[Freebsd-haskell] Development Plans

Ashish SHUKLA wahjava.ml at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 06:03:11 EST 2009

Samy Al Bahra writes:

[snipped the plan since I'm okay with it]

> The following issues need to be addressed,
> github mirror: Ashish, could you give us the URL to the github mirror?
> Should this be a weekly mirror? Daily?

The way I thought github mirroring will work is different from the 
reality. They aren't going to pull from us. We've to push to them. I'll 
work out a script (after testing) about this by tomorrow and will post 
to this list. But it should be something similar to the following lines 
in ${REPO}/.git/hooks/post-update:

| #!/bin/sh
| git push ssh://git@github.com/user/repo

So someone has to create a github account and a repository.

Another thing I would like to recommend is generation of a weekly, daily
tarball which one can use instead of initial clone. Extract the tarball
and 'git pull' and you're updated.

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