patch applied (cabal): Add a Distribution.Setup module that re-exports Distribution.Simple.Setup

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Fri Jan 25 10:32:02 EST 2008

On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 07:22 -0800, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> Thu Sep 20 05:11:25 PDT 2007  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
>   * Add a Distribution.Setup module that re-exports Distribution.Simple.Setup
>   Many Setup.hs files import Distribution.Setup so this unbreaks them.
>   It's marked DEPRECATED so will generate a warning for scripts that use it.
>   This patch is only going to the cabal-1.2 branch, not HEAD.

So as you can see, I relented and applied this patch in the HEAD too.

The reason is that I'd like to see a Cabal-1.4 release in the GHC-6.8.x
era. Not to be bundled with GHC, but to be compatible with all the
packages that were developed for GHC-6.8.x/Cabal-1.2.x.

So I checked all the 751 Setup.(l)hs scripts on hackage with both
Cabal- and the current 1.3.3 development version. There were 4
that compiled with and failed with 1.3.3. Those 4 are fixed with
the above patch.

So, the aim for the Cabal-1.4 release is that it be API compatible with
the 1.2 series for Setup.hs scripts. However it does not need to be API
compatible for anything else, ie the parts of the Cabal API that
Setup.hs scripts do not use. So other programs that use Cabal like the
ones for building rpms, deps etc are expected to break (though fixing
them should be straightforward).

As you'll have noticed with the huge email flood. I updated the
milestones yesterday in the trac. I'll write more about release plans
later. I'll be asking for help from everyone to review what bugs and
features we want to target for 1.4 and more importantly, help in picking
them off.

The main goal for 1.4 will be to support a stable release of
cabal-install, to get that out to more users. So the features and fixes
we want to include in cabal-install is also relevant for this milestone.


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