[Haskell-beginners] FFI Problems
Thomas Jakway
tjakway at nyu.edu
Tue Mar 3 19:27:08 UTC 2015
Thanks very much! This helped a lot (and you were right on #2... I
really should have caught that).
On 3/2/15 10:20 AM, Sylvain Henry wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) You have a copy-paste error on the following line (s/bitrate/track)
> track <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, bitrate) a) :: IO Int
> 2) By looking at the values you get in hexadecimal, you are reading
> 64bits values when your C struct contains 32 bits values. If you use:
> peek ... :: IO Int32, it should be ok.
> 3) From a style point of view, you could use Applicative operators
> (from Control.Applicative) to avoid temporary names:
> peek a = MusicMetaData
> <$> liftM constantToCodec $ (((#peek struct music_metadata,
> codec) a) :: IO Int32)
> <*> fmap fromIntegral (((#peek struct music_metadata, length)
> a) :: IO Int32)
> <*> fmap fromIntegral (((#peek struct music_metadata, bitrate)
> a) :: IO Int32)
> <*> fmap fromIntegral (((#peek struct music_metadata,
> channels) a) :: IO Int32)
> <*> fmap fromIntegral (((#peek struct music_metadata, track)
> a) :: IO Int32)
> <*> (peekCString =<< (#peek struct music_metadata, title) a)
> ...
> 4) In your constantToCodec function, you don't need the temporary
> names for all the constants.
> Best regards,
> Sylvain
> PS : recently I have been working on rewriting the FFI page on the
> wiki to make it more beginner-friendly ;-). It is not totally finished
> but I'm open to any comment.
> https://www.haskell.org/wiki/Foreign_Function_Interface
> 2015-02-28 14:20 GMT+01:00 Thomas Jakway <tjakway at nyu.edu
> <mailto:tjakway at nyu.edu>>:
> I'm very new to Haskell and am trying to write a "real" program to
> motivate myself to learn it better (so far I've only gotten
> through Project Euler problems after reading LYAH and most of
> RWH). I'm using Taglib (https://github.com/taglib/taglib) to read
> the metadata from a music file and print it. I have a struct
> C-side (with C linkage) serving as the bridge between Taglib's C++
> and Haskell's FFI. A small demo program (compiled with gcc and
> linked against the C++ object files) gives the correct results,
> but Haskell is weirdly only getting /some /of it right.
> Specifically, the C string fields are working but ints are not.
> The output from the C demo (what Haskell should be printing):
> music_metadata
> title: It's My Life, artist: Bon Jovi, album: Bon Jovi
> Greatest Hits - The Ultimate Collection
> comment: , genre: Rock, track: 3,
> length: 224, bitrate: 256, channels: 2,
> codec: 768
> The output from Haskell:
> MusicMetadata {codec = UNKNOWN, length = 1099511628000, bitrate =
> 8589934848 <tel:8589934848>, channels = 12884901890, track =
> 8589934848 <tel:8589934848>, title = "It's My Life", artist = "Bon
> Jovi", album = "Bon Jovi Greatest Hits - The Ultimate Collection",
> comment = "", genre = "Rock"}
> I would have expected it to work or not work at all, but did not
> anticipate getting only some of it right.
> I was going to include snippets from my hsc file but given how new
> I am to Haskell I don't trust myself to assume where the problem
> is, so sorry if this is way too long:
> {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
> module MusicReader
> ( Codec,
> MusicMetadata,
> readMusicMetadata
> ) where
> import Control.Monad
> import Foreign
> import Foreign.C.Types
> import Foreign.C.String
> import System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe
> #include "CodecDefines.h"
> #include "MusicReader.h"
> constantToCodec code
> | code == mp3 = MP3
> | code == flac = FLAC
> | code == ogg = OGG_VORBIS
> | code == mp4 = MP4
> | code == mpeg = MPEG
> | code == none = NONE
> | code == unknown = UNKNOWN
> | otherwise = UNKNOWN
> where mp3 = #const MP3_CODEC
> flac = #const FLAC_CODEC
> ogg = #const OGG_VORBIS_CODEC
> mp4 = #const MP4_CODEC
> mpeg = #const MPEG_CODEC
> none = #const NO_EXTENSION
> unknown = #const UNKNOWN_EXTENSION
> data Codec = MP3 | FLAC | OGG_VORBIS | MP4 | MPEG | NONE | UNKNOWN
> deriving (Show)
> data MusicMetadata = MusicMetadata { codec :: Codec,
> length :: Int,
> bitrate :: Int,
> channels :: Int,
> track :: Int,
> title :: String,
> artist :: String,
> album :: String,
> comment :: String,
> genre :: String } deriving (Show)
> instance Storable MusicMetadata where
> sizeOf _ = (#size struct music_metadata)
> alignment _ = alignment (undefined::CDouble)
> peek a = do
> codec <- liftM constantToCodec $ (((#peek struct
> music_metadata, codec) a) :: IO Int)
> length <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, length) a) :: IO Int
> bitrate <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, bitrate) a) ::
> IO Int
> channels <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, channels) a) ::
> IO Int
> track <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, bitrate) a) :: IO Int
> title <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, title) a) :: IO
> CString
> artist <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, artist) a) :: IO
> CString
> album <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, album) a) :: IO
> CString
> comment <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, comment) a) ::
> IO CString
> genre <- ((#peek struct music_metadata, genre) a) :: IO
> CString
> --FIXME: find replacement for temporary names
> marshalledTitle <- peekCString title
> marshalledArtist <- peekCString artist
> marshalledAlbum <- peekCString album
> marshalledComment <- peekCString comment
> marshalledGenre <- peekCString genre
> return (MusicMetadata codec length bitrate channels track
> marshalledTitle marshalledArtist marshalledAlbum marshalledComment
> marshalledGenre)
> poke a = undefined
> --This is the "primitive" FFI call--calls the C function and gets
> a pointer
> --in return
> --TODO: write a higher level function this module should export
> that calls
> --primReadMusicMetadata and converts the C Pointer into the
> Haskell data
> --MusicMetadata
> foreign import ccall unsafe "read_metadata" primReadMusicMetadata
> :: CString -> IO (Ptr MusicMetadata)
> --convert the Haskell string to a CString, call into the FFI then
> --dereference the resulting pointer
> readMusicMetadata a = join $ withCString a $ \cs -> ((liftM peek)
> $ primReadMusicMetadata cs)
> Here's the struct in MusicReader.h (in an extern C block):
> struct music_metadata
> {
> int codec;
> int length,
> bitrate,
> channels;
> int track;
> char *title,
> *artist,
> *album,
> *comment,
> *genre;
> };
> with the corresponding call:
> struct music_metadata* read_metadata(char*);
> I've tried playing around with the alignment but it didn't do
> anything. I also tried declaring the struct's fields as int32_t
> which also did nothing.
> The C demo in question is a very simple:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include "MusicReader.h"
> #define FILENAME "Its_My_Life.m4a"
> int main()
> {
> struct music_metadata* metadata = read_metadata(FILENAME);
> printf("music_metadata\ntitle: %s,\tartist: %s,\talbum: %s\n",
> metadata->title, metadata->artist, metadata->album);
> printf("comment: %s,\tgenre: %s,\ttrack: %d,\n",
> metadata->comment, metadata->genre, metadata->track);
> printf("length: %d,\tbitrate: %d,\tchannels: %d,\n",
> metadata->length, metadata->bitrate, metadata->channels);
> printf("codec: %d\n");
> }
> It just reads the metadata into the struct and prints the fields.
> I've gotten the impression of the Haskell FFI being very
> beginner-unfriendly, which isn't surprising but still
> disappointing because it would be a great opportunity to replace
> some projects with Haskell.
> Any help is appreciated, including general feedback on my code!
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