[Hs-Generics] Paper about comparing libraries

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 16:47:06 EDT 2007

Hi Johan,

> I announced our attempt to write a paper for the Haskell workshop on
> this list more than a month ago. I'm afraid we failed. Not because we
> have been lazy, but because it turned out to be more work to perform
> all the tests and evaluations. And while we were writing the paper a
> new library for generic programming appeared!

I recently released Uniplate: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/uniplate/

I'd love to add Uniplate to the benchmark suite, but couldn't quite
figure out where to start adding the library. I also can only see one
function in the benchmark which does any vanilla traversal stuff,
namely increase from Paradise. If that's all that Uniplate can be
tested on, you may prefer not to have it included. My draft paper
(linked to from the website) gives 9 benchmarks for generic
traversals, you are welcome to incorporate them.



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