Cabal, haddock and functorm-1.0.1 problem

Sascha Böhme sascha.boehme at
Tue Jul 24 08:18:29 EDT 2007


when generating Haddock documentation of functorm-1.0.1 via runhaskell,
no description for module Data.FunctorM is generated. However, when
running Haddock manually and omitting to read the base interface,
documentation is generated, although it lacks (naturally) the links to
some elements of base. What could go wrong here? What might be the

Below are the outputs of runhaskell and the manual run of Haddock.


$ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure --prefix=/home/user5

configure: Reading installed packages...
Configuring functorm-1.0.1...
configure: Dependency base-any: using base-2.0
configure: Using install prefix: /home/user5
configure: Binaries installed in: /home/user5/bin
configure: Libraries installed in:
configure: Private binaries installed in: /home/user5/libexec
configure: Data files installed in: /home/user5/share/functorm-1.0.1
configure: Using compiler: /usr/bin/ghc
configure: Compiler flavor: GHC
configure: Compiler version: 6.6
configure: Using package tool: /usr/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: Using ar found on system at: /usr/bin/ar
configure: Using haddock found on system at: /usr/bin/haddock
configure: Using ld found on system at: /usr/bin/ld
configure: No pfesetup found
configure: Using ranlib found on system at: /usr/bin/ranlib
configure: Using runghc found on system at: /usr/bin/runghc
configure: No runhugs found
configure: Using tar found on system at: /bin/tar
configure: Using happy: /usr/bin/happy
configure: Using alex: /usr/bin/alex
configure: Using hsc2hs: /usr/bin/hsc2hs
configure: No c2hs found
configure: Using cpphs: /usr/bin/cpphs
configure: No greencard found

$ runhaskell Setup.lhs haddock -v

Creating dist/build/tmp (and its parents)
Creating dist/doc/html/functorm (and its parents)
Preprocessing library functorm-1.0.1...
Running Haddock for functorm-1.0.1...
/usr/bin/haddock --version
/usr/bin/ghc-pkg field base-2.0 haddock-interfaces
/usr/bin/ghc-pkg field base-2.0 haddock-html
Creating dist/build/tmp/./Data/ (and its parents)
/usr/bin/haddock --html --odir=dist/doc/html/functorm
--title=functorm-1.0.1: Data.FunctorM (compatibility package)

$ ls dist/doc/html/functorm/

doc-index.html  functorm.haddock  haddock.css  haddock.js
haskell_icon.gif  index.html  minus.gif  plus.gif

$ /usr/bin/haddock --html --odir=dist/doc/html/functorm
--title=functorm-1.0.1: Data.FunctorM (compatibility package)

Warning: Data.FunctorM: the following names could not be resolved:
    Monad Maybe Ix Array

$ ls dist/doc/html/functorm/

Data-FunctorM.html  doc-index.html  functorm.haddock  haddock.css
haddock.js  haskell_icon.gif  index.html  minus.gif  plus.gif

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