[Haskell-beginners] Install mess

Lawrence Bottorff borgauf at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 04:12:00 UTC 2019

I'm on Ubuntu 18.10 and I've made a real mess of my Haskell install. In the
past I believe I installed from source. Then I must have tried to install
through Ubuntu's repo, then I installed through the Haskell tool stack
(curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh). Now I can type ghci at the
command line and I get 8.4.2, through stack ghci I get version 8.0.1, while
starting a ghci REPL in Emacs goes with the 8.4.2. The Ubuntu repo version
seems to be 8.2.2, BTW. What can I do/what should I do to straighten this
out? What is the definitive install of Haskell, stack or Haskell platform,
and what role should cabal play?

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