[Haskell-beginners] Parsing
Francesco Ariis
fa-ml at ariis.it
Fri Apr 14 18:35:32 UTC 2017
On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 07:02:37PM +0100, mike h wrote:
> I have
> data PackageDec = Pkg String deriving Show
> and a parser for it
> packageP :: Parser PackageDec
> packageP = do
> literal “package"
> x <- identifier
> xs <- many ((:) <$> char '.' <*> identifier)
> return $ Pkg . concat $ (x:xs)
> so I’m parsing for this sort of string
> “package some.sort.of.name”
> and I’m trying to rewrite the packageP parser in applicative style. As a not quite correct start I have
Hello Mike,
I am not really sure what you are doing here? You are parsing a dot
separated list (like.this.one) but at the end you are concatenating all
together, why?
Are you sure you are not wanting [String] instead of String?
If so, Parsec comes with some handy parser combinators [1], maybe one of
them could fit your bill:
-- should work
packageP = literal "package" *> Pkg <$> sepEndBy1 identifier (char '.')
[1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec-3.1.11/docs/Text-Parsec-Combinator.html
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