[Haskell-beginners] haskell platform

Irvin irvin.hwang at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 11:40:53 EDT 2010

I'm having trouble installing Haskell platform using Ubuntu (Karmic
Koala).  When I run ./configure I get the message

configure: error: The Haskell Platform version 2010.1.0.0 requires
ghc-6.12.1  It is recommended that you upgrade to ghc-6.12.1 however
if you really want to use this release with an unsupported version of
GHC then use ./configure --enable-unsupported-ghc-version

In synaptic the latest version of ghc is 6.10.xx; I've tried doing
./configure --enable-unsupported-ghc-version, but make fails to set up
Any suggestions?  Should I just try to set up everything piece-meal?
Do I need to remove the currently installed version of ghc using
synaptic before I try to use the 6.12.1 installer or build it from
source.  Thanks.

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