[Haskell-beginners] my fist program
Chaddaï Fouché
chaddai.fouche at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 15:32:43 CET 2012
Well there's plenty in you code that can be improved, first I would
write this function :
> prompt :: (Read a) => String -> IO a
> prompt str = do
> putStr str
> hFlush stdout
> fmap read getLine
The hFlush is there to avoid buffering problems (this is not Haskell specific).
Then your aadd function become :
> aadd xs = do
> id <- prompt "Enter the id : "
> name <- prompt "Enter name : "
> loop $ (Student id name) : xs
But then you'll still have a duplicated section in aremove, why not
abstracting the Student selection :
> studentPrompt :: IO Student
> studentPrompt = do
> id <- prompt "Enter the id : "
> name <- prompt "Enter name : "
> return (Student id name)
Just to give you a taste, you could also write this as :
> studentPrompt = Student <$> prompt "Enter the id : " <*> prompt "Enter the name : "
using the Applicative typeclass (you'll probably see this later).
Then aadd becomes :
> aadd xs = do
> student <- studentPrompt
> loop (student : xs)
But writing a function for two lines and especially a function that's
mixing program logic into it (the call to loop) is probably both
unnecessary and confusing for someone reading your program (you should
always strive to localize the interactive program logic and keep the
rest pure or at least general purpose functions). So instead let's
inline it in the loop :
> loop studentList = do -- xs is a good list name when you don't know what's in it
> option <- prompt programOptions
> newStudentList <- case option of
> 1 -> fmap (: studentList) studentPrompt
> 2 -> fmap (`delete` studentList) studentPrompt
> 3 -> do ashow studentList; return studentList
> 4 -> do putStrLn "Good Bye !"; exitSuccess
> _ -> do putStrLn "Unknown option !"; return studentList
> loop newStudentList
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Ezequiel Hernan Di Giorgi
<hernan.digiorgi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola! Hallo!
> I made my first program to understand lists and something about datat types.
> I have some question about the following code...
> import Data.List
> data Student =
> Student { id :: Int,
> nombre :: String
> } deriving (Show, Eq)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do putStrLn "---\nStudent Magnament Program\n---"
> loop []
> ashow :: [Student] -> IO ()
> ashow [] = putStrLn "Empty list"
> ashow [x] = putStrLn $ show x
> ashow (x:xs)= do putStrLn $ show x
> ashow xs
> aadd :: [Student] -> IO ()
> aadd xs = do putStrLn "Enter the id"
> id <- getLine
> putStrLn "Enter name"
> name <- getLine
> loop $ (Student (read id) (read name) ) : xs
> aremove :: [Student] -> IO ()
> aremove xs = do putStrLn "Enter the id"
> id <- getLine
> putStrLn "Enter name"
> name <- getLine
> loop $ delete (Student (read id) (read name) ) xs
> loop :: [Student] -> IO ()
> loop xs = do putStr $ "\n-------\nSelect an option\n"
> ++ "1) Add student\n"
> ++ "2) Remove student\n"
> ++ "3) Show all students\n"
> ++ "4) Exit\n"
> ++ "\t Your option: "
> option <- getLine
> putStrLn "\n------"
> case read option of
> 1 -> aadd xs
> 2 -> aremove xs
> 3 -> do ashow xs
> loop xs
> 4 -> putStrLn "God bye!"
> My question are:
> When i ask for the data fof a student i repeat the code, cause i have to use
> fuctions using IO (), cuase i have to put something in the screen. Therefore
> i cant have a fuction that only return a Student.
> loop $ (Student $ read id $ read name), is wrong why?
> i think that there are best way to achive that i have done. Or is ok for a
> begginer that doesn't know functors or monads.
> Sorry for my bad english, i am Argentinean.
> Thanks in advance.
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