copy / register / --gen-script and --destdir

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Mon Jun 4 06:33:00 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 02:04 +0100, Ross Paterson wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 10:54:03PM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:
> > I can use ./setup copy --destdir to copy all hi files etc to some
> > directory.
> > 
> > But how do I register it then?
> > Setting --prefix when using configure does'nt seem to adjust the
> >
> > using --gen-script I just can't add --destdir.
> > 
> > What am I missing?
> The docs a bit terse on this point, but copy --destdir isn't intended
> for registering on the same machine.  It's for building binary packages,
> where you want to build an image of part of the root filesystem of the
> target machine, but place it inside a subdirectory on the build machine.
> The idea is to tar up that subtree, ship it to the target machine, unpack
> it there at the root and run  The script is
> supposed to be ignorant of the destdir.

Ah yes, quite right.

The --destdir is like automake's "make install DESTDIR=$TMP/blah"
feature. But using configure --prefix should change what register
--gen-script produces, so if that's not happening then it's a bug I


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