cabal-install for ghc 6.12 rc1

Robin Green greenrd at
Tue Oct 20 05:49:22 EDT 2009


I've been trying to modify cabal-install so that it builds and works
on ghc 6.12 rc1. Made some easy fixes, then came upon this compilation

Building cabal-install-0.7...
[14 of 35] Compiling Distribution.Client.IndexUtils ( Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs, dist/build/cabal/cabal-tmp/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.o )

    Couldn't match expected type `Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.InstalledPackageInfo'
           against inferred type `AvailablePackage'
    In the expression:
          {packageInfoId = pkgid, packageDescription = pkg,
           packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo}
    In the first argument of `PackageIndex.fromList', namely
            {packageInfoId = pkgid, packageDescription = pkg,
             packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo} |
              (pkgid, pkg) <- pkgs]'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
              {packageInfoId = pkgid, packageDescription = pkg,
               packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo} |
                (pkgid, pkg) <- pkgs]'

Uh-oh. This looks like a big chunk of work (the package index type is
no longer polymorphic in cabal 1.8.0). Has anyone else worked on
this? Is there some secret branch of cabal-install somewhere that
works on ghc 6.12?


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