patch applied (cabal-branches/cabal-1.2): Rewrite the parser for the configuration structure to allow laout or braces

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Wed Sep 5 18:46:45 EDT 2007

Wed Sep  5 15:36:09 PDT 2007  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Rewrite the parser for the configuration structure to allow laout or braces
  Joint work with Thomas Schilling.
  The sections and indeed fields (and if/else) can now use either explicit
  brace {} style layout or indentation eg:
  > library
  >   exposed-modules: Blah
  > library {
  >   exposed-modules:
  > }
  layout style can be nested within explict braces style and vica versa.
  Also add some more checks and relax the tab checks.
  Unrecognised sections, like unrecognised fields, are not fatal errors,
  so we could add sections in future without breaking old cabal.

    M ./Distribution/PackageDescription.hs -68 +45
    M ./Distribution/ParseUtils.hs -160 +255

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