[Haskell-beginners] Problem "grouping" a list

João Paulo Pizani Flor joaopizani at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 06:08:26 EST 2010

Thank you all for the helpful responses! The solution from Daniel Fischer
worked like a charm, the solution from Aai kinda worked, but I can't use
because I don't want to modify the order of the elements in the list...

And yes, my "criterion" was a bit ill-defined, so the very clever function
from Ozgur satisfied it :P The real goal is to maximize the number of groups

I'll test the solutions more hardly today and try to make the functions from
Daniel even more clearer and elegant. I post the results back here!

Thanks a lot!

João Paulo Pizani Flor
joaopizani at gmail.com
Federal University of Santa Catarina

2010/11/23 Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de>

> On Tuesday 23 November 2010 18:23:28, João Paulo Pizani Flor wrote:
> > Hello dear Haskellers!
> >
> > I've been a user and big fan of Haskell for a while, but only now I'm
> > writing my first "big" project in Haskell (some thousands of lines of
> > code perhaps). It's an interpreter for a programming language, the
> > source code is music! Yes, sheet music! :D
> >
> > OK, so my specific problem goes like this: I have a list of tuples
> >
> > :t  myList
> >
> > [ (Float, Integer) ]
> >
> > And I want to "group" this list into a nested list
> > groupAtoms :: [ (Float,Integer) ]  ->  [ [(Float,Integer)] ]
> >
> > Of course, I want that the concatenation of the groups yield me the
> > original list, i.e,  (foldl (++) [] . groupAtoms == id),
> Here, foldr is the better choice. (++) can start delivering its result
> before inspecting its second argument, hence
> foldr (++) [] (list1 : list2 : list3 : ...)
>  = list1 ++ (foldr (++) [] (list2 : list3 : ...))
>  = list1 ++ (list2 ++ (foldr (++) [] (list3 : ...)))
> can be consumed as it is constructed, so it can run in constant space, and
> it can stop early if not the entire result is needed. And it can deal with
> infinite lists.
> The prelude function concat does this.
> foldl on the other hand can't deliver anything before the whole input list
> has been traversed, in particular it doesn't terminate on infinite input,
> it needs at least O(length result) space and it can't stop early.
> Additionally, foldl (++) [] constructs left-nested (++)-applications, which
> are bad for performance.
> > and the criterion that defines a group is that:
> > "The sum of the first elements in the tuples comprising the list must be
> > greater than or equal to 1.0". That is, given a list of tuples, the
> > boolean predicate deciding whether this list is a PROPER group (True) or
> > TOO SMALL (False) is:
> > \g -> sum (map fst g)  >=  1.0
> >
> >
> > Although the criterion is very clear, I've tried hard until now and
> > couldn't come up with a function for producing the nested list based on
> > this grouping criterion.
> Split the task into two parts.
> 1. collect the first group and the remainder of the list as a pair of lists
> 2. cons the first group to what recursion on the remainder delivers
> Very much like the definition of `lines'.
> For your use-case, the condition when a group is complete doesn't only
> depend on the list element but also on the previous, concretely the running
> sum of the first components.
> For a general such function, you need
> - the stopping condition
> - an accumulation parameter
> - an update function for the accumulating parameter
> as arguments.
> For example (stupid names, sorry)
> breakAcc :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
> breakAcc _    _    _   []       = ([],[])
> breakAcc cond comb acc xxs@(x:xs)
>    | cond acc                  = ([],xxs)
>    | otherwise                 = (x:ys,zs)
>      where
>        (ys, zs) = breakAcc cond comb (comb x acc) xs
> solves part 1, then
> groupsAcc :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [[a]]
> groupsAcc _    _    _   []  = []
> groupsAcc cond comb acc xs  = let (g,tl) = breakAcc cond comb acc xs
>                              in g : groupsAcc cond comb acc tl
> gives you part 2, and your particular function is
> groupAtoms :: [(Float,Integer)] -> [[(Float,Integer)]]
> groupAtoms = groupsAcc (>= 1.0) ((+) . fst) 0
> Of course the last group need not be proper.
> If there are long groups, the above can cause a space leak (as lines had in
> GHC < 7), that can be avoided by sacrificing a little non-strictness and
> replacing the let (g,tl) = ... in with a
> case ... of
>  (g,tl) -> g : groupsAcc ...
> or, if you need the non-strictness, with a slightly convoluted method as
> used for lines in GHC 7.
> > I am sure that the Haskell Hierarchical
> > Libraries have something to help me, but only now I see I'm still a big
> > noob :P
> >
> > Could someone please help me writing this function?
> >
> >
> > My best regards from Brazil,
> >
> > João Paulo Pizani Flor
> > joaopizani at gmail.com
> > Federal University of Santa Catarina
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