[Hs-Generics] A Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics (LIGD)

Bruno Oliveira bruno.oliveira at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Wed Oct 4 08:34:33 EDT 2006


>Bruno Oliveira:
>> 2) Johan also mentioned a darcs/svn repository for the resulting paper/document. I think this 
>> is a great idea. Is anyone taking care of this?
>> It would also be a good idea to use the repository to store some code for the different 
>> approaches. This way people who would like to experiment with code, would not have to repeat 
>> the task individually. What do you think?

>I'd say darcs.haskell.org is the right place for that.

Ok, that seems good to me. Are there any volunteers for setting up the repository at darcs.haskell.org?
I must confess that I am not too familiar with darcs and I 
don't know what is needed for setting up a new repository/directory at darcs.haskell.org. So 
I would prefer if someone else (other than me) would volunteer for this task.

>> =======================================================================
>> Approach: A Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics
>>  It is a bit 
>> outdated because with GADTs, the use can be slightly simplified. However, this also 
>> takes us further away from Haskell 98 or even Haskell' (since GADTs will not be there).

>The 2nd Haskell' StrawPoll

>  http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/haskell-prime/wiki/StrawPoll-2

>had for GADTs

>  5 Y
>  4 M
>  4 N

>So, it's currently undecided whether they will be in.  (And personally,
>I don't think we should hold ourselves up with H98.)

Thanks for the info, I didn't now that. 

One last thing, since I have not heard from Ralf Hinze and James Cheney, I'll send them 
an email asking if they have some code lying around. 


Bruno Oliveira

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