patch applied (hackage-server): "Use new http session for every package doc upload"

devnull at devnull at
Sat Aug 17 15:13:40 CEST 2013

Sat Aug 17 14:11:45 BST 2013  Edsko de Vries <edsko at>
  * Use new http session for every package doc upload
  Ignore-this: 3e9e1c5daead27fa8b8a8d6efd2cb561
  Before this patch we would use a single http session for the entire doc builder
  execution. However, since doc building can take quite a long time this would
  cause long periods of inactivity, resulting in a 
    <socket: 3> resource vanished
  error. To avoid this, we now use a http session every time we upload: so, we
  build docs, use a new http session to upload the docs, repeat. This seems to be
  a lot more reliable.

    M ./BuildClient.hs -18 +17

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