[Haskell-beginners] do Haskell programs have fewer bugs?

Kim-Ee Yeoh ky3 at atamo.com
Wed Mar 19 22:51:09 UTC 2014

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Nadir Sampaoli <nadirsampaoli at gmail.com>wrote:

> As the saying goes, less code means less potential for bugs :)
But you should look out for code golf, which isn't helpful.

> As someone who is still struggling to get past that learning phase where
> you only solve "simple" (usually one-liner) exercises, I'd like to ask you
> (and anyone reading this) how do you reason at a larger level?
There's a lot of low-lying fruit that's easily plucked leveraging
functional programming. I list the easiest ones that I know of here:


Of course, you still have to grapple and understand your specific problem
domain, whether it's web apps or auto music generation.

>  How do you work at a larger (module/project) level? Do you need to have
> mastered all the main monads (beyond list amd maybe) and monad transformers?
> Don't sweat them monads. The codebase for GHC doesn't even use monad
transformers iirc.

Sorry for the long rant.
Not at all. Haskell mailing lists used to have long, discursive
discussions, but somehow this one turned into some kind of rapid-fire Q&A.
Most of the interesting knowledge can't be unpacked in that format.

-- Kim-Ee
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