lesson about ffi

Alastair Reid alastair at reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
Thu Dec 12 03:59:34 EST 2002

Po Popo <popebox_blochh at yahoo.com> writes:

> Hello, I study computer engeneering at University of
> Pernambuco-BRAZIL .I have to present a lesson about FFI and i need
> some help, like explains where i can get the right information and
> tutorials. Its very important to me. Since now im thankful.

I started work on an ffi tutorial.  At the moment it concentrates on
how to use the various compilers, frontend tools to use with the ffi,
etc. but it has pointers to the documentation, mail on the ffi list
about how to use the ffi, etc.

Alastair Reid                 alastair at reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited  http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/

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