[Haskell-beginners] Informal proof of bijective mapping between Naturals and Natural pairs

Lyndon Maydwell maydwell at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 17:43:14 CET 2011

Hi Beginners.

I was musing over weather Naturals were isomorphic to Natural pairs
and wrote the following "proof".

I don't have any formal mathematical training beyond calculus, and was
wondering if this was an okay approach to take, if there were any
better techniques available, if my terminology makes sense, and if my
use of Haskell could be improved.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

The code follows, and is also available as a gist:


import Control.Monad.Logic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Test.QuickCheck

-- This program demonstrates a mapping between the pairs of natural
numbers and a subset of co-primes.
-- The property should hold for all sized lists, not just pairs.
Ordering is preserved.
-- Question: Are we able to compress the range to create a bijection?
-- Answer: Yes! We can use the breadth-wise indces of the products,
rather than the products themselves.

-- Pair to Number

x_p = (evens !!)
y_p = (odds  !!)

xy_p x y = x_p x * y_p y

xy_c x = ns_nc . xy_p x

-- Number to Pair

p_xy n = (x,y)
    x = fromJust $ findIndex (`divides` n) evens
    y = fromJust $ findIndex (`divides` n) odds

c_xy = p_xy . nc_ns

-- Sparse Number to Compact Number

numbers = odds >>- \x -> evens >>- \y -> return (x*y) -- I don't
really understand LogicT... :-(

ns_nc n = fromJust $ findIndex (==n) numbers

-- Compact Numner to Sparse Number

nc_ns = (numbers !!)

-- Helpers

evens = map (primes !!) [0,2..]
odds  = map (primes !!) [1,3..]

x `divides` y = y `mod` x == 0

-- Id referencing properties

prop_p1 = forAll (elements [(x,y) | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..7]]) f
    f (x,y) = (x,y) == c_xy (xy_c x y)

prop_p2 = forAll (elements [1..100]) f
    f c = c == uncurry xy_c (c_xy c)

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