[Haskell-beginners] Processing a list of files the Haskell way
Michael Schober
Micha-Schober at web.de
Thu Mar 15 12:14:59 CET 2012
On 03/14/2012 01:04 PM, Chaddaï Fouché wrote:
> In my own tests it wasn't very fast : 10min to check a 25GB hierarchy of
> music files, using 13MB of memory maximum. Though I must admit that I
> didn't try to find similar tools to compare so I'm not too certain of
> normal performance times.
I finally got it running after a Haskell-platform update from source to
resolve some dependencies, but now it works like a charm. Runtime isn't
an issue for me so far and memory consumption seems to be in acceptable
levels, so it's a very good start - thanks again.
I took the liberty to modify the output a little bit to my needs - maybe
a future reader will find it helpful, too. It's attached below.
module Main where
import Data.Conduit.Filesystem (traverse)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (MD5Digest)
import Crypto.Conduit (hashFile)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as FP
import System.Environment
duplicates :: FilePath -> IO [(MD5Digest,[FilePath])]
duplicates dir = runResourceT $ do
md5s <- traverse False (FP.decodeString dir) $$ CL.mapM process =$
CL.fold buildMap M.empty
return . M.assocs . M.filter ((>1).length) $ md5s
process :: FP.FilePath -> IO (MD5Digest, FilePath)
process fp = do
let strFp = FP.encodeString fp
md5 <- hashFile strFp
return (md5,strFp)
buildMap m (md5,fp) = M.insertWith' (flip (++)) md5 [fp] m
main = do
[dir] <- getArgs
putStrLn . unlines . map (\(md5,paths) -> (show md5) ++ "-->\n" ++
(unlines paths)) =<< duplicates dir
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