[Haskell-beginners] Deploying a haskell application (not a webapp)

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 14:18:41 UTC 2014

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Alan Buxton <alanbuxton at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’ve been having all kinds of problems with getting vmware tools installed
> on a sufficiently new version of Ubuntu to get a more up to cabal.

open-vm-tools{,-desktop} doesn't work? I've been using it in Mint. (In
general, the "official" vmware tools don't keep up with open source OSes
very well.)

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allbery.b at gmail.com                                  ballbery at sinenomine.net
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        http://sinenomine.net
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