Specifying dependencies on Haskell code

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Sun May 4 06:01:15 EDT 2008

Thomas Schilling wrote:
> apfelmus wrote:
>> In both cases, the basic idea is that the library user should *not*
>> think about library versions, he just uses the one that is in 
>> scope on his system.
> I think we mean the same thing.

Yes, albeit with the small difference that in my case, the library user
never specifies version ranges, he only specifies the particular
libraries he is using:

    build-depends: foo-0.42.1, bar-2.3.3

Whether other versions of foo and bar can be substituted for these will
be determined later, based on information from the library author (f.i.
the PVP).

The simplest model would be that the library author specifies a
transitive relation

    foo-y > foo-x  <=>  foo-y can be used in place of foo-x ("subsumes")

Most often, this will just follow the PVP, but he could also specify
things like

    foo-0.42 < foo-0.43

and the like. At build time, the system checks whether the user has
libraries installed that subsume the build-dependencies.

A more sophisticated model would be to associate > with some kind of
wrapper function, i.e. something that converts  foo-0.42.2  into
foo-0.42.1 . Most of the time, this is simply the identity or a function
that removes some exports (i.e. a projection) but even more
sophisticated legacy support is possible. But of course, if I want to
compile something that depends on a very old package, I just download
that old package and compile with it, right?

> If I write a program and test it against a specific version of a
> library then my program's source code and knowledge about which
> specific versions of libraries I used, most of the time, contains
> *all* the information necessary to determine which other library 
> versions it can be built with.


> From the source code we need information about what is imported, from
> the library author we need a *formal* changelog. This changelog
> describes for each released version what part of the interface and
> semantics have changed.

I wouldn't necessarily choose the traditional changelog (i.e. diffs) as
the concrete data format to specify compatibility information. I mean,
that's an algorithmic choice already.

> With more information (obtained mostly by tools) we can automate this
> process, and, in fact, both approaches can co-exist.

I am a bit reluctant concerning tools, in the following sense: either
the information is "new" and cannot deduced automatically or it can
always be deduced automatically. In the latter case, the human has
already specified the information (although maybe implicit and scattered
over different source files), hence the tool should be mandatory, i.e.
not a tool at all.

> This is kind of the same like using a "virtual package" that is 
> simply a re-export of other packages. This would help a lot with our
> current problems with the base split (which will continue, as base 
> will be split up even further).

Yes. I wouldn't make "virtual packages" a special case, though. In my
eyes, packages/modules are just functions

   data a := b = a := b
   data Name = String
   data Value = .. -- represents haskell code

   type CompiledModule = Set (Name := Value)

   module foobar :: CompiledModule -> CompiledModule -> CompiledModule

and both normal and virtual packages can be represented with the same
model here.


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