[database-devel] Welcome to database-devel!

Drew Haven drew.haven at gmail.com
Mon May 7 19:03:32 CEST 2012


I'm particularly interested in getting non-relational databases working
well with Haskell, particularly ones with distributed queries/processing
such as MapReduce.  My first goal is to fix up a better interface to
MongoDB's MapReduce for applications using Persistent.

My general interests are SQL-alternatives and distributed computing.

However I'll be swamped for the next two months, so I'm not expecting any
progress any time soon.

Drew Haven
drew.haven at gmail.com

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Torsten Grust <torsten.grust at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> just wanted to say `hi'.   We are the folks working on
> Database-Supported Haskell (DSH on hackag e [1]), a library
> which allows you to continue to use the famililar list-processing
> combinators -- or list comprehensions, for that matter --
> when formulating database queries.[2]
> Such expressions are compiled into a (small) group of cooperating
> SQL  statements which effectively evaluate the expression over the
> tables of an associated relational DBMS (these tables are thus
> looked at as if they were lists of tuples).
> We are always interested in growing the set of functions that
> DSH understand as ``database-able''.  Further work is underway
> to support arbitrary non-recursive algebraic datatypes in such
> queries (based on GHC's generic deriving mechanism).
> We're thus living on the ``don't embed literal SQL text into
> your Haskell source at all'' end of the spectrum, somewhat distant
> from postgresql-simple and friends, I guess.  Still, we're quite
> interested where these other efforts go.
> Cheers,
>   --Torsten
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/**package/DSH<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/DSH>
> [2] http://db.inf.uni-tuebingen.**de/research/dsh<http://db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/research/dsh>
> On 7 May 2012, at 15:56, Greg Weber wrote:
>> I worked with a student to lay out a vision for type-safe database
>> access in a GSoC proposal [1].
>> I have little interest in the SQL variant at the moment, but plan on
>> making a MongoDB version when I get a free weekend, which may not be
>> until after I am done mentoring GSoC projects.
>> [1] http://www.google-melange.com/**gsoc/proposal/review/google/**
>> gsoc2012/zhulikas/1<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2012/zhulikas/1>
>> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:03 AM, Leon Smith <leon.p.smith at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I thought I should break the ice here;   we currently have 22
>>> subscribers,
>>> with names I recognize from acid-state, mysql-simple, postgresql-simple,
>>> hssqlppp,  persistent,  and even PostgreSQL itself.   If I've missed
>>> anything relevant here,  please speak up.
>>> So the goal of this list is to help improve the state of database
>>> programming in Haskell;   I'm not picky about particular topics as long
>>> as
>>> they are of reasonable quality and relevant to database programming and
>>> Haskell.     This could be implementing a database in Haskell itself
>>> (like
>>> acid-state),  to interacting with traditional RDBMSes or newer NoSQL
>>> systems.
>>> My personal interest at the moment primarily lies at coming up with a
>>> good
>>> mid-level interface to RDBMSes along the lines of the -simple libraries,
>>> but I also have interest in an auto-pipelining client library for
>>> PostgreSQL,  which involves some very low-level details of the PostgreSQL
>>> frontend/backend protocol.  I'm also interested  in higher-level
>>> abstractions for dealing with relational databases in general,  but I
>>> really
>>> don't have well-formed opinions on how this should be done.
>>> Also while SQL can be cool,  it hides that coolness under a lot of
>>> syntactic
>>> (and some semantic) ugliness;  I often wish for a simpler, saner syntax,
>>> replacing NULL with algebraic data types,   and a richer attribute types,
>>> especially relationally valued attributes.
>>> So what you interested in?
>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>> database-devel mailing list
>>> database-devel at haskell.org
>>> http://www.haskell.org/**mailman/listinfo/database-**devel<http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/database-devel>
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> database-devel mailing list
>> database-devel at haskell.org
>> http://www.haskell.org/**mailman/listinfo/database-**devel<http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/database-devel>
> --
> | Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust
> | Database Systems — Universität Tübingen (Germany)
> | torsten.grust at uni-tuebingen.de
> | db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de
> ______________________________**_________________
> database-devel mailing list
> database-devel at haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/**mailman/listinfo/database-**devel<http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/database-devel>
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