Developing cabal2wix - building Windows installers automatically

Esa Ilari Vuokko eivuokko at
Sun Aug 5 21:28:47 EDT 2007


On 8/6/07, Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell at> wrote:
> I found wix annoying, and chose to use InnoSetup instead, following on
> from Duncan's use of it in Gtk2hs. Inno can't do .msi's.

I chose Wix because I wanted to understand Wix and MSI's structure

> > I'll try to publish the darcs repo somewhere if there's interest.
> If there was some way to get Hugs and GHC installers out of it,
> possibly with a fake cabal file or something, that would be lovely!
> Perhaps a System.Installer.Wix library that all could use?

I doubt compiler installers can be generated so easily.  Btw, cabal2wix
doesn't really need .cabal file for anything - it just reads what setup copy
--destdir=dist\cabal2wix generates, and build configs.

Library isn't my target for now, at least.  On that scale, it might
also be nicer to generate msi's directly, rather than generating xml.

> > My tentative proposal:  Use HKLM if "all users" install, HKCU otherwise.
> > Use \Software\Haskell\COMPILER\VERSION\InstallDir for storing path to
> > base location of installed compiler.  (i.e. it shouldn't point to
> > bin-directory.)
> Agreed.

Oops.  I think it's already doing almost that, I just read my registry extract

> > Small issues:
> >  * License file is not installed.
> On Windows, I doubt anyone cares :-)

I do.  And I need the file for license agreement dialog :-)

Best regards,

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