L loc x))
+returnLA :: a -> CvtM (LocatedA a)
+returnLA x = CvtM (\_ loc -> Right (loc, L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) x))
 returnJustL :: a -> CvtM (Maybe (Located a))
 returnJustL = fmap Just . returnL
@@ -293,7 +296,8 @@ cvtDec (InstanceD o ctxt ty decs)
                       , cid_binds = binds'
                       , cid_sigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
                       , cid_tyfam_insts = ats', cid_datafam_insts = adts'
-                      , cid_overlap_mode = fmap (L loc . overlap) o } }
+                      , cid_overlap_mode
+                                   = fmap (L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) . overlap) o } }
   overlap pragma =
     case pragma of
@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ cvtDec (DataInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constrs derivs)
        ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
            { dfid_ext = noAnn
            , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
-                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noAnn
                                   , feqn_tycon = tc'
                                   , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
                                   , feqn_pats = typats'
@@ -349,7 +353,7 @@ cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constr derivs)
        ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
            { dfid_ext = noAnn
            , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
-                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noAnn
                                   , feqn_tycon = tc'
                                   , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
                                   , feqn_pats = typats'
@@ -440,8 +444,8 @@ cvtTySynEqn (TySynEqn mb_bndrs lhs rhs)
            ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
                          ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
                          ; let args' = map wrap_tyarg args
-                         ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
-                            $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+                         ; returnLA $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
+                            $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noAnn
                                      , feqn_tycon  = nm'
                                      , feqn_bndrs  = mb_bndrs'
                                      , feqn_pats   = args'
@@ -450,8 +454,8 @@ cvtTySynEqn (TySynEqn mb_bndrs lhs rhs)
            InfixT t1 nm t2 -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
                                  ; args' <- mapM cvtType [t1,t2]
                                  ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
-                                 ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
-                                      $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+                                 ; returnLA $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
+                                      $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noAnn
                                                , feqn_tycon  = nm'
                                                , feqn_bndrs  = mb_bndrs'
                                                , feqn_pats   =
@@ -697,7 +701,7 @@ cvtForD (ImportF callconv safety from nm ty)
     mk_imp impspec
       = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
            ; ty' <- cvtType ty
-           ; return (ForeignImport { fd_i_ext = noExtField
+           ; return (ForeignImport { fd_i_ext = noAnn
                                    , fd_name = nm'
                                    , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
                                    , fd_fi = impspec })
@@ -714,7 +718,7 @@ cvtForD (ExportF callconv as nm ty)
                                                 (mkFastString as)
                                                 (cvt_conv callconv)))
                                                 (noLoc (SourceText as))
-        ; return $ ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noExtField
+        ; return $ ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noAnn
                                  , fd_name = nm'
                                  , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
                                  , fd_fe = e } }
@@ -777,8 +781,8 @@ cvtPragmaD (RuleP nm ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases)
        ; returnJustL $ Hs.RuleD noExtField
             $ HsRules { rds_ext = noAnn
                       , rds_src = SourceText "{-# RULES"
-                      , rds_rules = [noLoc $
-                          HsRule { rd_ext  = noExtField
+                      , rds_rules = [noLocA $
+                          HsRule { rd_ext  = noAnn
                                  , rd_name = (noLoc (quotedSourceText nm,nm'))
                                  , rd_act  = act
                                  , rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs'
@@ -1688,7 +1692,7 @@ cvtInjectivityAnnotation :: TH.InjectivityAnn
 cvtInjectivityAnnotation (TH.InjectivityAnn annLHS annRHS)
   = do { annLHS' <- tNameL annLHS
        ; annRHS' <- mapM tNameL annRHS
-       ; returnL (Hs.InjectivityAnn annLHS' annRHS') }
+       ; returnL (Hs.InjectivityAnn noAnn annLHS' annRHS') }
 cvtPatSynSigTy :: TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
 -- pattern synonym types are of peculiar shapes, which is why we treat

@@ -125,18 +125,19 @@ mkPrelImports this_mod loc implicit_prelude import_decls
                           <- import_decls
                       , unLoc mod == pRELUDE_NAME ]
+      loc' = noAnnSrcSpan loc
       preludeImportDecl :: LImportDecl GhcPs
-        = L loc $ ImportDecl { ideclExt       = noAnn,
-                               ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText,
-                               ideclName      = L loc pRELUDE_NAME,
-                               ideclPkgQual   = Nothing,
-                               ideclSource    = False,
-                               ideclSafe      = False,  -- Not a safe import
-                               ideclQualified = NotQualified,
-                               ideclImplicit  = True,   -- Implicit!
-                               ideclAs        = Nothing,
-                               ideclHiding    = Nothing  }
+        = L loc' $ ImportDecl { ideclExt       = noAnn,
+                                ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText,
+                                ideclName      = L loc pRELUDE_NAME,
+                                ideclPkgQual   = Nothing,
+                                ideclSource    = False,
+                                ideclSafe      = False,  -- Not a safe import
+                                ideclQualified = NotQualified,
+                                ideclImplicit  = True,   -- Implicit!
+                                ideclAs        = Nothing,
+                                ideclHiding    = Nothing  }
 -- Get options

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Data.Char
 -- | Source Statistics
 ppSourceStats :: Bool -> Located HsModule -> SDoc
-ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
+ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
   = (if short then hcat else vcat)
         (map pp_val
             [("ExportAll        ", export_all), -- 1 if no export list

@@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@ data PState = PState {
         -- locations of 'noise' tokens in the source, so that users of
         -- the GHC API can do source to source conversions.
         -- See note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation.hs
-        annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])],
+        -- AZ annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])],
         eof_pos :: Maybe RealSrcSpan,
         comment_q :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment],
         annotations_comments :: [(RealSrcSpan,[RealLocated AnnotationComment])]
@@ -2606,7 +2606,7 @@ mkPStatePure options buf loc =
       alr_context = [],
       alr_expecting_ocurly = Nothing,
       alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock = False,
-      annotations = [],
+      -- AZ annotations = [],
       eof_pos = Nothing,
       comment_q = [],
       annotations_comments = []
@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@ instance MonadP P where
   getBit ext = P $ \s -> let b =  ext `xtest` pExtsBitmap (options s)
                          in b `seq` POk s b
   addAnnotation (RealSrcSpan l _) a (RealSrcSpan v _) = do
-    addAnnotationOnly l a v
+    -- AZ addAnnotationOnly l a v
     _ <- allocateCommentsP l
     return ()
   addAnnotation _ _ _ = return ()
@@ -3236,10 +3236,12 @@ data AddApiAnn = AddApiAnn AnnKeywordId SrcSpan deriving (Data,Show,Eq)
 instance Outputable AddApiAnn where
   ppr (AddApiAnn kw ss) = text "AddApiAnn" <+> ppr kw <+> ppr ss
+{- AZ
 addAnnotationOnly :: RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> RealSrcSpan -> P ()
 addAnnotationOnly l a v = P $ \s -> POk s {
   annotations = ((l,a), [v]) : annotations s
   } ()
 -- |Given a 'SrcSpan' that surrounds a 'HsPar' or 'HsParTy', generate
 -- 'AddApiAnn' values for the opening and closing bordering on the start

@@ -725,12 +725,12 @@ unitdecl :: { LHsUnitDecl PackageName }
                    False -> HsSrcFile
                    True  -> HsBootFile)
-                 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $4) $6 (fst $ snd $8) (snd $ snd $8) $5 $1)) }
+                 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule noAnn (Just $4) $6 (fst $ snd $8) (snd $ snd $8) $5 $1)) }
         | maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
              { sL1 $2 $ DeclD
-                 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)) }
+                 (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule noAnn (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)) }
         -- NB: MUST have maybedocheader here, otherwise shift-reduce conflict
         -- will prevent us from parsing both forms.
         | maybedocheader 'module' maybe_src modid
@@ -761,23 +761,20 @@ unitdecl :: { LHsUnitDecl PackageName }
 signature :: { Located HsModule }
        : maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
              {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                ams (\_ -> L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
-                              (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)
-                    )
-                    ([mj AnnSignature $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) }
+                acs (\cs -> L loc (HsModule (ApiAnn ([mj AnnSignature $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) cs)
+                                            (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
+                              (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1) )}
 module :: { Located HsModule }
        : maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
              {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                ams (\_ -> L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
-                              (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)
-                    )
-                    ([mj AnnModule $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) }
+                acs (\cs -> L loc (HsModule (ApiAnn ([mj AnnModule $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) cs)
+                                           (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
+                              (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1) ) }
         | body2
                 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                   ams (\_ -> L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing
-                               (fst $ snd $1) (snd $ snd $1) Nothing Nothing))
-                       (fst $1) }
+                   acs (\cs -> L loc (HsModule (ApiAnn (fst $1) cs) Nothing Nothing
+                               (fst $ snd $1) (snd $ snd $1) Nothing Nothing)) }
 maybedocheader :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
         : moduleheader            { $1 }
@@ -789,13 +786,13 @@ missing_module_keyword :: { () }
 implicit_top :: { () }
         : {- empty -}                           {% pushModuleContext }
-maybemodwarning :: { Maybe (Located WarningTxt) }
+maybemodwarning :: { Maybe (LocatedA WarningTxt) }
     : '{-# DEPRECATED' strings '#-}'
-                      {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> $ DeprecatedTxt (sL1 $1 (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2))
-                             (mo $1:mc $3: (fst $ unLoc $2)) }
+                      {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> $ DeprecatedTxt (sL1 $1 (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2))
+                              (mo $1:mc $3: (fst $ unLoc $2))}
     | '{-# WARNING' strings '#-}'
-                         {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> $ WarningTxt (sL1 $1 (getWARNING_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2))
-                                (mo $1:mc $3 : (fst $ unLoc $2)) }
+                         {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> $ WarningTxt (sL1 $1 (getWARNING_PRAGs $1)) (snd $ unLoc $2))
+                                 (mo $1:mc $3 : (fst $ unLoc $2))}
     |  {- empty -}                  { Nothing }
 body    :: { ([AddApiAnn]
@@ -826,15 +823,17 @@ top1    :: { ([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs]) }
 header  :: { Located HsModule }
         : maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body
                 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                   ams (\_ -> L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
-                          )) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] }
+                   acs (\cs -> L loc (HsModule (ApiAnn [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] cs)
+                                              (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
+                          )) }
         | maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body
                 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                   ams (\_ -> L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
-                          )) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] }
+                   acs (\cs -> L loc (HsModule (ApiAnn [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] cs)
+                                     (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
+                          ))  }
         | header_body2
                 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
-                   return (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing $1 [] Nothing
+                   return (L loc (HsModule noAnn Nothing Nothing $1 [] Nothing
                           Nothing)) }
 header_body :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
@@ -855,21 +854,28 @@ header_top_importdecls :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
 -- The Export List
-maybeexports :: { (Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
-        :  '(' exportlist ')'       {% amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mop $1,mcp $3] >>
-                                       return (Just (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $2))) }
+maybeexports :: { (Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])) }
+        :  '(' exportlist ')'       {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $2)) [mop $1,mcp $3] }
         |  {- empty -}              { Nothing }
 exportlist :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
-        : expdoclist ',' expdoclist   {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnComma (gl $2)
-                                         >> return ($1 `appOL` $3) }
+        : expdoclist ',' expdoclist   {% if isNilOL $1
+                                           then return ($1 `appOL` $3)
+                                           else case unsnocOL $1 of
+                                             (hs,t) -> do
+                                              t' <- addAnnotationA t AnnComma (gl $2)
+                                              return (snocOL hs t' `appOL` $3) }
         | exportlist1                 { $1 }
 exportlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : expdoclist export expdoclist ',' exportlist1
-                          {% (addAnnotation (oll ($1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3))
-                                            AnnComma (gl $4) ) >>
-                              return ($1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3 `appOL` $5) }
+                          {% let ls = $1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3
+                             in if isNilOL ls
+                                  then return (ls `appOL` $5)
+                                  else case unsnocOL ls of
+                                         (hs, t) -> do
+                                           t' <- addAnnotationA t AnnComma (gl $4)
+                                           return (snocOL hs t' `appOL` $5)}
         | expdoclist export expdoclist             { $1 `appOL` $2 `appOL` $3 }
         | expdoclist                               { $1 }
@@ -878,20 +884,19 @@ expdoclist :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         | {- empty -}                                  { nilOL }
 exp_doc :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
-        : docsection    { unitOL (sL1 $1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> IEGroup noExtField n doc)) }
-        | docnamed      { unitOL (sL1 $1 (IEDocNamed noExtField ((fst . unLoc) $1))) }
-        | docnext       { unitOL (sL1 $1 (IEDoc noExtField (unLoc $1))) }
+        : docsection    { unitOL (sL1a $1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> IEGroup noExtField n doc)) }
+        | docnamed      { unitOL (sL1a $1 (IEDocNamed noExtField ((fst . unLoc) $1))) }
+        | docnext       { unitOL (sL1a $1 (IEDoc noExtField (unLoc $1))) }
    -- No longer allow things like [] and (,,,) to be exported
    -- They are built in syntax, always available
 export  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : qcname_ext export_subspec  {% mkModuleImpExp $1 (snd $ unLoc $2)
-                                          >>= \ie -> amsu (\_ -> sLL $1 $> ie) (fst $ unLoc $2) }
-        |  'module' modid            {% amsu (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (ApiAnn [mj AnnModule $1] cs) $2))
-                                             [mj AnnModule $1] }
-        |  'pattern' qcon            {% amsu (\cs -> sLLlA $1 $> (IEVar (ApiAnn [mj AnnPattern $1] cs) (sLLlA $1 $> (IEPattern $2))))
-                                             [mj AnnPattern $1] }
+                                          >>= \ie -> fmap unitOL (amsr (sLL $1 $> ie) (fst $ unLoc $2)) }
+        |  'module' modid            {% fmap (unitOL . reLocA) (ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (ApiAnn [mj AnnModule $1] cs) $2))
+                                             [mj AnnModule $1]) }
+        |  'pattern' qcon            {% fmap (unitOL . reLocA) (ams (\cs -> sLLlA $1 $> (IEVar (ApiAnn [mj AnnPattern $1] cs) (sLLlA $1 $> (IEPattern $2))))
+                                             [mj AnnPattern $1]) }
 export_subspec :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],ImpExpSubSpec) }
         : {- empty -}             { sL0 ([],ImpExpAbs) }
@@ -925,9 +930,9 @@ qcname_ext_w_wildcard :: { Located ([AddApiAnn], Located ImpExpQcSpec) }
 qcname_ext :: { Located ImpExpQcSpec }
         :  qcname                   { sL1A $1 (ImpExpQcName $1) }
-        |  'type' oqtycon           {% do { n <- mkTypeImpExp $2
-                                          ; ams (\_ -> sLLlA $1 $> (ImpExpQcType n))
-                                                [mj AnnType $1] } }
+        |  'type' oqtycon           {% do { n' <- reA $1 $2 [mj AnnType $1]
+                                          ; n <- mkTypeImpExp n'
+                                          ; return $ sLLlA $1 $> (ImpExpQcType n) }}
 qcname  :: { LocatedA RdrName }  -- Variable or type constructor
         :  qvar                 { $1 } -- Things which look like functions
@@ -961,7 +966,7 @@ importdecls
 importdecls_semi :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
         : importdecls_semi importdecl semis1
-                                {% ams (\_ -> $2) $3 >> return ($2 : $1) }
+                                {% amsA $2 $3 >> return ($2 : $1) }
         | {- empty -}           { [] }
 importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs }
@@ -971,8 +976,7 @@ importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs }
                   ; let anns
                          = (mj AnnImport $1 : fst (fst $2) ++ fst $3 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $4)
                                           ++ fst $5 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $7) ++ fst $8)
-                  ; cs <- allocateCommentsS (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $8) $9)
-                  ; ams (\_ -> L (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $8) $9) $
+                  ; fmap reLocA $ ams (\cs -> L (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $8) $9) $
                       ImportDecl { ideclExt = ApiAnn anns cs
                                   , ideclSourceSrc = snd $ fst $2
                                   , ideclName = $6, ideclPkgQual = snd $5
@@ -1014,20 +1018,20 @@ maybeas :: { ([AddApiAnn],Located (Maybe (Located ModuleName))) }
                                                  ,sLL $1 $> (Just $2)) }
         | {- empty -}                          { ([],noLoc Nothing) }
-maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
+maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])) }
         : impspec                  {% let (b, ie) = unLoc $1 in
                                        checkImportSpec ie
                                         >>= \checkedIe ->
                                           return (L (gl $1) (Just (b, checkedIe)))  }
         | {- empty -}              { noLoc Nothing }
-impspec :: { Located (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs]) }
-        :  '(' exportlist ')'               {% ams (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (False,
-                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $2))
-                                                   [mop $1,mcp $3] }
-        |  'hiding' '(' exportlist ')'      {% ams (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (True,
-                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $3))
-                                               [mj AnnHiding $1,mop $2,mcp $4] }
+impspec :: { Located (Bool, LocatedA [LIE GhcPs]) }
+        :  '(' exportlist ')'               {% do { es <- amsr (sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $2)
+                                                               [mop $1,mcp $3]
+                                                  ; return $ sLL $1 $> (False, es)} }
+        |  'hiding' '(' exportlist ')'      {% do { es <- amsr (sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $3)
+                                                               [mj AnnHiding $1,mop $2,mcp $4]
+                                                  ; return $ sLL $1 $> (True, es)} }
 -- Fixity Declarations
@@ -1043,8 +1047,10 @@ infix   :: { Located FixityDirection }
         | 'infixr'                              { sL1 $1 InfixR }
 ops     :: { Located (OrdList (LocatedA RdrName)) }
-        : ops ',' op       {% addAnnotation (ollA $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
-                              return (sLLlA $1 $> ((unLoc $1) `appOL` unitOL $3))}
+        : ops ',' op       {% case unsnocOL (unLoc $1) of
+                                (hs,t) -> do
+                                  t' <- addAnnotationA t AnnComma (gl $2)
+                                  return (sLLlA $1 $> (snocOL hs t' `appOL` unitOL $3)) }
         | op               { sL1A $1 (unitOL $1) }
@@ -1056,7 +1062,7 @@ topdecls :: { OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs) }
 -- May have trailing semicolons, can be empty
 topdecls_semi :: { OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs) }
-        : topdecls_semi topdecl semis1 {% ams (\_ -> $2) $3 >> return ($1 `snocOL` $2) }
+        : topdecls_semi topdecl semis1 {% amsr $2 $3 >> return ($1 `snocOL` $2) }
         | {- empty -}                  { nilOL }
 topdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
@@ -1066,17 +1072,12 @@ topdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
         | inst_decl                             { sL1 $1 (InstD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
         | stand_alone_deriving                  { sLL $1 $> (DerivD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
         | role_annot                            { sL1 $1 (RoleAnnotD noExtField (unLoc $1)) }
-        | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')'    {% ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (DefD noExtField (DefaultDecl (ApiAnn [mj AnnDefault $1,mop $2,mcp $4] cs) $3)))
-                                                         [mj AnnDefault $1
-                                                         ,mop $2,mcp $4] }
-        | 'foreign' fdecl          {% ams (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (snd $ unLoc $2))
-                                           (mj AnnForeign $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
-        | '{-# DEPRECATED' deprecations '#-}'   {% ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2)))
-                                                       [mo $1,mc $3] }
-        | '{-# WARNING' warnings '#-}'          {% ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getWARNING_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2)))
-                                                       [mo $1,mc $3] }
-        | '{-# RULES' rules '#-}'               {% ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ RuleD noExtField (HsRules (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getRULES_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2)))
-                                                       [mo $1,mc $3] }
+        | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')'        {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $>
+                                                    (DefD noExtField (DefaultDecl (ApiAnn [mj AnnDefault $1,mop $2,mcp $4] cs) $3))) }
+        | 'foreign' fdecl          {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> ((snd $ unLoc $2) (ApiAnn (mj AnnForeign $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) cs))) }
+        | '{-# DEPRECATED' deprecations '#-}'   {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getDEPRECATED_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2))) }
+        | '{-# WARNING' warnings '#-}'          {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ WarningD noExtField (Warnings (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getWARNING_PRAGs $1) (fromOL $2))) }
+        | '{-# RULES' rules '#-}'               {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> $ RuleD noExtField (HsRules (ApiAnn [mo $1,mc $3] cs) (getRULES_PRAGs $1) (reverse $2))) }
         | annotation { $1 }
         | decl_no_th                            { $1 }
@@ -1091,8 +1092,7 @@ topdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
 cl_decl :: { LTyClDecl GhcPs }
         : 'class' tycl_hdr fds where_cls
-                {% amms (mkClassDecl (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4) $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
-                         (ApiAnn (mj AnnClass $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)++(fst $ unLoc $4)) noCom))
+                {% mkClassDecl (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4) $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
                          (mj AnnClass $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)++(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
 -- Type declarations (toplevel)
@@ -1107,63 +1107,59 @@ ty_decl :: { LTyClDecl GhcPs }
                 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
                 -- infix type constructors to be declared
-                {% amms (mkTySynonym (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4
-                        (ApiAnn [mj AnnType $1,mj AnnEqual $3] noCom))
-                        [mj AnnType $1,mj AnnEqual $3] }
+                {% mkTySynonym (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4 [mj AnnType $1,mj AnnEqual $3] }
            -- type family declarations
         | 'type' 'family' type opt_tyfam_kind_sig opt_injective_info
                 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
                 -- infix type constructors to be declared
-                {% amms (mkFamDecl (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $6) $3
+                {% mkFamDecl (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $6) $3
                                    (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5)
-                           (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)
-                           ++ (fst $ unLoc $5) ++ (fst $ unLoc $6)) noCom))
-                        (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)
-                           ++ (fst $ unLoc $5) ++ (fst $ unLoc $6)) }
+                           (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)
+                           ++ (fst $ unLoc $5) ++ (fst $ unLoc $6))  }
           -- ordinary data type or newtype declaration
         | data_or_newtype capi_ctype tycl_hdr constrs maybe_derivings
-                {% amms (mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3
+                {% mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3
                            Nothing (reverse (snd $ unLoc $4))
                                    (fmap reverse $5)
-                           (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)) noCom))
+                           ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
                                    -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case
                                    -- constrs and deriving are both empty
-                        ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
           -- ordinary GADT declaration
         | data_or_newtype capi_ctype tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
-            {% amms (mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3
+            {% mkTyData (comb4 $1 $3 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $2 $3
                             (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5)
                             (fmap reverse $6)
-                            (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) noCom))
+                            ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
                                    -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case
                                    -- constrs and deriving are both empty
-                    ((fst $ unLoc $1):(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
           -- data/newtype family
         | 'data' 'family' type opt_datafam_kind_sig
-                {% amms (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $2 $4) DataFamily $3
+                {% mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $2 $4) DataFamily $3
                                    (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing
-                          (ApiAnn (mj AnnData $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) noCom))
-                        (mj AnnData $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
+                          (mj AnnData $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
 -- standalone kind signature
 standalone_kind_sig :: { LStandaloneKindSig GhcPs }
   : 'type' sks_vars '::' ktypedoc
-      {% amms (mkStandaloneKindSig (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4
-               (ApiAnn [mj AnnType $1,mu AnnDcolon $3] noCom))
-              [mj AnnType $1,mu AnnDcolon $3] }
+      {% mkStandaloneKindSig (comb2 $1 $4) $2 $4
+               [mj AnnType $1,mu AnnDcolon $3]}
 -- See also: sig_vars
 sks_vars :: { Located [LocatedA RdrName] }  -- Returned in reverse order
   : sks_vars ',' oqtycon
-      {% addAnnotation (glA $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
-         return (sLLlA $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) }
+      -- {% addAnnotation (glA $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
+      --    return (sLLlA $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) }
+      {% case unLoc $1 of
+           (h:t) -> do
+             h' <- addAnnotationA h AnnComma (gl $2)
+             return (sLLlA $1 $> ($3 : h' : t)) }
   | oqtycon { sL1A $1 [$1] }
 inst_decl :: { LInstDecl GhcPs }
@@ -1177,68 +1173,57 @@ inst_decl :: { LInstDecl GhcPs }
                                      , cid_tyfam_insts = ats
                                      , cid_overlap_mode = $2
                                      , cid_datafam_insts = adts }
-             ; ams (\cs -> L (comb3 $1 (hsSigType $3) $4) (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExtField, cid_inst = cid cs }))
-                   anns } }
+             ; acs (\cs -> L (comb3 $1 (hsSigType $3) $4)
+                             (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExtField, cid_inst = cid cs }))
+                   } }
            -- type instance declarations
         | 'type' 'instance' ty_fam_inst_eqn
-                {% ams (\_ -> $3) (fst $ unLoc $3)
-                >> amms (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3)
-                        (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) noCom))
-                    (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) }
+                {% mkTyFamInst (comb2A $1 $3) (unLoc $3)
+                        (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:[]) }
           -- data/newtype instance declaration
         | data_or_newtype 'instance' capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst constrs
-            {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
+            {% mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
                                       Nothing (reverse (snd  $ unLoc $5))
                                               (fmap reverse $6)
-                      (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) noCom))
-                    ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
+                      ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
           -- GADT instance declaration
         | data_or_newtype 'instance' capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst opt_kind_sig
-            {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
+            {% mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
                                    (snd $ unLoc $5) (snd $ unLoc $6)
                                    (fmap reverse $7)
-                     (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2
-                       :(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) noCom))
-                    ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2
+                     ((fst $ unLoc $1):mj AnnInstance $2
                        :(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) }
-overlap_pragma :: { Maybe (Located OverlapMode) }
-  : '{-# OVERLAPPABLE'    '#-}' {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (Overlappable (getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs $1)))
+overlap_pragma :: { Maybe (LocatedA OverlapMode) }
+  : '{-# OVERLAPPABLE'    '#-}' {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> (Overlappable (getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs $1)))
                                        [mo $1,mc $2] }
-  | '{-# OVERLAPPING'     '#-}' {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (Overlapping (getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs $1)))
+  | '{-# OVERLAPPING'     '#-}' {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> (Overlapping (getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs $1)))
                                        [mo $1,mc $2] }
-  | '{-# OVERLAPS'        '#-}' {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (Overlaps (getOVERLAPS_PRAGs $1)))
+  | '{-# OVERLAPS'        '#-}' {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> (Overlaps (getOVERLAPS_PRAGs $1)))
                                        [mo $1,mc $2] }
-  | '{-# INCOHERENT'      '#-}' {% ajs (\_ -> sLL $1 $> (Incoherent (getINCOHERENT_PRAGs $1)))
+  | '{-# INCOHERENT'      '#-}' {% fmap Just $ amsr (sLL $1 $> (Incoherent (getINCOHERENT_PRAGs $1)))
                                        [mo $1,mc $2] }
   | {- empty -}                 { Nothing }
 deriv_strategy_no_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs }
-  : 'stock'                     {% ams (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnStock $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnStock $1] }
-  | 'anyclass'                  {% ams (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnAnyclass $1] }
-  | 'newtype'                   {% ams (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnNewtype $1] }
+  : 'stock'                     {% acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnStock $1] cs))) }
+  | 'anyclass'                  {% acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs))) }
+  | 'newtype'                   {% acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs))) }
 deriv_strategy_via :: { LDerivStrategy GhcPs }
-  : 'via' type              {% ams (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs (ApiAnn [mj AnnVia $1] cs)
-                                                                           (mkLHsSigType $2))))
-                                            [mj AnnVia $1] }
+  : 'via' type              {% acs (\cs -> sLL $1 $> (ViaStrategy (XViaStrategyPs (ApiAnn [mj AnnVia $1] cs)
+                                                                           (mkLHsSigType $2)))) }
 deriv_standalone_strategy :: { Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcPs) }
-  : 'stock'                     {% ajs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnStock $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnStock $1] }
-  | 'anyclass'                  {% ajs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnAnyclass $1] }
-  | 'newtype'                   {% ajs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs)))
-                                       [mj AnnNewtype $1] }
+  : 'stock'                     {% fmap Just $ acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (StockStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnStock $1] cs))) }
+  | 'anyclass'                  {% fmap Just $ acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (AnyclassStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnAnyclass $1] cs))) }
+  | 'newtype'                   {% fmap Just $ acs (\cs -> sL1 $1 (NewtypeStrategy (ApiAnn [mj AnnNewtype $1] cs))) }
   | deriv_strategy_via          { Just $1 }
   | {- empty -}                 { Nothing }
@@ -1251,8 +1236,7 @@ opt_injective_info :: { Located ([AddApiAnn], Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)) }
 injectivity_cond :: { LInjectivityAnn GhcPs }
         : tyvarid '->' inj_varids
-           {% ams (\_ -> sLLAl $1 $> (InjectivityAnn $1 (reverse (unLoc $3))))
-                  [mu AnnRarrow $2] }
+           {% acs (\cs -> sLLAl $1 $> (InjectivityAnn (ApiAnn [mu AnnRarrow $2] cs) $1 (reverse (unLoc $3)))) }
 inj_varids :: { Located [LocatedA RdrName] }
         : inj_varids tyvarid  { sLLlA $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) }
@@ -1278,28 +1262,32 @@ ty_fam_inst_eqn_list :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],Maybe [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs]) }
 ty_fam_inst_eqns :: { Located [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs] }
         : ty_fam_inst_eqns ';' ty_fam_inst_eqn
-                                      {% let (L loc (anns, eqn)) = $3 in
-                                         asl (unLoc $1) $2 (L loc eqn)
-                                         >> ams (\_ -> $3) anns
-                                         >> return (sLL $1 $> (L loc eqn : unLoc $1)) }
-        | ty_fam_inst_eqns ';'        {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnSemi (gl $2)
-                                         >> return (sLL $1 $>  (unLoc $1)) }
-        | ty_fam_inst_eqn             {% let (L loc (anns, eqn)) = $1 in
-                                         ams (\_ -> $1) anns
-                                         >> return (sLL $1 $> [L loc eqn]) }
+                                      {% let (L loc eqn) = $3 in
+                                         case unLoc $1 of
+                                           [] -> return (sLLlA $1 $> (L loc eqn : unLoc $1))
+                                           (h:t) -> do
+                                             h' <- addAnnotationA h AnnSemi (gl $2)
+                                             return (sLLlA $1 $> ($3 : h' : t)) }
+        | ty_fam_inst_eqns ';'        {% case unLoc $1 of
+                                           [] -> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1))
+                                           (h:t) -> do
+                                             h' <- addAnnotationA h AnnSemi (gl $2)
+                                             return (sLL $1 $>  (h':t)) }
+        | ty_fam_inst_eqn             { sLLAA $1 $> [$1] }
         | {- empty -}                 { noLoc [] }
-ty_fam_inst_eqn :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],TyFamInstEqn GhcPs) }
+ty_fam_inst_eqn :: { LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs }
         : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' type '=' ktype
               {% do { hintExplicitForall $1
-                    ; (eqn,ann) <- mkTyFamInstEqn (Just $2) $4 $6
-                    ; return (sLL $1 $>
-                               (mu AnnForall $1:mj AnnDot $3:mj AnnEqual $5:ann,eqn)) } }
+                    ; mkTyFamInstEqn (comb2 $1 $>) (Just $2) $4 $6 (mu AnnForall $1:mj AnnDot $3:mj AnnEqual $5:[]) }}
         | type '=' ktype
-              {% do { (eqn,ann) <- mkTyFamInstEqn Nothing $1 $3
-                    ; return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnEqual $2:ann, eqn))  } }
+              -- {% do { (eqn,ann) <- mkTyFamInstEqn Nothing $1 $3
+              --       ; return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnEqual $2:ann, eqn))  } }
+              {% mkTyFamInstEqn (comb2 $1 $>) Nothing $1 $3 (mj AnnEqual $2:[]) }
               -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
               -- infix type constructors and type patterns
+-- AZ working above
 -- Associated type family declarations
@@ -1313,39 +1301,32 @@ ty_fam_inst_eqn :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],TyFamInstEqn GhcPs) }
 at_decl_cls :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
         :  -- data family declarations, with optional 'family' keyword
           'data' opt_family type opt_datafam_kind_sig
-                {% amms (liftM mkTyClD (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) DataFamily $3
+                {% liftM mkTyClD (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) DataFamily $3
                                                   (snd $ unLoc $4) Nothing
-                        (ApiAnn (mj AnnData $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)) noCom)))
-                        (mj AnnData $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
+                        (mj AnnData $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $4))) }
            -- type family declarations, with optional 'family' keyword
            -- (can't use opt_instance because you get shift/reduce errors
         | 'type' type opt_at_kind_inj_sig
-               {% amms (liftM mkTyClD
+               {% liftM mkTyClD
                         (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $2 $3) OpenTypeFamily $2
                                    (fst . snd $ unLoc $3)
                                    (snd . snd $ unLoc $3)
-                         (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)) noCom)))
-                       (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)) }
+                         (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $3)) )}
         | 'type' 'family' type opt_at_kind_inj_sig
-               {% amms (liftM mkTyClD
+               {% liftM mkTyClD
                         (mkFamDecl (comb3 $1 $3 $4) OpenTypeFamily $3
                                    (fst . snd $ unLoc $4)
                                    (snd . snd $ unLoc $4)
-                         (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) noCom)))
-                       (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
+                         (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnFamily $2:(fst $ unLoc $4)))}
            -- default type instances, with optional 'instance' keyword
         | 'type' ty_fam_inst_eqn
-                {% ams (\_ -> $2) (fst $ unLoc $2) >>
-                   amms (liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $2) (snd $ unLoc $2)
-                          (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) noCom)))
-                        (mj AnnType $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
+                {% liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2A $1 $2) (unLoc $2)
+                          [mj AnnType $1]) }
         | 'type' 'instance' ty_fam_inst_eqn
-                {% ams (\_ -> $3) (fst $ unLoc $3) >>
-                   amms (liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3)
-                              (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) noCom)))
-                        (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:(fst $ unLoc $3)) }
+                {% liftM mkInstD (mkTyFamInst (comb2A $1 $3) (unLoc $3)
+                              (mj AnnType $1:mj AnnInstance $2:[]) )}
 opt_family   :: { [AddApiAnn] }
               : {- empty -}   { [] }
@@ -1362,27 +1343,23 @@ at_decl_inst :: { LInstDecl GhcPs }
         : 'type' opt_instance ty_fam_inst_eqn
                 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
                 -- infix type constructors and type patterns
-                {% ams (\_ -> $3) (fst $ unLoc $3) >>
-                   amms (mkTyFamInst (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $ unLoc $3)
-                          (ApiAnn (mj AnnType $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $3)) noCom))
-                        (mj AnnType $1:$2++(fst $ unLoc $3)) }
+                {% mkTyFamInst (comb2A $1 $3) (unLoc $3)
+                          (mj AnnType $1:$2) }
         -- data/newtype instance declaration, with optional 'instance' keyword
         | data_or_newtype opt_instance capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst constrs maybe_derivings
-               {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
+               {% mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3 (snd $ unLoc $4)
                                     Nothing (reverse (snd $ unLoc $5))
                                             (fmap reverse $6)
-                        (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) noCom))
-                       ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
+                        ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)) }
         -- GADT instance declaration, with optional 'instance' keyword
         | data_or_newtype opt_instance capi_ctype tycl_hdr_inst opt_kind_sig
-                {% amms (mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3
+                {% mkDataFamInst (comb4 $1 $4 $6 $7) (snd $ unLoc $1) $3
                                 (snd $ unLoc $4) (snd $ unLoc $5) (snd $ unLoc $6)
                                 (fmap reverse $7)
-                       (ApiAnn ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) noCom))
                         ((fst $ unLoc $1):$2++(fst $ unLoc $4)++(fst $ unLoc $5)++(fst $ unLoc $6)) }
 data_or_newtype :: { Located (AddApiAnn, NewOrData) }
@@ -1684,24 +1661,30 @@ wherebinds :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],Located (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)) }
 -- Transformation Rules
-rules   :: { OrdList (LRuleDecl GhcPs) }
-        :  rules ';' rule              {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2)
-                                          >> return ($1 `snocOL` $3) }
-        |  rules ';'                   {% addAnnotation (oll $1) AnnSemi (gl $2)
-                                          >> return $1 }
-        |  rule                        { unitOL $1 }
-        |  {- empty -}                 { nilOL }
+rules   :: { [LRuleDecl GhcPs] } -- Reversed
+        :  rules ';' rule              {% case $1 of
+                                            [] -> return ($3:$1)
+                                            (h:t) -> do
+                                              h' <- addAnnotationA h AnnSemi (gl $2)
+                                              return ($3:h':t) }
+        |  rules ';'                   {% case $1 of
+                                            [] -> return $1
+                                            (h:t) -> do
+                                              h' <- addAnnotationA h AnnSemi (gl $2)
+                                              return (h':t) }
+        |  rule                        { [$1] }
+        |  {- empty -}                 { [] }
 rule    :: { LRuleDecl GhcPs }
         : STRING rule_activation rule_foralls infixexp '=' exp
          {%runECP_P $4 >>= \ $4 ->
            runECP_P $6 >>= \ $6 ->
-           ams (\_ -> sLLlA $1 $> $ HsRule { rd_ext = noExtField
+           acsA (\cs -> sLLlA $1 $> $ HsRule
+                                     { rd_ext = ApiAnn (mj AnnEqual $5 : (fst $2) ++ (fstOf3 $3)) cs
                                      , rd_name = L (gl $1) (getSTRINGs $1, getSTRING $1)
                                      , rd_act = (snd $2) `orElse` AlwaysActive
                                      , rd_tyvs = sndOf3 $3, rd_tmvs = thdOf3 $3
-                                     , rd_lhs = reLoc $4, rd_rhs = reLoc $6 })
-               (mj AnnEqual $5 : (fst $2) ++ (fstOf3 $3)) }
+                                     , rd_lhs = reLoc $4, rd_rhs = reLoc $6 }) }
 -- Rules can be specified to be NeverActive, unlike inline/specialize pragmas
 rule_activation :: { ([AddApiAnn],Maybe Activation) }
@@ -1844,7 +1827,7 @@ annotation :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
 -- Foreign import and export declarations
-fdecl :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],HsDecl GhcPs) }
+fdecl :: { Located ([AddApiAnn],ApiAnn -> HsDecl GhcPs) }
 fdecl : 'import' callconv safety fspec
                {% mkImport $2 $3 (snd $ unLoc $4) >>= \i ->
                  return (sLL $1 $> (mj AnnImport $1 : (fst $ unLoc $4),i))  }
@@ -4166,6 +4149,9 @@ ams a bs = do
   cs <- addAnnsAt l bs
   return (a cs)
+acsA :: MonadP m => (ApiAnnComments -> Located a) -> m (LocatedA a)
+acsA a = reLocA <$> acs a
 acs :: MonadP m => (ApiAnnComments -> Located a) -> m (Located a)
 acs a = do
   let (L l _) = a []
@@ -4178,9 +4164,15 @@ acsExpr a = do { expr :: (LHsExpr GhcPs) <- runPV $ acs a
 amsA :: MonadP m => LocatedA a -> [AddApiAnn] -> m (LocatedA a)
-amsA a@(L l _) bs = do
+amsA (L l a) bs = do
   cs <- addAnnsAt (locA l) bs
-  return a
+  let aa = addAnns (ann l) bs cs
+  return (L (SrcSpanAnn aa (locA l)) a)
+reA :: MonadP m => Located a -> LocatedA b -> [AddApiAnn] -> m (LocatedA b)
+reA x y@(L la b) bs = do
+  let l = comb2A x y
+  amsA (L (SrcSpanAnn (ann la) l) b) bs
 amsr :: MonadP m => Located a -> [AddApiAnn] -> m (LocatedA a)
 amsr a@(L l _) bs = do
@@ -4194,6 +4186,9 @@ amsL sp bs = addAnnsAt sp bs >> return ()
 ajs :: MonadP m => (ApiAnnComments -> Located a) -> [AddApiAnn] -> m (Maybe (Located a))
 ajs a bs = Just <$> ams a bs
+acsj :: MonadP m => (ApiAnnComments -> Located a) -> m (Maybe (Located a))
+acsj a = Just <$> acs a
 -- |Add a list of AddApiAnns to the given AST element, where the AST element is the
 --  result of a monadic action
 amms :: MonadP m => m (Located a) -> [AddApiAnn] -> m (Located a)
@@ -4224,6 +4219,12 @@ amsu a bs = do
   cs <- addAnnsAt l bs
   return (unitOL (a cs))
+amcsu :: (ApiAnnComments -> Located a) -> P (OrdList (Located a))
+amcsu a = do
+  let (L l _) = a []
+  cs <- addAnnsAt l []
+  return (unitOL (a cs))
 -- |Synonyms for AddApiAnn versions of AnnOpen and AnnClose
 mo,mc :: Located Token -> AddApiAnn
 mo ll = mj AnnOpen ll
@@ -4294,4 +4295,9 @@ allocateCommentsS :: SrcSpan -> P [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
 allocateCommentsS (RealSrcSpan l _) = allocateCommentsP l
 allocateCommentsS _ = return []
+addAnnotationA :: MonadP m => LocatedA a -> AnnKeywordId -> SrcSpan -> m (LocatedA a)
+addAnnotationA (L la a) kw span = do
+  cs <- addAnnsAt (locA la) []
+  let anns' = addAnns (ann la) [AddApiAnn kw span] cs
+  return (L (SrcSpanAnn anns' (locA la)) a)

@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ mkClassDecl :: SrcSpan
             -> Located (Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), LHsType GhcPs)
             -> Located (a,[LHsFunDep GhcPs])
             -> OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-            -> ApiAnn
+            -> [AddApiAnn]
             -> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
 mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls annsIn
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls annsIn
        ; cs1 <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
        ; (tyvars,annst) <- checkTyVars (text "class") whereDots cls tparams
        ; cs2 <- addAnnsAt loc annst -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
-       ; let anns' = addAnns annsIn (ann++annst) (cs1 ++ cs2)
+       ; let anns' = addAnns (ApiAnn annsIn []) (ann++annst) (cs1 ++ cs2)
        ; return (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCExt = anns', tcdCtxt = cxt
                                   , tcdLName = cls, tcdTyVars = tyvars
                                   , tcdFixity = fixity
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ mkTyData :: SrcSpan
          -> Maybe (LHsKind GhcPs)
          -> [LConDecl GhcPs]
          -> HsDeriving GhcPs
-         -> ApiAnn
+         -> [AddApiAnn]
          -> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
 mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr))
          ksig data_cons maybe_deriv annsIn
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr))
        ; cs1 <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
        ; (tyvars, anns) <- checkTyVars (ppr new_or_data) equalsDots tc tparams
        ; cs2 <- addAnnsAt loc anns -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
-       ; let anns' = addAnns annsIn (ann ++ anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
+       ; let anns' = addAnns (ApiAnn annsIn []) (ann ++ anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
        ; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
        ; return (L loc (DataDecl { tcdDExt = anns',
                                    tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
@@ -232,14 +232,14 @@ mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
 mkTySynonym :: SrcSpan
             -> LHsType GhcPs  -- LHS
             -> LHsType GhcPs  -- RHS
-            -> ApiAnn
+            -> [AddApiAnn]
             -> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
 mkTySynonym loc lhs rhs annsIn
   = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
        ; cs1 <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
        ; (tyvars, anns) <- checkTyVars (text "type") equalsDots tc tparams
        ; cs2 <- addAnnsAt loc anns -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
-       ; let anns' = addAnns annsIn (ann ++ anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
+       ; let anns' = addAnns (ApiAnn annsIn []) (ann ++ anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
        ; return (L loc (SynDecl { tcdSExt = anns'
                                 , tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars
                                 , tcdFixity = fixity
@@ -249,12 +249,13 @@ mkStandaloneKindSig
   :: SrcSpan
   -> Located [LocatedA RdrName] -- LHS
   -> LHsKind GhcPs             -- RHS
-  -> ApiAnn
+  -> [AddApiAnn]
   -> P (LStandaloneKindSig GhcPs)
 mkStandaloneKindSig loc lhs rhs anns =
   do { vs <- mapM check_lhs_name (unLoc lhs)
      ; v <- check_singular_lhs (reverse vs)
-     ; return $ L loc $ StandaloneKindSig anns v (mkLHsSigType rhs) }
+     ; cs <- addAnnsAt loc []
+     ; return $ L loc $ StandaloneKindSig (ApiAnn anns cs) v (mkLHsSigType rhs) }
     check_lhs_name :: LocatedA RdrName -> P (LocatedA RdrName) -- AZ temp
     check_lhs_name v@(unLoc->name) =
@@ -272,20 +273,22 @@ mkStandaloneKindSig loc lhs rhs anns =
                        2 (pprWithCommas ppr vs)
                   , text "See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/16754 for details." ]
-mkTyFamInstEqn :: Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
+mkTyFamInstEqn :: SrcSpan
+               -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
                -> LHsType GhcPs
                -> LHsType GhcPs
-               -> P (TyFamInstEqn GhcPs,[AddApiAnn])
-mkTyFamInstEqn bndrs lhs rhs
+               -> [AddApiAnn]
+               -> P (LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs)
+mkTyFamInstEqn loc bndrs lhs rhs anns
   = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
-       ; return (mkHsImplicitBndrs
-                  (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+       ; cs <- addAnnsAt loc []
+       ; return (L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
+                  (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = ApiAnn anns cs
                           , feqn_tycon  = tc
                           , feqn_bndrs  = bndrs
                           , feqn_pats   = tparams
                           , feqn_fixity = fixity
-                          , feqn_rhs    = rhs }),
-                 ann) }
+                          , feqn_rhs    = rhs })) }
 mkDataFamInst :: SrcSpan
               -> NewOrData
@@ -295,16 +298,17 @@ mkDataFamInst :: SrcSpan
               -> Maybe (LHsKind GhcPs)
               -> [LConDecl GhcPs]
               -> HsDeriving GhcPs
-              -> ApiAnn
+              -> [AddApiAnn]
               -> P (LInstDecl GhcPs)
 mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (mcxt, bndrs, tycl_hdr)
               ksig data_cons maybe_deriv anns
   = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
        ; -- AZ:TODO: deal with these comments
-       ; _cs <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
+       ; cs <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
+       ; let anns' = addAnns (ApiAnn ann cs) anns []
        ; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
-       ; return (L loc (DataFamInstD anns (DataFamInstDecl (mkHsImplicitBndrs
-                  (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+       ; return (L loc (DataFamInstD anns' (DataFamInstDecl (mkHsImplicitBndrs
+                  (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noAnn -- AZ: get anns
                           , feqn_tycon  = tc
                           , feqn_bndrs  = bndrs
                           , feqn_pats   = tparams
@@ -313,24 +317,25 @@ mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (mcxt, bndrs, tycl_hdr)
 mkTyFamInst :: SrcSpan
             -> TyFamInstEqn GhcPs
-            -> ApiAnn
+            -> [AddApiAnn]
             -> P (LInstDecl GhcPs)
-mkTyFamInst loc eqn anns
-  = return (L loc (TyFamInstD anns (TyFamInstDecl eqn)))
+mkTyFamInst loc eqn anns = do
+  cs <- addAnnsAt loc []
+  return (L loc (TyFamInstD (ApiAnn anns cs) (TyFamInstDecl eqn)))
 mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
           -> FamilyInfo GhcPs
           -> LHsType GhcPs                   -- LHS
           -> Located (FamilyResultSig GhcPs) -- Optional result signature
           -> Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)   -- Injectivity annotation
-          -> ApiAnn
+          -> [AddApiAnn]
           -> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
 mkFamDecl loc info lhs ksig injAnn annsIn
   = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
        ; cs1 <- addAnnsAt loc ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
        ; (tyvars, anns) <- checkTyVars (ppr info) equals_or_where tc tparams
        ; cs2 <- addAnnsAt loc anns -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan [temp]
-       ; let anns' = addAnns annsIn (ann++anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
+       ; let anns' = addAnns (ApiAnn annsIn []) (ann++anns) (cs1 ++ cs2)
        ; return (L loc (FamDecl anns' (FamilyDecl
                                            { fdExt       = noExtField
                                            , fdInfo      = info, fdLName = tc
@@ -2699,7 +2704,7 @@ mkInlinePragma src (inl, match_info) mb_act
 mkImport :: Located CCallConv
          -> Located Safety
          -> (Located StringLiteral, LocatedA RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-         -> P (HsDecl GhcPs)
+         -> P (ApiAnn -> HsDecl GhcPs)
 mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
     case unLoc cconv of
       CCallConv          -> mkCImport
@@ -2728,8 +2733,8 @@ mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
         funcTarget = CFunction (StaticTarget esrc entity' Nothing True)
         importSpec = CImport cconv safety Nothing funcTarget (L loc esrc)
-    returnSpec spec = return $ ForD noExtField $ ForeignImport
-          { fd_i_ext  = noExtField
+    returnSpec spec = return $ \ann -> ForD noExtField $ ForeignImport
+          { fd_i_ext  = ann
           , fd_name   = v
           , fd_sig_ty = ty
           , fd_fi     = spec
@@ -2800,10 +2805,10 @@ parseCImport cconv safety nm str sourceText =
 mkExport :: Located CCallConv
          -> (Located StringLiteral, LocatedA RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-         -> P (HsDecl GhcPs)
+         -> P (ApiAnn -> HsDecl GhcPs)
 mkExport (L lc cconv) (L le (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty)
- = return $ ForD noExtField $
-   ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noExtField, fd_name = v, fd_sig_ty = ty
+ = return $ \ann -> ForD noExtField $
+   ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = ann, fd_name = v, fd_sig_ty = ty
                  , fd_fe = CExport (L lc (CExportStatic esrc entity' cconv))
                                    (L le esrc) }
@@ -2888,11 +2893,11 @@ mkTypeImpExp name =
        text "Illegal keyword 'type' (use ExplicitNamespaces to enable)"
      return (fmap (`setRdrNameSpace` tcClsName) name)
-checkImportSpec :: Located [LIE GhcPs] -> P (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+checkImportSpec :: LocatedA [LIE GhcPs] -> P (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])
 checkImportSpec ie@(L _ specs) =
     case [l | (L l (IEThingWith _ _ (IEWildcard _) _ _)) <- specs] of
       [] -> return ie
-      (l:_) -> importSpecError l
+      (l:_) -> importSpecError (locA l)
     importSpecError l =
       addFatalError l
@@ -2982,7 +2987,7 @@ data PV_Context =
 data PV_Accum =
     { pv_messages :: DynFlags -> Messages
-    , pv_annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])]
+    -- AZ , pv_annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])]
     , pv_comment_q :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
     , pv_annotations_comments :: [(RealSrcSpan,[RealLocated AnnotationComment])]
@@ -3017,12 +3022,12 @@ runPV_msg msg m =
         , pv_hint = msg }
       pv_acc = PV_Accum
         { pv_messages = messages s
-        , pv_annotations = annotations s
+        -- , pv_annotations = annotations s
         , pv_comment_q = comment_q s
         , pv_annotations_comments = annotations_comments s }
       mkPState acc' =
         s { messages = pv_messages acc'
-          , annotations = pv_annotations acc'
+          -- AZ , annotations = pv_annotations acc'
           , comment_q = pv_comment_q acc'
           , annotations_comments = pv_annotations_comments acc' }
@@ -3054,10 +3059,12 @@ instance MonadP PV where
         (comment_q', new_ann_comments) = allocateComments l (pv_comment_q acc)
         annotations_comments' = new_ann_comments ++ pv_annotations_comments acc
-        annotations' = ((l,a), [v]) : pv_annotations acc
+        -- annotations' = ((l,a), [v]) : pv_annotations acc
         acc' = acc
-          { pv_annotations = annotations'
-          , pv_comment_q = comment_q'
+          {
+          -- AZ  pv_annotations = annotations'
+          -- ,
+            pv_comment_q = comment_q'
           , pv_annotations_comments = annotations_comments' }
         PV_Ok acc' ()

@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ checkHsigIface tcg_env gr sig_iface
                          -- TODO: maybe we can be a little more
                          -- precise here and use the Located
                          -- info for the *specific* name we matched.
-                         -> getLoc e
+                         -> getLocA e
                        _ -> nameSrcSpan name
             addErrAt loc
                 (badReexportedBootThing False name name')
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ mergeSignatures
                       -- a signature package (i.e., does not expose any
                       -- modules.)  If so, we can thin it.
                       | isFromSignaturePackage
-                      -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+                      -> setSrcSpan (locA loc) $ do
                         -- Suppress missing errors; they might be used to refer
                         -- to entities from other signatures we are merging in.
                         -- If an identifier truly doesn't exist in any of the
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ mergeSignatures
                                             is_mod  = mod_name,
                                             is_as   = mod_name,
                                             is_qual = False,
-                                            is_dloc = loc
+                                            is_dloc = locA loc
                                           } ImpAll
                                 rdr_env = mkGlobalRdrEnv (gresFromAvails (Just ispec) as1)
                             setGblEnv tcg_env {

@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ zonkForeignExport _ for_imp
   = return for_imp     -- Foreign imports don't need zonking
 zonkRules :: ZonkEnv -> [LRuleDecl GhcTcId] -> TcM [LRuleDecl GhcTc]
-zonkRules env rs = mapM (wrapLocM (zonkRule env)) rs
+zonkRules env rs = mapM (wrapLocMA (zonkRule env)) rs
 zonkRule :: ZonkEnv -> RuleDecl GhcTcId -> TcM (RuleDecl GhcTc)
 zonkRule env rule@(HsRule { rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs{-::[RuleBndr TcId]-}

@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ tcTyFamInstDecl mb_clsinfo (L loc decl@(TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn }))
          -- (1) do the work of verifying the synonym group
        ; co_ax_branch <- tcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc mb_clsinfo
-                                        (L (locA $ getLoc fam_lname) eqn)
+                                        (L (getLoc fam_lname) eqn)
          -- (2) check for validity

@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM :: HscEnv
 tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
                 (HsParsedModule {
                    hpm_module =
-                      (L loc (HsModule maybe_mod export_ies
+                      (L loc (HsModule _anns maybe_mod export_ies
                                        import_decls local_decls mod_deprec
                    hpm_src_files = src_files
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
                              $ implicitRequirements hsc_env
                                 (map simplifyImport (prel_imports
                                                      ++ import_decls))
-        ; let { mkImport (Nothing, L _ mod_name) = noLoc
+        ; let { mkImport (Nothing, L _ mod_name) = noLocA
                 $ (simpleImportDecl mod_name)
-                  { ideclHiding = Just (False, noLoc [])}
+                  { ideclHiding = Just (False, noLocA [])}
               ; mkImport _ = panic "mkImport" }
         ; let { all_imports = prel_imports ++ import_decls
                        ++ map mkImport (raw_sig_imports ++ raw_req_imports) }
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ tcRnImports hsc_env import_decls
 tcRnSrcDecls :: Bool  -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
              -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]               -- Declarations
-             -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+             -> Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])
              -> TcM TcGblEnv
 tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr decls export_ies
  = do { -- Do all the declarations
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls binds
 checkMain :: Bool  -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
-          -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])  -- Export specs of Main module
+          -> Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])  -- Export specs of Main module
           -> TcM TcGblEnv
 -- If we are in module Main, check that 'main' is defined and exported.
 checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
@@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
         ; tcg_env <- getGblEnv
         ; check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr export_ies }
-check_main :: DynFlags -> TcGblEnv -> Bool -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+check_main :: DynFlags -> TcGblEnv -> Bool -> Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])
            -> TcM TcGblEnv
 check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
  | mod /= main_mod
@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
     -- Select the main functions from the export list.
     -- Only the module name is needed, the function name is fixed.
-    selExportMains :: Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]) -> [ModuleName]    -- #16453
+    selExportMains :: Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs]) -> [ModuleName]    -- #16453
     selExportMains Nothing = [main_mod_nm]
         -- no main specified, but there is a header.
     selExportMains (Just exps) = fmap fst $

@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ type ExportOccMap = OccEnv (Name, IE GhcPs)
         --   that have the same occurrence name
 tcRnExports :: Bool       -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
-          -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]) -- Nothing => no explicit export list
+          -> Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs]) -- Nothing => no explicit export list
           -> TcGblEnv
           -> RnM TcGblEnv
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ tcRnExports explicit_mod exports
         ; let real_exports
                  | explicit_mod = exports
                  | has_main
-                          = Just (noLoc [noLoc (IEVar noAnn
+                          = Just (noLocA [noLocA (IEVar noAnn
                                      (noLoc (IEName $ noLocA default_main)))])
                         -- ToDo: the 'noLoc' here is unhelpful if 'main'
                         --       turns out to be out of scope
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ tcRnExports explicit_mod exports
         ; failIfErrsM
         ; return new_tcg_env }
-exports_from_avail :: Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+exports_from_avail :: Maybe (LocatedA [LIE GhcPs])
                          -- ^ 'Nothing' means no explicit export list
                    -> GlobalRdrEnv
                    -> ImportAvails
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
     do_litem :: ExportAccum -> LIE GhcPs
              -> RnM (Maybe (ExportAccum, (LIE GhcRn, Avails)))
-    do_litem acc lie = setSrcSpan (getLoc lie) (exports_from_item acc lie)
+    do_litem acc lie = setSrcSpan (getLocA lie) (exports_from_item acc lie)
     -- Maps a parent to its in-scope children
     kids_env :: NameEnv [GlobalRdrElt]

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module TcRnMonad(
   -- * Error management
   getSrcSpanM, setSrcSpan, addLocM, addLocMA,
-  wrapLocM, wrapLocFstM, wrapLocSndM,wrapLocM_,wrapLocMA,
+  wrapLocM, wrapLocFstM, wrapLocFstMA, wrapLocSndM,wrapLocM_,wrapLocMA,
   getErrsVar, setErrsVar,
   failWith, failAt,
@@ -851,6 +851,12 @@ wrapLocFstM fn (L loc a) =
     (b,c) <- fn a
     return (L loc b, c)
+wrapLocFstMA :: (a -> TcM (b,c)) -> LocatedA a -> TcM (LocatedA b, c)
+wrapLocFstMA fn (L loc a) =
+  setSrcSpan (locA loc) $ do
+    (b,c) <- fn a
+    return (L loc b, c)
 wrapLocSndM :: (a -> TcM (b, c)) -> Located a -> TcM (b, Located c)
 wrapLocSndM fn (L loc a) =
   setSrcSpan loc $ do

@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ data TcGblEnv
         -- The binds, rules and foreign-decl fields are collected
         -- initially in un-zonked form and are finally zonked in tcRnSrcDecls
-        tcg_rn_exports :: Maybe [(Located (IE GhcRn), Avails)],
+        tcg_rn_exports :: Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)],
                 -- Nothing <=> no explicit export list
                 -- Is always Nothing if we don't want to retain renamed
                 -- exports.

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ tcRules decls = mapM (wrapLocM tcRuleDecls) decls
 tcRuleDecls :: RuleDecls GhcRn -> TcM (RuleDecls GhcTcId)
 tcRuleDecls (HsRules { rds_src = src
                      , rds_rules = decls })
-   = do { tc_decls <- mapM (wrapLocM tcRule) decls
+   = do { tc_decls <- mapM (wrapLocMA tcRule) decls
         ; return $ HsRules { rds_ext   = noExtField
                            , rds_src   = src
                            , rds_rules = tc_decls } }

@@ -2620,7 +2620,7 @@ tcInjectivity _ Nothing
   -- therefore we can always infer the result kind if we know the result type.
   -- But this does not seem to be useful in any way so we don't do it.  (Another
   -- reason is that the implementation would not be straightforward.)
-tcInjectivity tcbs (Just (L loc (InjectivityAnn _ lInjNames)))
+tcInjectivity tcbs (Just (L loc (InjectivityAnn _ _ lInjNames)))
   = setSrcSpan loc $
     do { let tvs = binderVars tcbs
        ; dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@ kcTyFamInstEqn tc_fam_tc
                                       , feqn_bndrs = mb_expl_bndrs
                                       , feqn_pats  = hs_pats
                                       , feqn_rhs   = hs_rhs_ty }}))
-  = setSrcSpan loc $
+  = setSrcSpan (locA loc) $
     do { traceTc "kcTyFamInstEqn" (vcat
            [ text "tc_name ="    <+> ppr eqn_tc_name
            , text "fam_tc ="     <+> ppr tc_fam_tc <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyConKind tc_fam_tc)
@@ -2793,7 +2793,7 @@ tcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc mb_clsinfo
                                       , feqn_pats   = hs_pats
                                       , feqn_rhs    = hs_rhs_ty }}))
   = ASSERT( getName fam_tc == eqn_tc_name )
-    setSrcSpan loc $
+    setSrcSpan (locA loc) $
     do { traceTc "tcTyFamInstEqn" $
          vcat [ ppr fam_tc <+> ppr hs_pats
               , text "fam tc bndrs" <+> pprTyVars (tyConTyVars fam_tc)
@@ -2815,7 +2815,7 @@ tcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc mb_clsinfo
        -- (tcFamInstEqnGuts zonks to Type)
        ; return (mkCoAxBranch qtvs [] [] fam_tc pats rhs_ty
                               (map (const Nominal) qtvs)
-                              loc) }
+                              (locA loc)) }
 tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ _ = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn"

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module OrdList (
         nilOL, isNilOL, unitOL, appOL, consOL, snocOL, concatOL, lastOL,
+        initOL, tailOL, unsnocOL, unconsOL,
         mapOL, fromOL, toOL, foldrOL, foldlOL, reverseOL, fromOLReverse,
         strictlyEqOL, strictlyOrdOL
 ) where
@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@ concatOL :: [OrdList a] -> OrdList a
 headOL   :: OrdList a   -> a
 lastOL   :: OrdList a   -> a
 lengthOL :: OrdList a   -> Int
+initOL   :: OrdList a   -> OrdList a
+tailOL   :: OrdList a   -> OrdList a
+unsnocOL :: OrdList a   -> (OrdList a, a)
+unconsOL :: OrdList a   -> (a, OrdList a)
 nilOL        = None
 unitOL as    = One as
@@ -94,6 +99,36 @@ lastOL (Cons _ as) = lastOL as
 lastOL (Snoc _ a)  = a
 lastOL (Two _ as)  = lastOL as
+initOL None                = panic "initOL"
+initOL (One _)             = None
+initOL (Many [_])          = None
+initOL (Many as)           = Many (init as)
+initOL (Cons a (Many [_])) = One a
+initOL (Cons a (One _))    = One a
+initOL (Cons a as)         = Cons a (initOL as)
+initOL (Snoc as _)         = as
+initOL (Two as (Many [_])) = as
+initOL (Two as (One _))    = as
+initOL (Two as bs)         = Two as (initOL bs)
+tailOL None                = panic "initOL"
+tailOL (One _)             = None
+tailOL (Many [_])          = None
+tailOL (Many as)           = Many (tail as)
+tailOL (Cons _ as)         = as
+tailOL (Snoc (Many [_]) b) = One b
+tailOL (Snoc (One _) b)    = One b
+tailOL (Snoc as b)         = Snoc (tailOL as) b
+tailOL (Two (Many [_]) bs) = bs
+tailOL (Two (One _)    bs) = bs
+tailOL (Two as bs)         = Two (tailOL as) bs
+unconsOL None      = panic "unconsOL"
+unconsOL as        = (headOL as, tailOL as)
+unsnocOL None      = panic "unsnocOL"
+unsnocOL as        = (initOL as, lastOL as)
 lengthOL None        = 0
 lengthOL (One _)     = 1
 lengthOL (Many as)   = length as

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