[Haskell-beginners] Count with Writer asynchronously

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Tue Jul 25 09:31:56 UTC 2017

Firstly, a direct answer to your question: use mconcat.

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
    let l = [1,2,3,4]
        w = writer ((), 0) :: WriterT (Sum Int) IO ()
    z <- sequence
        (map (A.async . runWriterT . runIt w) l)
        >>= mapM A.wait
    print $ snd $ mconcat z

Under the surface, WriterT is using mappend to combine the `Sum` values
anyway, so it's natural is `mconcat` (the version of mappend that applies
to list) to get the same result. Now some possible improvements.

You're not actually using the return value from the `runIt` call, just the
writer value. There's a function called `execWriter` for this:

    z <- sequence
        (map (A.async . execWriterT . runIt w) l)
        >>= mapM A.wait
    print $ mconcat z

Next, the combination of map and sequence can be written as traverse:

    z <- traverse (A.async . execWriterT . runIt w) l
        >>= mapM A.wait

But the async library is cool enough that it provides a function called
mapConcurrently that deals with the async/wait dance for you:

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let l = [1,2,3,4]
          w = writer ((), 0) :: WriterT (Sum Int) IO ()
      z <- A.mapConcurrently (execWriterT . runIt w) l
      print $ mconcat z

One final note: usage of `print` like this in a concurrent context can run
into interleaved output if you have the wrong buffer mode turned out,
leading to output like this:


This is especially common when using runghc or ghci. You can either change
the buffering mode or use a different output function like sayShow (from
the say package, which I wrote):

    module Main where

    import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
    import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
    import Data.Monoid
    import Say

    runIt :: (Show a, Num a)
          => WriterT (Sum a) IO ()
          -> a
          -> WriterT (Sum a) IO ()
    runIt w x = do
      censor (+1) w -- emulates conditional count of something
      sayShow x

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      let l = [1,2,3,4]
          w = writer ((), 0) :: WriterT (Sum Int) IO ()
      z <- A.mapConcurrently (execWriterT . runIt w) l
      sayShow $ mconcat z

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Baa <aquagnu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, Dear List!
> There is package `async`
> (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/async-
> Control-Concurrent-Async.html).
> Before, I had:
>     import qualified Control.Concurent.Async as A
>     ...
>     runIt :: ... -> IO ()
>     ...
>       sequence [A.async $ runIt ...] >>= mapM_ A.wait
> But now I want to count something inside `runIt`. I will use
> `Writer` monad for it (sure, it can be `State` also, not in
> principle to me). To do it synchronously, I done:
>     module Main where
>     import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
>     import Control.Monad.IO.Class
>     import Data.Monoid
>     runIt :: (Show a, Num a) => WriterT (Sum a) IO () -> a -> WriterT (Sum
> a) IO ()
>     runIt w x = do
>       censor (+1) w -- emulates conditional count of something
>       liftIO $ print x
>     main = do
>       let l = [1,2,3,4]
>           w = writer ((), 0) :: WriterT (Sum Int) IO ()
>       z <- runWriterT $ sequence [runIt w i | i <- l]
>       print $ snd z
> but now my `runIt` changes it's signature:
>     runIt :: Num a => WriterT (Sum a) IO () -> ... -> WriterT (Sum a) IO ()
>     ...
>       sequence [A.async $ runIt ...] >>= mapM_ A.wait
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
>                      ` ERROR is here!
> I get the error because `async`::IO () -> IO (A.Async ()) but I'm
> trying to pass it `WriterT (Sum a) IO ()`!
> To fix it I added `runWriterT` there:
>     res <- sequence [A.async $ runWriterT (runIt ...) ...] >>= mapM A.wait
> but now I will get list of counters, not one (res::[((), Sum Int)])!
> How to solve this problem: to run several actions asyncronously and to
> count something
> inside the action with `Writer` monad?
> ===
> Best regards, Paul
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