[Haskell-beginners] Maybe monad and computations

Emmanuel Touzery etouzery at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 09:47:46 CEST 2013

> I know nothing about Fay, so I don't know why this extra wrapping shouldn't
> work for Fay. Fay has an instance for Monad, right?

well when you write haskell code that you'll compile with Fay you can't use
typeclasses. So AFAIK no, the "Fay"  that I use in the Fay code doesn't
implement the Monad typeclass.

OK, so it seems my Haskell code is OK, and probably my stackoverflow
question is legitimate about whether this valid Haskell code can work on
Fay. Btw I used stackoverflow because the Fay website states that they use
it as a preferred channel for support.

Thank you for the insights!

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