[Hs-Generics] Data.Generics with GPS (using Maps to avoid getting
lost in Data)
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at talk21.com
Mon Jul 21 09:15:59 EDT 2008
summary: speed up Syb with Uniplate-inspired techniques
== Performance issues in Syb ==
As it stands, classic Syb, while well-supported in GHC isn't exactly the
fastest generic programming option. In fact, it routinely seems to come
out last in performance comparisons, sometimes by a substantial factor.
That isn't always a problem in practice, because the gains in
expressiveness/conciseness/maintainability outweigh the loss in
performance, because traversal performance is not the bottleneck, or
because practical use often involves hand-tuned traversal schemes
instead of the example schemes typically used in benchmarks.
Be that as it may, performance is a consideration, negative results have
been published, and it seems that performance of experimental code has
led to Syb being abandoned in at least one project. While it would be
unrealistic to expect Syb traversals to compete with hand-written ones
with current compilers, there are several obvious areas where Syb
traversal performance could be subjected to improvements:
(a) traversing irrelevant parts of the structure (because everything is
treated generically)
(b) combining results in simple, but inefficient ways ((++) nesting with
the structure)
(c) repeated runtime type checks to determine which function in a
generically extended transformation/query to apply
While runtime type checks are inherent in SYB (and alternatives have
been proposed that claim to avoid them), all of a/b/c can be addressed
to some extent in defining tuned traversals using the basic library.
There tends to be a trade-off for a vs c, as avoiding senseless generic
traversals of specific substructures implies additional runtime type
checks to identify those substructures
== Avoiding irrelevant traversals with substructure type maps ==
This message is concerned with addressing (a), in a generic way that
does not require hand-tuning to the types in question, and without
adding to the burden of (c). The basic idea comes from the Uniplate
library, particularly the version implemented on top of Data
The idea is to compute the set of substructure types for a type under
traversal and was described in last year's Uniplate paper ([1], or
chapter 3 of Neil's recent thesis [2], section 3.6.2, "Optimising PlateData"),
though its generality is somewhat obscured by the claim that:
The next optimisation relies on the extra information present in the
Uniplate operations - namely the target type. A boilerplate
operation walks over a data structure, looking for target values to
process. In SYB, the target values may be of any type. For Uniplate
the target is a single uniform type. If a value is reached which is
not a container for the target type, no further exploration is
required of the values children.
A Data-based 'contains' operation is defined that returns the list of
immediate substructure types, represented by existentially boxed
'undefined's of the appropriate types, for all constructors in a given
type. This operation can then be iterated to given all substructure
types. One interesting point to note is that -though Syb is data-based-
the computation of substructure types is based on reflecting a
type-based view back into data. For sum types, every concrete data value
only presents a subset of substructure types, but Syb's reflection
features make it possible to talk about all possible constructors (*).
The performance benefits can be substantial - the draft thesis claims
In the benchmarks we improve on SYB by between 30% and 225%, with
an average of 145% faster.
So it seemed worthwhile to generalise this technique for use in Syb,
which turned out to be possible after all, leading to the promised
Data.Generics with GPS (Generic Positioning System;-).
== Data.Generics.GPS ==
GPS employs Maps, to avoid getting lost in Data:
- for each traversed type, build a Map TypeKey TypeSet, mapping all
substructure types of the given type to their substructure types
- traversals are short-circuited when the domain types of their queries
or transformations cannot be found in the current substructure types
- domains of queries and transformations are computed on construction
GPS is inspired by Uniplate's PlateData direction finder (contains and
DataBox are copied from the Uniplate paper), generalised to tackle SYB's
more general queries and transformations (instead of oracles telling
whether to stop, follow, or find in a search for type b in type a, we
build IntSets of TypeRep keys, both for the domains of traversals and
for substructure types; then several short-circuiting decisions can be
based on fast intersection tests with the same IntSet).
Data.Generics.GPS reexports Data.Generics, modifying
everything, everywhere, mkQ, extQ, mkT, extT in such a way that
building and extending transformations/queries also computes and
records their domains and default transformations/values:
data GenericDomainQ r =
GenericDomainQ { queryDomain :: TypeSet,
defaultValue :: r,
genericQuery :: GenericQ r }
data GenericDomainT =
GenericDomainT { transDomain :: TypeSet,
defaultTrans :: GenericT,
genericTrans :: GenericT }
while traversals accept those refined transformations/queries
and add substructure type maps for short-circuiting, eg:
everywhere :: forall a . Data a => GenericDomainT -> a -> a
everywhere = everywhereWithMap (getSubs subMap)
where subMap = fromRoot (undefined::a) Map.empty
everywhereWithMap :: forall a . Data a
=> (forall a . Data a => a -> TypeSet)
-> GenericDomainT -> a -> a
everywhereWithMap getSubs
| not $ IS.null $ domain `intersection` getSubs x
= t (gmapT (everywhereWithMap getSubs gdt) x)
| otherwise
= dt x
== Performance testing in Paradise ==
To test the performance, I used the example in which Syb performed worst
in the Uniplate paper: computing the bill in the Paradise benchmark. To
get easily measurable timings, I added 100000 redundant copies of the
departments in genCom.
Switching from Data.Generics to Data.Generics.GPS is as easy as changing
imports (and possibly types):
import qualified Data.Generics as DG
import Data.Generics.GPS
bill :: Data a => a -> Integer
bill = DG.everything (+) (0 `DG.mkQ` billS)
where billS (S s) = s
bill' :: Data a => a -> Integer
bill' = everything (+) (0 `mkQ` billS)
where billS (S s) = s
Performance improves drastically, as expected (close to hand-tuned
versions of everything and everywhere that explicitly skip the Strings
in the Paradise types), even though substructure type maps are not yet
as widely shared as in PlateData (as trace-instrumented type map
construction shows). Unfortunately, a serious performance problem in
Uniplate (of which Neil is already aware) completely masks the PlateData
optimisations, so it is not yet visible whether the gap between
PlateData and Syb has disappeared completely:
-- ghc --make -O2 Main.hs; GHC version 6.9.20080514
$ ./Main.exe > dump
"Data.Generics increase: 5 secs"
"Data.Generics bill: 12 secs"
"Data.Generics.GPS increase: 2 secs"
"Data.Generics.GPS bill: 3 secs"
"Data.Generics.PlateData increase: 1 min, 59 secs"
"Data.Generics.PlateData bill: 1 min, 54 secs"
== General implications of the techniques used ==
TypeRep keys combined with IntSets or IntMaps should be of general
interest to reader of this list, as they can be used to speed up other
generic programming problems as well, including typecase and extensible
records libraries. Two examples should make this connection obvious:
- generic queries and transformations generalise record selection and
update (particularly plain to see in Uniplates universeBi/transformBi)
- the core of Smash is to replace Syb's runtime type checks with
compile-time type checks, but Smash's static typecase is based on
HList's extensible record selection, encoded in type-class programs
which current compilers do not yet partially evaluate to entirely
static, constant-time selection;
so, while Smash conceptually replaces runtime type selection with
compile-time type selection, its compile-time type selection is
compiled into runtime type selection
Now, think about combining conceptually nice type-class-based type-case
and record operations with pragmatically efficient IntMap-based runtime
representations and selection/modification operations!-)
Feedback, comments, bug-reports welcome, as usual.
[1] http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/uniplate/
[2] http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/thesis/
(*) this wouldn't work so well on non-regular types, because of the
potentially infinite set of substructure types
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