[Haskell-beginners] Diagnosing : Large memory usage + low CPU
Hugo Ferreira
hmf at inescporto.pt
Mon Dec 5 14:57:58 CET 2011
First and foremost thanks for the link Edward. I have read up your
On 12/05/2011 06:29 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> Excerpts from Hugo Ferreira's message of Fri Dec 02 05:57:00 -0500 2011:
>> I have attached a profiling session (showing types).
>> I am surprised to see that the "[]" consumes so much data.
>> Where is this coming from? Need to analyse this more closely.
> For an -hT profile, what that actually means is your lists are using lots
> of memory.
Funny enough I cannot get this option to work. All the other -h options
work fine though.
>> Any idea how I can track what's generating all those "[]" ?
>> Note that the (,,) seems to be the NGramTag. data which is basically
>> used as a list (Zipper).
> For that, I recommend rebuilding with profiling and use the RTS flag -hc.
Ok, so I ran this and as follows:
time nice -n 19 ./postagger +RTS -p -hc -L50 &> tmp19.txt
hp2ps -e8in -c postagger.hp
Now I see that "rsplit_" seems to be the culprit for the initial peaks
in memory use. However I also see in the profile that this function
seems to be responsible for only a small amount of memory generated.
Why such a big discrepancy between the live heap and the profile's total
Another question is, how can I cange the code below to avoid such
a peak? I already added ! to no avail.
rsplit :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
rsplit sep l = let (ps, xs, _) = rsplit_ sep l in
(ps, xs)
rsplit_ :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a], Bool)
rsplit_ sep l = foldr (splitFun sep) ([], [], False) l
where splitFun _ e !a@(!px, !xs, True) = (e:px, xs, True)
splitFun sep e !a@(!px, !xs, False)
| e == sep = (px, xs, True)
| otherwise = (px, e:xs, False)
toTrainingInstance' :: String -> NGramTag
toTrainingInstance' s = let (token, tag) = rsplit '/' s in
(token, tag, "")
toTrainingCorpus s = let (token, tag) = rsplit '/' s in
(token, tag, "")
evalTaggers' _ = do
h <- IO.openFile "brown-pos-train.txt" IO.ReadMode
c <- IO.hGetContents h
let train = toTrainingInstances $ map toTrainingInstance' $ words c
i <- IO.openFile "brown-pos-test.txt" IO.ReadMode
d <- IO.hGetContents i
let test = Z.fromList $ map toTrainingCorpus $ words d
Anyone see an obvious change that needs to be made?
Hugo F.
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