patch applied (hackage-server): "Rename Packages to RecentPackages and Check to PackageCandidates" and 1 others

devnull at devnull at
Fri Jan 11 17:41:17 CET 2013

Fri Jan 11 14:43:34 GMT 2013  Edsko de Vries <edsko at>
  * Rename Packages to RecentPackages and Check to PackageCandidates
  Ignore-this: 5b75163b27213b904d4d27616db714d8

     ./Distribution/Server/Features/Check -> ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates
     ./Distribution/Server/Features/Check.hs -> ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates.hs
     ./Distribution/Server/Features/Packages.hs -> ./Distribution/Server/Features/RecentPackages.hs
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features.hs -10 +10
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Html.hs -9 +9
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates.hs -19 +19
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates/State.hs -2 +2
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates/Types.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageContents.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/RecentPackages.hs -9 +9
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Tags.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Server/Pages/Package.hs -1 +1
    M ./hackage-server.cabal -4 +4

Fri Jan 11 16:39:28 GMT 2013  Edsko de Vries <edsko at>
  * More renaming. Disentangle some dependencies
  Ignore-this: b742c261d5ec6c3279cbca98e1a8e50b
  What we want to do is move the 'lookupTarIndex' to the feature API of the
  package contents feature, so that we can cache the tarball indexes. However,
  this will introduce a circular dependency between the package contents feaure
  and the package candidates feature. 
  More generally, there is quite a bit of overlap between these two features. We
  should abstract out the common functionality and then disentangle the circular
  dependencies. This will require a bit more thought though so not doing that
  right now.

    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Html.hs -10 +11
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates.hs -16 +28
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageContents.hs -3 +6
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/RecentPackages.hs -237 +22
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Tags.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Server/Pages/Package.hs -1 +1

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