[Haskell-beginners] Haskell Platform SHA

Frerich Raabe raabe at froglogic.com
Sat Apr 4 08:12:44 UTC 2015

On 2015-04-03 22:13, sojourner wrote:
> Downloaded Haskell Platform 2014. for Mac OSX from 
> https://www.haskell.org/platform/mac.html [1]. Twice. The SHA-256 on the web 
> page is
> 62f39246ad95dd2aed6ece5138f6297f945d2b450f215d074820294310e0c48a. But 
> running shasum or openssl on the downloaded file results in
> 7c00f945fa7afb0f264bf253759f3dd02944a0ffef7b5f13317fa835ce841952.

I couldn't reproduce this; make sure not to run 'shasum' directly (since 
that'll default to SHA-1). Invoke it like 'shasum -a 256 <file>'. For me, 
that gives:

   $ shasum -a 256  ~/Downloads/Haskell\ Platform\ 2014.2.0.0\ 
/Users/frerich/Downloads/Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 64bit.signed.pkg

Frerich Raabe - raabe at froglogic.com
www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing

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