copy / register / --gen-script and --destdir

Ross Paterson ross at
Sun Jun 3 21:04:07 EDT 2007

On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 10:54:03PM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:
> I can use ./setup copy --destdir to copy all hi files etc to some
> directory.
> But how do I register it then?
> Setting --prefix when using configure does'nt seem to adjust the
> using --gen-script I just can't add --destdir.
> What am I missing?

The docs a bit terse on this point, but copy --destdir isn't intended
for registering on the same machine.  It's for building binary packages,
where you want to build an image of part of the root filesystem of the
target machine, but place it inside a subdirectory on the build machine.
The idea is to tar up that subtree, ship it to the target machine, unpack
it there at the root and run  The script is
supposed to be ignorant of the destdir.

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