[Haskell-beginners] my fist program

Reto Hablützel rethab at rethab.ch
Sun Dec 2 14:49:15 CET 2012


well you're using the IO Monad all over the place. Instead I suggest using
it only in certain places (like main) and keep the functions pure in
general. One way to improve this might be to start from the inside and
first think about what functions you need and then what the types should
look like. For example you need a function to add a student to the list,
the type of pure function which does that looks like this:
*aadd :: [Student] -> Student -> [Student]*
Then implement this function and think from the outside: Given some user
input, how can I create a student? Take a look at this[1] page.. you'll
find a suggestion on how to improve your *ashow* function there.

*loop $ (Student $ read id $ read name), is wrong why?*
 That operator you are using three times there basically says: "Evaluate
the right thing first", so what you end up with after *read name* has been
evaluated is *read id (read name)*. Once you understand that, you'll also
find that the braces are unnecessary (though not wrong).

If you want to avoid the IO Monad in general then I suggest you "test" your
program with GHCI.

I'm sure you'll also find examples for basic input-dialog haskell programs
in either *Learn You a Haskell[2] for Great Good* or *Real World Haskell*

1: http://learnyouahaskell.com/types-and-typeclasses
2: http://learnyouahaskell.com/
3: http://book.realworldhaskell.org/


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Ezequiel Hernan Di Giorgi <
hernan.digiorgi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hola! Hallo!
> I made my first program to understand lists and something about datat types. I have some question about the following code...
> *
> import* Data.List
> *data* Student =      Student { id     :: Int,               nombre :: String             } *deriving* (*Show*, *Eq*)
> main :: IO ()main = *do* putStrLn "---\nStudent Magnament Program\n---"          loop [] ashow :: [Student] -> IO ()ashow []    = putStrLn "Empty list"ashow [x]   = putStrLn $ show xashow (x:xs)= *do* putStrLn $ show x                 ashow xs aadd :: [Student] -> IO ()aadd xs = *do* putStrLn "Enter the id"             id <- getLine             putStrLn "Enter name"             name <- getLine             loop $ (Student (read id) (read name) ) : xs             aremove :: [Student] -> IO ()aremove xs = *do* putStrLn "Enter the id"                id <- getLine                putStrLn "Enter name"                name <- getLine                loop $ delete (Student (read id) (read name) ) xs              loop :: [Student] -> IO ()loop xs = *do* putStr $ "\n-------\nSelect an option\n"                        ++ "1) Add student\n"                        ++ "2) Remove student\n"                        ++ "3) Show all students\n"                        ++ "4) Exit\n"                        ++ "\t Your option: "             option <- getLine             putStrLn "\n------"             *case* read option *of*                  1 -> aadd xs                  2 -> aremove xs                  3 -> *do* ashow xs                          loop xs                  4 -> putStrLn "God bye!"
> My question are:
>    - When i ask for the data fof a student i repeat the code, cause i have
>    to use fuctions using IO (), cuase i have to put something in the
>    screen. Therefore i cant have a fuction that only return a Student.
>    - loop $ (Student $ read id $ read name), is wrong why?
>    - i think that there are best way to achive that i have done. Or is ok
>    for a begginer that doesn't know functors or monads.
> Sorry for my bad english, i am Argentinean.
> Thanks in advance.
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