[Haskell-beginners] Functor fmap: how to

Imants Cekusins imantc at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 19:52:37 UTC 2015

There are a few Functor & fmap tutorials. Here is basic use of fmap.
If it leaves you confused, please ignore it.

module FunctorFmap where

why maybe & list?
Functor instances exist for Maybe & List


expand "instances"

-- (a -> b)
add3:: Int -> Int
add3 = (+ 3)

--  maybe
runMaybe::IO ()
runMaybe = do
    print $ maybeFmap $ Just 1
    print $ maybeInfixed $ Just 1
    print $ maybeFmap Nothing
    print $ maybeInfixed Nothing

-- maybeFmap & maybeInfixed do the same thing. different syntax
maybeFmap::Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
maybeFmap = fmap add3

maybeInfixed::Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
maybeInfixed mi = add3 <$> mi

--  list
runList::IO ()
runList = do
    print $ listFmap [1,2]
    print $ listInfixed [1,2]

-- listFmap & listInfixed do the same thing. different syntax
listFmap::[Int] -> [Int]
listFmap = fmap add3

listInfixed::[Int] -> [Int]
listInfixed l = add3 <$> l

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