Cabal developers meeting of the 14/09/2023

Theophile Hécate Choutri hecate at
Thu Sep 14 17:39:22 UTC 2023

Hi everyone, here are the minutes of today's meeting:

## Release

* PVP breakage:
  * This raises the question of keeping the GHC Extensions list inside
Cabal. We do not perform sanity checking beyond saying "Unknown extension".
  * Brandon suggests that `ghc --supported-languages` could be used by Cabal
  * The list was added for the solver to pick packages, although Mikołaj
reports that
    GHC gets queried at run-time by Cabal.
  * Gershom: long-term we should have a GHC feature with a pragma that
declares non-exaustive pattern matches
    * Something for the Stability WG
  * We postpone the removal of the GHC extensions list for now.

    * Action item: Hécate can revert and

## Bad paths on Windows

Brandon found a problem when generating short path names. The problem takes
root at the Arbitrary instance of InstallDirs. Unsafe on both Windows and
POSIX, because it's relying on the Arbitrary instance of String. See

## Misc
* Token auth for Hackage is making good progress:
* Big up to David Binder for the documentation work
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