[Haskell-beginners] Execution error in using text-icu on windows
S. H. Aegis
shaegis at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 23:57:02 UTC 2017
I worte some code. and fixed some errors with the help of good persons.
Now, this utility works properly in Stack environment.
How can I install this utility in other computer?
This utility use text-icu and I coded this utility on windows. Of course, I
want to work this utility on other windows OS.
I copied %stackPath%\.stack-work\install\~\bin\samCheceker-exe.exe to some
other folder, and execution through CMD.
But I got error message that says "libicuuc57.dll dose not exist. so
program can't start. please re-install the program."
I copied libicuuc57.dll, and so... as like programming newbees, but failed.
"stack install" command was the same result.
How can I install the Executable File to other windows system?
Thank you.
Sincerely, S. Chang.
name: samChecker3
-- synopsis:
-- description:
homepage: https://github.com/githubuser/samChecker3#readme
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Author name here
maintainer: example at example.com
copyright: 2017 Author name here
category: Web
build-type: Simple
extra-source-files: README.md
cabal-version: >=1.10
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Lib
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, text
, text-icu
, bytestring
, regex-tdfa
default-language: Haskell2010
executable samChecker3-exe
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base
, samChecker3
, text
, text-icu
, bytestring
, regex-tdfa
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite samChecker3-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
build-depends: base
, samChecker3
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
source-repository head
type: git
location: https://github.com/githubuser/samChecker3
module Main where
import Lib
import System.Environment
--import System.FilePath.Windows
import Data.Text.ICU.Convert -- There is Codec.Text.IConv, too.
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs -- 1st=SAM 2nd=csv
conv <- open "MS949" Nothing
-- byteSAM :: ByteString
--byteSAM <- BS.readFile
byteSAM <- BS.readFile (args !! 0)
-- byteRxDxData :: ByteString
--byteRxDxData <- BS.readFile
byteRxDxData <- BS.readFile (args !! 1)
TIO.putStrLn $ T.concat $ checkRxDxSAM (toUnicode conv
byteRxDxData) (toUnicode conv byteSAM)
module Lib
-- ( readSAM
-- , readCSV
-- , checkRxDxSAM
-- ) where
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Text.ICU.Convert
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Data.Text.ICU as I
import Prelude hiding (take, drop, map, lines)
type RowSAM = Text
type SAM = [Text]
type Case = Text
type RowRxDx = Text
type RxDx = [Text]
type RxDxList = [[Text]]
type Rx = Text
type Dx = Text
type MediName = Text
type Message = Text
type ErrorMessage = Text
type Date = Text
type PtName = Text
checkRxDxSAM :: RowRxDx -> RowSAM -> [ErrorMessage]
checkRxDxSAM rxDx sam = [pickupError r s | r <- (makeTuple rxDx), s <-
makeSamData sam]
makeSamData :: RowSAM -> SAM
makeSamData sam = splitIntoCase sam
makeTuple :: RowRxDx -> [(Rx, Dx, MediName)]
makeTuple rxDx = zip3 (makeRxList rxDx) (makeDxList rxDx) (makeMediNameList
makeMediNameList :: RowRxDx -> [MediName]
makeMediNameList rxDx = fmap pickupMediName $ makeRxDxList rxDx
makeDxList :: RowRxDx -> [Dx]
makeDxList rxDx = fmap pickupDx $ makeRxDxList rxDx
makeRxList :: RowRxDx -> [Rx]
makeRxList rxDx = fmap pickupRx $ makeRxDxList rxDx
makeRxDxList :: RowRxDx -> RxDxList
makeRxDxList rowRxDx = fmap f (lines rowRxDx)
f :: Text -> [Text]
f x = splitOn (pack ",") x
pickupError :: (Rx, Dx, Message) -> Case -> ErrorMessage
pickupError (rxCode, dxCode, errMsg) ptCase =
case isErrorRxDx rxCode dxCode ptCase of
--True -> append (pickupCaseDate ptCase) $ append (pack " ") $
append (pickupPtName ptCase) $ append (pack " Omit ") $ append dxCode $
append (pack " for ") errMsg
True -> append (pickupCaseDate ptCase) $ append (pack " ") $
append (pickupPtName ptCase) $ append (pack " Omit ") $ append dxCode $
append (pack " for ") $ append errMsg (pack "\n")
False -> T.empty
pickupMediName :: RxDx -> MediName
pickupMediName rxDx = rxDx !! 0
pickupDx :: RxDx -> Dx
pickupDx rxDx = rxDx !! 2
pickupRx :: RxDx -> Rx
pickupRx rxDx = rxDx !! 1
pickupPtName :: Case -> PtName
pickupPtName ptCase = take 3 $ drop 45 ptCase
pickupCaseDate :: Case -> Date
pickupCaseDate ptCase = take 8 $ drop (348 + 2) ptCase
isErrorRxDx :: Rx -> Dx -> Case -> Bool
isErrorRxDx rxCode dxCode ptCase =
case isExistRx rxCode ptCase of
True -> if (isExistDx dxCode ptCase) then False else True
False -> False
isExistDx :: Dx -> Case -> Bool
--isExistDx dxCode ptCase = (unpack ptCase) =~ (unpack dxCode)
isExistDx dxCode ptCase =
case (I.find (regex [] dxCode) ptCase) of
Just x -> True
Nothing -> False
isExistRx :: Rx -> Case -> Bool
isExistRx rxCode ptCase = rxCode `isInfixOf` ptCase
splitIntoCase :: RowSAM -> SAM
splitIntoCase = splitOn $ pack "AH021"
--readCSV :: IO Text
--readCSV = pack <$> readFile
--readSAM:: IO Text
--readSAM = pack <$> readFile
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